bloodstream (& lymph) circulating IgG & secretory IgA cannot protect the upper airways (or lower RT) or the respiratory mucosal layer where pathogen resides; see exchange with Dr. Mike Yeadon & me
key is if one argues that the circulatory IgG and IgA in the blood stream can mitigate the pathogen once it enters the bloodstream, one must understand that for that to occur, you would be very ill and likely will die of viremia, blood sepsis infection. for pathogen to breach the respiratory compartment into the blood, it is very very grave.
I’ve been telling you for quite a while now and even longer ago in other places what the exact primary mechanism of action is of all these viral mRNA products and how that inevitably leads to the conditions that are responsible for sudden death, a very wide variety of adverse event, and increasingly higher rates of all-cause, excess mortality around the world in a SINGLE POPULATION: those who have been injected with viral mRNA products.
And regarding those products, I have repeatedly told you there is no such thing as “mRNA technology.” That term was a marketing ploy devised to create the illusion there was some new, advanced vaccine technology. There is ONLY the seriously dangerous off-label use of cell transfection reagents that have been around and in common use for over 40 years in molecular biology labs around the world.
How do I know? Because I have used them in the lab innumerable times since the latter 1990s to introduce genes (whether mouse, human, or insect, or chimeras) into commonly used immortal cell lines to express exogenous proteins in order to study their behavior in the context of a living cell.
All this is, by this point in time, an utterly trivial process with absolutely no mystery at all. Everyone who uses it knows how it’s done and why it works. They also know what would be seriously complicating factors in its use (doing so in a multicellular, especially vertebrate organism), why that would be so (because vertebrate organisms, unlike cell culture, have innate and adaptive immune systems), and what would be a seriously dangerous use of these cell transfection reagents (using them to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into healthy cells simultaneously in multiple organ systems) and why (because cells have internal sensors that detect the presence of viral mRNA and viral proteins in the cytosol, because that is the minimum necessary condition to trigger signaling to the innate immune system that those cells are in viral replication mode, because the result of that are innate immune inflammatory attacks on those multiple locations and the organs containing those cells, because the more cells are involved, the greater the inflammatory response, because the greater the number of different organ systems are involved, the even greater that whole body innate immune inflammatory response).
NONE of this is hypothesized. This is all just basic molecular biology and immunology.
Here are the facts:
1. Do all the viral mRNA products to date rely on one or another of at least seven standards cell transfection reagents or methods?
2. Do all the viral mRNA products except for AstraZeneca indiscriminately get internalized into any cells they bump into?
3. Do all the viral mRNA products, including AstraZeneca, rely on getting viral mRNA introduced to the cells’ ribosomal protein synthesis equipment?
4. Do those cells automatically and without any means of control produce as much viral protein as there are copies of the viral mRNA coding for that gene?
5. Can very large amounts of a foreign protein produced in unregulated fashion also cause the compromised cells to sicken and die?
6. Do the events in 5 also have their own immunological consequences in addition to the earlier signaling by those cells about the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein?
7. Do multiple levels of innate immune attack act synergistically to produce even greater innate immune response and can that response cause impairment of organ function?
8. Can those levels be great enough, especially in the context of preexisting comorbid conditions, to impair organ function to a point were serious disability or even death results?
9. Is it possible that simultaneous damage to multiple organ systems can also cause serious damage or death?
10. Are ANY of 1-9 above anything that has not been known for years before ANY viral mRNA product was ever created because it’s all been extensively documented as the result of viral infection and immunological response to that infection?
11. Of all the most serious consequences for the continued health of the vertebrate organism caused by viral infection anything fundamentally different (except for degree) than the effects of the viral mRNA products?
12. Are multiple organ systems throughout the body compromised by viral mRNA products in a dose-dependent fashion?
13. Except for apoptotic events in these cells leading to their deaths, does the other signaling from these cells, inevitably driven by these viral mRNA products, lead to innate immune inflammatory attacks on those cells and the organs housing them?
14. Can excessive inflammatory attacks on major organ systems lead to disability and death?
15. So when all cause mortality increases, is that due to dysfunction in one or another organ system?
16. Are the large increases in all cause mortality worldwide seen A. Uniformly throughout the entire population, B. In those who have received the viral mRNA products, C. In those who have NOT received the viral mRNA products?
Answer: they are seen in B
17. Of those individuals in B, do the numbers in adverse evens and the percentage of all cause mortality increase in a dose-dependent fashion with the number of viral mRNA products?
18. So what obviously accounts for the increase in all-cause mortality and organ system malfunction in those receiving the viral mRNA products regardless of age, gender, and state of comorbidity since the beginning of at least 2021?
Answer: That would be the serious innate immune inflammatory attacks in product-compromised cells and the organs that house them being compounded with increasing numbers of doses.
19. Is this primary mechanism of action and the inevitable immunological consequences arising from them sufficient to explain
A. Increases in all cause mortality,
B. Increases in contracting other viral and other opportunistic diseases, and
C. increases in rates, types, and severity of neoplastic disease in all age groups but almost entirely limits to people who have been injected one or more times with the viral mRNA products that are the functional equivalent of indiscriminate, one-gene, artificial viruses constructed from cell transfection reagents and PCR-produced viral spike protein genes?
A. YES, because multiple organ systems are being whacked.
B. YES, because the innate immune system is swamped cleaning up the mess, reducing the number of other events the innate immune system can respond to and deal with,
C. YES, what the innate immune system does in B is also responsible for spotting and taking out neoplasms at their earliest stages. Impair that? Increase the numbers of cancers.
The cause of all these effects is something that takes place starting within the first couple hours after injection: and that is the invasion and infection of healthy cells in multiple organ systems with a viral gene.
Some like myself with a basic background in nursing & immunology, not physicians or scientists were able to recognize something was off about Covid from day 1. My very first inclination was that this was some kind of bioweapon unleashed on the population. It has been quite disturbing seeing all of our suspicions come into the light by the lessons brought out by your reporting Dr Alexander, and Dr Yeadon. I have great admiration for all the information that you all presented. I was very glad to have my suspicions validated, knowing I wasn’t the only one that thought something was off when the hospital OP clinic I worked at was shut down for 8 weeks. So many lost out on needed care for the Covid lie. Pure evil. It was the money whores selling us a pack of lies trying to sell us poison under the guise of healthcare. Trying to kill us.
The cell towers are just bio-weaponology in conjunction with the frequency of the clot shots it was an allegation this would pair up with elon's starlink that ain't just for communications. The human body is frequency and vibration look at william raymond rife and the others.
One thing I found so off the rails insane was the fact that, never should a population be injected during a pandemic.
It seems counterintuitive and would cause any virus to become evasive, naturally morphing into a new variant. Which is exactly what happened. This certainly became a giant piece of the puzzle and why I believed early on, something wasn’t right with what we were being told.
As I understand, vaccinating during a pandemic causes more harm than good. As we’ve watched COVID or whatever was replicating, continued to evade and become weaker, not due to vaccines but natures way of doing things. Thankfully!
Where’s the science Dr Napoleon Fauci, where? And where / there wasn’t any science based facts behind your asinine madness of repeated failures of injustice’s against humanity with your repeated lies and misinformation while you forced your ignorance onto the world with a deadly, genetically modifying human DNA / sterilization / death shots?
Even my own Doctor disagreed with me saying “no no no you must vaccinate the population in a pandemic in order to get herd immunity”.
As a kid my mother sent me over a friend’s house who had chicken pox or measles I forget which one so I could pick up some of the virus and my body would build up antibodies. At least this was how things were handled back in my childhood years.
Obviously covid or whatever was unleashed on the world happened for reasons we’re watching play out today.
Oh the evilness of so many evildoers is as evil as evil can be with no end in sight!
Thank you Dr Alexander for sharing Dr Yeadon’s valuable information.
your doctor was an idiot for you never vaccinate into the teeth of a pandemic with there is elevated infectious pressure (circulating pathogen, again assuming you accept the COVID narrative) will drive the selection of more 'fitter' more hardier, competitively advantaged variants that become enriched and become the new dominants...etc. yes we can only tame an epidemic etc. if you cut the chain of transmission but your idiot doctor failed to grasp and did not listen in his immunology lectures, that if the vaccine is non-sterilizing, that is, is non-neutralizing and does not stop infection, replication, or transmission, then you cannot cut the chain of transmission and it is moot. the vaccine is DOA. so vaccinating the population is a joke and will drive the emergence of more infectious sub-variants, basic immunology. virology. you vaccinate always OUT of season when there is no pathogen...again, like trying to load your weapon when the enemy is on the battlefield already...the vaccinal induced antibodies do not have the 5 to 6 weeks to 'mature' and so cannot BIND to the antigen fully to sterilize it.
the petition at break free from un control reject the international health regulations currently has almost 237000 signatures it urgently needs many more
There is petition to get out of the world health organization. Unfortunately our elected officials want to be dependent upon the who and the un the governor of california newsom pelosi's nephew reak havoc all over the place
THe COVIDians had hoped the virus was going to be far more deadly than it was - it ended up being no worse than the flu and took out the elderly and medical compromised just like the flu does. The modRNA injections were meant to do clean up on the survivors, so there was never any intention to make sure they either worked or were safe... they only had one purpose and that was to complete the democide. Wake me up when anyone gets held responsible.
Until now there is no prove for your sinister theory, but it is very well possible. The public is sleeping, while there is an enormous need for correct data, for example the private discussions that our 'leaders' had during the pandemic. These transcripts would show their real intentions. Another aspect: China has refused to use the mRNA technology for its people. I wonder why? Trump once said that China has a lot to explain, until now China only showed the West the middlefinger.
I have read recently other studies done on the impact on male fertility and I apologize but can’t remember exactly who wrote it but it was here on substack. It explained that the effect of ivermectin on male fertility was minimal. If I can find it I will share it. I have taken ivermectin for both prevention of illness and to recover from Covid. As I understand Covid is bioengineered and as far as whether or not it legitimately exists and fits the definition of a viral illness, coronavirus is one of many cold viruses. One that has been researched and manipulated to become more virulent. Gain of function. So from my understanding it was made from fragments of the virus. Then the other controversy is the PCR. If cycled to high it will pick up on everything your body has been exposed to. Dr Kary Mullis who passed away in August 2019 invented the PCR test to look at DNA, it was never meant for the diagnosis of any infection.
Prior to having covid in Sept 2021 I had blood work for SARS Cov 2 antibodies which was negative. 1 of my kids got sick, then I got sick with this “cold virus”. I took ivermectin and was completely better in a few days. A couple months later I was retested and the antibodies for Covid measured over 800. I also never took the mRNA shots or the J&J vax.
I had no side effects from taking ivermectin what so ever and the following night after starting ivermectin my cough was completely gone, I was completely symptom free in a few days. This was prior to the time that it was attacked as being ineffective and dangerous. My Dr who practices functional medicine, formerly internal medicine, was well aware of the fraud that was happening. I was lucky to get a prescription and the pharmacy filled it. I’ve taken it on other occasions as a means of prevention. Never a problem. I personally believe the negative information on ivermectin is put out there just to frighten people away from taking it. Ivermectin is also being researched and prescribed as an adjunct to chemotherapy as with another anti parasitic Fenbendazole for certain cancers and they are seeing very positive results. See Dr William Makis substack and the protocols he is sharing.
Believe what you want to, I’m just sharing my personal experience. Many are researching just what was used to perpetuate the covid fraud and I follow many of them. This is all still a new event and naysayers have their own reasons for sharing their opinions sometimes for personal gain. I stick to trusting my gut coupled with personal experience.
Dr Paul and Dr Mike spot on. Thank you for all your work the both of you.
I would like to get your opinion of the aloe vera plant and components along with slipper elm and other modes to potentially protect the human body. Along with anti inflammation components without the pesticides that are all over the place. Regenerative farming to heal the soil. Potential healing the microbiota and microbiome to have healthy immune system. Pre pro and post biotics. In rare cases fecal transplant.
No “spreading” or “infecting” people around you simply doesn’t happen. In my opinion, there is no “covid19”, no “SARS-CoV-2 virus” (or indeed any other virus: no virus has scientifically proven to exist.
However, they have not been scientifically proven to not exist. The fact that they do not easily 'infect' or 'spread' could be due to the fact that RNA viruses have no error-checking capability leading to the vast majority of the viral reproductions being useless at spreading of infection.
My personal thought is - why would viruses not exist? RNA was in existence prior to the evolution of DNA, it has had a much longer time to figure out how to become a virus.
I would like to bring the following interview to your attention, but perhaps you are already familiar with this interview? My gut feeling tells me that this man, embalmer John O'Looney (UK), is speaking the truth. He is talking about a new disease that has been identified since the first covid deaths: these are the long (!) clots that are found in blood vessels and arteries. The veins are blocked with these clots, so that the embalmers can no longer do their work smoothly. These new clots can sometimes be the length of a leg. This embalmer believes that the cause of death may be due to these new clots, which he found in a large proportion of the bodies (25%? or more), and which were only found in people who were vaccinated. In a normal world, the government and scientists would investigate this new disease immediately. The reality is that the embalmers are not allowed to talk about it, and as far as the government is concerned, all we hear is a deafening silence. Here is the link:
key is if one argues that the circulatory IgG and IgA in the blood stream can mitigate the pathogen once it enters the bloodstream, one must understand that for that to occur, you would be very ill and likely will die of viremia, blood sepsis infection. for pathogen to breach the respiratory compartment into the blood, it is very very grave.
I’ve been telling you for quite a while now and even longer ago in other places what the exact primary mechanism of action is of all these viral mRNA products and how that inevitably leads to the conditions that are responsible for sudden death, a very wide variety of adverse event, and increasingly higher rates of all-cause, excess mortality around the world in a SINGLE POPULATION: those who have been injected with viral mRNA products.
And regarding those products, I have repeatedly told you there is no such thing as “mRNA technology.” That term was a marketing ploy devised to create the illusion there was some new, advanced vaccine technology. There is ONLY the seriously dangerous off-label use of cell transfection reagents that have been around and in common use for over 40 years in molecular biology labs around the world.
How do I know? Because I have used them in the lab innumerable times since the latter 1990s to introduce genes (whether mouse, human, or insect, or chimeras) into commonly used immortal cell lines to express exogenous proteins in order to study their behavior in the context of a living cell.
All this is, by this point in time, an utterly trivial process with absolutely no mystery at all. Everyone who uses it knows how it’s done and why it works. They also know what would be seriously complicating factors in its use (doing so in a multicellular, especially vertebrate organism), why that would be so (because vertebrate organisms, unlike cell culture, have innate and adaptive immune systems), and what would be a seriously dangerous use of these cell transfection reagents (using them to introduce viral genes indiscriminately into healthy cells simultaneously in multiple organ systems) and why (because cells have internal sensors that detect the presence of viral mRNA and viral proteins in the cytosol, because that is the minimum necessary condition to trigger signaling to the innate immune system that those cells are in viral replication mode, because the result of that are innate immune inflammatory attacks on those multiple locations and the organs containing those cells, because the more cells are involved, the greater the inflammatory response, because the greater the number of different organ systems are involved, the even greater that whole body innate immune inflammatory response).
NONE of this is hypothesized. This is all just basic molecular biology and immunology.
Here are the facts:
1. Do all the viral mRNA products to date rely on one or another of at least seven standards cell transfection reagents or methods?
2. Do all the viral mRNA products except for AstraZeneca indiscriminately get internalized into any cells they bump into?
3. Do all the viral mRNA products, including AstraZeneca, rely on getting viral mRNA introduced to the cells’ ribosomal protein synthesis equipment?
4. Do those cells automatically and without any means of control produce as much viral protein as there are copies of the viral mRNA coding for that gene?
5. Can very large amounts of a foreign protein produced in unregulated fashion also cause the compromised cells to sicken and die?
6. Do the events in 5 also have their own immunological consequences in addition to the earlier signaling by those cells about the presence of viral mRNA and viral protein?
7. Do multiple levels of innate immune attack act synergistically to produce even greater innate immune response and can that response cause impairment of organ function?
8. Can those levels be great enough, especially in the context of preexisting comorbid conditions, to impair organ function to a point were serious disability or even death results?
9. Is it possible that simultaneous damage to multiple organ systems can also cause serious damage or death?
10. Are ANY of 1-9 above anything that has not been known for years before ANY viral mRNA product was ever created because it’s all been extensively documented as the result of viral infection and immunological response to that infection?
11. Of all the most serious consequences for the continued health of the vertebrate organism caused by viral infection anything fundamentally different (except for degree) than the effects of the viral mRNA products?
12. Are multiple organ systems throughout the body compromised by viral mRNA products in a dose-dependent fashion?
13. Except for apoptotic events in these cells leading to their deaths, does the other signaling from these cells, inevitably driven by these viral mRNA products, lead to innate immune inflammatory attacks on those cells and the organs housing them?
14. Can excessive inflammatory attacks on major organ systems lead to disability and death?
15. So when all cause mortality increases, is that due to dysfunction in one or another organ system?
16. Are the large increases in all cause mortality worldwide seen A. Uniformly throughout the entire population, B. In those who have received the viral mRNA products, C. In those who have NOT received the viral mRNA products?
Answer: they are seen in B
17. Of those individuals in B, do the numbers in adverse evens and the percentage of all cause mortality increase in a dose-dependent fashion with the number of viral mRNA products?
18. So what obviously accounts for the increase in all-cause mortality and organ system malfunction in those receiving the viral mRNA products regardless of age, gender, and state of comorbidity since the beginning of at least 2021?
Answer: That would be the serious innate immune inflammatory attacks in product-compromised cells and the organs that house them being compounded with increasing numbers of doses.
19. Is this primary mechanism of action and the inevitable immunological consequences arising from them sufficient to explain
A. Increases in all cause mortality,
B. Increases in contracting other viral and other opportunistic diseases, and
C. increases in rates, types, and severity of neoplastic disease in all age groups but almost entirely limits to people who have been injected one or more times with the viral mRNA products that are the functional equivalent of indiscriminate, one-gene, artificial viruses constructed from cell transfection reagents and PCR-produced viral spike protein genes?
A. YES, because multiple organ systems are being whacked.
B. YES, because the innate immune system is swamped cleaning up the mess, reducing the number of other events the innate immune system can respond to and deal with,
C. YES, what the innate immune system does in B is also responsible for spotting and taking out neoplasms at their earliest stages. Impair that? Increase the numbers of cancers.
The cause of all these effects is something that takes place starting within the first couple hours after injection: and that is the invasion and infection of healthy cells in multiple organ systems with a viral gene.
such extensive work, this is exceptional, I wish to read it again and make some more comments.
Speechless and heartbroken at the same time 😔🙏
Some like myself with a basic background in nursing & immunology, not physicians or scientists were able to recognize something was off about Covid from day 1. My very first inclination was that this was some kind of bioweapon unleashed on the population. It has been quite disturbing seeing all of our suspicions come into the light by the lessons brought out by your reporting Dr Alexander, and Dr Yeadon. I have great admiration for all the information that you all presented. I was very glad to have my suspicions validated, knowing I wasn’t the only one that thought something was off when the hospital OP clinic I worked at was shut down for 8 weeks. So many lost out on needed care for the Covid lie. Pure evil. It was the money whores selling us a pack of lies trying to sell us poison under the guise of healthcare. Trying to kill us.
Never again.
thank you again for being so strong and being a warrior with us...we need each other and we can slay this dragon...huge hugs
Could we be looking in the wrong direction? Look up ... Cell towers everywhere. They tell us it's only 5G @#$%^&!
hhhmmm very interesting
The cell towers are just bio-weaponology in conjunction with the frequency of the clot shots it was an allegation this would pair up with elon's starlink that ain't just for communications. The human body is frequency and vibration look at william raymond rife and the others.
One thing I found so off the rails insane was the fact that, never should a population be injected during a pandemic.
It seems counterintuitive and would cause any virus to become evasive, naturally morphing into a new variant. Which is exactly what happened. This certainly became a giant piece of the puzzle and why I believed early on, something wasn’t right with what we were being told.
As I understand, vaccinating during a pandemic causes more harm than good. As we’ve watched COVID or whatever was replicating, continued to evade and become weaker, not due to vaccines but natures way of doing things. Thankfully!
Where’s the science Dr Napoleon Fauci, where? And where / there wasn’t any science based facts behind your asinine madness of repeated failures of injustice’s against humanity with your repeated lies and misinformation while you forced your ignorance onto the world with a deadly, genetically modifying human DNA / sterilization / death shots?
Even my own Doctor disagreed with me saying “no no no you must vaccinate the population in a pandemic in order to get herd immunity”.
As a kid my mother sent me over a friend’s house who had chicken pox or measles I forget which one so I could pick up some of the virus and my body would build up antibodies. At least this was how things were handled back in my childhood years.
Obviously covid or whatever was unleashed on the world happened for reasons we’re watching play out today.
Oh the evilness of so many evildoers is as evil as evil can be with no end in sight!
Thank you Dr Alexander for sharing Dr Yeadon’s valuable information.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
your doctor was an idiot for you never vaccinate into the teeth of a pandemic with there is elevated infectious pressure (circulating pathogen, again assuming you accept the COVID narrative) will drive the selection of more 'fitter' more hardier, competitively advantaged variants that become enriched and become the new dominants...etc. yes we can only tame an epidemic etc. if you cut the chain of transmission but your idiot doctor failed to grasp and did not listen in his immunology lectures, that if the vaccine is non-sterilizing, that is, is non-neutralizing and does not stop infection, replication, or transmission, then you cannot cut the chain of transmission and it is moot. the vaccine is DOA. so vaccinating the population is a joke and will drive the emergence of more infectious sub-variants, basic immunology. virology. you vaccinate always OUT of season when there is no pathogen...again, like trying to load your weapon when the enemy is on the battlefield already...the vaccinal induced antibodies do not have the 5 to 6 weeks to 'mature' and so cannot BIND to the antigen fully to sterilize it.
your doctor was an idiot ...
Hardly, the only one.
Thank you Dr Alexander for your explanation.
the petition at break free from un control reject the international health regulations currently has almost 237000 signatures it urgently needs many more
There is petition to get out of the world health organization. Unfortunately our elected officials want to be dependent upon the who and the un the governor of california newsom pelosi's nephew reak havoc all over the place
THe COVIDians had hoped the virus was going to be far more deadly than it was - it ended up being no worse than the flu and took out the elderly and medical compromised just like the flu does. The modRNA injections were meant to do clean up on the survivors, so there was never any intention to make sure they either worked or were safe... they only had one purpose and that was to complete the democide. Wake me up when anyone gets held responsible.
the last sentence is the key...would we ever get that?
Until now there is no prove for your sinister theory, but it is very well possible. The public is sleeping, while there is an enormous need for correct data, for example the private discussions that our 'leaders' had during the pandemic. These transcripts would show their real intentions. Another aspect: China has refused to use the mRNA technology for its people. I wonder why? Trump once said that China has a lot to explain, until now China only showed the West the middlefinger.
China tried to warn the West against using the genetic bioweapons. The West did not listen.
Mike makes 2 claims.
1 the Covid virus doesn’t exist.
Ivermectin is therefore a waste of time in treating Covid.
That logically follows of course, if he’s right.
But he’s made a second claim, that not only is ivermectin useless as Covid doesn’t exist
But it’s extremely dangerous wrt human fertility. As far as I know he hasn’t answered Dr Tess Lawries response to that. And he should.
I have read recently other studies done on the impact on male fertility and I apologize but can’t remember exactly who wrote it but it was here on substack. It explained that the effect of ivermectin on male fertility was minimal. If I can find it I will share it. I have taken ivermectin for both prevention of illness and to recover from Covid. As I understand Covid is bioengineered and as far as whether or not it legitimately exists and fits the definition of a viral illness, coronavirus is one of many cold viruses. One that has been researched and manipulated to become more virulent. Gain of function. So from my understanding it was made from fragments of the virus. Then the other controversy is the PCR. If cycled to high it will pick up on everything your body has been exposed to. Dr Kary Mullis who passed away in August 2019 invented the PCR test to look at DNA, it was never meant for the diagnosis of any infection.
Prior to having covid in Sept 2021 I had blood work for SARS Cov 2 antibodies which was negative. 1 of my kids got sick, then I got sick with this “cold virus”. I took ivermectin and was completely better in a few days. A couple months later I was retested and the antibodies for Covid measured over 800. I also never took the mRNA shots or the J&J vax.
I had no side effects from taking ivermectin what so ever and the following night after starting ivermectin my cough was completely gone, I was completely symptom free in a few days. This was prior to the time that it was attacked as being ineffective and dangerous. My Dr who practices functional medicine, formerly internal medicine, was well aware of the fraud that was happening. I was lucky to get a prescription and the pharmacy filled it. I’ve taken it on other occasions as a means of prevention. Never a problem. I personally believe the negative information on ivermectin is put out there just to frighten people away from taking it. Ivermectin is also being researched and prescribed as an adjunct to chemotherapy as with another anti parasitic Fenbendazole for certain cancers and they are seeing very positive results. See Dr William Makis substack and the protocols he is sharing.
Believe what you want to, I’m just sharing my personal experience. Many are researching just what was used to perpetuate the covid fraud and I follow many of them. This is all still a new event and naysayers have their own reasons for sharing their opinions sometimes for personal gain. I stick to trusting my gut coupled with personal experience.
Dr Paul and Dr Mike spot on. Thank you for all your work the both of you.
I would like to get your opinion of the aloe vera plant and components along with slipper elm and other modes to potentially protect the human body. Along with anti inflammation components without the pesticides that are all over the place. Regenerative farming to heal the soil. Potential healing the microbiota and microbiome to have healthy immune system. Pre pro and post biotics. In rare cases fecal transplant.
God bless everyone here, USA, and world.
Thank you!
Janet Hofbauer
No “spreading” or “infecting” people around you simply doesn’t happen. In my opinion, there is no “covid19”, no “SARS-CoV-2 virus” (or indeed any other virus: no virus has scientifically proven to exist.
However, they have not been scientifically proven to not exist. The fact that they do not easily 'infect' or 'spread' could be due to the fact that RNA viruses have no error-checking capability leading to the vast majority of the viral reproductions being useless at spreading of infection.
My personal thought is - why would viruses not exist? RNA was in existence prior to the evolution of DNA, it has had a much longer time to figure out how to become a virus.
I would like to bring the following interview to your attention, but perhaps you are already familiar with this interview? My gut feeling tells me that this man, embalmer John O'Looney (UK), is speaking the truth. He is talking about a new disease that has been identified since the first covid deaths: these are the long (!) clots that are found in blood vessels and arteries. The veins are blocked with these clots, so that the embalmers can no longer do their work smoothly. These new clots can sometimes be the length of a leg. This embalmer believes that the cause of death may be due to these new clots, which he found in a large proportion of the bodies (25%? or more), and which were only found in people who were vaccinated. In a normal world, the government and scientists would investigate this new disease immediately. The reality is that the embalmers are not allowed to talk about it, and as far as the government is concerned, all we hear is a deafening silence. Here is the link:
yes, you have raised a key point to this debate, thank you. the real immunity comes from t cell immunity, memory...