There was NO pandemic, mRNA Malone Bourla Bancel technology vaccine NEVER saved ONE life, not one! No proof that the mRNA vaccine beats cancer, NO EVIDENCE! months when 15 years was needed was INSANE
I was wondering how you would react to that. I’m happy to see that you are very lucid about it. I have to say it does not look good for the future. It seems like he has succumbed to pressures which means he would never try and punish the Covid criminals.
And not only that, but he would let Pfizer, Moderna and all continue to poison us with mARN technology!!!
At this point, I think you guys should vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. He would put an end to this lethal farce and get down on Big Business. He is on a roll and can make it to the presidency.
Although I do not understand his stance on Israel but you apparently agree with him on that :-/ (which deeply puzzles me and the majority of people in the world!)
If you think the majority of the world support Hamas terrorising, raping and killing innocent babies children and women you must be misled. It is being overlooked that no matter what the history is here, the present war began with a bunch of Hamas murderers slaughtering about 1,200 innocent young people whose only sin was to attend a music festival.
Not to disregard the trauma of what the Israeli people went through on October 7th, but you have to admit that some sort of strategic propaganda of atrocities has been used, because the 40 beheaded babies, the baby on the clothesline, and the baby in the oven were lies to shock the world and justify what was to come.
The music festival was supposed to be held elsewhere, but was displaced two days before the event just beside Gaza!!! You perfectly know that the Netanyahu government deliberately did not protect its people on that day.
There was also the Hannibal doctrine that was applied which states that Israel must not allow any hostages to be made which led the Apache helicopters to open fire indiscriminately on people at the festival and led the army to shell the kibbutz with tanks, killing a lot of their own people in the process.
And sorry to say but if you watch Instagram and TikTok posts of Israeli soldiers, you have to admit that they have nothing to envy to the Hamas. Their evil behaviors, and Netanyahu‘s policies and aggressions are putting Jews around the world in danger. Ironically, they are the greatest generators of antisemitism.
Palestinian and Israeli people are hostages of Hamas, Netanyahu and the crazy zionists.
There must be a ceasefire. I cannot believe that the victims of the holocaust are making Palestinian people go through this nightmare of total destruction and killing.
You cannot hold on to lies and propaganda to keep justifying the unjustifiable ! You have to realize that all the hospitals and universities have been systematically destroyed in Gaza. They did the same with journalists and health workers. Women and children are the main victims!!!
From the beginning their goal was to make sure that Gaza would become totally inhabitable. Israel wants not only all the land of Gaza, but especially the natural gas off the coast of Gaza.
How can Israel think they can get by with such atrocities?
I have to stop because I could go on and on and on. But please let us work all together towards peace and reconciliation, if there can ever be one.:-(
You have drunk the IDF and Netanyahu kool aid. Israel invented Hamas. Do some research. All of this is being staged so the Zionists in charge can try to get away with the genocide of the innocent Palestinian people. But the world sees the truth. Israel and the USA are now despised by the majority of humanity. And for good reason.
At one time Hamas appeared to be more moderate, and so would have been preferrable to the Palestinian Authority. But Hamas turned into a raging Jihad movement. Israel caught on quickly to that. But there is no "genocide". Israel willingly left Gaza. Gaza had their own state. They turned it into a terrorist camp.
Maybe all the immigrants crossing border into US will be trained or ordered to terrorize the American citizens...they will kick them out of their homes and move in.
They will maim and kill them...not ask them to politely leave their homes.
A music festival where the location was suspiciously moved, last minute, to be right next to the fence line with Gaza. 1,200 innocent Israeli’s brutally murdered justifies equally brutally murdering millions of innocent Palestinians (not Hamas)? It justifies a genocide? How bout the IDF standing down while this was happening? Who ordered that? Israel has the most sophisticated technology to track & trace anyone or anything coming near that border. This was all planned. A set-up to genocide a whole population for control of that land to build a brand new port & canal in order to bypass the Suez Canal. This is all staged & planned. And guess who will build the port/canal in Gaza? Yep, the U.S. taxpayers! Evil done in our name with our money. Research it. All the Zionists are in cahoots with the evil round the world! 70% of Israel’s own people don’t like Netanyahu & do not approve of the genocide happening in Gaza. Where are all the dead Hamas soldiers? Where? Does anyone in their right mind think that Hamas is still in Gaza? You don’t think they flew the fuck outta their to other countries while they watch Gaza be destroyed? They have private planes, on our dime no less, & live like kings just like all the other leaders of nations. Every dime we give goes into their pockets. And we give, & give, & endlessly give. And the elites round the world take, & take, & take. Including our own. RFK, Jr. snuggles up to all these cucks! Trump too. And all the rest!
He was right about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and he never reneged on them even though there was inordinate pressure from medical experts which included horse paste commercials. I don’t see him changing on this because I think he believes it would end up in a bad way. How would all the jabees feel if he reneged? How nice it would be if we could all go back in time and repair the damage. He thought he was getting unbiased medical advice. He knows what went down now.
Sounds like you better not vote for a president because you are going to be kicking yourself in the @$$ no matter which way it goes. Don’t worry because traditional Americans will vote in the right president no matter the party. The open borders party can pay the illegal border jumpers to vote, but there won’t be enough of them to corrupt the election.
That always has been the law. But, considering all the ways Democrats subverted existing election laws in 2020, there are real concerns in 2024 about Democrats using illegals or simply their identities to cast (invalid) mail-in ballots. After all, Democrats have for many years been strongly and irrationally opposed to voter ID laws and updating voter registration records.
I recently read that in some California locations, it's enough to be a 'resident' to vote in local elections, despite being a citizen of another country. (I wish I had a link to that.) I just don't see a valid a justification for this policy.
Here is from the state DMV information site where I live: Under the old system, most Oregonians needed to take a separate step to register to vote at the DMV after obtaining or renewing their driver license. This law makes voter registration automatic, shifting from an opt-in process to an opt-out process. It eliminates the need to fill out the voter registration card for those with qualifying interactions at the DMV. Instead, eligible Oregonians will receive a mailing from the Oregon Elections Division explaining their options for registering to vote.“
The only way RFK is going anywhere is on the Trump ticket. RFK has the gravitas to speak on the poison, he's the only one who can lead Trump forward into that battle.
I'm concerned that, as anger is stirred up over President Trump's recent perplexing tweet, some of us might be forgetting he brought us:
1.) Much more secure borders and sane immigration policies
2.) No American involvement in wars
3.) No inflation
4.) Energy independence
5.) All races were thriving
6.) Very low unemployment
7.) A booming economy
8.) Cut regulations
9.) Lower taxes
10.) A stronger, re-equipped, highly respected military
11.) An ability to work with and/or against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, and Arab nations to our political and economic advantage while keeping peaceful relations
12.) Withdrawal from the WHO
Biden & company have reversed our course on all these Trump achievements in three short years. Undermining Trump right now, after his Super Tuesday landslides, is risking our ability to defeat Biden and return to the Golden Age of Trump. REMEMBER, Donald Trump never mandated that anyone receive a covid injection as Joe Biden did.
No, I cannot be 100% sure but I deeply trust my judgment on this because I do listen to Trump's speeches live and have been for nine years or so. I also listen to Biden's rants and speeches live, as intolerable as that is. That, in addition to reading about policy and staying up-to-date on news report from both sides. I believe I have a clear sense of their motives and personalities. I feel it's my duty as a citizen to do this. But of course I can be wrong. At least I know I did everything possible to get it right.
This short (1-minute, 33-second) video from 8-30-23 may help you understand why I trust Donald Trump's promises not to mandate 'covid' behavior, treatments, or injections.
Trump - your apparent super-hero just kicked the chair out from underneath you.
He just invalidated your entire cause.
There is nothing more you can say.
No theories about Trump being allegedly captured by the big players.
The fact is he isn't. He's looking for a victory and he'll peddle the gig by any means possible.
That's why he's a false prophet, a cheat and a liar.
He also owes you nothing. And he'll do nothing for you. Will he ever write you a fat cheque - clearly not.
He doesn't care about you. I don't believe you even feature in his self-serving wank of a life.
I never put my all my eggs in one basket.
But you put your last four years of eggs in the Trump crate of horseshit.
The fact you're not even getting mad makes me even more doubtful of you.
If I were in your position - after your banging on about the way he'd clean up the swamp especially the covid swamp - and my super-hero did to me what he's done now to you, I'd personally drive over to Lunatic-Largo and have it out with him.
But you won't, simply because you can't. Because you most likely aren't even a nano-thought in his fucked dwarf-mind.
I do not get off on other's misery - like so many in this world do - but your soft cocking Trump makes me doubt your credibility and real motive. That Bilbo'sBitch person summed it up well.
I wish you luck and I would advise you to start making alternative career plans and taking care of yourself and your family.
I'm sure there's decent consulting work for someone like you with your experience.
Dr. Alexander goes on and on and on and on and on that domebody has to explain to trump....Trump had many people try to explain many many many. He made up his mind or he made a deal whatever it is he will not change. So if you have principles for example the covid crime is a red line than you gotta make decision. You can't support Trump AND still say hang the traitors. This is schizophrenic at this point. I personally am done with Trump snd I know we are in for hell. Probably Biden will somehow be installed again and even if Trump makes it I know he will do nothing I hoped he'll do. No Hillary, no full border, no reckoning. He was hyped up but he is just a man. That's all. He folded or similar. He is not a hero to me but a man who wants to be one but is too afraid to really stand against the monster. I know I need to put all faith into myself and I will be strengthened through my faith. There is no other way. Prepate yourself locally as best S you can. Stop working time on a hero in politics. There is none. Hard to accept. There will be no hangings so stop ranting about it. It's nonsense. The monster is in charge already a long long long long time. We are being depopulstec already since decades. Thos is totally integrated into this system . What happened is we all just understand it now more and more. Knowledge is increasing. Trump does give dome truths but with it deception is packaged. TRUTH IS USED AS THE YROJSN HORSE FOR A MOST EVIL DECEPTION! WATCH IF YOU READ OR HEAR TRUTH WHT comes with it??
fundamentally a good know there is lots we often do not know. but we are past that, we just want truth, honesty. we want our lives back and to be the makers of our lives.
A good man ok but why does he willfully close his mind to people like you, people who trying to explain to him why the jabs failed or more killed? Why still? And if he had to make a deal does he really need to make a post like he did? Could he not simply stay quiet as a compromise. Why say it when his base does really not want to hear it? Cancer vaccines for the cancer caused mostly by the mrna jabs? This is obsurd. I cannot overlook this i can't. I would go crazy. Now the hard part is yes like this Biden might win with all the cheating help he just might, old and senile as he is we get 4 more years of this clown car. I am brazing myself. Trump made an immeasurable mistake with this post more than even you think it was. He has his loyal base but there are me...who think more about stuff and get not treated like infants, entertain us, sell sneakers. Hero cards, its all good but I am not a child. I want real answers, plans, and a real reckoning for criminals. Trump never did anything in that regard. It was a lukewarm effort or just talk. And why did Ivanka know about Moderna vaccine in jan 2020? So many weird things and you say he is good. But is everybody close to him so.good? Ivanka is in India invited at a party with Bill gates there too. It's appalling. It doesn't match up. I think ivanka is a problem. She is the traitor in daddies ear. Its a big problem.
How many court cases is he fighting and now you expect him to battle the problems he faced in the vaccine. He is transparent and everyone who thinks he is manipulated does not understand the man. He is successful because he has never had to depend on anyone to make decisions for him. When the seasonal flu was called a novel virus and pandemic, he had to depend on NIH, CDC, FDA and others when he had no idea they were railroading him. The WHO and others stepped in to support the takedown of Trump. The government swamp hates conservatives who support Constitutional Rights and despise the DC corruption. The agencies and the putrid political swamp inhabitants want all the power and depend upon manipulating politicians to grow and retain it.
You said it well! At this stage of the war game NO ONE especially those who has a lot of influence and know many good scientists and doctors and in many medical professions like Trump can play ignorant dumb and misguided!
The facts, the truth, data and many stories of harm and deaths are everywhere! There is NO more excuses for Trump to Not know all the truth or to be misguided! He is either a CON, a traitor or a Coward! When the whole world is in the brink of extinction with now 17 million deaths worldwide from this vaxgenes, my God! How can someone who is truly genuine and trustworthy still pushing these deadly injections!
This is what I appreciate more than any book or teacher can provide, “PURE AND EXACT TO THE POINT TRUTH”! As you’ve so well and clearly stated in your post, Barry! So clear, as each day passes, I gaining, certainly not monetarily, but wisdom! You’ve certainly helped me understand this matrix of lies and deceit and corruption, there’s not a single doubt in my mind what you’ve said about Trump, is exactly what everyone needs to understand! Thanks very much for your clearly and sincerely articulated, wisdom and insight!
Barry, after reading your homepage on Substack and as I always have felt with my intuition, I have been trying to explain to my clients and customers and colleagues, without success mind you, how blinded American people are. The reality is, sometimes, most times, it takes someone from the outside looking in, as you’ve depicted perfectly! I felt compelled to write you once more to let you know, you’ve provided me with the information I have been searching for since the beginning of Covid. In my heart and soul, you’re a blessing in my life simply from a short post which opened my eyes wide! I wanted to thank you again. I do believe synchronicity guided me to read your post this morning and from here forward, you’ve taught me a great lesson about life which is, “Don’t Think To Hard”! Thanks one more time Barry.
In a nutshell Barry, you have just drove a 16 inch spike through the “heart” of everything Trump! With one “Absolute Pointed Hit”!
Exactly what I have been trying to figure out and for all those “Trump Fans”, Trump is not the answer! Trump is for Trump and Trump ONLY! Thanks again Barry! Very well articulated!
You’re welcome Barry. Sometimes we can’t see the fire through the smoke and your recent post, fiercely dissipated the smoke in my line of sight! I’ve been trying to connect the dots since this complete utter covid fraud started and you’ve provided me with exactly what evidence I needed to, well should I say, convict Trump! Something was missing and I thank you again for helping me find the missing piece! God Bless you and most importantly, thank you!
No, it gets worse. If Trump had listened to RFKJr and not replaced him with a vaccine insider (Scott Gottlieb) after Pfizer's donation to his inauguration, they couldn't have brought down his Presidency with the Pandemic Hoax. And now RFKJr is his rival for President. It was Trump's broken vaccine investigation promise that killed his Presidency, ironic as it is.
You do understand, that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Yes, they used the fake pandemic to break all the election laws and commit fraud everywhere. It had nothing to do with how Trump handled the vaxx issue, NONE.
I’m not stating what I believe here but I do believe he hired garbage and you’re waiting for the Plan to start and rescue us! I gave up on that a long time ago bcuz I have more common sense now! One man isn’t rescuing us!
Marjorie, I’m not disagreeing with you, the best thing that could happen for the entire western world is for RFK to be the next president even though unfortunately he has leftist Demonrats roots!
BUT you said it was “Trump’s broken vaccine investigation promise” that ironically killed his presidency? I don’t understand how you can lay the blame for the vaccine deaths on Trump? Pfizer lied and had everyone believing they were “safe and effective”? Trump was only in office for a few months after the vaccine was rolled out, but the harm has multiplied and continued under Biden for over 3 years, until we now have literally millions of vaccine dead and injured. Biden Knows this!!! Yet to this day he is still telling people to go and get their next jab! That right there is MURDER BY PRESIDENTIAL DECREE!!!
As I said, I’m not trying to howl you down, I just don’t know how Trump had time, when he was president, to even know the PLANdemic was a lie and Fauci was a fraud, whose greatest skills did not lie in the laboratory, but rather with lining the white pockets of his lab coat with Pfizer and Chinese money. Unfortunately he has still not been made accountable for this treachery !!!!
So Trump was only president for a few months after vaccine rollout and only the few of us who refused to get jabbed and did our research, knew it was a lethal concoction back then. Trump certainly did not know! I mean mRNA and DNA fragments, not to mention it was envenomated and laced with nanoparticles of graphene - what could possibly go wrong? However the general public knew nothing about this and they blindly accepted that BLANK insert in the Covid vaccine, which is usually full of details about possible side effects and the “occasional” death etc etc!!!
Pfizer, Fauci et al., lied and the enormity of the death toll only became obvious under Biden, who refused to acknowledge the mounting evidence and is still pushing the lethal jab! So shouldn’t the accusation you lay against Trump rightly belong on Biden’s more informed shoulders backed up with data and VAERS reports, that were not available in Trump’s time line?
Also don’t forget Trump well and truly tried to push Hydroxy and Ivermectin but because his medical knowledge is so lacking, he mixed up the premise of hydroxy with “bleach” and the press had a field day with this layman’s error and ridiculed him. In fact he was 100% correct, he just did not know how to express this in medical terms. He also talked about exposure to a “blue light” killing the Covid virus. Again the press ridiculed him using words like blue magic (black magic) sorcery, Mumbo jumbo etc. but in the fullness of time, he was proved correct on this as well. He also espoused the importance of Vit D. To balance this up Biden’s only advice has been
agreed, Trump believed it was safe and effective, he really did...the needle we have to thread is that less capable people knew it was not. but again, who else, 45 is our bast option and up to Jan 2020, you loved him, he was unstoppable.
Susie joy, I agree with you, but all the so called Trump supporters, including Dr. Paul forget that nothing has changed with the media since 2016. He spoke about HCQ, Ivermectin and other alternatives and was lied about over and over in early 2020!!! The big problem is as many conservatives as well as all liberals love the jabs and will keep running to them! That’s why none of them will EVER accept the truth! We have those ignorant people as relatives and no one can get through to them with the truth! RFK believes in the climate hoax which will kill all of us of much quicker with the destruction of all our farms and what they produce! It’s already happening! I know he just posted this stupid comment, but it’s the stupid people who won’t wake up he still has to speak to! God help those with discernment! Our country is toast! Pray for our children as it is truly hopeless and what is coming and already happening is unlike anything we’ve ever seen and experienced. We aren’t coming out of this mess.
Gottlieb is a pile of garbage! He threw out Anesthesiology at Beaumont in MI, brought in North Star Anes & as predicted by Dept Heads who left Beaumont due to Gottlieb’s choice, a son & caretaker of his mother died in a routine colonoscopy.
There was substack article on Beaumont Hospital in Michigan at least a year ago about the protocols used during Covid. I’ve not been able to find it. Does anyone have a link to it? Thanks if you have it saved.
Scott Gottlieb will anagram to 'clot egotist tb'. When I look at his photo on Wikipedia I just think 'mafia'. Appearances can be deceiving but his name, perhaps it gives us a clue.
MM, what broken promise are you talking about? The one where he promised to mandate that all our military people had to take the vaccine or they would be dishonorably discharged? Oh wait…that was Biden wasn’t it!!! 🪖🎖️
Trump is affiliated with the World Economic Forum & listed on this Corporations web site.
The silent🆕🌎🅾️rder kept through our back door in 2020 under the guise of a V1ral Pand€mic, under Biden administration; is also affiliated. Stand & Unite, United We Stand. C0NCEAL CARR1E.
YOU may be shocked, but for people like myself this is par for the course from Donald Trump. The sheer HORROR is that Trump is the "best" we have for 2024, and yet THIS crap, coming from his own mouth, is what we may expect from him. I've been saying since early 2017 that Trump is untrustworthy. That has been demonstrated many, many times. If Trump is the "best", then we are truly doomed.
I agree! I was so attentive to others symbolism, I was ignoring his & there’s a lot…none of it used on The Apprentice BTW. I believe they’re all duping us!
So what you are doing is pushing people away from the guy who might be able to fix this crap. So who will you support now?
Will you go with joe?
Perhaps you'll jump on the rfk Jr train!
Make a move, let your followers know who you'll support since you now have worries about Trump.
These daily stacks about the same thing are just plain nuts.
Everyday Trump repeats the same thing... no funding to anyone who mandates the vaccine. You'll have to settle for that for the time being. Or support someone else.
Couldn’t agree more. I liked Dr Alexander but his recent Substacks leaves me feeling he’s going off the rails. Is he another distractor. I go off gut instinct & my gut’s telling me we have another beginning their role in the BS we’ve lived through the last 4 years.
Trump never admits to ever having been wrong. On the other hand such silence on his part does not mean that he will not avenge himself upon the people who deceived him. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” This implies he will not tip off those upon whom he will wreak his vengeance.
I am very sorry for you. I have a carnage of dead family members behind me!!!
But on this point, yes I would still support Trump getting back in, because there are so many other things he can address and start undoing the lethal harm that the O’Bumma left wing WEF string pullers of Biden have done.
When it comes to medicine, TRUMP is CLUELESS!!! I don’t believe he meant any harm by trying to get a vaccine to the public quickly. Influenced by old school medicine protocols, where you could put your trust in doctors and scientists, I believe he thought the “warp speed” vaccine would save lives and I think he still is not aware of the humongous death toll. He needs to watch the interviews, the undertakers videos, Maria Zee, Dr John Campbell and most of all he needs to sit down with Dr McCullough for a 2 day debriefing - then he “might?” Begin to understand, but I only say might, because it could be difficult to get through his very thick skull that those he believed in are malfeasant, money grubbing murderers and those of us branded as the conspiracy theorists are actually the truth tellers. That’s a big ask???
Trump told everyone that they should use HCQ and the MSM crucified him, and LIED to the people about the actual cures. The cabal, the deep state, and the fake propaganda news were against the truth and against Trump.
I no longer trust McCullough! Can’t tell you why but it’s a gut feeling. I’ve run on gut feelings since May 2020 and they’ve served me correct. I now believe innocent looking McCullough isn’t so innocent.
Trump needs to answer for the injuries. It’s NOT just my bro it’s my BIL & his bro & SIL.
I get trump was pushing Hydroxy, IVM & do your own research but TELL ME who did he have working for him that WAS on HIS/our side. We were depending on The Apprentice type picks and we got nothing but filth from every one & don’t start the “we had to expose the bad ones first” BS with me.
He sits making a strange hand sign and always uses the 666 symbol. My eyes are opening to EVERYONE not just those I want to believe are on my side!
Lab mom I found something that MIGHT explain your gut feeling about McCullough and it is based on AI fraud,,,,,
“They” (AI fraud posts selling products and pretending that well respected doctors and celebrities are promoting their product when in reality they never would) are also using Dr Peter McCullough saying STATINS are good for you & PREVENT Alzheimer’s !!!!!
McCullough believes that STATINS CAUSE ALZHEIMERS not prevent it. .
Lab mom - I know you said you can’t say why you have a “gut feeling” about McCullough, but I am not aware of any tangible evidence that would put him in the same camp as MALONE??
Now there, in Malone, you have the perfect example of a lily livered, gutless, simpering, sook, who has changed sides because he has realised the harm the mRNA jab has done. He once bragged about he was the inventor of this gene technology til he heard the wolves baying for his blood. His colleagues have said he had practically nothing hands on, to do with inventing that toxic gene therapy, but he sure did want the fame he thought would come with it. Until he realised it had the opposite effect then he couldn’t distance himself from it fast enough.
Feel free to have “gut feelings” about Malone, but please give us some tangible proof about McCullough before you throw him in the viper pit with the rest of the snakes. I have been following McCullough for about 30 years and I’ve never seen him be deceptive. However it is definitely in the MSM and Pfizer et al’s best interests to see this man silenced and what better way to do it than to run a subtle smear campaign, so that even good people, like yourself, on the right side, will start to doubt the very people who have been our champions. I’m not trying to talk you out of your gut feelings, but I would really like to see you reconsider and actually come up with some concrete proof that McCullough has jumped fence too and if you could do that, you would be vindicated, but in the meantime I would hate to see anyone add fuel to the quietly smoking fire that MSM is trying to ignite into a raging inferno against one whom I consider to be a good man, without some corroborative damning evidence???
No some aren’t just going to bend over & take it David. I look at things from every angle. I never said who I was voting for so quite honestly your ASSUMPTION shows your ignorance!
The first step is to realize that covid, and the shots, are bioweapons, that were created by DoD and the US government, years before Trump took office.
Yes, exactly, and I believe that is the key factor in the problem Trump has just as any Presidential candidate will have; they will all be automatically compromised in that they would have to oppose the DOD and so many other related agencies; and to do that (other than in word only) would mean risking any chance for election or even personal survival; in addition there are far too many others who have been and are stakeholders in the game who must keep the "fake vaccine" scenario going to both keep the money coming in and to save their asses; there is no hope at all for honesty and exposure of the facts and the truth except from outside resistance and evidence coming from other nations (who were also played) such as Russia; allowing the WHO to have its way and full reign will be the final nail in the coffin of the Republic!
The US has to admit they created the bioweapons...and the continuing "research" has to stop.
I am hoping that the African nations resist the WHO treaty/amendments with determination for their own survival. Even if they use the terms "neo-colonialism" and "slavery" to push back.
African nations have much more power then even they themselves realize.
Unfortunately, the western nations will buckle under to the demands of the WHO like a cheap card table.
Quite right and very astutely stated! Excuses and rationalizations for bioweapons research are always ongoing and familiar: that they have defensive purposes and are necessary because other countries are doing the same, clandestinely or otherwise; and the DOD and other operatives couldn't care less about the use of GOF or using world populations as guinea pigs; you are exactly right about the African nations which have historically and presently suffered the most by the "vaccinators" of untested poisons and they have been the world's guinea pigs; as for other nations of the world still remaining free(very few) they also form our last remaining hope to save not only national sovereignties but human sovereignty,
I'm concerned that, as anger is stirred up over President Trump's recent perplexing tweet, some of us might be forgetting he brought us:
1.) Much more secure borders and sane immigration policies
2.) No American involvement in wars
3.) No inflation
4.) Energy independence
5.) All races were thriving
6.) Very low unemployment
7.) A booming economy
8.) Cut regulations
9.) Lower taxes
10.) A stronger, re-equipped, highly respected military
11.) An ability to work with and/or against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, and Arab nations to our political and economic advantage while keeping peaceful relations
12.) Withdrawal from the WHO
Biden & company have reversed our course on all these Trump achievements in three short years. Undermining Trump right now, after his Super Tuesday landslides, is risking our ability to defeat Biden and return to the Golden Age of Trump. REMEMBER, Donald Trump never mandated that anyone receive a covid injection as Joe Biden did.
He also picked every bad choice possible! Yep things were good financially & I wasn’t afraid we would be in a war but what makes you think he can do any better picking & choosing this time and I don’t want to hear it was part of the plan. I’m so tired of that BS!
Obviously Dr Alexander it seems apparently clear to me and certainly to the Pfizer and Moderna, why waste money on trials? Let the world tell us what we want to know! That’s as simple as it gets! You see, greedy people don’t and won’t spend a dime on something beneficial for anyone but themselves! Most certainly, they’re the recipients of the extra “savings by not testing”! Who cares if people die or are disabled or maimed for life, who cares about the “little folk”? Let them all die as far as they’re concerned! Of course they’d need someone to “wipe their ass” unless they’re still living with mom and dad or should I say, “Mother / Father”! Everything makes sense the more bites we take at the apple, so much so, there’s nothing else to call what these evil- demons have done, which was to “COMMIT MURDER”! To depopulate and to disabled to have an over/ medicated, out-of-work population which simplifies the takeover or destruction or capitalism and usher in “COMMUNISM”! Whatever “ISM” you want to call it, not one has ever survived! All “ISM’s” have failed! They’re not about “you and me”, they’re about themselves and themselves ONLY! Wait oh almost forgot, “survivors will have crickets”! While they eat those damn farting, methane excreting four legged creatures, you know the ones, I think we call them cows! They’ll have the best cuts, the best stock, the best Jerry the best! Don’t you get it Dr Alexander? This is not about you or me, this is all about THEM! And thank God for AOC and her cockamamie nonsensical air-brained bullshit how cows will destroy the climate! AYFKM? That air-brain moronic moron has gotten so many other air-brain moronic morons to believe her, Good grief Charlie Brown! The entire political spectrum in America have been or are moronic morons who by the way and otherwise called the “Lunatic Left” have deep rooted mental illness and mental problems! Yes, these are the people telling, sensible and rational people “COW FARTS WILL KILL EARTH”! AJR
I couldn’t have put it better myself. Cows are beautiful sentient creatures and the thought of the mindless destruction about to befall them, because of utter fools like AOC just destroys my soul!
What’s incredibly frustrating is how many people believe this nonsense! Absolutely ridiculous and utterly false information! Unfortunately it’s part of this “illegitimate administrations” plan to control the food supply to the “little people” like me! We can only hope maybe through “Devine Intervention” something gives. I don’t see the sensible people rising up, certainly they haven’t by this point. Unless backed into a corner, people continue to go about their lives as usual, unable or unwilling to understand what’s truly happening to America! I’m fighting for my Grandson! My Angel 4 years old innocent and sincere brilliant little man! He’s why I found out about Substack and I haven’t looked back since. I appreciate your post Susiejoy and as I do, all of us must continue to shed light on the “slow-boiled destruction” all Americans and all people of the world are suffering from! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
He was quoting BIDEN. BIDEN was lying. Trump was using what BIDEN said to make a point.
But we all know that Trump did what he had to do to STOP the cabal from locking down the whole world for 10 years, during which millions would have died. Trump knew we were under attack.
If you want to hear a discussion of this - listen to Badlands Media from Saturday night.
I don’t want someone who watches their mouth, I want someone who RUNS their mouth! Just like here, I never shut up! I run my mouth everywhere I go on politics, vaccine or the economy! I’m not a housewife who wants a kind, respectful President!
I don't understand Trump's statement at all, except to wonder if he's sabotaging his comeback to make way for RFK. Why would he promote what is knowingly a bio weapon?! RFK speaks only the truth about this. RFK knew exactly what was going on the entire time. Read his books. It doesn't make any sense for the Donald to do this? Is he a part of culling the herd for the deep state? Is everything one big honey pot? And how does it CURE cancer? Has RFK commented about Trump's post? And are we going to DEMAND that these three guys get up there and give us a debate? I want to see that! I want some answers.
It wasn't Trump's statement - it was BIDEN'S. Trump QUOTED him. Trump used BIDEN'S words against him. BIDEN is the liar. No one believes that vaccines cure cancer. That's idiotic.
You won’t get any intelligent medical answers from anyone but RFK!!! Joe will get another shot of amphetamines to stay awake for the duration and Trump will be lost in the medical jargon!!!
The best thing for the entire world would be a president that stops vaccines until the industry is cleaned up and only the original premise of a vaccine is returned to. No thimerosal, no aborted babies fetal tissue cultures from 1975, no venom, no graphene, no self assembling nanotechnologies etc etc etc !!!!!
I was also beyond alarmed and confused when I read this yesterday. I forwarded it to my brother and his wife, who are are both astute and rational, and this was their reply:
'He won’t acknowledge that he was duped.'
Not a surprising response and I think it makes sense, considering what we know about our beloved hero. I am willing to accept it because his exceptional traits far outweigh his undesirable ones. I just wish he would quit talking about it.
You say what part of Trump's statement is true. Well the pandemic doesn't control many people's lives as they have woken up to the scam.
In part the vaccines 'saved us' because the harm they have done woke many up to the fact that vaccines are harmful. They can't be of use except for creating customers for big pharma and the medical complex.
As to cancer, well it is clear that poisoning oneself with toxic vaccines will help cause cancer. So again, as many are waking up to the truth that cancer is not what we are told but primarily a poisoning issue, we could say the vaccines are 'saving us'.
It is just not in the way that some people mean. If Trump really thinks the vaccines are saving us then he is a fool, but somehow I don't think so. He is playing a game clearly, goading the Democrats into more folly.
I was wondering how you would react to that. I’m happy to see that you are very lucid about it. I have to say it does not look good for the future. It seems like he has succumbed to pressures which means he would never try and punish the Covid criminals.
And not only that, but he would let Pfizer, Moderna and all continue to poison us with mARN technology!!!
At this point, I think you guys should vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. He would put an end to this lethal farce and get down on Big Business. He is on a roll and can make it to the presidency.
Although I do not understand his stance on Israel but you apparently agree with him on that :-/ (which deeply puzzles me and the majority of people in the world!)
thats my fear...we think he will fix things and reverse things but I am worried with these statements.
No It’s NOT the majority of the world at all!!!!
If you think the majority of the world support Hamas terrorising, raping and killing innocent babies children and women you must be misled. It is being overlooked that no matter what the history is here, the present war began with a bunch of Hamas murderers slaughtering about 1,200 innocent young people whose only sin was to attend a music festival.
Not to disregard the trauma of what the Israeli people went through on October 7th, but you have to admit that some sort of strategic propaganda of atrocities has been used, because the 40 beheaded babies, the baby on the clothesline, and the baby in the oven were lies to shock the world and justify what was to come.
The music festival was supposed to be held elsewhere, but was displaced two days before the event just beside Gaza!!! You perfectly know that the Netanyahu government deliberately did not protect its people on that day.
There was also the Hannibal doctrine that was applied which states that Israel must not allow any hostages to be made which led the Apache helicopters to open fire indiscriminately on people at the festival and led the army to shell the kibbutz with tanks, killing a lot of their own people in the process.
And sorry to say but if you watch Instagram and TikTok posts of Israeli soldiers, you have to admit that they have nothing to envy to the Hamas. Their evil behaviors, and Netanyahu‘s policies and aggressions are putting Jews around the world in danger. Ironically, they are the greatest generators of antisemitism.
Palestinian and Israeli people are hostages of Hamas, Netanyahu and the crazy zionists.
There must be a ceasefire. I cannot believe that the victims of the holocaust are making Palestinian people go through this nightmare of total destruction and killing.
You cannot hold on to lies and propaganda to keep justifying the unjustifiable ! You have to realize that all the hospitals and universities have been systematically destroyed in Gaza. They did the same with journalists and health workers. Women and children are the main victims!!!
From the beginning their goal was to make sure that Gaza would become totally inhabitable. Israel wants not only all the land of Gaza, but especially the natural gas off the coast of Gaza.
How can Israel think they can get by with such atrocities?
I have to stop because I could go on and on and on. But please let us work all together towards peace and reconciliation, if there can ever be one.:-(
everything about this is devastating...loss of any life has been painful
You've drank the Hamas coolaid
You have drunk the IDF and Netanyahu kool aid. Israel invented Hamas. Do some research. All of this is being staged so the Zionists in charge can try to get away with the genocide of the innocent Palestinian people. But the world sees the truth. Israel and the USA are now despised by the majority of humanity. And for good reason.
At one time Hamas appeared to be more moderate, and so would have been preferrable to the Palestinian Authority. But Hamas turned into a raging Jihad movement. Israel caught on quickly to that. But there is no "genocide". Israel willingly left Gaza. Gaza had their own state. They turned it into a terrorist camp.
Trump team are global genocidists
Netanyahu Biden
Maybe all the immigrants crossing border into US will be trained or ordered to terrorize the American citizens...they will kick them out of their homes and move in.
They will maim and kill them...not ask them to politely leave their homes.
A music festival where the location was suspiciously moved, last minute, to be right next to the fence line with Gaza. 1,200 innocent Israeli’s brutally murdered justifies equally brutally murdering millions of innocent Palestinians (not Hamas)? It justifies a genocide? How bout the IDF standing down while this was happening? Who ordered that? Israel has the most sophisticated technology to track & trace anyone or anything coming near that border. This was all planned. A set-up to genocide a whole population for control of that land to build a brand new port & canal in order to bypass the Suez Canal. This is all staged & planned. And guess who will build the port/canal in Gaza? Yep, the U.S. taxpayers! Evil done in our name with our money. Research it. All the Zionists are in cahoots with the evil round the world! 70% of Israel’s own people don’t like Netanyahu & do not approve of the genocide happening in Gaza. Where are all the dead Hamas soldiers? Where? Does anyone in their right mind think that Hamas is still in Gaza? You don’t think they flew the fuck outta their to other countries while they watch Gaza be destroyed? They have private planes, on our dime no less, & live like kings just like all the other leaders of nations. Every dime we give goes into their pockets. And we give, & give, & endlessly give. And the elites round the world take, & take, & take. Including our own. RFK, Jr. snuggles up to all these cucks! Trump too. And all the rest!
You're full of it. There have been careful analysis of the exact failures of Israeli intelligence. This was planned by Hamas for 10 years.
And same to you. Who do you think funded & trained Hamas into power? Ask your buddy Netanyahu!
True, but how is slaughtering many times more innocent Palestinians gonna fix anything?
Be careful! "When you sow, you ALWAYS reap far more than the few SEEDS YOU SOWED".
Just how many "innocent" Palestinians were slaughtered? No one knows. The figures from Hamas are clearly false.
I would never vote Kennedy due to Climate Change, 2A, his Liberal wife & a few other reasons!
Vivek is a devil who poisoned people with his medical experiment!
We need to wake up & realize we have NO ONE that isn’t compromised!
45 is best option...sometimes this is how you have to handle it
Hehehe, you forgot Hillary Haley. I try to forget her, but that warmongering wench is just waiting to jump back in.
I love that name...I will use it, is it ok?
Of course! 😉
That demon is another that will prevent my vote! He really doesn’t deserve it anyway after his picks the first 4 years!
this is the key, no more silence or have us guessing, what we faced he has to lay it out there, has to explain things fully
He was right about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and he never reneged on them even though there was inordinate pressure from medical experts which included horse paste commercials. I don’t see him changing on this because I think he believes it would end up in a bad way. How would all the jabees feel if he reneged? How nice it would be if we could all go back in time and repair the damage. He thought he was getting unbiased medical advice. He knows what went down now.
Sounds like you better not vote for a president because you are going to be kicking yourself in the @$$ no matter which way it goes. Don’t worry because traditional Americans will vote in the right president no matter the party. The open borders party can pay the illegal border jumpers to vote, but there won’t be enough of them to corrupt the election.
I'm not in the US, but would have thought you have to be a citizen to vote.
That always has been the law. But, considering all the ways Democrats subverted existing election laws in 2020, there are real concerns in 2024 about Democrats using illegals or simply their identities to cast (invalid) mail-in ballots. After all, Democrats have for many years been strongly and irrationally opposed to voter ID laws and updating voter registration records.
I recently read that in some California locations, it's enough to be a 'resident' to vote in local elections, despite being a citizen of another country. (I wish I had a link to that.) I just don't see a valid a justification for this policy.
Here is from the state DMV information site where I live: Under the old system, most Oregonians needed to take a separate step to register to vote at the DMV after obtaining or renewing their driver license. This law makes voter registration automatic, shifting from an opt-in process to an opt-out process. It eliminates the need to fill out the voter registration card for those with qualifying interactions at the DMV. Instead, eligible Oregonians will receive a mailing from the Oregon Elections Division explaining their options for registering to vote.“
Non-citizens are voting in our elections:
The only way RFK is going anywhere is on the Trump ticket. RFK has the gravitas to speak on the poison, he's the only one who can lead Trump forward into that battle.
I'm concerned that, as anger is stirred up over President Trump's recent perplexing tweet, some of us might be forgetting he brought us:
1.) Much more secure borders and sane immigration policies
2.) No American involvement in wars
3.) No inflation
4.) Energy independence
5.) All races were thriving
6.) Very low unemployment
7.) A booming economy
8.) Cut regulations
9.) Lower taxes
10.) A stronger, re-equipped, highly respected military
11.) An ability to work with and/or against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, and Arab nations to our political and economic advantage while keeping peaceful relations
12.) Withdrawal from the WHO
Biden & company have reversed our course on all these Trump achievements in three short years. Undermining Trump right now, after his Super Tuesday landslides, is risking our ability to defeat Biden and return to the Golden Age of Trump. REMEMBER, Donald Trump never mandated that anyone receive a covid injection as Joe Biden did.
This may be true; however, Trump did not have time to implement mandates. Can you be 100% sure he would not have done that?
No, I cannot be 100% sure but I deeply trust my judgment on this because I do listen to Trump's speeches live and have been for nine years or so. I also listen to Biden's rants and speeches live, as intolerable as that is. That, in addition to reading about policy and staying up-to-date on news report from both sides. I believe I have a clear sense of their motives and personalities. I feel it's my duty as a citizen to do this. But of course I can be wrong. At least I know I did everything possible to get it right.
Nothing like a straw man fallacy to show your ignorance on the subject.
Oops! Video didn't attach on first try. See edited comment below.
This short (1-minute, 33-second) video from 8-30-23 may help you understand why I trust Donald Trump's promises not to mandate 'covid' behavior, treatments, or injections.
See also this Newsweek article quoting (and criticizing) Trump:
Dear Paul,
I wish you no harm.
I do believe you're a good soul.
I think your gig has run its distance.
Trump - your apparent super-hero just kicked the chair out from underneath you.
He just invalidated your entire cause.
There is nothing more you can say.
No theories about Trump being allegedly captured by the big players.
The fact is he isn't. He's looking for a victory and he'll peddle the gig by any means possible.
That's why he's a false prophet, a cheat and a liar.
He also owes you nothing. And he'll do nothing for you. Will he ever write you a fat cheque - clearly not.
He doesn't care about you. I don't believe you even feature in his self-serving wank of a life.
I never put my all my eggs in one basket.
But you put your last four years of eggs in the Trump crate of horseshit.
The fact you're not even getting mad makes me even more doubtful of you.
If I were in your position - after your banging on about the way he'd clean up the swamp especially the covid swamp - and my super-hero did to me what he's done now to you, I'd personally drive over to Lunatic-Largo and have it out with him.
But you won't, simply because you can't. Because you most likely aren't even a nano-thought in his fucked dwarf-mind.
I do not get off on other's misery - like so many in this world do - but your soft cocking Trump makes me doubt your credibility and real motive. That Bilbo'sBitch person summed it up well.
I wish you luck and I would advise you to start making alternative career plans and taking care of yourself and your family.
I'm sure there's decent consulting work for someone like you with your experience.
Best of luck.
Much love to you.
I am mad. read my writing. who writes like me?
love all your work Barry, keep here, stay here, your voice and intellect is needed
Dr. Alexander goes on and on and on and on and on that domebody has to explain to trump....Trump had many people try to explain many many many. He made up his mind or he made a deal whatever it is he will not change. So if you have principles for example the covid crime is a red line than you gotta make decision. You can't support Trump AND still say hang the traitors. This is schizophrenic at this point. I personally am done with Trump snd I know we are in for hell. Probably Biden will somehow be installed again and even if Trump makes it I know he will do nothing I hoped he'll do. No Hillary, no full border, no reckoning. He was hyped up but he is just a man. That's all. He folded or similar. He is not a hero to me but a man who wants to be one but is too afraid to really stand against the monster. I know I need to put all faith into myself and I will be strengthened through my faith. There is no other way. Prepate yourself locally as best S you can. Stop working time on a hero in politics. There is none. Hard to accept. There will be no hangings so stop ranting about it. It's nonsense. The monster is in charge already a long long long long time. We are being depopulstec already since decades. Thos is totally integrated into this system . What happened is we all just understand it now more and more. Knowledge is increasing. Trump does give dome truths but with it deception is packaged. TRUTH IS USED AS THE YROJSN HORSE FOR A MOST EVIL DECEPTION! WATCH IF YOU READ OR HEAR TRUTH WHT comes with it??
fundamentally a good know there is lots we often do not know. but we are past that, we just want truth, honesty. we want our lives back and to be the makers of our lives.
A good man ok but why does he willfully close his mind to people like you, people who trying to explain to him why the jabs failed or more killed? Why still? And if he had to make a deal does he really need to make a post like he did? Could he not simply stay quiet as a compromise. Why say it when his base does really not want to hear it? Cancer vaccines for the cancer caused mostly by the mrna jabs? This is obsurd. I cannot overlook this i can't. I would go crazy. Now the hard part is yes like this Biden might win with all the cheating help he just might, old and senile as he is we get 4 more years of this clown car. I am brazing myself. Trump made an immeasurable mistake with this post more than even you think it was. He has his loyal base but there are me...who think more about stuff and get not treated like infants, entertain us, sell sneakers. Hero cards, its all good but I am not a child. I want real answers, plans, and a real reckoning for criminals. Trump never did anything in that regard. It was a lukewarm effort or just talk. And why did Ivanka know about Moderna vaccine in jan 2020? So many weird things and you say he is good. But is everybody close to him so.good? Ivanka is in India invited at a party with Bill gates there too. It's appalling. It doesn't match up. I think ivanka is a problem. She is the traitor in daddies ear. Its a big problem.
How many court cases is he fighting and now you expect him to battle the problems he faced in the vaccine. He is transparent and everyone who thinks he is manipulated does not understand the man. He is successful because he has never had to depend on anyone to make decisions for him. When the seasonal flu was called a novel virus and pandemic, he had to depend on NIH, CDC, FDA and others when he had no idea they were railroading him. The WHO and others stepped in to support the takedown of Trump. The government swamp hates conservatives who support Constitutional Rights and despise the DC corruption. The agencies and the putrid political swamp inhabitants want all the power and depend upon manipulating politicians to grow and retain it.
I went on and on too because its hard to accept i know!
You said it well! At this stage of the war game NO ONE especially those who has a lot of influence and know many good scientists and doctors and in many medical professions like Trump can play ignorant dumb and misguided!
The facts, the truth, data and many stories of harm and deaths are everywhere! There is NO more excuses for Trump to Not know all the truth or to be misguided! He is either a CON, a traitor or a Coward! When the whole world is in the brink of extinction with now 17 million deaths worldwide from this vaxgenes, my God! How can someone who is truly genuine and trustworthy still pushing these deadly injections!
Trump lost me forever!
This is what I appreciate more than any book or teacher can provide, “PURE AND EXACT TO THE POINT TRUTH”! As you’ve so well and clearly stated in your post, Barry! So clear, as each day passes, I gaining, certainly not monetarily, but wisdom! You’ve certainly helped me understand this matrix of lies and deceit and corruption, there’s not a single doubt in my mind what you’ve said about Trump, is exactly what everyone needs to understand! Thanks very much for your clearly and sincerely articulated, wisdom and insight!
I like
Barry, after reading your homepage on Substack and as I always have felt with my intuition, I have been trying to explain to my clients and customers and colleagues, without success mind you, how blinded American people are. The reality is, sometimes, most times, it takes someone from the outside looking in, as you’ve depicted perfectly! I felt compelled to write you once more to let you know, you’ve provided me with the information I have been searching for since the beginning of Covid. In my heart and soul, you’re a blessing in my life simply from a short post which opened my eyes wide! I wanted to thank you again. I do believe synchronicity guided me to read your post this morning and from here forward, you’ve taught me a great lesson about life which is, “Don’t Think To Hard”! Thanks one more time Barry.
In a nutshell Barry, you have just drove a 16 inch spike through the “heart” of everything Trump! With one “Absolute Pointed Hit”!
Exactly what I have been trying to figure out and for all those “Trump Fans”, Trump is not the answer! Trump is for Trump and Trump ONLY! Thanks again Barry! Very well articulated!
Dear AJR,
Thank you.
I'm a trial lawyer.
I'm also a fiction writer.
I deal with human behaviour and what certain acts mean in the real world.
You can say what you want; you can write what you want.
But your conduct says it all.
Happy Sunday from Cape Town, South Africa.
You’re welcome Barry. Sometimes we can’t see the fire through the smoke and your recent post, fiercely dissipated the smoke in my line of sight! I’ve been trying to connect the dots since this complete utter covid fraud started and you’ve provided me with exactly what evidence I needed to, well should I say, convict Trump! Something was missing and I thank you again for helping me find the missing piece! God Bless you and most importantly, thank you!
No, it gets worse. If Trump had listened to RFKJr and not replaced him with a vaccine insider (Scott Gottlieb) after Pfizer's donation to his inauguration, they couldn't have brought down his Presidency with the Pandemic Hoax. And now RFKJr is his rival for President. It was Trump's broken vaccine investigation promise that killed his Presidency, ironic as it is.
You do understand, that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. Yes, they used the fake pandemic to break all the election laws and commit fraud everywhere. It had nothing to do with how Trump handled the vaxx issue, NONE.
I’m not stating what I believe here but I do believe he hired garbage and you’re waiting for the Plan to start and rescue us! I gave up on that a long time ago bcuz I have more common sense now! One man isn’t rescuing us!
Marjorie, I’m not disagreeing with you, the best thing that could happen for the entire western world is for RFK to be the next president even though unfortunately he has leftist Demonrats roots!
BUT you said it was “Trump’s broken vaccine investigation promise” that ironically killed his presidency? I don’t understand how you can lay the blame for the vaccine deaths on Trump? Pfizer lied and had everyone believing they were “safe and effective”? Trump was only in office for a few months after the vaccine was rolled out, but the harm has multiplied and continued under Biden for over 3 years, until we now have literally millions of vaccine dead and injured. Biden Knows this!!! Yet to this day he is still telling people to go and get their next jab! That right there is MURDER BY PRESIDENTIAL DECREE!!!
As I said, I’m not trying to howl you down, I just don’t know how Trump had time, when he was president, to even know the PLANdemic was a lie and Fauci was a fraud, whose greatest skills did not lie in the laboratory, but rather with lining the white pockets of his lab coat with Pfizer and Chinese money. Unfortunately he has still not been made accountable for this treachery !!!!
So Trump was only president for a few months after vaccine rollout and only the few of us who refused to get jabbed and did our research, knew it was a lethal concoction back then. Trump certainly did not know! I mean mRNA and DNA fragments, not to mention it was envenomated and laced with nanoparticles of graphene - what could possibly go wrong? However the general public knew nothing about this and they blindly accepted that BLANK insert in the Covid vaccine, which is usually full of details about possible side effects and the “occasional” death etc etc!!!
Pfizer, Fauci et al., lied and the enormity of the death toll only became obvious under Biden, who refused to acknowledge the mounting evidence and is still pushing the lethal jab! So shouldn’t the accusation you lay against Trump rightly belong on Biden’s more informed shoulders backed up with data and VAERS reports, that were not available in Trump’s time line?
Also don’t forget Trump well and truly tried to push Hydroxy and Ivermectin but because his medical knowledge is so lacking, he mixed up the premise of hydroxy with “bleach” and the press had a field day with this layman’s error and ridiculed him. In fact he was 100% correct, he just did not know how to express this in medical terms. He also talked about exposure to a “blue light” killing the Covid virus. Again the press ridiculed him using words like blue magic (black magic) sorcery, Mumbo jumbo etc. but in the fullness of time, he was proved correct on this as well. He also espoused the importance of Vit D. To balance this up Biden’s only advice has been
“get your next jab”
ad infinitum!!!
agreed, Trump believed it was safe and effective, he really did...the needle we have to thread is that less capable people knew it was not. but again, who else, 45 is our bast option and up to Jan 2020, you loved him, he was unstoppable.
Susie joy, I agree with you, but all the so called Trump supporters, including Dr. Paul forget that nothing has changed with the media since 2016. He spoke about HCQ, Ivermectin and other alternatives and was lied about over and over in early 2020!!! The big problem is as many conservatives as well as all liberals love the jabs and will keep running to them! That’s why none of them will EVER accept the truth! We have those ignorant people as relatives and no one can get through to them with the truth! RFK believes in the climate hoax which will kill all of us of much quicker with the destruction of all our farms and what they produce! It’s already happening! I know he just posted this stupid comment, but it’s the stupid people who won’t wake up he still has to speak to! God help those with discernment! Our country is toast! Pray for our children as it is truly hopeless and what is coming and already happening is unlike anything we’ve ever seen and experienced. We aren’t coming out of this mess.
Correct, why did he throw RFK Jr out of the Oval Office & listen to BILL GATES on vaccine safety info?
👌 I would say symbolism is everything & he makes this one A LOT
Does that mean heil hitler? I don’t get it.
Gottlieb is a pile of garbage! He threw out Anesthesiology at Beaumont in MI, brought in North Star Anes & as predicted by Dept Heads who left Beaumont due to Gottlieb’s choice, a son & caretaker of his mother died in a routine colonoscopy.
Trump hired SHIT people, Gottlieb was one!
There was substack article on Beaumont Hospital in Michigan at least a year ago about the protocols used during Covid. I’ve not been able to find it. Does anyone have a link to it? Thanks if you have it saved.
Scott Gottlieb will anagram to 'clot egotist tb'. When I look at his photo on Wikipedia I just think 'mafia'. Appearances can be deceiving but his name, perhaps it gives us a clue.
MM, what broken promise are you talking about? The one where he promised to mandate that all our military people had to take the vaccine or they would be dishonorably discharged? Oh wait…that was Biden wasn’t it!!! 🪖🎖️
Straight factual evidence:
Trump is affiliated with the World Economic Forum & listed on this Corporations web site.
The silent🆕🌎🅾️rder kept through our back door in 2020 under the guise of a V1ral Pand€mic, under Biden administration; is also affiliated. Stand & Unite, United We Stand. C0NCEAL CARR1E.
YOU may be shocked, but for people like myself this is par for the course from Donald Trump. The sheer HORROR is that Trump is the "best" we have for 2024, and yet THIS crap, coming from his own mouth, is what we may expect from him. I've been saying since early 2017 that Trump is untrustworthy. That has been demonstrated many, many times. If Trump is the "best", then we are truly doomed.
I agree! I was so attentive to others symbolism, I was ignoring his & there’s a lot…none of it used on The Apprentice BTW. I believe they’re all duping us!
What I see here us more doubt.
I see responses that echo your sentiments.
So what you are doing is pushing people away from the guy who might be able to fix this crap. So who will you support now?
Will you go with joe?
Perhaps you'll jump on the rfk Jr train!
Make a move, let your followers know who you'll support since you now have worries about Trump.
These daily stacks about the same thing are just plain nuts.
Everyday Trump repeats the same thing... no funding to anyone who mandates the vaccine. You'll have to settle for that for the time being. Or support someone else.
Couldn’t agree more. I liked Dr Alexander but his recent Substacks leaves me feeling he’s going off the rails. Is he another distractor. I go off gut instinct & my gut’s telling me we have another beginning their role in the BS we’ve lived through the last 4 years.
We really only have one person we can vote for but if he selects Vivek as VP - I’m out!
I see your point, I'm no fan of vivek either.
Trump never admits to ever having been wrong. On the other hand such silence on his part does not mean that he will not avenge himself upon the people who deceived him. “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” This implies he will not tip off those upon whom he will wreak his vengeance.
The Art of War. He read it, he lives it.
He will do nothing to them. He was complicit then and if he goes after Fauci etc. it will only show hat he (Trump) was wrong as well.
Then how do you still support him Dr Alexander? I have injured family members!
I am very sorry for you. I have a carnage of dead family members behind me!!!
But on this point, yes I would still support Trump getting back in, because there are so many other things he can address and start undoing the lethal harm that the O’Bumma left wing WEF string pullers of Biden have done.
When it comes to medicine, TRUMP is CLUELESS!!! I don’t believe he meant any harm by trying to get a vaccine to the public quickly. Influenced by old school medicine protocols, where you could put your trust in doctors and scientists, I believe he thought the “warp speed” vaccine would save lives and I think he still is not aware of the humongous death toll. He needs to watch the interviews, the undertakers videos, Maria Zee, Dr John Campbell and most of all he needs to sit down with Dr McCullough for a 2 day debriefing - then he “might?” Begin to understand, but I only say might, because it could be difficult to get through his very thick skull that those he believed in are malfeasant, money grubbing murderers and those of us branded as the conspiracy theorists are actually the truth tellers. That’s a big ask???
Trump told everyone that they should use HCQ and the MSM crucified him, and LIED to the people about the actual cures. The cabal, the deep state, and the fake propaganda news were against the truth and against Trump.
Wise up.
Ok, you’re a Q guy and he’s pointing out all the bad guys by hiring them! Gotcha ya!
You wise up. Trump is part of the cabal. And according to many scholars he has all 10 attributes of the antichrist. Good choice.
I no longer trust McCullough! Can’t tell you why but it’s a gut feeling. I’ve run on gut feelings since May 2020 and they’ve served me correct. I now believe innocent looking McCullough isn’t so innocent.
Trump needs to answer for the injuries. It’s NOT just my bro it’s my BIL & his bro & SIL.
I get trump was pushing Hydroxy, IVM & do your own research but TELL ME who did he have working for him that WAS on HIS/our side. We were depending on The Apprentice type picks and we got nothing but filth from every one & don’t start the “we had to expose the bad ones first” BS with me.
He sits making a strange hand sign and always uses the 666 symbol. My eyes are opening to EVERYONE not just those I want to believe are on my side!
Lab mom I found something that MIGHT explain your gut feeling about McCullough and it is based on AI fraud,,,,,
“They” (AI fraud posts selling products and pretending that well respected doctors and celebrities are promoting their product when in reality they never would) are also using Dr Peter McCullough saying STATINS are good for you & PREVENT Alzheimer’s !!!!!
McCullough believes that STATINS CAUSE ALZHEIMERS not prevent it. .
Lab mom - I know you said you can’t say why you have a “gut feeling” about McCullough, but I am not aware of any tangible evidence that would put him in the same camp as MALONE??
Now there, in Malone, you have the perfect example of a lily livered, gutless, simpering, sook, who has changed sides because he has realised the harm the mRNA jab has done. He once bragged about he was the inventor of this gene technology til he heard the wolves baying for his blood. His colleagues have said he had practically nothing hands on, to do with inventing that toxic gene therapy, but he sure did want the fame he thought would come with it. Until he realised it had the opposite effect then he couldn’t distance himself from it fast enough.
Feel free to have “gut feelings” about Malone, but please give us some tangible proof about McCullough before you throw him in the viper pit with the rest of the snakes. I have been following McCullough for about 30 years and I’ve never seen him be deceptive. However it is definitely in the MSM and Pfizer et al’s best interests to see this man silenced and what better way to do it than to run a subtle smear campaign, so that even good people, like yourself, on the right side, will start to doubt the very people who have been our champions. I’m not trying to talk you out of your gut feelings, but I would really like to see you reconsider and actually come up with some concrete proof that McCullough has jumped fence too and if you could do that, you would be vindicated, but in the meantime I would hate to see anyone add fuel to the quietly smoking fire that MSM is trying to ignite into a raging inferno against one whom I consider to be a good man, without some corroborative damning evidence???
Some people are so ignorant. SMH.
No some aren’t just going to bend over & take it David. I look at things from every angle. I never said who I was voting for so quite honestly your ASSUMPTION shows your ignorance!
You should be writing these stacks instead of Dr Paul.
The first step is to realize that covid, and the shots, are bioweapons, that were created by DoD and the US government, years before Trump took office.
Yes, exactly, and I believe that is the key factor in the problem Trump has just as any Presidential candidate will have; they will all be automatically compromised in that they would have to oppose the DOD and so many other related agencies; and to do that (other than in word only) would mean risking any chance for election or even personal survival; in addition there are far too many others who have been and are stakeholders in the game who must keep the "fake vaccine" scenario going to both keep the money coming in and to save their asses; there is no hope at all for honesty and exposure of the facts and the truth except from outside resistance and evidence coming from other nations (who were also played) such as Russia; allowing the WHO to have its way and full reign will be the final nail in the coffin of the Republic!
The US has to admit they created the bioweapons...and the continuing "research" has to stop.
I am hoping that the African nations resist the WHO treaty/amendments with determination for their own survival. Even if they use the terms "neo-colonialism" and "slavery" to push back.
African nations have much more power then even they themselves realize.
Unfortunately, the western nations will buckle under to the demands of the WHO like a cheap card table.
Quite right and very astutely stated! Excuses and rationalizations for bioweapons research are always ongoing and familiar: that they have defensive purposes and are necessary because other countries are doing the same, clandestinely or otherwise; and the DOD and other operatives couldn't care less about the use of GOF or using world populations as guinea pigs; you are exactly right about the African nations which have historically and presently suffered the most by the "vaccinators" of untested poisons and they have been the world's guinea pigs; as for other nations of the world still remaining free(very few) they also form our last remaining hope to save not only national sovereignties but human sovereignty,
Covid is the 'flu rebranded as the statistics made clear from the start. This makes Covid a psychological weapon to put the fear of God into everyone.
The shots are chemical weapons as they always have been since vaccines were invented.
I'm concerned that, as anger is stirred up over President Trump's recent perplexing tweet, some of us might be forgetting he brought us:
1.) Much more secure borders and sane immigration policies
2.) No American involvement in wars
3.) No inflation
4.) Energy independence
5.) All races were thriving
6.) Very low unemployment
7.) A booming economy
8.) Cut regulations
9.) Lower taxes
10.) A stronger, re-equipped, highly respected military
11.) An ability to work with and/or against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico, and Arab nations to our political and economic advantage while keeping peaceful relations
12.) Withdrawal from the WHO
Biden & company have reversed our course on all these Trump achievements in three short years. Undermining Trump right now, after his Super Tuesday landslides, is risking our ability to defeat Biden and return to the Golden Age of Trump. REMEMBER, Donald Trump never mandated that anyone receive a covid injection as Joe Biden did.
AMEN - he obviously cares deeply about us and has our best interests at heart.
He also picked every bad choice possible! Yep things were good financially & I wasn’t afraid we would be in a war but what makes you think he can do any better picking & choosing this time and I don’t want to hear it was part of the plan. I’m so tired of that BS!
Obviously Dr Alexander it seems apparently clear to me and certainly to the Pfizer and Moderna, why waste money on trials? Let the world tell us what we want to know! That’s as simple as it gets! You see, greedy people don’t and won’t spend a dime on something beneficial for anyone but themselves! Most certainly, they’re the recipients of the extra “savings by not testing”! Who cares if people die or are disabled or maimed for life, who cares about the “little folk”? Let them all die as far as they’re concerned! Of course they’d need someone to “wipe their ass” unless they’re still living with mom and dad or should I say, “Mother / Father”! Everything makes sense the more bites we take at the apple, so much so, there’s nothing else to call what these evil- demons have done, which was to “COMMIT MURDER”! To depopulate and to disabled to have an over/ medicated, out-of-work population which simplifies the takeover or destruction or capitalism and usher in “COMMUNISM”! Whatever “ISM” you want to call it, not one has ever survived! All “ISM’s” have failed! They’re not about “you and me”, they’re about themselves and themselves ONLY! Wait oh almost forgot, “survivors will have crickets”! While they eat those damn farting, methane excreting four legged creatures, you know the ones, I think we call them cows! They’ll have the best cuts, the best stock, the best Jerry the best! Don’t you get it Dr Alexander? This is not about you or me, this is all about THEM! And thank God for AOC and her cockamamie nonsensical air-brained bullshit how cows will destroy the climate! AYFKM? That air-brain moronic moron has gotten so many other air-brain moronic morons to believe her, Good grief Charlie Brown! The entire political spectrum in America have been or are moronic morons who by the way and otherwise called the “Lunatic Left” have deep rooted mental illness and mental problems! Yes, these are the people telling, sensible and rational people “COW FARTS WILL KILL EARTH”! AJR
I feel your anger!!!
I couldn’t have put it better myself. Cows are beautiful sentient creatures and the thought of the mindless destruction about to befall them, because of utter fools like AOC just destroys my soul!
What’s incredibly frustrating is how many people believe this nonsense! Absolutely ridiculous and utterly false information! Unfortunately it’s part of this “illegitimate administrations” plan to control the food supply to the “little people” like me! We can only hope maybe through “Devine Intervention” something gives. I don’t see the sensible people rising up, certainly they haven’t by this point. Unless backed into a corner, people continue to go about their lives as usual, unable or unwilling to understand what’s truly happening to America! I’m fighting for my Grandson! My Angel 4 years old innocent and sincere brilliant little man! He’s why I found out about Substack and I haven’t looked back since. I appreciate your post Susiejoy and as I do, all of us must continue to shed light on the “slow-boiled destruction” all Americans and all people of the world are suffering from! May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Thanks again Susiejoy,
Leftists follow the science don't yer know. :)
LOL, good God Baldmichael I forgot!
He was quoting BIDEN. BIDEN was lying. Trump was using what BIDEN said to make a point.
But we all know that Trump did what he had to do to STOP the cabal from locking down the whole world for 10 years, during which millions would have died. Trump knew we were under attack.
If you want to hear a discussion of this - listen to Badlands Media from Saturday night.
His statement is SO disconcerting.
I want to give him credit for being a sharp guy with, often, a mouth that he needs to control better - but ! ..... Then THIS.
Is he simply "playing the game" - hoping to slide into the role of "47 " ? Or is he foolish enough to believe that crap?
Better if he had said nothing, if his goal was to "pretend to play along".
November is SO important.....
I don’t want someone who watches their mouth, I want someone who RUNS their mouth! Just like here, I never shut up! I run my mouth everywhere I go on politics, vaccine or the economy! I’m not a housewife who wants a kind, respectful President!
I want an ass KICKER, not an ass KISSER!
We certainly NEED an ass kicker....agree with you there.
Brandon THINKS he's an ass kicker....but he only an ass.
Trump is playing the game, goading the Democrats.
I don't understand Trump's statement at all, except to wonder if he's sabotaging his comeback to make way for RFK. Why would he promote what is knowingly a bio weapon?! RFK speaks only the truth about this. RFK knew exactly what was going on the entire time. Read his books. It doesn't make any sense for the Donald to do this? Is he a part of culling the herd for the deep state? Is everything one big honey pot? And how does it CURE cancer? Has RFK commented about Trump's post? And are we going to DEMAND that these three guys get up there and give us a debate? I want to see that! I want some answers.
It wasn't Trump's statement - it was BIDEN'S. Trump QUOTED him. Trump used BIDEN'S words against him. BIDEN is the liar. No one believes that vaccines cure cancer. That's idiotic.
Trump is using Biden's words against him to goad the Democrats into even more insanity.
You won’t get any intelligent medical answers from anyone but RFK!!! Joe will get another shot of amphetamines to stay awake for the duration and Trump will be lost in the medical jargon!!!
The best thing for the entire world would be a president that stops vaccines until the industry is cleaned up and only the original premise of a vaccine is returned to. No thimerosal, no aborted babies fetal tissue cultures from 1975, no venom, no graphene, no self assembling nanotechnologies etc etc etc !!!!!
I was also beyond alarmed and confused when I read this yesterday. I forwarded it to my brother and his wife, who are are both astute and rational, and this was their reply:
'He won’t acknowledge that he was duped.'
Not a surprising response and I think it makes sense, considering what we know about our beloved hero. I am willing to accept it because his exceptional traits far outweigh his undesirable ones. I just wish he would quit talking about it.
It does not affect my support for him.
There is a theory that Trump decided not to take on "Big Pharma" now, with all the other battles, but after he's elected that could change.
You say what part of Trump's statement is true. Well the pandemic doesn't control many people's lives as they have woken up to the scam.
In part the vaccines 'saved us' because the harm they have done woke many up to the fact that vaccines are harmful. They can't be of use except for creating customers for big pharma and the medical complex.
As to cancer, well it is clear that poisoning oneself with toxic vaccines will help cause cancer. So again, as many are waking up to the truth that cancer is not what we are told but primarily a poisoning issue, we could say the vaccines are 'saving us'.
It is just not in the way that some people mean. If Trump really thinks the vaccines are saving us then he is a fool, but somehow I don't think so. He is playing a game clearly, goading the Democrats into more folly.
I like your perspective, Baldmichael.