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I respect Dr. Alexander. He is stating the truth about the vaccines. He is also an educated and wise man. Every day he is on here telling the truth and saving lives. I have never heard or seen Dr. Alexander call anyone ‘stupid’.

Under President Trump the economy was great, prescription drug prices were lower, he had executive orders and funding to stop human trafficking, he did not start any wars, he is not a globalist, etc. He is not perfect. No one is. I also have seen the evidence of election fraud in 2020. So, I respectfully disagree with you regarding President Trump.

Irregardless of any politics, we are fighting a ‘global war’ between good and evil.

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I too respect Dr Paul Alexander. I simply point out a substantial flaw in his reasoning that makes the rest of his valid points suspect to a passing visitor who sees the glaring flaw and then dismisses the important message.

He replied briefly to me already so not likely to engage or try and learn anything but perhaps you are curious about facts. Firstly I said he paints half of the USA stupid by inference (for wanting to vote for the other party or president).

A cursory search just here on Substack shows you are wrong in at least 4 posts by him where he actually does call people, groupings or organisations stupid. Don't get me wrong here, I agree with his sentiments in these situations but you want to read more of what he writes before you offer him too much benefit of the doubt.

"I say NO, it's not that simple, they did not make 'mistakes', they are purely stupid, inept, corrupt, & deficient! .... Inept and pure stupid. .... They are stupid idiots and all should be fired! .... It is time to take the CDC down to the studs, fire most, a bunch of stupid moronic health officials!

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, what a blatant stupid moron!

Walensky of CDC, Fauci of NIAID, Francis Collins of NIH, these beasts, these crooked corrupted inept stupid malfeasant health officials are trying mea culpa; they don't care, LIES, only CAUGHT, jail!

What Tam and Njoo and idiots like them in Canadian public health including that Juni moron on the Provincial Science table and the clueless Moore and his predecessor Williams. The entire College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario must be disbanded and those people investigated. A bunch of corrupted, inept, incompetent, dangerous and reckless people what they did to good doctors. Total stupid idiots and they costs many lives how they tied the hands of doctors in early treatment, many Canadians died."

Why do people say Trump is not a globalist when he is criticised, I don't think he is though he might be and he would not tell you if he was. I merely said he was a puppet and this is much more likely.

From outside the USA Trump has not achieved much in the USA or globally. He wanted to embargo China when he though the virus was 'from' there and shut up when he realised most of American pharmaceuticals are made there. He has no real personal power, neither does Biden or Obama, they play to the elite narrative each according to their strengths and what their parties champion. Every year there are more laws instead of less. Each law helps the elite and restricts the voters. Every administration is corrupt. So yes, Trump was not perfect but that is not my beef with Dr Paul Alexander.

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I have no ‘beef’ with anyone. Thank you for pointing out the ‘stupid’ comments. I hadn’t seen them .

I have read all of your replies to people that have commented. I may not agree with them all, but debate is healthy and also it’s a great learning experience. I wish you well.

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Well said ...will copy and paste your response. I am tired of all this 6 years of harping on Trump.

With no perspective...any options vote De Santis which is good...or biden truly to claim Trump a Globalist is ....old news ...lets move forward we are at WAR.

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Aug 29, 2022
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read my comments ................. This IS War 1. Deep State vs Patriots I do not care if Trump or Desantis plays the lead and politic this ...OWS get off being an arm chair QB .....the vile spewinh on Trump gets old .....Trump aint perfect Polls dude VOTE VOTER LETs count the damn VOTES and get some people will in this Game. We are on the same team. Lens of politics ??? "Still be president right did you not know the election was stolen...?

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Aug 29, 2022
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I disagree....but thats OK .....we aint playing the past...I want every Vote counted no GD machines vote ID like drivers license..and make it a VOTER Holiday...we have just decided voting is as it will always bee..F That I want the will of every Voter known none of this win by 51% by some GD geek mutha fucker nerd or evilWEF agenda.... ya know what I mean...I went to bed election night woke up 6 am biden is sneaking ahead ...STOLEN 2,000 mules the truth will all come out Now for the Mid term Game on put your helmet on the enemy does not play nice nor fair F them I am in it to win IT

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I agree with you that no man is God. Regarding the election, I suggest you read Devolution.link. I found it very informative. He states all the Executive Orders that President Trump put in place regarding election fraud. I do believe that the Military is investigating all of the election fraud and is protecting America.

Regarding the vaccine, I want President Trump to tell the truth about what occurred.

Have a nice day.

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Put Not your faith in any man, but God. Man is flawed, ...so are we....all...I do Think The best is yet to come. Declass everything Let the Lions out and let US regain our country back from the tyrants

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Aug 29, 2022Edited
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I agree mr Trump if your listening

Don’t give of this bs it’s saving lives

And think that most people your troops

Will appreciate your candidness

Don’t fuck it up now!

I like Trump

But no man is worthy of worship

As Emerson would say you YOU are no

Less than the icons you read in your

History books



I give them the same

Receive them the same


But basically no of us are worthy of washing The Lords feet

Trump is not perfect but damn sight

More so than Biden

This whole Biden crime family of

Hunter crack prostitution pedophiles

Black mail dementia drama is done

Not to mention murder mayhem

Nazi embezzlement espionage


And you think Trump is bad


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I did state that I wanted President Trump to tell the truth about the vaccine. All I stated was what I read. It saddens me how quick people are to attack someone for making a comment. Have a nice day.

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Trump is toast if the elite want him to be toast.

Sadly the same is true for DeSantis even though he seems to be among the most upstanding folk in US politics he may not be able to follow through when/if he gets into the hot seat. Notice how the really nice people want nothing to do with politics after they leave the office, thinking now of Mrs Obama. Not sure if Trump wanted to do the right thing but if that was the case he had no defences against the system. He claimed not to want to run and then some little birdy whispered in his ear that he could win if he ran and he forgot his ethics and morals when it came time to sell the people down the river.

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This issue that the deep state runs everything is just not true. Miss or she is a he obama is a viscous woman or man.

Basically I think your perception of our political nature is a bit skewed

You nothing if the American spirit of defiance

So grab some popcorn and watch

The deep state is desperate maybe not in Finland but they are losing this war here

Fast ….

Politics is for people who are usually wanting to serve people or hungry for


If you think miss Obama is nice

I am afraid you may be wrong about

Others as well.

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