A good start but this list also must include:

Our military that has been researching and promoting biological warfare for thirty years, as they are ultimately behind this virus (Fauci is a front man but not the leader, as shown by his forced retirement);

Our academic institutions and hospital systems that take blood money, mistreat patients, mandated vax, suppressed the research, and covered up the results;

The broader deep state including not just HHS (that paid millions to corrupt our media and blessed these awful vax) but also the FBI CIA and DOJ that worked to enforce this and cover it up;

Our judges that failed to step up and do their job to protect our medical privacy, informed consent, medical autonomy, and basic liberty. Art III has failed;


The elites in our midst who pull the puppet strings on our government (Gates, Soros, Bloomberg, et al.).

Right now they are covering Covid with a plan to impoverish the West and put us into a World War.

If you thought Covid was bad (and it was), take a look at what they are doing to us right now in provoking an economic crisis (Russia sanctions and war on oil) and world war (Ukraine, China, Syria, Kosovo, Pakistan, Libya etc).

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Yes, yes, yes.

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Immunizing pharmacists were and remain, both discernably and uniquely, the last safety stop, the particularly licensed ones to say -- if appropriate, and any competent ones among them know it was and remains appropriate to say -- No, this mislabeled, unapproved biological is, by federal and state statute and regulation, NOT a lawful, safe and effective -- ie, FDA-approved -- biological; so, as such knowledgeable, entrusted, responsible and liable fiduciaries, those pharmacists who failed to refuse to administer the substance are, in part, to blame -- at least professionally and thus ethically, but perhaps civilly/criminally -- as well.

Additionally, look to this employee-sector's pharmacy permit-holding, likely in-place, but wholly unlawful and immoral policy-enforcing employers (say, your refusal, pharmacists, to administer the shot on any grounds is prima facie basis for immediate termination) for due and proportional accountability.

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Fauci must be sentenced to the death penalty.

He is a serial killer.

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ABSOLUTELY Hung in the middle of Time Square on the evening news!!!

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Aug 29, 2022
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Well I believe in the power of thought

And writing words. Which creates a vibration. It’s war why not have big dreams

They want to exterminate us the best thing

We can is return the favor.

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100 Agree! Trump was duped by the Great Reset Cabal. It cost him the 2020 Election. It cost most Americans their health and financial well being. It’s destroying America. Its time for Trump to admit he was duped, hold the entire Great Reset Cabal responsible and then save America!

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They stood on the stage, smirked behind Trump's back and shouted they were the experts and the 'science'. They were mad with power, smug in their invincibility. Now the devil is coming to collect his due and they're pointing at Trump, hoping to escape the public's wrath. Won't work.

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I too came across this in GAB....Trump Needs to man up get down on the facts and sort this out. Let go of the warp speed miracle that has turned out to be a warp speed train derailing into catastrphic proprtions. Trump will still win, but there are people harping...on Trump .....about this. Which is easy to be an arm chair QB on the couch eating Doritos ...watching the game on TV.

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Aug 29, 2022
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Bet on ...I would prefer De Santis but how bout both Ron don or don ron for the next 12 years you owe me a donut

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Aug 29, 2022
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OK BET on make mine a regular Cake plain donut and I will even buy you a Latte..Bet on

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Another new young leader to be duped. Trump experience seems necessary to clean house.

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If you judge by state polls, you are deceiving yourself. In national polls, Trump leads in all except some outlying push polls whose purpose is to diminish Trump. They are politically driven farces.

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I came across an interesting article yesterday shared by someone on Vancouver, BC based new Canadian social web site barely two years young and growing fast! https://www.librti.com

Here's a real doozy shared on www.librti.com about Trump and the Vaxxeen, rigged elections!

Read Part 1 first, as this will help you to understand President Trump and the "vaccine" https://robertcsikiwatchmanfortruth.substack.com/p/heres-a-real-doozy-shared-on-wwwlibrticom

Shared via Sister Canuck from www.librti.com

40 minutes ago


Truthful Information- part 2

Read Part 1 first, as this will help you to understand President Trump and the "vaccine"


MrTruthBomb ️ ️ ️

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Thank you for posting this.

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Is Part 1 on something other than Telegram? I do not have Telegram.

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He isn’t running in 2024. He is making a fortune on his grifter tour. I keep saying he was either complicit, compromised or incompetent (they fooled him) into destroying this country n the world. There are no heroes.

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No one knows if President Trump is running in 2024 ( except him and his team). If people want to go to his rallies that is their choice. If President Trump or anyone wants to make money that is their choice. It’s so easy for all of us to be ‘arm chair critics’. None of us have ever been President. I’m so tired of all the hate towards him. He is not perfect, no one is. He didn’t destroy American or the world. That’s the Globalists and the elites.

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And I’m tired of people making excuses for him. If he wasn’t capable in 2020 how is he going to do it in 2024?

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I did not follow trump during his presidency, did not vote for him but I've learned about his calling out Europe s volunerability due to dependency on Russian gas. This seemed beneficial but I really didn't pay attention to his presidency because it was like being in high school again. Listening to NPR rattle on and on about him.. also, it seems like his son completed a peace treaty in the Middle East with Bahrain and two other countries. Better record than Hunter's personal problems, biolab involvement and financial laundromat being conducted in Ukraine

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Judge a man not by his speech but by his deeds. He brought peace, prosperity. and (sometimes) grudging respect to our nation.

If I may be so presumptuous to say, your news sources leave a great deal to be desired. Good luck to you!

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The Abraham Accords were arguably the most significant achievement of President Trump’s foreign policy. His son-in-law Jared was very instrumental, having won the confidence of the Arab leaders.

It was your reference to feeling like you were in high school again during Trump’s administration, did not follow his presidency, and voted against him that left me with an impression of negativity towards DJT

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Thanks for the clarification. Sorry I my message was confusing. I used to listen to NPR but during Trump's administration I stopped because I instinctively realized NPR was hyperfocused on gossip. Indeed I have respect and realize how wronged trump has been by power structures/media As a result of npr realization and of course now with the use of our legal system against a former prez. Figuratively, I thank Obamas mentioning and therefore introducing me to Steve O'Bannon


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I thought my comments about trump were positive. despite my previous obliviousness to politics, When they brought an experimental syringe into my house I became interested in what the hell is going on.


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Well, at least you're consistent in your derangement across all platforms. Considering the attacks fro jackals on the left, Trump did an amazing job as president. You are basing your derision on Warp Speed which was, like all the rest, a plot to destroy Trump.

How about making excuses for biden? He REALLY needs some, he's the one truly failing. But of course, you haven't noticed.

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Respectfully, it’s everyone’s choice who they want to vote for. I liked President Trump. I liked his policies. He is more than capable. That’s my personal opinion.

Have a nice day,

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You too. Stay healthy

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Nuremberg 2 has to happen. The guilty can’t escape the truth of what they did. The innocent have the truth on their side. I believe Trump would be exonerated of wrongdoing. He is guilty of trusting the wrong people and underestimating the entrenched bureaucratic administrative state.

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The arrogance of our current leaders leads me to think something really bad will overshadow all our grievances-their lies and murders.

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If Trump went after ALL who were involved, he would in short time be lauded as a hero. If he educated the unknowing masses on Event 201, the sponsors, WEF, Bloomberg Johns-Hopkins, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The attendees, including Faustus and the CCP Chief Of Health. If he spoke out about the machinations of the WEF, Fauci and Gates warning that the Trump administration would be facing a once in a lifetime Pandemic just before the Event 201 tabletop pandemic response to a “ fictitious zoonotic virus, likely originated in Wuhan, passed from swine to bats to humans. If he pointed to the fact this took place during his signing of the new China-U.S. Trade Deal. If he called out the too convenient timing, the oddly identical planned response, including the need for a stockpile of test kits, masks, ventilators, medication, vaccine set up, social distancing, lockdowns, mandates. If he called out Fauci’s NYT headline a year prior stating if GOF research accidentally caused a pandemic, it would still be worth continuing. If he called out the fact that the mandates, tracking, social distancing, lockdowns were created by a grad student at Johns- Hopkins without any experience or any studies. If he admitted to not having vetted the info, but handed the job to Mike Pence who was wildly in love with Birx like a puppy . That he used the very Johns- Hopkins data tracking/ surveillance map…

But he won’t because he would be forced to admit working directly with Bill Gates, dissolving his panel of experts at the behest of Gates and meeting with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, arranged by Gates and screwing over his selected panel that included Dr Levitt, Zelenko, Ionnides, Hatfill, Atlas,RFK Jr. that he allowed the “ Team” to call the shots, let Dr. Alexander go, didn’t listen to Atlas…didn’t acknowledge who Tedros really is.. a guerilla Marxist/Islamist Xi protege and idolized Robert Mugabe…. If Trump did all that, you know, act like a leader who is fallible as we all are….

But he won’t. Because he can’t. He cannot take responsibility for his own failures that were avoidable.

I’m so angry. With him, but more so, with myself for believing in him. Thinking he would wait for the right opportunity for the kill shot,. He dealt it, but not to those I prayed would be finished. Nope. He dealt it to “ We The People” who stood with him

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Beautifully written and 100% true! I called this before the shot was even produced. Knowing what I know about vaccines and safety trials I was always against warp speed. Probably the only thing PT did that I didn’t support. Plus it was the perfect trap for him to walk into. I can tell you one thing, PT may have pushed for warp speed but he didn’t mandate and he hasn’t pushed the fda to approve these things for children.

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Used more than forty years ago, the same open-ended questions in 2024 will resonate with me: "Are you better off than you were four years ago? Or, are you worse?

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Dear Dr. Paul Alexander. PLEASE.

Your profoundly valuable message gets diluted to NOTHING, EVERY TIME you try to paint a political person or party as the cause for all this destruction. This transcends parties that are all equally captured, this transcends ALL political leaders that have been shown to be puppets. Your, what must be naive or else paid-opposition, view that Trump was good for the USA or would have handled the covid differently is laughable. Your inane hope that some of the mainstream media are only a little bit captured is likewise laughable.

Do you actually believe that the elite only want to rule America in those years when there is a specific party or president in power or that all the elite support one party in America and no one else in the world? This is a serious question and has a simple yes-no answer.

You need to man up and join the resistance if you want to be taken seriously, at the moment you are one of those fence sitters who wants to blame your favourite boogie man and champion a puppet but cannot believe that your champion is the favourite boogie man for the other 50% of the American voters. Stop calling half of Americans stupid by inference if you are making the same mistake as them.

I live outside the USA and we can see that you people are fooled in exactly the same way our voters are fooled, it is statistically impossible for ALL global political leadership to be captured in the world EXCEPT for one party in the USA (that depends on who you vote for). Do like Winnie-the-Pooh and "Think, think, think."

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take time and read all of what I write. thanks.

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I have read a lot (you are prolific) and I have to say I agree with almost everything you write and then you show that you are a puppet for one party that we know to be captured (both are captured). Did you read what little I wrote, your reply was akin to an automated response and does not address any of the issues I raise.

If your party was so good why have they done nothing to fix the problems, covid included?

If your president was so good why did he do so little to fix problems?

If your judgement on the parties in the USA is so flawed how can I recommend your otherwise good writing to others who can see you for a groupie.

I offer you a wager. Sorry, I do not have discretionary spending money so it will be mostly symbolic but many Americans seem to think wagers and money can illustrate a point.

I wager EUR10 to your US$10 that even if your favourite party were to field a future president or gain the majority in any or all tiers of government they will not make charging ALL the plandemic perpetrators a priority. If I win you can donate to any charity of your choice. If I loose it will have been an insignificant price to pay for victory.

Your party is not going to be the saviour in this covid battle. Thanks for bringing out so much information, it makes a huge difference. Drop the party politics and it will make even more of a difference and make more sense as to why neither party has tried to fix the biggest glaring errors for 2 years, they have had time.

I do apologise for the WtP snub at the end, it is clear that you have a very sharp mind and a vast grasp on the problem we face that exceeds mine by a few orders of magnitude. It still does not negate the blind spot that I bring to your attention.

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I respect Dr. Alexander. He is stating the truth about the vaccines. He is also an educated and wise man. Every day he is on here telling the truth and saving lives. I have never heard or seen Dr. Alexander call anyone ‘stupid’.

Under President Trump the economy was great, prescription drug prices were lower, he had executive orders and funding to stop human trafficking, he did not start any wars, he is not a globalist, etc. He is not perfect. No one is. I also have seen the evidence of election fraud in 2020. So, I respectfully disagree with you regarding President Trump.

Irregardless of any politics, we are fighting a ‘global war’ between good and evil.

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I too respect Dr Paul Alexander. I simply point out a substantial flaw in his reasoning that makes the rest of his valid points suspect to a passing visitor who sees the glaring flaw and then dismisses the important message.

He replied briefly to me already so not likely to engage or try and learn anything but perhaps you are curious about facts. Firstly I said he paints half of the USA stupid by inference (for wanting to vote for the other party or president).

A cursory search just here on Substack shows you are wrong in at least 4 posts by him where he actually does call people, groupings or organisations stupid. Don't get me wrong here, I agree with his sentiments in these situations but you want to read more of what he writes before you offer him too much benefit of the doubt.

"I say NO, it's not that simple, they did not make 'mistakes', they are purely stupid, inept, corrupt, & deficient! .... Inept and pure stupid. .... They are stupid idiots and all should be fired! .... It is time to take the CDC down to the studs, fire most, a bunch of stupid moronic health officials!

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, what a blatant stupid moron!

Walensky of CDC, Fauci of NIAID, Francis Collins of NIH, these beasts, these crooked corrupted inept stupid malfeasant health officials are trying mea culpa; they don't care, LIES, only CAUGHT, jail!

What Tam and Njoo and idiots like them in Canadian public health including that Juni moron on the Provincial Science table and the clueless Moore and his predecessor Williams. The entire College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario must be disbanded and those people investigated. A bunch of corrupted, inept, incompetent, dangerous and reckless people what they did to good doctors. Total stupid idiots and they costs many lives how they tied the hands of doctors in early treatment, many Canadians died."

Why do people say Trump is not a globalist when he is criticised, I don't think he is though he might be and he would not tell you if he was. I merely said he was a puppet and this is much more likely.

From outside the USA Trump has not achieved much in the USA or globally. He wanted to embargo China when he though the virus was 'from' there and shut up when he realised most of American pharmaceuticals are made there. He has no real personal power, neither does Biden or Obama, they play to the elite narrative each according to their strengths and what their parties champion. Every year there are more laws instead of less. Each law helps the elite and restricts the voters. Every administration is corrupt. So yes, Trump was not perfect but that is not my beef with Dr Paul Alexander.

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I have no ‘beef’ with anyone. Thank you for pointing out the ‘stupid’ comments. I hadn’t seen them .

I have read all of your replies to people that have commented. I may not agree with them all, but debate is healthy and also it’s a great learning experience. I wish you well.

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Well said ...will copy and paste your response. I am tired of all this 6 years of harping on Trump.

With no perspective...any options vote De Santis which is good...or biden truly to claim Trump a Globalist is ....old news ...lets move forward we are at WAR.

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Aug 29, 2022
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read my comments ................. This IS War 1. Deep State vs Patriots I do not care if Trump or Desantis plays the lead and politic this ...OWS get off being an arm chair QB .....the vile spewinh on Trump gets old .....Trump aint perfect Polls dude VOTE VOTER LETs count the damn VOTES and get some people will in this Game. We are on the same team. Lens of politics ??? "Still be president right did you not know the election was stolen...?

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Aug 29, 2022
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I disagree....but thats OK .....we aint playing the past...I want every Vote counted no GD machines vote ID like drivers license..and make it a VOTER Holiday...we have just decided voting is as it will always bee..F That I want the will of every Voter known none of this win by 51% by some GD geek mutha fucker nerd or evilWEF agenda.... ya know what I mean...I went to bed election night woke up 6 am biden is sneaking ahead ...STOLEN 2,000 mules the truth will all come out Now for the Mid term Game on put your helmet on the enemy does not play nice nor fair F them I am in it to win IT

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I agree with you that no man is God. Regarding the election, I suggest you read Devolution.link. I found it very informative. He states all the Executive Orders that President Trump put in place regarding election fraud. I do believe that the Military is investigating all of the election fraud and is protecting America.

Regarding the vaccine, I want President Trump to tell the truth about what occurred.

Have a nice day.

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Put Not your faith in any man, but God. Man is flawed, ...so are we....all...I do Think The best is yet to come. Declass everything Let the Lions out and let US regain our country back from the tyrants

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Aug 29, 2022Edited
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Trump is toast if the elite want him to be toast.

Sadly the same is true for DeSantis even though he seems to be among the most upstanding folk in US politics he may not be able to follow through when/if he gets into the hot seat. Notice how the really nice people want nothing to do with politics after they leave the office, thinking now of Mrs Obama. Not sure if Trump wanted to do the right thing but if that was the case he had no defences against the system. He claimed not to want to run and then some little birdy whispered in his ear that he could win if he ran and he forgot his ethics and morals when it came time to sell the people down the river.

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This issue that the deep state runs everything is just not true. Miss or she is a he obama is a viscous woman or man.

Basically I think your perception of our political nature is a bit skewed

You nothing if the American spirit of defiance

So grab some popcorn and watch

The deep state is desperate maybe not in Finland but they are losing this war here

Fast ….

Politics is for people who are usually wanting to serve people or hungry for


If you think miss Obama is nice

I am afraid you may be wrong about

Others as well.

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Kallie you are assuming Trump is a globalist then? and what do you suppose we Americans ought to do then where is your solution...and IF Trump is the globalist then why allthe vile hatred spewed at him for the last 6 years? "ALL political leaders are puppets ???? Kallie please go look at X 22 or Q or any other ...do you fly your Ukraine Flag, or Global climate crisis, ..Truly Trump removed the WHO

I agree the deep State is both parties...this is what draining the swamp is about getting a clean house senate and exterminating all globalist from govt, judicial, education, etc.

You assume Trump would of mandated shots for the medical, military etc How would you know that or assume that....Join what resistance who are you resisting?

Actually Trump got like more 81 million Votes...too

WE NEED Election Integrity #1.

Borders secured 2

Dismantle all 3 letter agencies 3.

Get the F out of Ukraine 4

Call climate crisis fake 5

Hold all CV 19 criminals accountable 6

Revamp education 7

What "resistance" to our The America where you have the opportunity and right still we hope

Tell me show me tyour solutions?

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Dear James, Your solution is the same as all other democracies. Secret voting in government. It is not going to be easy.

I did not say Trump was a globalist. His reputation is of a stupid and greedy capitalist. This has made it easy to control him most of the time. Occasionally some honest adviser would try and get him to promote something valuable like HCQ and this was promptly used to smear him and make him useless and made it time to get rid of him because he went off script too often and had no idea what he was talking about. I do not believe he is welcome in elite circles but he was their tool. When he had served his usefulness he was sidelined, maintaining him in the news is no accident it serves to keep the American public polarized with almost no effort. If the mainstream media wanted to sideline Trump they would simply stop reporting on him and he would be forgotten by most.

If Trump and Clinton or Trump and Biden are the best that the parties in the USA can offer then the parties are garbage or providing just the sort of leaders that are easy for the media to sell to people. Try and understand how half of the American voters can always be wrong and the half that is wrong keeps alternating. This is not a natural state of affairs, if one party had a better candidate all Americans would vote for him/her if one party had a better platform more would vote. However the media and politicians raise divisive issues to the fore so they can make sure the difference between patsy one or patsy two winning is small and a well timed scandal will swing it in the correct direction on election day. None of this is news, it is just maddening to watch it repeat for decades while both parties pretend to be for the people.

Perhaps I generalised by saying ALL political leaders are puppets but it is very close. Consider what are the priorities for a politician. 1:Get voted into office, 2:Get re:elected, 3:Finance re-election campaign. None of these priorities are of any value to the voters, the third once makes a politician beholden to the well heeled lobby industry. I do not know if it was greed or fear that controlled Trump, I do not care.

When Trump withdrew from the WHO do you know who the main donor became, perhaps not but it was the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and since then he has had full control. Trump may not have known what he was doing but he enabled the total obedience of the WHO to the vaccine industry.

The flag I fly is against digital/vaccine passports, this is one of the key goals that all this drama is engineered to usher in.

The elite want to own everything and rent it to you, basically turning us into wage slaves formally. The massive control they wield over food through energy, climate policy and chemical fertilisers makes humanity very vulnerable to central control.

Trump did not drain the swamp. If there was an honest judiciary in place we would have had many more tools to fight this. (One of) the last thing(s) Trump did before leaving was to appoint a supreme court judge. Has this judge opposed covid theatre or the swamp in any way that you have heard. I have heard nothing.

I am not aware of "X 22" or "Q" (unless you refer to the Q-anon stuff that is out there) and have no interest in such if that is what you mean. I have little personal interest in Ukraine except for the side effect that it has allowed the media in Finland (Where I live) to spread fear and use this as a basis to claim that most Finns want to join NATO while such has not been demonstrated. The Climate crisis appears to be over inflated, Humans may be partly responsible, they may have some hope of helping with the situation but I have no proof either way on either claim so do not take a stand. I however believe that finite energy reserves should be rationed so future humanity has some as well and for this reason I am against burning fossil fuels. Also for the reason that exponential growth will result in war, famine or pestilence I am against population growth. I however am not in favour of killing people, I am in favour of birthing less.

You seem to believe that Trump, a single failed capitalist could resolve anything in Washington that was not decided by others. He had 4 years and I saw no benefit to America or the world.

I suggest you watch the following video on YT (go at 1.5 speed as it is rather slow going) to see why the people no longer have any power in government. If you disagree with what James D'Angelo has to say let me know. My only hope is that somewhere there is a motivated group with enough money to start a citizen ballot in a state where available to make voting in government secret. Make ALL (non national security related) meetings minuted and published AFTER the vote. Make votes include only one issue at a time and make the laws short enough to memorise so proponents can tell what they are voting on and let their constituents know how they will vote and then vote their conscience and not party line or lobby interests.

If you are placing all your eggs in the Trump basket you are likely to loose much.


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Some good points good luck not burning fossil fuel. Term Limits. Kill 90,00 lobbyist. Make laws simple yes. Trump or De Santis vs Deep State simple at this point practical You judge Trump on 4 years when the whole system was againnst him and his horrible advisors....

the past is awfuol America has been awful....

Trump did some good..I would say the future looks very promising we are war for our souls in America...much needs to change Trump never got us into a war. Economy booming. As far as fossil fuels good luck running on electric cars that use foosil fule to charge batteries that use enormous amounts of energy to build I saw one replacement battery for a Volt EV car at $26,000

there is no roof on our atmosphere....no green house gas.... our system needs radical change democrats are certainly WEF puppets along with spineless rhinos

I hope we can change all this...our VOTES need to be accurately counted too

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If only. His ego and bad advice from those around him make it unlikely.

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Trump knew vaccines were shit in 2014. I will not absolve him of all fault. He gave the Covid vaccine a liability shield. Utter insanity.

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democRats are BOLSHEVIKS. If that is fully understood, then you Know they can change on a dime. What was bad is now good and good is bad. Their own sub-Leaders are disposable for political failures, or covered for crimes committed for the good of The Party.

Trump is their designated boogey man incarnate. He and his counter revolutionaries must be eliminated At All Costs. Understand that. No Cost Is Too High FOR YOU TO PAY. Lives mean NOTHING to them, Deaths are just collaterial consequences. Conduct yourselves accordingly. Much MORE is on their menu of Pogroms. They will Never, Ever be content of themselves on their own.

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Dr. Alexander, after the covid vax shit, a lot of parents are confused about vaccines in general. Could you provide some info about the safety of the different vaccines? Thanks.

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I’m not a dr and I can’t advise someone either way when it comes to vaccine. I can tell you what I learned about vaccines and where you can start your research. My journey into vax started about 9 yrs ago. I had a teenage daughter at the time and the drs started pressuring me into getting her the guardisil shot. Something in my gut very strongly told me not to do it. Id known several children with autism and I knew that the rate in which children were being diagnosed with it was exploding. The alphabet agencies were denying the connection between vax and autism. Before I refused to give my daughter the vaccine I started to research. Once I started none of my 5 children got another vax. My 9 yr old got shots in the hospital and that’s it. I recommend looking up Dr. Sherry Tennpenny, dr. Judy mikovitz, del bigtree, dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Buttar, and Robert Kennedy, Jr. Some of them have telegram channels, rumble, or bitchute. I also recommend researching the polio vax. Boy, was that whole situation a lie. My children nor I will ever get another vaccine as long as we live. I want to build and keep their immune systems strong, not tear them down. I hope this info helps. Vaccine injuries are real and I think you’ll be surprised to learn some very interesting things about them.

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Cat73, I agree with you 💯 I would add Stephanie Seneff to your list. I began researching vaccines back in the 90’s since I was seeing clients who were sharing their experiences about their children. I then started seeing my clients having health issues after taking the flu shots. These clients shared what their Drs told them. Not one of them said their Dr. told them about any side effects or that there were different flu shots available. All of their Drs. were adamant about giving them. Then came the shingle shot and the same thing. It’s painful to hear none of my clients did any research. They simply trust what ever their Dr. tells them or what they hear on CNN and MSNBC. The side effects then required their Drs to prescribe medications and that’s when their health began to really decline. BUT what I am now witnessing with these new “vaccines” is horrific. Cheers to healthy immune systems!

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It seems like the annual flu vaccine is always only about 30% effective. This is why I stopped getting the flu shot years ago. It is better to focus on eating a healthy diet, hydration, exercise, sleeping well, and supplementing with vitamins as needed. The Epoch Times has a great "Mind & Body" magazine every Monday that offers lots of useful information.

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My research concluded, and OBVIOUSLY I'm not Dr. Alexander, that ALL vaccines are unsafe. Since we are all different and have different makeups there isn't one out there that can't cause complications with someone. I refused to have ANY of my four home birthed sons get a single vaccine, EVER. The second oldest was conned into getting this CONvid jab and has had some major personality changed due to it. I'm convinced. The book Murder By Injection written in the late 1980's was my wake up call. Subtitle: The story of the medical conspiracy against America.

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