No one knows if President Trump is running in 2024 ( except him and his team). If people want to go to his rallies that is their choice. If President Trump or anyone wants to make money that is their choice. It’s so easy for all of us to be ‘arm chair critics’. None of us have ever been President. I’m so tired of all the hate toward…
No one knows if President Trump is running in 2024 ( except him and his team). If people want to go to his rallies that is their choice. If President Trump or anyone wants to make money that is their choice. It’s so easy for all of us to be ‘arm chair critics’. None of us have ever been President. I’m so tired of all the hate towards him. He is not perfect, no one is. He didn’t destroy American or the world. That’s the Globalists and the elites.
I did not follow trump during his presidency, did not vote for him but I've learned about his calling out Europe s volunerability due to dependency on Russian gas. This seemed beneficial but I really didn't pay attention to his presidency because it was like being in high school again. Listening to NPR rattle on and on about him.. also, it seems like his son completed a peace treaty in the Middle East with Bahrain and two other countries. Better record than Hunter's personal problems, biolab involvement and financial laundromat being conducted in Ukraine
The Abraham Accords were arguably the most significant achievement of President Trump’s foreign policy. His son-in-law Jared was very instrumental, having won the confidence of the Arab leaders.
It was your reference to feeling like you were in high school again during Trump’s administration, did not follow his presidency, and voted against him that left me with an impression of negativity towards DJT
Thanks for the clarification. Sorry I my message was confusing. I used to listen to NPR but during Trump's administration I stopped because I instinctively realized NPR was hyperfocused on gossip. Indeed I have respect and realize how wronged trump has been by power structures/media As a result of npr realization and of course now with the use of our legal system against a former prez. Figuratively, I thank Obamas mentioning and therefore introducing me to Steve O'Bannon
Indeed you are correct. I think adding the o to bannon sounds more spirited. Maybe Steve would like it. Oh and I also now listen to an Austin-ian, not to be named, at info wars. When my California mom found out I listened to Alex she felt sorry for me. But she is on to her 5th shot, so her sympathy is missed placed. I asked her both not to take more injections and if our country is doing better under this admin. She made excuses for our troubles. But did agree that Ukraine war is wrong when we dont take care of our homeless and our children. When I ask about the southern border she doesn't even know about it.. Americans have been fooled by the presstitutes.
Well, he IS of Irish descent. Maybe once had the “Of the Bannon clan” attached to his family name?
Alex is a fav of mine. Shame he went out on a limb about the Sandy Hook massacre being fake. The left was only too happy to cut that limb off. Now he will have to pay dearly for that error.
As to your mom, my sympathies. Perhaps you can show her this post from Naomi Wolf’s Telegram page:
I thought my comments about trump were positive. despite my previous obliviousness to politics, When they brought an experimental syringe into my house I became interested in what the hell is going on.
Well, at least you're consistent in your derangement across all platforms. Considering the attacks fro jackals on the left, Trump did an amazing job as president. You are basing your derision on Warp Speed which was, like all the rest, a plot to destroy Trump.
How about making excuses for biden? He REALLY needs some, he's the one truly failing. But of course, you haven't noticed.
Respectfully, it’s everyone’s choice who they want to vote for. I liked President Trump. I liked his policies. He is more than capable. That’s my personal opinion.
No one knows if President Trump is running in 2024 ( except him and his team). If people want to go to his rallies that is their choice. If President Trump or anyone wants to make money that is their choice. It’s so easy for all of us to be ‘arm chair critics’. None of us have ever been President. I’m so tired of all the hate towards him. He is not perfect, no one is. He didn’t destroy American or the world. That’s the Globalists and the elites.
And I’m tired of people making excuses for him. If he wasn’t capable in 2020 how is he going to do it in 2024?
I did not follow trump during his presidency, did not vote for him but I've learned about his calling out Europe s volunerability due to dependency on Russian gas. This seemed beneficial but I really didn't pay attention to his presidency because it was like being in high school again. Listening to NPR rattle on and on about him.. also, it seems like his son completed a peace treaty in the Middle East with Bahrain and two other countries. Better record than Hunter's personal problems, biolab involvement and financial laundromat being conducted in Ukraine
Judge a man not by his speech but by his deeds. He brought peace, prosperity. and (sometimes) grudging respect to our nation.
If I may be so presumptuous to say, your news sources leave a great deal to be desired. Good luck to you!
The Abraham Accords were arguably the most significant achievement of President Trump’s foreign policy. His son-in-law Jared was very instrumental, having won the confidence of the Arab leaders.
It was your reference to feeling like you were in high school again during Trump’s administration, did not follow his presidency, and voted against him that left me with an impression of negativity towards DJT
Thanks for the clarification. Sorry I my message was confusing. I used to listen to NPR but during Trump's administration I stopped because I instinctively realized NPR was hyperfocused on gossip. Indeed I have respect and realize how wronged trump has been by power structures/media As a result of npr realization and of course now with the use of our legal system against a former prez. Figuratively, I thank Obamas mentioning and therefore introducing me to Steve O'Bannon
Thank you, Lisa! Cleared things up.
But I hope the “O’” before Bannon’s name was a slip of the finger, and not some pun on O’bama. It’s just Bannon.
Cheers back!
Indeed you are correct. I think adding the o to bannon sounds more spirited. Maybe Steve would like it. Oh and I also now listen to an Austin-ian, not to be named, at info wars. When my California mom found out I listened to Alex she felt sorry for me. But she is on to her 5th shot, so her sympathy is missed placed. I asked her both not to take more injections and if our country is doing better under this admin. She made excuses for our troubles. But did agree that Ukraine war is wrong when we dont take care of our homeless and our children. When I ask about the southern border she doesn't even know about it.. Americans have been fooled by the presstitutes.
Well, he IS of Irish descent. Maybe once had the “Of the Bannon clan” attached to his family name?
Alex is a fav of mine. Shame he went out on a limb about the Sandy Hook massacre being fake. The left was only too happy to cut that limb off. Now he will have to pay dearly for that error.
As to your mom, my sympathies. Perhaps you can show her this post from Naomi Wolf’s Telegram page: Might encourage some self-reflection.
I thought my comments about trump were positive. despite my previous obliviousness to politics, When they brought an experimental syringe into my house I became interested in what the hell is going on.
Well, at least you're consistent in your derangement across all platforms. Considering the attacks fro jackals on the left, Trump did an amazing job as president. You are basing your derision on Warp Speed which was, like all the rest, a plot to destroy Trump.
How about making excuses for biden? He REALLY needs some, he's the one truly failing. But of course, you haven't noticed.
Respectfully, it’s everyone’s choice who they want to vote for. I liked President Trump. I liked his policies. He is more than capable. That’s my personal opinion.
Have a nice day,
You too. Stay healthy