You forgot a big, new one Paul.


That is me.

An unjabbed, straight, caucasion male, conservative, omnivor, believer in

God Almighty.

But it gets worse. Way worse.

I do not own a television...never watch MSM news, do not believe in anthropomorphic climate change, do not think child sexual groomers should have access to our childern, think Zelensky is nothing short of a globalist crook, and will probably never again drink AB beer.

I fail on every last issue...yet I have contributed to society for decades, doing what I could to help the underprivileged, the elderly, migrants, etc.

I have never been convicted of a felony, have been the director of a group home for mentally challenged young men, have worked in psychiatric hospitals, seniors homes, prisons...have volunteered thousands of hours of my life...but in the last three years I went from being a decent human being to nothing short of pond scum....according to my beautiful Canadian government...and most of those who watch and believe CBC.

Such is life now. Others have endured it...I will too. There is a better day coming for those in Christ...but until that day arrives...there is more work to do.

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What's to debate? You're on the money from my view, but then I am a white, Christian, heterosexual, father of well adjusted white heterosexual Christisn teens.

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The New World Order fears strong men.

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As a strong-willed, critical thinking, loyal, protective, and patriotic woman/mom of 2, I’ve arrived at the conclusion that in order to destroy America from within, our enemies had to first undermine the nuclear family. LBJ ushered in the continual welfare state, then Feminists marched & women left their homes for Corporate America, “latch-key kids” became the norm by the 90’s, thus leaving the raising of strong minded, critical thinking, loyal, protective, patriotic & God-loving men (and women) to the public school systems, to media companies, and to many others who had one objective: to undermine in every imaginable way, the strong Men & Women who have continually been the bedrock of America.

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Why because white men are the ones that are getting off the couch and will fight back. At least those who are not demoralized and dehumanized enough to do so.

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My husband who married me- a woman, is a white, Christian, heterosexual, Norwegian and Swedish descent, Father of 4 children. Many point to him as a person of privilege. He had no such privilege growing up. He was an emancipated minor from a poor, broken family. After his mom remarried when he was 14, he was sent to live with his father who was an abusive alcoholic. He lasted a few months there and tried to go back to live with his mom & was told he couldn’t stay. He was in 8th grade . Throughout the rest of his high school years he floated to different friends and relatives and barely had nothing but the clothes on his back. When he was old enough he started working. He continued in school making good grades and in his last 2 years of high school worked full time evening job as a mechanic and had his own apartment. After he graduated he joined the Air Force and spent 20 years both active duty and reserve. He earned his bachelors degree in IT, then an MBA. In other words he busted his butt to become successful in his profession.

There are many people, white men and women, Christian, who came from disadvantaged homes and were determined to make something successful out of themselves after starting out with nothing. We are sick to death of being called out as privileged white supremacists just because we were of European descent & born with white skin. If this isn’t racism I don’t what is.

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The communist play book has 3 basics; destroy family, ban religion, divide into groups that fight each other. White Christian males are an easy target in MSM, public education and in programs like ESG and DIE. Most corporations, public education and government departments drive ESG and DIE. Until push back at community level happens, NADA changes.

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This post reminds me of a lot of Jason Whitlock's main messages and his "Fearless" podcast, though he is most obviously not white.

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You can try, and we should always keep trying to change people’s hearts and minds, but you can’t stop what’s coming. Get your house in order, get to know Jesus on a personal level. This world is not our forever home.

Thank you to all who are fighting the good fight, Patriot Christian men and women. There’s more of us than you think. Stand strong, we know who wins in the end. Our hope is in Christ.✝️☀️

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

"When you discriminate against a woman, that's called sexism. And when you discriminate against a black person, that's called racism. But when you discriminate against the single most productive unit in America today, that's called affirmative action."

That statement, which may not be an exact quote, is still as true today, or even more so, as when it was first uttered by a great American and one of its greatest thinkers and almost certainly its most highly intelligent president of all time, Richard Milhous Nixon.

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Why else do you think that all western predominately white and at least culturally Christian nations are being flooded with illegals? We are to be vaccinated, drugged and bred out of existence as we are the last impediment to the rise of the omnipotent state.

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equality only works if we treat everyone as equals.

which means that white men are just as equal as everyone else.

inclusivity only works if we include everyone.

which means white christian men are just as included as everyone else.

but. we are living in a world of manipulation using word magic, and the illusion is becoming apparent.

‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ is not what those words mean.

feminism now gives space for biological males to compete and win at women’s sports.

social justice seems to have come to to the conclusion that segregation is the solution.

everything is backwards.

‘safe and effective’ is another example of the word magic.

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The haters can go to the devil. Most of the above, an anti-vaxxer and proud of it. Declaring August to be White Man's Month.

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I'm one of these you're talking about, and worse, because on top of all those other characteristics, I'm Jewish. In my Adamic nature, this makes me angry, but in my born-again nature, I rejoice, not based on what I see, but based on the Word of God, by faith. The Bible says that "all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28), and "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4) and many other similar scriptures. If I don't think God is using the wicked Marxists and Satanists and Globalists for my good; if I don't rejoice that He's allowing Satan to do those things, then I call God a liar. My response instead is to what Jesus commanded me to do, my Lord, my Master, my King, my Judge "...love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,..." (Matthew 5:44). "And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith." (1 John 5:4) "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). The life of faith is the opposite of what we think and what we want. It's what God thinks and what He wants that counts. This is crucifixion of the flesh. If we're not believers in Jesus then we're rebels, no matter how good other people judge our deeds to be. If we are believers but are not crucifying the flesh and doing what I just said (rejoicing, thanking God for our enemies and blessing them, etc.) then we are not obeying God.

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I am all those things. I'm also the most dangerous opponent of the Leftist, jewish hegemony trying to destroy men like us.

Realize they do not like to get their girlish hands dirty in war, except to profit from it, but the next war (unlike Russia/Ukraine) will not be between white brothers. It will be the white race vs the jew. This time, we will count casualties a bit more carefully.

Hail victory.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa!! As a former white hetero male, I now declare I'm trans. So I'm good. I just "declare" it, right? Does Budweiser contact me, or do I contact them? Nike? Do I need an agent who specializes in white male to black female trans for sponsorships? Does it hurt or help that my white male to black female declaration means I have to declare I'm 3/4 French Canadians? Also, where do I sign up for reparations?

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