Oh, come on! Can't we be a bit more imaginative? How about condemning the guilty to one night alone with the victim's father, husband or brother. Two men left alone in a room, one shackled to a chair. If the condemned survives the night, he goes free. Otherwise, sucks to be him.

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I love it

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Why? is the American wealthy, partisan, minion elite class working so hard to destroy civilisation, destroy America, destroy humanity?

The Satanic Tavistock Institute, Satanic Rothschild Kabbalah Sodomite Sabbatean Frankism, the Satanic Sodomite Rothschild Illuminati, The Satanic Frankfurt School, Satanic Sex Magic and Sodomite Sabattean Frankist Freud were all created and promoted by the Satanic Bloodline Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in order to stop human evolution and maintain control of Humanity, Worldwide.


These paid propagandists never ask why?

My feeling is, if paid, promoted propagandists never mention the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires.

If paid, promoted propagandists never mention the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires as being the cause of all ills in society but only excoriate the paid, bought, propagandised, blackmailed minions.

If paid, promoted propagandists never mention that the Biden, Putin, Xi Minions are all vaccine mandators, all CBDC wonks, all ascribe to Agenda 2030, all go to Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Globalist WEF, all support Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Globalist United Nations and it's Agenda 2030 and Replacement Migration Invasion Policies...

If paid, promoted propagandists never mention that that Biden, Putin, Xi are all Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Globalist Minions then surely the Wars between the West and the Ukraine, Russia, and China are all fake even if the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Globalist depopulation agenda has been improved by one million dead people in the Ukraine, twenty-million excess deaths due to the deathvaxx and 250 million extra deaths by starvation in Africa due to the lockdowns.


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And then hang them from a tall lamp post for all to see...and let the vultures peck their eyes out and make sure they do not face east when we dump them in a pit full of excrement! They are like fucking maggots...too many of them and their fn sharia!

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These horrendous deaths are happening all too often. Why can’t Dems admit the truth.

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they want it

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Because they're never wrong. Besides, this is exactly what they want.

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This is not going to stop until we stop it.

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Where do we begin, there's so much to say!

I became friends with one in College and he was a very nice guy & it makes me sad (& mad), that they have such a religion. I didnt try to convert my friend, but I let him know about my faith.

Obviously they should have never been allowed into the USA, & trouble is they can lie & deceive people.

A long time ago, 2 senators had a bill that passed to either stop them from coming in, or from becoming a congressman?

As long as they believe the way they do, & Convert or rape & kill, like in Sweden we are in danger. We have been betrayed by stupid, imposter prez. who doesn't care at all about us.

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they are in canadian parliament!

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a prison cell , bread and water , whatever their holy book , and throw away the key.... thats all nothing else ... no visits no medical no nothing else ... to avoid blood on our hands

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We can't fight yet.

We can be careful.

Once we all see this election wind up like the last one, we may find a opportunity to act.

The secret now is to prepare for the election to go sour.

Trump wins,these criminals go nuts and burn everything in sight.

Trump losses, the same thing happens.

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I see

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I agree with you. Unfortunately.

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As it stands, this is somewhat destined to happen. I remember when my.dad warned me about Rome and how it fell.

The Plebs new nothing about Rome's insecurities and the Emperor was considered faltless.

Yet Rome fell all the same

Our leaders planed this long ago.

They timed our fall with tools handed down from the dark mystery schools they all belonged to..

They knew Biden would fail,and they alredy had his replacement waiting.

If we too plan ahead, our trumpets calling for vengeance will not be unheard.

If we don't plan we will all cry for the loss of Babylon.

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I get it.

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Please place these swine in general population and let them know how they came to be there. Second scenario is the family friends loved ones that all wish to be there are left alone with murder with everything tied down to chair, bed, or other apparatus. If survives tie to stake them biting ones that sting. they have had veterans die in the nursing home from ant bites never checked for several days.

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This is the wrong substack to bring this up . I apologize. But, have you watched The Compilation of Videos on Trump that is on the sonsoflibertymedia.com ? Very disturbing. I would like to get someone's opinion on it.

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Ya know if they are muslim....the worst death possible would be to be eaten by feral boars. Just saying. Pax

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Death of a thousand cuts with a dull knife.

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Do you know that “Islamic jihadists” Christians and Jews lived in peace and security in Spain from about 900 ce to 1400 ce with Islamic jihadist in charge? Do you know what happened when non-jihadist, the Catholics intervened in the 14th century?

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you mean the reconquest of al-Andalus? People like Sobieski and Martel will beg to differ...had it not been for them...

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You are a smark guy, Dr. Ax. I like that you are searching for truth…

Look up Reconquista

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The real God says Sakirr must die, the cowardly son of a moslem witch. Hell for murderers and he deserves it.

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