DrPaul! We need a path out of this Covid mess now! We know the great harm it has caused and we can’t take it anymore ! We are going down the the path to extermination if we continue to believe we can improve on God’s design by manipulating the blue print of life that is embedded in our cells! Stop the injections NOW! Save our children!
You are among the more sane and rational commenters on these stacks Thomas and you are clearly ot part of the "Timothy McVeigh with antisemitic feartures" cult that at times hijacks these stacks. I do seem to recall that I've seen you on Dr. Malone's stacks too. I am in 100% agreement with your demand to stop the injections now and would urge you to keep issuing this demand. What results have you achieved?
Thank you! We need a ground swell of like voices to be heard loudly by our politicians in DC. Since they fear for their political career being short lived, they remain silent and go with the flow and the DOD runs the show along with all the like minded cohorts that see their goals being achivied with this massive mind control operation. Money and Power rein supreme. Common sense and rational though is being trampled. Educating the masses is the key, but then we have the thought police monitoring and shutting down the voices of the truth seekers.
When it is your family member or child that dies too young, you'll find out NO ONE wants to talk about it. The medical examiner will ignore the heart damage and refuse to answer direct questions. It is evil and insideous what the monsters have done.
So very very tragic and should never have happened. Yes so many refuse to even consider their recent heart problems/clots/strokes/ arrhythmia have anything to do with their covid jabs..
DR. BRIAN MCINNESS: Thank you. My name is Brian McInnes and I'm a resident of Wenatchee and I'm a practicing physician in private practice for 25 years in the specialty of podiatry. And I wanted to tell you my story of, with covid vaccination, or my experience.
I've been a competitive athlete since the age of 13 in endurance sports. And in college I competed in cross-country and track, and after college in triathlon for many years, including 4 Iron Man events. As recently as 2018 I rode my bike from sea level up to the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, the hardest cycling climb in the world. And the reason I mention this is that because, is that after January 2021 when I received my covid vaccinations, all of this changed.
About two weeks after my second vaccination I started having trouble exercising. When cycling I would become short of breath, I'd have a lot of chest tightness, and I lost power in my legs. Over the next two years as this was going on, the symptoms worsened severely and I went to where, it went from where I could ride up to the top of Mauna Kea, I couldn't even ride around the loop trail without having to stop and rest. My cycling power dropped 40%. The maximum heart rate I could achieve dropped from 170 beats a minute to 127 beats a minute. My heart rate at rest went from 50 beats per minute down to 26 beats per minute.
During this time I saw seven different physicians including several specialists and I had a bunch of tests performed. Given the fact that my symptoms started just two weeks after vaccination, I asked the obvious question of everyone, being that I'm not a heart specialist and expertise in that area, whether this could be related to the vaccine. As you can imagine, I was met with blank stares and this was really never discussed. The conversation just moved on.
It was finally determined that I had a conduction abnormality in my heart that prevents it from beating fast enough to support higher levels of exertion. My cardiologist recommended a pacemaker and I had this procedure performed on January 13th, just two weeks ago.
My first vaccine dose came from Pfizer lot EK9231.* This lot is ranked number one for all Pfizer batches for adverse reactions. Given right here in Wenatchee. My second vaccine dose came from Pfizer lot EN5318. This lot is ranked number 4 of all lots for adverse reactions. These two vaccine batches alone are associated with a reported 252 deaths and many other illnesses and disabilities, and that's just the VAERS data which, he just mentioned,** is quite underreported.
There are many people like me as you're hearing who have experienced adverse health effects after covid vaccination. And like me, most all of them have had any association of their health problem with the vaccine dismissed, despite the fact that numerous investigations have demonstrated that the vaccine spike protein goes to nearly every tissue in the body.***
I feel fortunate because so far my troubles have just been life altering, not life threatening. However many people have not been as fortunate. In quarter 3 and quarter 4 of 2021, as vaccine uptake was really increasing, deaths in people of working age 18 years to 64 years old were 40% higher than pre-pandemic. And in the 25 - 44 age group deaths were 84% higher.
While covid was lethal for many older people with— older people, and people with multiple co-morbidities, the vaccines can be lethal for every age group, even for previously healthy folks. In 2021 and 2022 cardiac events in athletes are 50 times normal typical yearly totals. I'm a big soccer fan and played it, coached it, and they're dropping like flies all over the world, as you've seen.
As cardiologists Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra have said, anything and everything that can go wrong with the heart has been seen with the vaccines. But the health system and the mainstream media are ignoring it, and not just ignoring it, but imploring people to get boosted, even though the vaccines have demonstrated poor efficacy.
[holds up a blue card]
Have you received this card in the mail? Seen this one? Get—
[reading from card] Vaccines and boosters save lives. Get vaccinated today.
On the back [reading from card]: Vaccines and boosters have been well-tested.
[reading from card] And proven to protect against dangerous diseases.
Some vaccines.
[reading from card] Booster shots strengthen and maintain immune responses.
[reading from card] And can provide lasting protection.
While we are receiving mailers to get boosters, Denmark banned vaccines in healthy patients under 50 years old back in September. The UK just did it I think last week. Why did they do that? Well, to steal the words of Ed Dowd,**** they knew that the vaccine pandemic is worse than the covid pandemic.
Why is our health system and government continuing to push experimental agents despite all these adverse reactions? And, I don't have to ask this question to you, but why are we allowing them to?
I took the vaccine in 2021 for two reasons. Number one, I wanted to protect my patients, as many of them are over 65 and have co-morbidities that could put them at higher risk, especially with what they were hearing early on in the pandemic. Number two, I wanted to get back to normal life without lockdowns, masking, and all the authoritarian craziness.
As it turns out, taking the vaccine did none of this. Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, CDC, all those alphabets lied to us, saying that the vaccine protected against infection and transmission. But it didn't. The vaccines are not safe and they are not effective, rather, they're causing harm. This crazy overreach has to stop. And as citizens of the USA and Washington we just have to say no. The truth needs to be told and those who lied and caused harm to millions need to be held accountable.
**** Ed Dowd is the author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022
"Dr. McInnes joined the Foot& Ankle Center of Wenatchee in 2019 after 21 years in Seattle where he practiced at Virginia Mason Medical Center and the University of Washington"
R.G. SMITH: Hello. This is going to be my first and only TikTok and possibly the swan song of my fading career, but whatever, I have something to say. And I've been inspired by the truckers making their way across Canada.** And, ah, it's time. If people have something to say and they're in a position to share a little bit of knowledge with the world right now, it's time. And that time is running short.
Currently I work as a cardiology technologist at a children's hospital in Canada. I can't say which one because the last time I spoke out regarding the masking of children and its effects on their cognitive and social development, um, I got in a little bit of trouble. And it turns out two years in that this virus is airborne and that piece of cloth of the unknown thread count with the leopard print or whatever you've been wearing or forcing on your child, it's had no effect in filtering out this virus.
At the beginning of this pandemic there was a lot of concern over children developing what they call Kawasaki disease, myocarditis, pericarditis related to covid 19. And that happens. Absolutely it does, we've seen some children, and that was one of the main drivers, one of the main drivers, for getting the vaccine out quickly for children. No, you don't want them to get an inflamed heart from this covid, it's terrible. But now that the vaccine is out we are seeing just as many if not more children presenting, and this is on the requisitions for their treadmill tests and their various other noninvasive diagnostic tests, post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis is the clinical indication that the physicians are putting on.
And it's very shocking for these parents. Their child spends a number of days in the hospital. They feel better, they come out, then they have to do a work up on their hearts. It is said that this is mild. I can't say that, I don't know, but this is what the physicians say, so that may very well be the case.
Anyhow, I served this country and I believe that once you take an oath of service it never ends. And this is my service to the country. And hopefully this will inspire physicians to speak out if they have something to say.
If they have that little voice in the back of their head that is saying, something's not adding up, that they've been given a directive, from whatever regulatory body, if they've been given an edict from whomever it is administers their practice within their clinic,
or within their hospital, and they are not practicing medicine solely the way that they believe it should be done based on their knowledge and expertise, if you are told that you need to put aside your clinical intuition, and follow a certain modality that you may not agree with, and you're still doing it, you are a coward.
People are being harmed from these vaccines. I know people that have been harmed. And I also have heard many situations where people try to get their physician, their family doctor, to report this, whatever their condition is, as a vaccine injury, and they are very reluctant to do so. Fortunately that's probably not the case within the areas I work as they are putting this on the requisitions.
I served this country. I was a soldier. I went to Afghanistan. There's just a little bit about me [indicates framed certificates of recognition from his time in the military and also as a cardiac technologist]. Nothing too terribly remarkable. But my duty is to never pass a fault, as was said by the Royal Canadian Regiment. This is a fault. There is something wrong. If you are physician that believes that everything is fine and everything is safe and effective, then carry on, you will be dealt with at a later time. But those of you that know something, know something that is not right and you're not speaking out, don't be coward because your time is running short to do the right thing.
And eventually there will be hearings related to this. This will be a new, possibly a Nuremberg type trial for the evils that have been done.
And I'm not speaking from an anti-vaccine point of view. I've had many, more than most civilians in my time of service. I'm just talking about informed consent. In no cases were these families told that their child could acquire myocarditis or pericarditis from the vaccine, and it is happening. I can't say how frequent because it seems like every statistic is manipulated these days. But I work casually and pretty much I see one every shift.
So if you're seeing this, pass it on. Put it on the Twitter of the doctors that do nothing but ramble about getting vaccinated and talking about their wordle.*** It's time.
# # #
*The rumble channel titles his talk "A paediatric cardiologist who was inspired by the Canadian Truckers" however, he clearly states that he is a cardiology technologist.
**The massive winter 2022 protest against covid restrictions and mandates, in which convoys of trucks from all over Canada gathered in Ottawa.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: There is a running transcript on the screen, however, it is all in capital letters. Alex Antic is Senator for South Australia and this is a recording of his speech in the Australian Parliament. His website is https://www.alexantic.com.au/
SENATOR ALEX ANTIC: If you've been paying attention recently then you'll have noticed the term myocarditis and died suddenly has featured quite a lot. Now we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are two heart inflammation conditions well-associated with the covid mRNA injections. Even the Therapeutic Goods Association* admits that. Yet despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians, and speaking out about these incursions on freedom got one labeled an anti-vaxxer or a peddler of dangerous misinformation.
Now I've obtained data though Freedom of Information from SA Health** in South Australia regarding the number of cardiac presentations per month in South Australian public hospitals since 2018. The data reveals that cardiac-related presentations for 15 to 44 year-olds remained steady at 1,100 per month from January 2018, but drastically spiked in July 2021 through November 2021, peaking at 2,172 per month, just as these injections were rolled out, they almost doubled.
Then there was another spike in February this year, right around the time when the boosters were being mandated.
These injections are harming and in many instances killing our young people. So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative.
This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history. And none of you said a single thing.
# # #
* The Therapeutic Good Association is the Australian government authority responsible for evaluating, assessing and monitoring therapeutic goods. https://www.tga.gov.au
** SA Health "is the brand name for the health portfolio of services and agencies responsible to our Minister, the Minister for Health and Wellbeing" [South Australia]
Perhaps people who had these injections over two years ago need to undergo some testing to see where they are at as far as their functional immune system and other problems heart related. We need to know is the damage is widespread and ongoing or what?
It's because God does not exist yet Deborah, otherwise these bad things would not exist. God comes into existence hundreds of millions of years in the future, when time becomes non-linear.
The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead by Frank J. Tipler | Goodreads
Ok then. You explain why an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent God who exists right now let's these bad things happen. God resurrects everyone hundreds of years from now. Tippler explains in all using special relativity and quantum mechanics. Read the book.
Your answer does not explain catastrophes and suffering not caused by man
The author, who also wrote this later book, started out as an atheist, took a deep dive into physics and became a Christian
Below is an excerpt from a more recent book by him that you might like if you were more open minded
Unfortunately, you have given yourself to Satan, who has given you a closed mind.
Repent! Renounce Satan. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Read this book:
"A highly respected physicist demonstrates that the essential beliefs of Christianity are wholly consistent with the laws of physics.
Frank Tipler takes an exciting new approach to the age-old dispute about the relationship between science and religion in The Physics of Christianity. In reviewing centuries of writings and discussions, Tipler realized that in all the debate about science versus religion, there was no serious scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs. So Tipler embarked on just such a scientific inquiry. The Physics of Christianity
presents the fascinating results of his pioneering study.
Tipler begins by outlining the basic concepts of physics for the lay reader and brings to light the underlying connections between physics and theology. In a compelling example, he illustrates how the God depicted by Jews and Christians, the Uncaused First Cause, is completely consistent with the Cosmological Singularity, an entity whose existence is required by physical law. His discussion of the scientific possibility of miracles provides an impressive, credible scientific foundation for many of Christianity’s most astonishing claims, including the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Incarnation. He even includes specific outlines for practical experiments that can help prove the validity of the “miracles” at the heart of Christianity.
Tipler’s thoroughly rational approach and fully accessible style sets The Physics of Christianity apart from other books dealing with conflicts between science and religion. It will appeal not only to Christian readers, but also to anyone interested in an issue that triggers heated and divisive intellectual and cultural debates."
DrPaul! We need a path out of this Covid mess now! We know the great harm it has caused and we can’t take it anymore ! We are going down the the path to extermination if we continue to believe we can improve on God’s design by manipulating the blue print of life that is embedded in our cells! Stop the injections NOW! Save our children!
This is good.
You are among the more sane and rational commenters on these stacks Thomas and you are clearly ot part of the "Timothy McVeigh with antisemitic feartures" cult that at times hijacks these stacks. I do seem to recall that I've seen you on Dr. Malone's stacks too. I am in 100% agreement with your demand to stop the injections now and would urge you to keep issuing this demand. What results have you achieved?
Oh, sane, I know exactly what you mean.
How Can It Be? - By Harry Vox
Or at
Thank you! We need a ground swell of like voices to be heard loudly by our politicians in DC. Since they fear for their political career being short lived, they remain silent and go with the flow and the DOD runs the show along with all the like minded cohorts that see their goals being achivied with this massive mind control operation. Money and Power rein supreme. Common sense and rational though is being trampled. Educating the masses is the key, but then we have the thought police monitoring and shutting down the voices of the truth seekers.
When it is your family member or child that dies too young, you'll find out NO ONE wants to talk about it. The medical examiner will ignore the heart damage and refuse to answer direct questions. It is evil and insideous what the monsters have done.
So very very tragic and should never have happened. Yes so many refuse to even consider their recent heart problems/clots/strokes/ arrhythmia have anything to do with their covid jabs..
Aneurysm should also be added to the list. So evil what these people have done to innocent victims who were merely trusting “the science.”
Relatedly-- this is a very important new public testimony by a doctor who was himself injured:
Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23
Informed Choice WA, Posted February 12, 2023
DR. BRIAN MCINNESS: Thank you. My name is Brian McInnes and I'm a resident of Wenatchee and I'm a practicing physician in private practice for 25 years in the specialty of podiatry. And I wanted to tell you my story of, with covid vaccination, or my experience.
I've been a competitive athlete since the age of 13 in endurance sports. And in college I competed in cross-country and track, and after college in triathlon for many years, including 4 Iron Man events. As recently as 2018 I rode my bike from sea level up to the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, the hardest cycling climb in the world. And the reason I mention this is that because, is that after January 2021 when I received my covid vaccinations, all of this changed.
About two weeks after my second vaccination I started having trouble exercising. When cycling I would become short of breath, I'd have a lot of chest tightness, and I lost power in my legs. Over the next two years as this was going on, the symptoms worsened severely and I went to where, it went from where I could ride up to the top of Mauna Kea, I couldn't even ride around the loop trail without having to stop and rest. My cycling power dropped 40%. The maximum heart rate I could achieve dropped from 170 beats a minute to 127 beats a minute. My heart rate at rest went from 50 beats per minute down to 26 beats per minute.
During this time I saw seven different physicians including several specialists and I had a bunch of tests performed. Given the fact that my symptoms started just two weeks after vaccination, I asked the obvious question of everyone, being that I'm not a heart specialist and expertise in that area, whether this could be related to the vaccine. As you can imagine, I was met with blank stares and this was really never discussed. The conversation just moved on.
It was finally determined that I had a conduction abnormality in my heart that prevents it from beating fast enough to support higher levels of exertion. My cardiologist recommended a pacemaker and I had this procedure performed on January 13th, just two weeks ago.
My first vaccine dose came from Pfizer lot EK9231.* This lot is ranked number one for all Pfizer batches for adverse reactions. Given right here in Wenatchee. My second vaccine dose came from Pfizer lot EN5318. This lot is ranked number 4 of all lots for adverse reactions. These two vaccine batches alone are associated with a reported 252 deaths and many other illnesses and disabilities, and that's just the VAERS data which, he just mentioned,** is quite underreported.
There are many people like me as you're hearing who have experienced adverse health effects after covid vaccination. And like me, most all of them have had any association of their health problem with the vaccine dismissed, despite the fact that numerous investigations have demonstrated that the vaccine spike protein goes to nearly every tissue in the body.***
I feel fortunate because so far my troubles have just been life altering, not life threatening. However many people have not been as fortunate. In quarter 3 and quarter 4 of 2021, as vaccine uptake was really increasing, deaths in people of working age 18 years to 64 years old were 40% higher than pre-pandemic. And in the 25 - 44 age group deaths were 84% higher.
While covid was lethal for many older people with— older people, and people with multiple co-morbidities, the vaccines can be lethal for every age group, even for previously healthy folks. In 2021 and 2022 cardiac events in athletes are 50 times normal typical yearly totals. I'm a big soccer fan and played it, coached it, and they're dropping like flies all over the world, as you've seen.
As cardiologists Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra have said, anything and everything that can go wrong with the heart has been seen with the vaccines. But the health system and the mainstream media are ignoring it, and not just ignoring it, but imploring people to get boosted, even though the vaccines have demonstrated poor efficacy.
[holds up a blue card]
Have you received this card in the mail? Seen this one? Get—
[reading from card] Vaccines and boosters save lives. Get vaccinated today.
On the back [reading from card]: Vaccines and boosters have been well-tested.
[reading from card] And proven to protect against dangerous diseases.
Some vaccines.
[reading from card] Booster shots strengthen and maintain immune responses.
[reading from card] And can provide lasting protection.
While we are receiving mailers to get boosters, Denmark banned vaccines in healthy patients under 50 years old back in September. The UK just did it I think last week. Why did they do that? Well, to steal the words of Ed Dowd,**** they knew that the vaccine pandemic is worse than the covid pandemic.
Why is our health system and government continuing to push experimental agents despite all these adverse reactions? And, I don't have to ask this question to you, but why are we allowing them to?
I took the vaccine in 2021 for two reasons. Number one, I wanted to protect my patients, as many of them are over 65 and have co-morbidities that could put them at higher risk, especially with what they were hearing early on in the pandemic. Number two, I wanted to get back to normal life without lockdowns, masking, and all the authoritarian craziness.
As it turns out, taking the vaccine did none of this. Pfizer, Moderna, the FDA, CDC, all those alphabets lied to us, saying that the vaccine protected against infection and transmission. But it didn't. The vaccines are not safe and they are not effective, rather, they're causing harm. This crazy overreach has to stop. And as citizens of the USA and Washington we just have to say no. The truth needs to be told and those who lied and caused harm to millions need to be held accountable.
Thank you.
# # #
*See https://howbad.info/pfizer.html
** I believe he refers to previous speaker, Nurse Kristin. For transcript see https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/70482.html
VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Note: https://openvaers.com/covid-data provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation
*** See
**** Ed Dowd is the author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022
"Dr. McInnes joined the Foot& Ankle Center of Wenatchee in 2019 after 21 years in Seattle where he practiced at Virginia Mason Medical Center and the University of Washington"
Here's another testimony:
A pediatric cardiology technologist speaks out*
February 2022
R.G. SMITH: Hello. This is going to be my first and only TikTok and possibly the swan song of my fading career, but whatever, I have something to say. And I've been inspired by the truckers making their way across Canada.** And, ah, it's time. If people have something to say and they're in a position to share a little bit of knowledge with the world right now, it's time. And that time is running short.
Currently I work as a cardiology technologist at a children's hospital in Canada. I can't say which one because the last time I spoke out regarding the masking of children and its effects on their cognitive and social development, um, I got in a little bit of trouble. And it turns out two years in that this virus is airborne and that piece of cloth of the unknown thread count with the leopard print or whatever you've been wearing or forcing on your child, it's had no effect in filtering out this virus.
At the beginning of this pandemic there was a lot of concern over children developing what they call Kawasaki disease, myocarditis, pericarditis related to covid 19. And that happens. Absolutely it does, we've seen some children, and that was one of the main drivers, one of the main drivers, for getting the vaccine out quickly for children. No, you don't want them to get an inflamed heart from this covid, it's terrible. But now that the vaccine is out we are seeing just as many if not more children presenting, and this is on the requisitions for their treadmill tests and their various other noninvasive diagnostic tests, post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis is the clinical indication that the physicians are putting on.
And it's very shocking for these parents. Their child spends a number of days in the hospital. They feel better, they come out, then they have to do a work up on their hearts. It is said that this is mild. I can't say that, I don't know, but this is what the physicians say, so that may very well be the case.
Anyhow, I served this country and I believe that once you take an oath of service it never ends. And this is my service to the country. And hopefully this will inspire physicians to speak out if they have something to say.
If they have that little voice in the back of their head that is saying, something's not adding up, that they've been given a directive, from whatever regulatory body, if they've been given an edict from whomever it is administers their practice within their clinic,
or within their hospital, and they are not practicing medicine solely the way that they believe it should be done based on their knowledge and expertise, if you are told that you need to put aside your clinical intuition, and follow a certain modality that you may not agree with, and you're still doing it, you are a coward.
People are being harmed from these vaccines. I know people that have been harmed. And I also have heard many situations where people try to get their physician, their family doctor, to report this, whatever their condition is, as a vaccine injury, and they are very reluctant to do so. Fortunately that's probably not the case within the areas I work as they are putting this on the requisitions.
I served this country. I was a soldier. I went to Afghanistan. There's just a little bit about me [indicates framed certificates of recognition from his time in the military and also as a cardiac technologist]. Nothing too terribly remarkable. But my duty is to never pass a fault, as was said by the Royal Canadian Regiment. This is a fault. There is something wrong. If you are physician that believes that everything is fine and everything is safe and effective, then carry on, you will be dealt with at a later time. But those of you that know something, know something that is not right and you're not speaking out, don't be coward because your time is running short to do the right thing.
And eventually there will be hearings related to this. This will be a new, possibly a Nuremberg type trial for the evils that have been done.
And I'm not speaking from an anti-vaccine point of view. I've had many, more than most civilians in my time of service. I'm just talking about informed consent. In no cases were these families told that their child could acquire myocarditis or pericarditis from the vaccine, and it is happening. I can't say how frequent because it seems like every statistic is manipulated these days. But I work casually and pretty much I see one every shift.
So if you're seeing this, pass it on. Put it on the Twitter of the doctors that do nothing but ramble about getting vaccinated and talking about their wordle.*** It's time.
# # #
*The rumble channel titles his talk "A paediatric cardiologist who was inspired by the Canadian Truckers" however, he clearly states that he is a cardiology technologist.
**The massive winter 2022 protest against covid restrictions and mandates, in which convoys of trucks from all over Canada gathered in Ottawa.
*** I believe he refers to the computer game https://wordle.berknation.com
One more--
Aussie Senator Alex Antic: The Greatest Scandal In Medical History & None Of You Said A Single Thing
posted Nov 23, 2022
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: There is a running transcript on the screen, however, it is all in capital letters. Alex Antic is Senator for South Australia and this is a recording of his speech in the Australian Parliament. His website is https://www.alexantic.com.au/
SENATOR ALEX ANTIC: If you've been paying attention recently then you'll have noticed the term myocarditis and died suddenly has featured quite a lot. Now we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are two heart inflammation conditions well-associated with the covid mRNA injections. Even the Therapeutic Goods Association* admits that. Yet despite this well-established fact, the injections were mandated to thousands of Australians, and speaking out about these incursions on freedom got one labeled an anti-vaxxer or a peddler of dangerous misinformation.
Now I've obtained data though Freedom of Information from SA Health** in South Australia regarding the number of cardiac presentations per month in South Australian public hospitals since 2018. The data reveals that cardiac-related presentations for 15 to 44 year-olds remained steady at 1,100 per month from January 2018, but drastically spiked in July 2021 through November 2021, peaking at 2,172 per month, just as these injections were rolled out, they almost doubled.
Then there was another spike in February this year, right around the time when the boosters were being mandated.
These injections are harming and in many instances killing our young people. So what does SA Health have to say about this? Nothing. They continue to roll out the injections. They continue to push the injection narrative.
This injection campaign is going to go down as the greatest scandal in medical history. And none of you said a single thing.
# # #
* The Therapeutic Good Association is the Australian government authority responsible for evaluating, assessing and monitoring therapeutic goods. https://www.tga.gov.au
** SA Health "is the brand name for the health portfolio of services and agencies responsible to our Minister, the Minister for Health and Wellbeing" [South Australia]
“Rare and mild”. Huh.
“Safe and effective”
“Robust 95% effectiveness”.
Perhaps people who had these injections over two years ago need to undergo some testing to see where they are at as far as their functional immune system and other problems heart related. We need to know is the damage is widespread and ongoing or what?
Plain and simple, like the good Doctor said: These vaccines are shit.......stay away now and forever...
Link to source > Screenshot
Nothing heart transplant can't fix.
It's because God does not exist yet Deborah, otherwise these bad things would not exist. God comes into existence hundreds of millions of years in the future, when time becomes non-linear.
The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead by Frank J. Tipler | Goodreads
Ok then. You explain why an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent God who exists right now let's these bad things happen. God resurrects everyone hundreds of years from now. Tippler explains in all using special relativity and quantum mechanics. Read the book.
Your answer does not explain catastrophes and suffering not caused by man
The author, who also wrote this later book, started out as an atheist, took a deep dive into physics and became a Christian
Below is an excerpt from a more recent book by him that you might like if you were more open minded
Unfortunately, you have given yourself to Satan, who has given you a closed mind.
Repent! Renounce Satan. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Read this book:
"A highly respected physicist demonstrates that the essential beliefs of Christianity are wholly consistent with the laws of physics.
Frank Tipler takes an exciting new approach to the age-old dispute about the relationship between science and religion in The Physics of Christianity. In reviewing centuries of writings and discussions, Tipler realized that in all the debate about science versus religion, there was no serious scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs. So Tipler embarked on just such a scientific inquiry. The Physics of Christianity
presents the fascinating results of his pioneering study.
Tipler begins by outlining the basic concepts of physics for the lay reader and brings to light the underlying connections between physics and theology. In a compelling example, he illustrates how the God depicted by Jews and Christians, the Uncaused First Cause, is completely consistent with the Cosmological Singularity, an entity whose existence is required by physical law. His discussion of the scientific possibility of miracles provides an impressive, credible scientific foundation for many of Christianity’s most astonishing claims, including the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, and the Incarnation. He even includes specific outlines for practical experiments that can help prove the validity of the “miracles” at the heart of Christianity.
Tipler’s thoroughly rational approach and fully accessible style sets The Physics of Christianity apart from other books dealing with conflicts between science and religion. It will appeal not only to Christian readers, but also to anyone interested in an issue that triggers heated and divisive intellectual and cultural debates."