People did behave badly, extremely badly, but the censorship and shadow-.banning has obscured the good work of so many doctors, nurses, scientists and citizens. This is one reason why I transcribe. Take heart! There may be stupid indecent people, but there are also brave people out there, people who genuinely care for their fellow man. T…
People did behave badly, extremely badly, but the censorship and shadow-.banning has obscured the good work of so many doctors, nurses, scientists and citizens. This is one reason why I transcribe. Take heart! There may be stupid indecent people, but there are also brave people out there, people who genuinely care for their fellow man. There always have been. Here is just one example:
Michelle, Orfanos, Arlington, Nurse, The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
MICHELLE ORFANOS: Hi. My name is Michelle Orfanos. Before I share my experience, I'd like to apologize. I'm sorry to all the vaccine injured and mandate injured. I've been a nurse for over 20 years and the cognitive dissonance that is happening throughout this is astounding and enraging to me. I completely identify with the anger.
There has been an abject failure of the medical establishment and the public health agencies to do what's right. These 3 letter agencies that I used to hold in high esteem and high regard have lost all credibility and confidence and rightfully so.
I've been told not to hope for accountability. It's the hope that kills you. Don't expect accountability. But after hearing your stories today, it's clear to me, that's exactly what we need. We need to hold them accountable.
So I thank you for sharing those stories. I thank you for having the bravery to come and speak out and tell your truth. Because if there's ever a time in my lifetime that the truth is needed, it's today.
I was a nurse as Mass General Brigham* for 12 years. During the 8 years that it was required I applied and received a religious exemption to the flu shot. I worked through the entire pandemic. Not only did I keep the two jobs I had, I went to work at the Boston Covid Field Hospital. And it's still astounding and surreal to me that the health care workers that were critical and essential one day were disposable the next.
In December 2021 my religious exemption to the covid vaccine was denied and I was fired.
I obtained my masters degree previously so I could teach nurses, so I could tell the next generation of nurses to advocate for their patients. So I was very happy and I loved it that a local college hired me at a local hospital to instruct the students. And this is still happening. Three weeks in, in February, I was asked about my covid status. I was then terminated from that job.
We need to speak out and that's why it's important that everybody come here. I was just thinking, what is this going to look like in a year or two from now? How big is this room going to be? How many children are going to be involved?
So I'd like to stop, and and the anger is not helping because I come here twice a week sometimes and I'm with Julie and I sit across from these representatives and senators and I talk about John's story** and I, I talk about the next speaker's story because it's important, and I look at them and I say, he was fired over a vaccine that doesn't stop infection nor transmission. He lost his pension! Blank stares.
So I would like to end on a positive note because what you're doing inspires other people. Speaking out is helpful. And I really thank you for that and I'm very grateful. And it was my pleasure to introduce one of the new friends that I've had, if any highlights from this pandemic met some amazing people and had some great friends.
Phil McLaine.***
# # #
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts
DOUG MASTRIANO: Our next speaker is Dr. Wheeler and she's board certified pediatrician and clinical assistant professor at Lewis Katz School of Medicine Temple University. She's a strong advocate of medical freedom and believes, and I quote, we have to give individuals the freedom to choose. Dr. Wheeler, please. Thank you for being here.
DR. CHAMINIE WHEELER: Hi, it is such an honor to stand before you today and to be united for medical freedom. I want to ask question. What happened? How are we even here at a point where we're at a rally for medical freedom? That is a right that is absolutely a must, and now we have to fight for it. We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact and we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation.
[applause, cheers]
I am a, I'm a pediatric hospitalist. I worked for St. Luke Hospital network and I spoke on 69 News against this very mandate. And it aired at 6 o'clock news and 3 hours later I was told not to come back to the hospital ever again because I spoke up against the mandate.
During morning rounds in the hospital I was asked by my colleagues, are you really going to take a stand for this? Are you going to risk losing everything you worked for? You loved teaching medical students and residents, is that worth the risk? You're going to, are you going to die on this hill of a vaccine?
And at that time, right in our little nursery, during morning rounds, I said, no, I'm not willing to die on the hill of a vaccine, but I am willing to die on the hill of liberty.
Because we believe in choice.
[applause, cheers]
And because of that, many of my colleagues, who are good doctors who I have worked by side by side taking care of the same patients, have done the, taken care of people, and have worked together, have become silenced. And are my, my fellow colleagues, my, many of my physicians, have been bullied into silence. And I ask, how did this happen? How did where health care, the leaders of health care that are supposed to be physicians are being silenced?
And when I, since I am now without a job, I have had a lot of opportunity to think, and looking back at history, it is evident to me that our healthcare industry has gone from healthcare to ill care. And it has been become promoted by an establishment that's turned into the physician-patient covenant into a system where it is protocol-driven business, and there is no longer individualized patient care. Patients are all part of a system, everybody needs to have a specific blood pressure, specific parameters, and everybody fits into this group, and this group gets treated like this.
So I believe that philosophy, that underlying sore in medicine that has become and had triumphed in on the hospital systems that have become so large and so big, the insurance industries, the pharmaceutical industries that have become so strong, such strong lobbying forces that took away that individualized patient care. And that laid the groundwork to promote the one narrative, one covid narrative, and any physician who chose to rip open that bandaid and see that this is a sore that needs to be treated, was demonized at spreading misinformation, and silenced.
I don't blame many of my colleagues who have come up to me and said, I'm glad that you're speaking up, I wish I could, but I can't afford to lose everything.
I— yesterday was my last day at Children's Hospital Philadelphia. I have a permanent medical exemption at the hospital for the influenza vaccine. Year after year I am, because of my medical condition, but that courtesy was denied to me from Children's Hospital Philadelphia because, because that's what they believe was right. It's not right for my employer to tell me that what I need to do with my own body. And just like everybody else.
So I am, I am excited for this rally, I am thankful for each and every one of you that we united in our commonwealth that we can regain and work to reestablish the trust in our healthcare that has been lost, and that has to start at the basis of the the individualized patient care, the physician-patient covenant, and to turn healthcare from the business that is to compassionate care that it needs to be.
[cheers, applause]
And, and I am so sad to know so many fellow healthcare workers who are choosing to be silenced or losing their jobs and the fact that our patients in hospitals, all who are suffering right now today, our hospitals are more full, full of more sick people today not because of covid but because of all the lockdowns and shutdowns that we did where we changed the environment around us so that our bodies forgot, our immune systems forgot how to fight illness.
So everybody who's sick is getting sicker. We caused virulent pathogens to come— we've known this already as a scientific fact with antibiotic resistance that we can't powerhouse nature. And that is what we've tried to do. And that is that one narrative that's being promoted and anybody who speaks against that one narrative, saying that we cannot fight nature with, with whatever we think we got, that we have to individualize patient care, we have to risk stratify, and we have to give people choice to choose their medical care, is the way forward.
And I just wanted to give a big shout out to all those health care heroes who are standing united, who have chosen to stand the line—
[cheers, applause]
— who have, who have lost their jobs because they are men and women of integrity. The 19 months of the pandemic they chose to go to work and be the hero, as they were called, their their convictions didn't change, the type of individual, the character did not change. What changed was a narrative of a mandate, of medical tyranny.
And that is only thing that changed. So all of these healthcare workers who are being forced out of employment are the nurses that would give you the warm blanket in the middle of the night. They are the people who go beyond the call of duty, to go that extra mile to do those things. And who is going to suffer? It's our patients, our, our people.
And so we in the commonwealth, I just want to unite with you guys, do whatever we can to work together. I will probably have my second investigation for my medical license after this because after my first time on 69 News I had to fight for my medical license. So it will probably be reported again from, I'm not sure who the accuser is, but it doesn't matter, they can't take away the knowledge that is in my brain—
[applause, cheers]
— and they cannot take away my convictions. Whether the establishment says that I have a license or not because I spoke out against the narrative, it doesn't change the facts. Facts are facts, like Senator Mastriano said yesterday. And we do, I want to work with you guys united in our commonwealth
to regain the public trust to reestablish medical freedom and to help promote this Medical Freedom Act as a, as a keystone example to our nation of what medical freedom actually looks like. Thank you.
This was filmed at the Defeat the Mandates rally in April 10, 2022. Dr. Huang is up on a stage with a microphone, the crowd below.
[cheers, applause]
DR. MICHAEL HUANG: Hello California!
[cheers, applause]
Hello America!
I just walked among you, all the way to the back, and to here. The energy is fantastic!
I am your platoon leader, I'm taking you to the battle. We're going to fight.
We're going to take this country back.
We're going to do away this mandate. We're going to protect your health, your children's health, We're going to restore our nation, we're going to make California great.
So who am I? I'm the Chinese version of Del BigTree.*
I am crazier than Senator Dick Pan.**
There's a Asian American in the senate in Sacramento that's screwing up our state. So you're going to send a crazier Asian-American, me, to go in there and fix it!
Steve Kirsch at a recent Ron Johnson testimony meeting,*** he was asked and told there's no one
left in California that will write you exemption. Steve said, No no no no, there's one left. And he was immediately attacked by the security guards, say, no you cannot say his name, he's going to get canceled. That person's me.
You're looking at it. Why am I still here? Why do I still exist? Why is it that we're going to allow the government to hurt our citizen, our children. Why?
I'm disgusted. All I nowadays see in my office are vaccine-injured people. Firemen, nurses, hard-working American. I see America. I have, the other day I had two German national, three people flew up from San Diego to northern California to see me, and bunch of them from all over the Bay Area. Why? Because we're asked to plead, to say we have no rights, that we are not protected by our constitution. We are not protected by the Bill of Rights, that we cannot defend our property. And I say, no!
What happened to me in the past two years, during the pandemic, when all the office around me shut down, I look at this, I think, nah, this is just a very bad cold. I kept my office open. I treated covid patients since 2019.
One night the CEO from my hospital came in with the duckbill N95 mask and say, Mike, we heard you're not wearing a mask. We're going to cancel you.
I say, cancel me!
I say, I'm going to treat my patients!
I did not close for one day. I treated more than 2,000 patients, 100% survival.
That's right! I am pissed off, if you can't tell that.
When children came to me with their mom and say, my gosh, I cannot find any doctor that will give my child mask exemption. I call 40 doctors office, they hung up on me, they laugh at me.
I say, screw them!
I will see them! I have helped over 1,000 thousand kids come off face mask.
When firefighters, nurses, pilots, military personnel came to me and say, Doc, half of my face is paralyzed. I need to get this vaccine, I need to feed my children. What should I do? I say, don't worry, I am your doctor, I will advocate for your health, I will not give up on you!
When I heard the Los Angeles firefighters, the first responder are being told that we are going to
cancel your job, you're going to get vaxxed or you're going to be fired. I say, please let them know who I am, I can help. And the message I got from these brave Americans, are, thank you very much, we don't need your help because we are [inaudible] together, my brothers and sisters, if we fall, we're going to fall together!
Now we're going to defend our freedom, we're going to defend our liberty.
Del Bigtree made a video a couple of years ago where the title is Run, Pan, Run. He wanted to interview Richard Pan, and Richard Pan ran so fast. He's like, oh my god, Richard Pan must be a track star or something like that, but I spoke with Del Bigtree, I said you know what, I ran track and field in high school. Matter of fact, I'm faster than Richard Pan!
So I'm going to run as a state senator.
I'm going to take on the fight to Sacramento. I am going to restore your right and I am going to protect your liberty!
*Del Bigtree is host of ‘The HighWire with Del Bigtree’, Producer of Vaxxed, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network, Former Emmy winning producer of The Doctors on CBS.
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) was a sponsor the Defeat the Mandates rallies. See:
US Senator Ron Johnson (Republican, Wisconsin) has held a number of hearings and events wherein doctors, nurses, scientists, and the vaccine-injured have testified about covid policies.
Description: "Cara McMinn cycled across Canada to raise awareness of experimental injection injuries and deaths and spoke outside the Vancouver Police Department, Stand United Rally, September 24, 2022.
CARA MCMINN: Hello Vancouver! And the Vancouver Police Department! It is my pleasure to stand in front of this building.
On April the 26th I dipped my tires in the Pacific Ocean in the Nanaimo Harbour, took a ferry boat to the mainland, and began my cycling trip across Canada.
The only statistics that I'll repeat for you here today are my own because other people do such a good job of that, doctors who are talking about vaccine injury and vaccine death. And that is why I decided to cycle across Canada.
When those boys were arrested at the Coutts Border protest,* I knew it was my turn to stand up and do a thing. So I did. I don't have a truck, so I got on my bike and started to train and realized that there is muscle memory in this body, and yes, in fact, I can cycle for 6 to 8 hours a day, and began my trip in earnest.
I cycled to memorialize those that have died from the vaccine and to throw some support under the heels of those who have been injured and are now disabled, have lost their careers and their quality of life, and so badly need the encouragement that their hospitals, their doctors, and their communities need to offer them.
A few quick statistics about myself because everybody asks. How old is this woman? I'm 60 years old. No, it was not an e-bike, it's a 24 speed giant and I pulled a cargo trailer behind me with a sign that said, TELL YOUR STORY MEMORIAL RIDE. It was deliberately vague. I showed up in front of gas stations, the Flying J, I never did it fully
that's a good one. The city square and the parks. And just hang out with my bike and four stuff sacks that filled my, my cargo trailer and let people come and ask me what my story was. They'd think it's cancer. They think I'm cycling across Canada to raise money for cancer or Parkinson or something like that
so I quickly get out my card and get it into their hands and then I say, I'm cycling to memorialize
died from the vaccine and and to throw some support under the heels that have been injured from the vaccine. Sometimes that card winds up within in an inch of my nose. And that means they're really angry. And I got to tell you, nothing gets my pedals going faster than to piss somebody off.
I have no investment in these relationships. I can talk about what I have discovered are the three categories of vaccine morbidity. Morbidity refers to the rate of disease within a population. In this case it's the vaccinated population who are suffering and dying from heart and stroke. I know you already know this, but for the purpose of how I explained things to people that have never heard this before. Heart and stroke damage. Neurological damage. And aggressive cancers. Aggressive cancers diagnosed within 10 days if not sooner after the vaccine. Death within a month. The longest report that I've received is death within 8 months. That, that was long, that's a long period of time usually from the reports that I have received.
Sometimes people want to stick around. Most of the time men are more polite than what women have been with me. They try and turn the conversation back to the logistics of cycling across a continent. How many tires have I gone through, that kinds of things. And I'm polite and I allow for that, and I let them go. But I know first person to talk to them about vaccine injury and death within this country that people are dying.
Now all of this language I consider to be pretty soft. It is what I used six months ago when I was launching my ride. Since then, the reports have grown. So within a conversation that I may have with one individual person, they'll report there is one person within their extended family who has suffered death or injury. After I reached Ottawa, took 3 and a half months to get to Ottawa for me, that report is now 3 to 4 people within an extended family unit who are reporting on vaccine death or injury.
So now the language is not too far-reaching to say that I've cycled across the nation of my birth, I cycled across the nation of my birth while a mass bioweapon was injected into the arms of my fellow Canadian citizens and now genocide is taking its effect across this country, including the members of this police department, who are most certainly vaccinated.
I am so sorry for the lives that have not yet been lost.
# # #
See also:
Cara McMinn completes over 4000km ride and arrives in Ottawa Ontario. Tell Your Story Memorial Ride
* During the Truckers Protest January and February 2022 protesters against the vaccine mandates closed down the Coutts border crossing between Coutts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana, United States.
See "Coutts protest leaders to go on trial in 2024" January 9, 2023
People did behave badly, extremely badly, but the censorship and shadow-.banning has obscured the good work of so many doctors, nurses, scientists and citizens. This is one reason why I transcribe. Take heart! There may be stupid indecent people, but there are also brave people out there, people who genuinely care for their fellow man. There always have been. Here is just one example:
Michelle, Orfanos, Arlington, Nurse, The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
Posted June 15, 2023
MICHELLE ORFANOS: Hi. My name is Michelle Orfanos. Before I share my experience, I'd like to apologize. I'm sorry to all the vaccine injured and mandate injured. I've been a nurse for over 20 years and the cognitive dissonance that is happening throughout this is astounding and enraging to me. I completely identify with the anger.
There has been an abject failure of the medical establishment and the public health agencies to do what's right. These 3 letter agencies that I used to hold in high esteem and high regard have lost all credibility and confidence and rightfully so.
I've been told not to hope for accountability. It's the hope that kills you. Don't expect accountability. But after hearing your stories today, it's clear to me, that's exactly what we need. We need to hold them accountable.
So I thank you for sharing those stories. I thank you for having the bravery to come and speak out and tell your truth. Because if there's ever a time in my lifetime that the truth is needed, it's today.
I was a nurse as Mass General Brigham* for 12 years. During the 8 years that it was required I applied and received a religious exemption to the flu shot. I worked through the entire pandemic. Not only did I keep the two jobs I had, I went to work at the Boston Covid Field Hospital. And it's still astounding and surreal to me that the health care workers that were critical and essential one day were disposable the next.
In December 2021 my religious exemption to the covid vaccine was denied and I was fired.
I obtained my masters degree previously so I could teach nurses, so I could tell the next generation of nurses to advocate for their patients. So I was very happy and I loved it that a local college hired me at a local hospital to instruct the students. And this is still happening. Three weeks in, in February, I was asked about my covid status. I was then terminated from that job.
We need to speak out and that's why it's important that everybody come here. I was just thinking, what is this going to look like in a year or two from now? How big is this room going to be? How many children are going to be involved?
So I'd like to stop, and and the anger is not helping because I come here twice a week sometimes and I'm with Julie and I sit across from these representatives and senators and I talk about John's story** and I, I talk about the next speaker's story because it's important, and I look at them and I say, he was fired over a vaccine that doesn't stop infection nor transmission. He lost his pension! Blank stares.
So I would like to end on a positive note because what you're doing inspires other people. Speaking out is helpful. And I really thank you for that and I'm very grateful. And it was my pleasure to introduce one of the new friends that I've had, if any highlights from this pandemic met some amazing people and had some great friends.
Phil McLaine.***
# # #
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts
For more about the event, see co-founder Julie Booras' introductory speech:
** I believe that Orfanos refers to John Beaudoin, whose testimony from this same event can be watched at:
*** Phil McLaine, Arlington, Former Mass State Trooper, gives his testimony for this event here:
A brave pediatrician speaks out in 2021:
Live Medical Freedom Rally
Posted Nov 8, 2021, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
DOUG MASTRIANO: Our next speaker is Dr. Wheeler and she's board certified pediatrician and clinical assistant professor at Lewis Katz School of Medicine Temple University. She's a strong advocate of medical freedom and believes, and I quote, we have to give individuals the freedom to choose. Dr. Wheeler, please. Thank you for being here.
DR. CHAMINIE WHEELER: Hi, it is such an honor to stand before you today and to be united for medical freedom. I want to ask question. What happened? How are we even here at a point where we're at a rally for medical freedom? That is a right that is absolutely a must, and now we have to fight for it. We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact and we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation.
[applause, cheers]
I am a, I'm a pediatric hospitalist. I worked for St. Luke Hospital network and I spoke on 69 News against this very mandate. And it aired at 6 o'clock news and 3 hours later I was told not to come back to the hospital ever again because I spoke up against the mandate.
During morning rounds in the hospital I was asked by my colleagues, are you really going to take a stand for this? Are you going to risk losing everything you worked for? You loved teaching medical students and residents, is that worth the risk? You're going to, are you going to die on this hill of a vaccine?
And at that time, right in our little nursery, during morning rounds, I said, no, I'm not willing to die on the hill of a vaccine, but I am willing to die on the hill of liberty.
Because we believe in choice.
[applause, cheers]
And because of that, many of my colleagues, who are good doctors who I have worked by side by side taking care of the same patients, have done the, taken care of people, and have worked together, have become silenced. And are my, my fellow colleagues, my, many of my physicians, have been bullied into silence. And I ask, how did this happen? How did where health care, the leaders of health care that are supposed to be physicians are being silenced?
And when I, since I am now without a job, I have had a lot of opportunity to think, and looking back at history, it is evident to me that our healthcare industry has gone from healthcare to ill care. And it has been become promoted by an establishment that's turned into the physician-patient covenant into a system where it is protocol-driven business, and there is no longer individualized patient care. Patients are all part of a system, everybody needs to have a specific blood pressure, specific parameters, and everybody fits into this group, and this group gets treated like this.
So I believe that philosophy, that underlying sore in medicine that has become and had triumphed in on the hospital systems that have become so large and so big, the insurance industries, the pharmaceutical industries that have become so strong, such strong lobbying forces that took away that individualized patient care. And that laid the groundwork to promote the one narrative, one covid narrative, and any physician who chose to rip open that bandaid and see that this is a sore that needs to be treated, was demonized at spreading misinformation, and silenced.
I don't blame many of my colleagues who have come up to me and said, I'm glad that you're speaking up, I wish I could, but I can't afford to lose everything.
I— yesterday was my last day at Children's Hospital Philadelphia. I have a permanent medical exemption at the hospital for the influenza vaccine. Year after year I am, because of my medical condition, but that courtesy was denied to me from Children's Hospital Philadelphia because, because that's what they believe was right. It's not right for my employer to tell me that what I need to do with my own body. And just like everybody else.
So I am, I am excited for this rally, I am thankful for each and every one of you that we united in our commonwealth that we can regain and work to reestablish the trust in our healthcare that has been lost, and that has to start at the basis of the the individualized patient care, the physician-patient covenant, and to turn healthcare from the business that is to compassionate care that it needs to be.
[cheers, applause]
And, and I am so sad to know so many fellow healthcare workers who are choosing to be silenced or losing their jobs and the fact that our patients in hospitals, all who are suffering right now today, our hospitals are more full, full of more sick people today not because of covid but because of all the lockdowns and shutdowns that we did where we changed the environment around us so that our bodies forgot, our immune systems forgot how to fight illness.
So everybody who's sick is getting sicker. We caused virulent pathogens to come— we've known this already as a scientific fact with antibiotic resistance that we can't powerhouse nature. And that is what we've tried to do. And that is that one narrative that's being promoted and anybody who speaks against that one narrative, saying that we cannot fight nature with, with whatever we think we got, that we have to individualize patient care, we have to risk stratify, and we have to give people choice to choose their medical care, is the way forward.
And I just wanted to give a big shout out to all those health care heroes who are standing united, who have chosen to stand the line—
[cheers, applause]
— who have, who have lost their jobs because they are men and women of integrity. The 19 months of the pandemic they chose to go to work and be the hero, as they were called, their their convictions didn't change, the type of individual, the character did not change. What changed was a narrative of a mandate, of medical tyranny.
And that is only thing that changed. So all of these healthcare workers who are being forced out of employment are the nurses that would give you the warm blanket in the middle of the night. They are the people who go beyond the call of duty, to go that extra mile to do those things. And who is going to suffer? It's our patients, our, our people.
And so we in the commonwealth, I just want to unite with you guys, do whatever we can to work together. I will probably have my second investigation for my medical license after this because after my first time on 69 News I had to fight for my medical license. So it will probably be reported again from, I'm not sure who the accuser is, but it doesn't matter, they can't take away the knowledge that is in my brain—
[applause, cheers]
— and they cannot take away my convictions. Whether the establishment says that I have a license or not because I spoke out against the narrative, it doesn't change the facts. Facts are facts, like Senator Mastriano said yesterday. And we do, I want to work with you guys united in our commonwealth
to regain the public trust to reestablish medical freedom and to help promote this Medical Freedom Act as a, as a keystone example to our nation of what medical freedom actually looks like. Thank you.
[cheers, applause]
# # #
Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano
"Pennsylvania Doctor Loses Job After Speaking Against Vaccine Mandates"
by Yosef Benari
Nov 19, 2021
See also
"Local doctor speaks out against hospital vaccine mandate: 'We have to give individuals freedom to choose'"
by Jamie Stover, August 31, 2021
Who wants to start a Dr. Huang fan club???!!
Dr. Michael Huang- 4/10/2022 - Defeat the Mandates - California
GinaGHarrison, posted April 11, 2022
This was filmed at the Defeat the Mandates rally in April 10, 2022. Dr. Huang is up on a stage with a microphone, the crowd below.
[cheers, applause]
DR. MICHAEL HUANG: Hello California!
[cheers, applause]
Hello America!
I just walked among you, all the way to the back, and to here. The energy is fantastic!
I am your platoon leader, I'm taking you to the battle. We're going to fight.
We're going to take this country back.
We're going to do away this mandate. We're going to protect your health, your children's health, We're going to restore our nation, we're going to make California great.
So who am I? I'm the Chinese version of Del BigTree.*
I am crazier than Senator Dick Pan.**
There's a Asian American in the senate in Sacramento that's screwing up our state. So you're going to send a crazier Asian-American, me, to go in there and fix it!
Steve Kirsch at a recent Ron Johnson testimony meeting,*** he was asked and told there's no one
left in California that will write you exemption. Steve said, No no no no, there's one left. And he was immediately attacked by the security guards, say, no you cannot say his name, he's going to get canceled. That person's me.
You're looking at it. Why am I still here? Why do I still exist? Why is it that we're going to allow the government to hurt our citizen, our children. Why?
I'm disgusted. All I nowadays see in my office are vaccine-injured people. Firemen, nurses, hard-working American. I see America. I have, the other day I had two German national, three people flew up from San Diego to northern California to see me, and bunch of them from all over the Bay Area. Why? Because we're asked to plead, to say we have no rights, that we are not protected by our constitution. We are not protected by the Bill of Rights, that we cannot defend our property. And I say, no!
What happened to me in the past two years, during the pandemic, when all the office around me shut down, I look at this, I think, nah, this is just a very bad cold. I kept my office open. I treated covid patients since 2019.
One night the CEO from my hospital came in with the duckbill N95 mask and say, Mike, we heard you're not wearing a mask. We're going to cancel you.
I say, cancel me!
I say, I'm going to treat my patients!
I did not close for one day. I treated more than 2,000 patients, 100% survival.
That's right! I am pissed off, if you can't tell that.
When children came to me with their mom and say, my gosh, I cannot find any doctor that will give my child mask exemption. I call 40 doctors office, they hung up on me, they laugh at me.
I say, screw them!
I will see them! I have helped over 1,000 thousand kids come off face mask.
When firefighters, nurses, pilots, military personnel came to me and say, Doc, half of my face is paralyzed. I need to get this vaccine, I need to feed my children. What should I do? I say, don't worry, I am your doctor, I will advocate for your health, I will not give up on you!
When I heard the Los Angeles firefighters, the first responder are being told that we are going to
cancel your job, you're going to get vaxxed or you're going to be fired. I say, please let them know who I am, I can help. And the message I got from these brave Americans, are, thank you very much, we don't need your help because we are [inaudible] together, my brothers and sisters, if we fall, we're going to fall together!
Now we're going to defend our freedom, we're going to defend our liberty.
Del Bigtree made a video a couple of years ago where the title is Run, Pan, Run. He wanted to interview Richard Pan, and Richard Pan ran so fast. He's like, oh my god, Richard Pan must be a track star or something like that, but I spoke with Del Bigtree, I said you know what, I ran track and field in high school. Matter of fact, I'm faster than Richard Pan!
So I'm going to run as a state senator.
I'm going to take on the fight to Sacramento. I am going to restore your right and I am going to protect your liberty!
Thank you very much.
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Dr. Huang's website is
See also
*Del Bigtree is host of ‘The HighWire with Del Bigtree’, Producer of Vaxxed, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network, Former Emmy winning producer of The Doctors on CBS.
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) was a sponsor the Defeat the Mandates rallies. See:
** California Senator Dr. Richard Pan.
and also
*** Steve Kirsch is the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
His blog is
US Senator Ron Johnson (Republican, Wisconsin) has held a number of hearings and events wherein doctors, nurses, scientists, and the vaccine-injured have testified about covid policies.
His website is
Last one: I just found this one yesterday, but it's from a while ago. Who else never before heard of this courageous cross-Canada cyclist?
Woman Cycled Across Canada for Vaccine Death and Injury Awareness
October 7, 2022
Description: "Cara McMinn cycled across Canada to raise awareness of experimental injection injuries and deaths and spoke outside the Vancouver Police Department, Stand United Rally, September 24, 2022. "
CARA MCMINN: Hello Vancouver! And the Vancouver Police Department! It is my pleasure to stand in front of this building.
On April the 26th I dipped my tires in the Pacific Ocean in the Nanaimo Harbour, took a ferry boat to the mainland, and began my cycling trip across Canada.
The only statistics that I'll repeat for you here today are my own because other people do such a good job of that, doctors who are talking about vaccine injury and vaccine death. And that is why I decided to cycle across Canada.
When those boys were arrested at the Coutts Border protest,* I knew it was my turn to stand up and do a thing. So I did. I don't have a truck, so I got on my bike and started to train and realized that there is muscle memory in this body, and yes, in fact, I can cycle for 6 to 8 hours a day, and began my trip in earnest.
I cycled to memorialize those that have died from the vaccine and to throw some support under the heels of those who have been injured and are now disabled, have lost their careers and their quality of life, and so badly need the encouragement that their hospitals, their doctors, and their communities need to offer them.
A few quick statistics about myself because everybody asks. How old is this woman? I'm 60 years old. No, it was not an e-bike, it's a 24 speed giant and I pulled a cargo trailer behind me with a sign that said, TELL YOUR STORY MEMORIAL RIDE. It was deliberately vague. I showed up in front of gas stations, the Flying J, I never did it fully
that's a good one. The city square and the parks. And just hang out with my bike and four stuff sacks that filled my, my cargo trailer and let people come and ask me what my story was. They'd think it's cancer. They think I'm cycling across Canada to raise money for cancer or Parkinson or something like that
so I quickly get out my card and get it into their hands and then I say, I'm cycling to memorialize
died from the vaccine and and to throw some support under the heels that have been injured from the vaccine. Sometimes that card winds up within in an inch of my nose. And that means they're really angry. And I got to tell you, nothing gets my pedals going faster than to piss somebody off.
I have no investment in these relationships. I can talk about what I have discovered are the three categories of vaccine morbidity. Morbidity refers to the rate of disease within a population. In this case it's the vaccinated population who are suffering and dying from heart and stroke. I know you already know this, but for the purpose of how I explained things to people that have never heard this before. Heart and stroke damage. Neurological damage. And aggressive cancers. Aggressive cancers diagnosed within 10 days if not sooner after the vaccine. Death within a month. The longest report that I've received is death within 8 months. That, that was long, that's a long period of time usually from the reports that I have received.
Sometimes people want to stick around. Most of the time men are more polite than what women have been with me. They try and turn the conversation back to the logistics of cycling across a continent. How many tires have I gone through, that kinds of things. And I'm polite and I allow for that, and I let them go. But I know first person to talk to them about vaccine injury and death within this country that people are dying.
Now all of this language I consider to be pretty soft. It is what I used six months ago when I was launching my ride. Since then, the reports have grown. So within a conversation that I may have with one individual person, they'll report there is one person within their extended family who has suffered death or injury. After I reached Ottawa, took 3 and a half months to get to Ottawa for me, that report is now 3 to 4 people within an extended family unit who are reporting on vaccine death or injury.
So now the language is not too far-reaching to say that I've cycled across the nation of my birth, I cycled across the nation of my birth while a mass bioweapon was injected into the arms of my fellow Canadian citizens and now genocide is taking its effect across this country, including the members of this police department, who are most certainly vaccinated.
I am so sorry for the lives that have not yet been lost.
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See also:
Cara McMinn completes over 4000km ride and arrives in Ottawa Ontario. Tell Your Story Memorial Ride
Canadian Free Living, August 6, 2022
Covid 19 Vaccination death and Injury. Cara McMinn, Tell your story Memorial Ride
CanadianFreeLiving, August 3, 2022
* During the Truckers Protest January and February 2022 protesters against the vaccine mandates closed down the Coutts border crossing between Coutts, Alberta, Canada and Sweet Grass, Montana, United States.
See "Coutts protest leaders to go on trial in 2024" January 9, 2023