I sent the following email on this topic a while ago. It supplements what Dr. Alexander is saying.

Igor Chudov has an excellent substack article today, comparing Portugal's experience with that of S. Africa on recent COVID-19 variants (https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/ba5-is-a-variant-for-boosted-people?s=r). Portugal is highly vaccinated and boosted, whereas S. Africa is at the other end of the spectrum.

As Chudov says: "

Both countries are experiencing a “BA4/5” wave

It was no big deal for South Africa

The same wave is deadly for the overboosted Portuguese and the deaths keep rising

Covid looks to be “mostly over” for unvaccinated South Africa and is “only getting started” for totally vaccinated and mostly boosted Portugal."

He states further: "this current wave of infections and deaths in Portugal is driven by reinfections. Why are reinfections happening? Because boosted people are unable to acquire proper immunity upon infection. Thus, they are forced to endure endless Covid reinfections, that further damage their immune systems, inviting more illness."

This outcome was predictable. In a Trial Site News OpEd (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19#comments), I proposed that those who were "vaccinated" against COVID-19 entered into a self-sustaining modus operandi where they effectively became addicted to the COVID-19 shots. The shots themselves suppressed the innate immune system, and opened the recipient to emergence of dormant viruses, cancers, autoimmune diseases, etc. They also made the recipient more vulnerable to infections such as COVID-19, and that's what Chudov is observing in Portugal. If one chooses not to take the boosters, then the waning immunity that follows the shots will result in negative vaccine effectiveness, where again the recipient becomes more vulnerable to infections. That's the self-sustaining situation we are observing. While Chudov focuses on Portugal, this transition to negative vaccine effectiveness has been observed in the UK, New Zealand, Canada, and other countries.

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Too many shots. Looks like immune escape, vaccine resistance then negative efficacy, VAIDS and disease enhancement which happens when vaccine development goes wrong. Antibody dependent enhancement is when it goes horribly wrong.

Since the young immune system is still learning, it is more resilient and able to adapt and memorise and requires training not subverting. The vulnerable and elderly were first to be vaccinated. Generally older immune systems are weaker with more pre existing retroviruses and inflammatory conditions. The spike protein in the vaccine is inflammatory.

How Western or inflammatory is their diet? Asian herbs are anti inflammatory. Ginger, garlic, chilli, turmeric etc, green tea. Legumes, ancient grains, leafy greens eggs and some meat - very good. Uttar Pradesh and Japan had success with ivermectin.

Western diet is full of GMO, glyphosate, Trans fat and refined carbs which are inflammatory. How much sunlight and vitamin D?

Also, the vaccine spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells and down regulates DNA repair, (Swedish study November 2021) this could be worth checking out. May be another variable.

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Grains are inflammatory, period. Legumes too. They all become glucose in the blood.

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True. Our pH is important. Too alkaline is not good either. A good diet has balance and some trade off and will adjust the pH. A western junk food diet is too acid - inflammatory. We need some glucose too -unprocessed. I’m addicted to oranges. High in unrefined fructose but oranges are alkaline. Lemons surprisingly are very alkaline - something to do with how we metabolise it.

The highly vaxed countries sadly have more susceptibility to C-19. The numbers are showing this. Vaccine immunity is non sterilising and drives immune escape variants and subverts the innate immunity. Well maintained innate immunity is sterilising and doesn't have any adverse events.

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Ph health theory superstition. The ph of the human body is strictly regulated. You don't need any dietary glucose and no fructose.

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I am curious whether the health and demographic profile of of the dying is the same in the vaxed and unvaxed nations.

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Geert is again being proven right, which is why some now only have non allopathic antivirals combinations to fall back on. But they don't know this, yet.

I'm working up these and have a vested interest as a vaxxed person already infected me with BA.2 and Ivermectin is effectively a prohibited drug in many countries. Berberine with silymarin works just as well by all accounts.

I'm currently collating research on Artemisia.

Therapeutic properties of Berberine,

A literature review.


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Would someone measure the blood value of vitamin D in South African people versus Portugal versus the United States.  I believe we would find that those with high vitamin D blood values have a more vibrant immune system which is not as susceptible to either the virus or the mRNA injections. When the CDC says only .2% of the population is at risk of dying and we still go forward with mass vaccinations it makes no sense.  Exposing humanity to a man-made virus and in turn creating a man-made injection is the only solution speaks of hubris and not good medical sense. Defining the role of natural immunity and boosting the immune system has been ignored In this fiasco.

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The fiasco is on us, reduce the population as bill gates(of hell) wants. They've made billions. I remember reading that the CEO of Moderna retired after his income hit $1 Billion or so, not all from Moderna, but a lot.

Interesting, Forbes 2/14/2022: Moderna Stock Crashes - losses top $140 Billion as insiders sell millions of dollars in shares.

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Read that moderna injection is three times more potent than Pfizer’s so they should be sued first for what they did. That’s probably why they all bailed!

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Agreed, wish they'd take fakesey fauci with them. He made more than a few $$$ too. I remember his stuff from the AIDS. Sleaze then, now an extra 30+ years, he's perfected it.

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Thank you Dr. Paul. Another great article with fascinating charts . FLCCC has protocols for long covid that you need to look into. Also those who use FLCCC or Zekenko etc early treatment protocols ( iver or hydroxy + suppkements) simply don't seem to get long covid, whereas people who do not use early treatment, it is said are getting it at a rate of 20 to 30%. Another huge argument for early treatment that is being ignored . If we had gone to widespread chemo- prophylaxis in the beginning, like parts of India did, this thing would be history by now. Tragic and Unforgivable on the part of all these bogus "Health experts" in World governments

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It is no accident. They knew.

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Yes agree that the the main issue now is the impact of Long Covid. Is this far worse in the vaccinated then the unvaccinated? Any studies around this. LC hit people before vaccination started. Is LC less of an issue with Omicron than it was with Delta or original Woo Floo variant or will we not know for a few more months?

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I have to wonder if long covid is just a manifestation of the poor metabolic health in many western populations. People have these complaints even without covid infection.

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Some of the healthiest and fittest people I know are now very ill from LC. Constant headaches, heart palpitations, temperature, vision issues etc - cant just be a coincidence

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Isn't long covid just a term invented by the CovCON PR Team to cover up vax injuries -- which results in the CovIDIOTS rushing out to get more booster shots because they are concerned about 'long covid'.... even though of course the boosters shots make it more likely that they will get covid with severe symptoms (and possibly a vax injury which they will believe is long covid) --- which will motivate them to take the next booster shot as soon as it is available because without the booster shots 'it would have been much worse'

The CovIDIOTS are caught in a tangled web.... and their low IQ brains cause them to thrash around in confusion ... resulting in them becoming even more trapped in an endless cycle of boosters shots

Let's have a look at the Running of the CovIDIOTS ... this is actual footage taken in New Zealand as the 4th shot availability was announced.... the CovIDIOTS have turned the booster shots into a regular event and everyone puts on fancy dress...

And now that the borders are open tourists are being encouraged to come to NZ to participate... it's so much fun!


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I agree generally, but have an issue with the pervasive use of Covidiots. Whilst there are no shortage - probably even a majority - of fools who raced off to get their experimental jabs, there are also the Co-vid-erced who knew better, but were forced by the State to get jabbed. This has been very distressing for many people/families and it is inappropriate to refer to them as Covidiots. Though the rest likely are deserving of the label.

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Let me clarify by submitting a definition:

CovIDIOT - one who believes that all covid injections are purposed to stop the spread of covid and/or prevent severe illness or death. One who eagerly awaits their next booster shot and who immediately posts a selfie to social media of themselves being injected then a second photo of them smiling with their free donut coupon. One who squawks like a cockatoo Trust the Science Trust the Science Safe and Effective Safe and Effective....

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Yes. One who ticks any of the above boxes.

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Love the video clip. Good message. (A tragedy unfolds. Some of these people had no choice, they were blackmailed. Victims of crime don’t deserve to suffer, even the unthinking ones).

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The ones were mandated into taking the jabs are exempted from the term CovIDIOT

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Sometimes when I’m being monstered about the vaccine, I just try to out pro vax them. Lots of fun 🤣. At least they won’t dob me in.

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I am thinking of telling Them that I have decided to turn Pro Vax... as in Professional Vaxxer...

Oh what's that?

Well its like the PGA... or the ATP ..... or even F1... there is a circuit of events in major cities around the world with big prize money.... but this is for the world's top covid vaxxers.

Oh. So what do you do at the tournaments?

We vax of course. Basically it's like Russian Roulette but with covid vaccines. Competitors keep shooting the boosters until someone either collapses with heart damage --- or outright drops dead. The survivors move on to the next round and so on.


Of course we all believe the injections are safe so often you'll get competitors willing to take 20 even 30 shots...

Oh ya? How much is the prize money?

A few million USD. You wanna join?

Sure - how do I get on this Pro Vax Tour. Are their groupies?

Oh ya... lots!

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Agreed that LC likely caused by vax but plenty of LC around well before the vax was even available

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The spike protein causes less oxygen in the blood due to micro clotting. Less oxygen in the brain causes brain fog. The vaccine has more spike protein. One day we might figure out how to negate this spike protein

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As Dr McCullough has stated there is 'long ever respiratory disease'.... for some people the illness lingers.

I play hockey with some pretty high level guys and probably one of the fittest guys I know - 35 years old -- had a cough that he could not get rid of for 2+ months... pre covid.

There are plenty of studies that demonstrate a lot people - who are unhealthy to begin with - are blaming long covid for all their ailments... keep in mind the majority of people particularly in the US are generally not well - they are obese -- and they stuff all sorts of pharma into their gaping maws... better to say you have long covid than pre-diabetes etc...

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Why is Canada never included in the analyses? Still don't know anyone who died or was seriously injured--yet we have 90% vaccinated?? But there are a lot of stupid accidents and crazy behaviours. I think Canadians have received a drug that messes up the thinking part of the brain! I'd love to know why they are almost all so happy to viciously attack those who don't agree with the tyranny that is taking place in this country. I hope someone investigates Canada soon!

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Thank you very much Dr. Alexander for continuing to crank out this information. I have the impression that some of the other doctors have partly stopped (or are taking a deserved break) from providing this type of info which allows you to draw own conclusions about the development of the pandemic. But you keep going strong!! This is very helpful to be able to stay ahead of what will come.

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The so called COVID-19 “vaccines “ clearly state in the legal disclosure form that it’s under an emergency use authorization (EUA), undergoing clinical studies (Experimental) does NOT provide immunity, does NOT prevent transmission and may reduce COVID-19 symptoms. We now know that these experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” were known to have over 1000 adverse reactions including permanent injury and death but big pharma still got their EUA to jab the masses with these experimental mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” In my opinion people are getting sick, permanently injured or dying from these experimental COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” are fucking toxic to humans. It’s TOXEMIA!

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Surely Long Covid is becoming the main issue now. How do unvaccinated vs vaccinated look with regard to LC impact?

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I wouldn’t trust the death statistics from India, at least based on what the Covid vaccine tracker says. The source they are getting from is through the API. Did your source get from somewhere else?

Update (November, 2021): The India COVID-19 API have stopped updating thier case and death metrics, therefore only the vaccine data will update going forward.


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Good update laid out in a logical format.

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