I would think deep and really really hard if I were someone looking for a “job” in the IRS. Do these people have a moral compass? I know the “upper ranks” are the evil ones but how could ANYONE now apply or stay in the FBI knowing what a wicked organization they are. I’ll never understand.

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Same as doctors, CDC/Pfizer employees, pharma workers giving Covid jabs

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My thoughts exactly! What American citizen in good conscience could sign on to this. Rather, What could put someone into such a power trip that they would stoop to a job with the IRS in this capacity? There has to be a screening tool in place to recruit evil people that hate this country.

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Those that apply for these jobs should be psychologically screened. IMO, many who apply may be power hungry which can prove deadly! We are in very turbulent times!!

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I thought it was odd when reports of the IRS purchasing ammunition came out. Evidently the IRS has a different mission statement than is understood by the American public. Is it time for FOIA to find out what the heck is going on!

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It’s not odd. All the government agencies have been buying huge supplies of fire arms and ammunition since Obama got elected to attack the American people from within!

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Didn't Canada have some strange purchasing orders regarding ammunition purchasing and Covid - yet pre Covid? Can't remember it was so long ago and I thought it was a joke but the person posting a link.

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I remember that, too.

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So I am not paranoid and crazy? I think it was grenades or something really strange. Thought for sure it was a hoax at the time

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I don’t recall that, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen especially with Trudeau!!

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Nothing is off the table. Saw part of an old documentary on a Canadian hospital working with the CIA on hallucinogens.

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All of our governments our pure evil. They all planned for the covid plandemic and when they are murdering thousands and injuring millions, including innocent children we know they made a pact with Satan. This is a evil as it gets. Although I have a strong faith in our Almighty Savior, I am worried for our families. How so many people cannot see through what is happening is mind boggling and they keep taking these deadly jabs! Especially the dumbed down doctors!

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I mentioned this yesterday. I really woke up in 2007, right before BHO got elected. WOW…DID I WAKE UP!

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This is for real. When Obama was elected I worked as an elected Treasurer where our police and fire trained to kill civilians! Our fire chief was alarmed! He told me that they were training to kill innocent Americans! Now that Obiden was illegally installed they are advancing their attacks on conservatives. This was when the Tea Party started and this is who they wanted to kill!

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😂😂😂🤡🌍 Meanwhile the violent criminals are breaking into homes, sometimes killing the inhabitants while the FBI needs 7 agents to bust into your home legally. Fascinating.

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Mary Ann, you're too smart! You'll never get a triple digit income from the Gov if you keep reaching conclusions like this! LOL!!!

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Oh yeah. Big guerillas (gorillas?). Now what, they're gonna raid middle-class or low income houses to take our bread box or underwear? Did it occur to them that if the folks could not pay their taxes is because they... could'nt affort to? duh!? put in prison? they're gonna become more costly burden for the state taxpayers anyway... I'm Canadian, this communist tactic could never be implemented here !! LOL! No, instead, at no cost, Mister Troodo found out he could just go right straight into our bank accounts for a self-serve buffet. Why spend billions on agents, guns and training? learn from the best totalitarian!

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I saw a post yesterday saying that the ad they are using to hire people says the applicant or hiree must be willing to use Deadly force.

The only thing I can think of is that this is how the fake unconstitutional dictators are planning to get people to move from their beautiful comfortable homes into the tiny pack and stack compartments in the 5G cities they are building for their 2030 Agenda. Simply say they owe some tax money and if they're not able to pay it...maybe because they haven't been computerchipized or have a Certificate Of Vaccine ID AI (19) COVID19 then they can't access their money....could be millions of dollars...but can't access it.

See where this is going? We need to get rid of all our RINOs and DEMs and Take America Back because what "they" want is NO future for any of us.

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Or the Walmarts for now since some are being emptied. The Army set up logistics systems with Walmart as distribution bases and most likely FEMA camps, they get a fortune from the gov’t.

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Will there even be an election? I have my doubts. Or...it will be stolen, we Patriots riot, so there’s another reason to shoot us

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IMO, there will be no election. IF there is one, it will be like the last one.

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For the past several months I've been seeing posts stating 'the government is coming for our guns because they plan on doing things we'd shoot them for'. Well here it is. Tax collectors training as swat teams.

Don't think they aren't tracking social media and cell phones to selection the 'domestic terrorists'. That includes anyone criticizing the government's heavy-handed police state tactics or parents protesting the grooming and sexualizing of their children. They've already done it.

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An hour and a half from me. Funny how they said they WERE going to hire a 87,000 new armed IRS agents, I heard they are already hired and I guess this proves it.

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I am a metaphysician and spent 2months this spring studying evil and I discovered that the Luciferians controlled most of the money on earth, the Central Bank, CIA, FBI, UN, WHO, WEF, most of the aid agencies, every religion, politicans, technology, major news agncies, famous actors, CDC and other health agencies. If you want to get ahead you join their ranks and partake in their rituals. You submit to their control. They are everywhere. The worldwide interconnection is mind boggling. This is why it has taken so long for the truth to surface about the vaccines. When Mike Yeadon started to speak out he thought they would take him out. They didn't because not enough people were taking him seriously in 2020. Those who still want to dominate will continue to apply to the FBI. There is no room for these kinds of people on the earth that is unfolding. I now understand why 80% of the humans on earth lack a soul. I am concentrating on the 20% who do.

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You got it Mary Jane! It’s so beyond what we can see with our naked eyes! I think many of us are put here at this particular time on Earth for a reason. I find the Bible speaks of this (very interesting as a historical prophecy)!

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I would think there is a political litmus test being given to all federal workers these days. Only those riden with Biden need apply?

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Don't worry, it's the efficiency of government. It will take 87,000 new agents to do the work of 8,700. Are the states going to allow armed IRS agents to come in and shoot up people? It might become fashionable in leftist meccas like Cally, NY and Illy.

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I just sent a copy of this link to Ted Cruz. Hopefully I will hear something from him soon.

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We are in a war. Have been for awhile, now they are not even trying to hide it.

As Catherine Austin Fitts has recently said, "They are coming for your land, your gold and your kids".

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Remember, our government is no longer hiring the best and the brightest. They are hiring based on DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion which translates to hate, revenge and oppression. Think about it. How scary is this?

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I prefer it as: DIE

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The “attack” on the house is called executing a search warrant. They (IRS-CI) have been doing it for decades like most other law enforcement agencies. The only thing notable about this IRS business is that they are planning such a big increase if their staffing. That means they will be enforcing tax law more vigorously. Will they be used inappropriately by political appointees to disproportionately target people who do not vote the right way? That should not happen, but that is what you want to watch for. Are Trump supporters going to be disproportionately targeted!? That is where the attention should be focused. Also, why do billionaires frequently pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than a middle class person? Because rich people have their lobbyists write the tax code because they own the politicians. That is another big problem with the IRS and tax law in this country.

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IRS-CI --- Infernal Revenue Service - Criminal Intent.

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