man's intense chest pain. He later collapsed from a cardiac arrest while playing hockey." What do you think? Could this be due to COVID vaccine? Please comment.
The clot shot doing its job. For the vast majority of us there are not doctors there that can save you. The more shots you take the great the chance of dying is.
I have also heard (principally with reference to the athletes who are collapsing) that, even when there is medical help at hand, the majority of the collapsed are dying. On the Goodsciencing site, there are now 1798 cardiac arrests or similar incidents, with 1244 recorded as dying. A few will be unrelated to the jab (probably around 25-30/year according to a prior study) but most almost certainly are.
But it is of great concern that even when there's a doctor or paramedic on hand, they can't save them, in most cases. I have a distant friend who had a heart attack 2 months after her second jab (she'd had covid already, which made the jab more dangerous) and she would have died except that the helimed team were already with her when she arrested. It took 9 shots of the defibrillator to bring her back. Another closer friend in the same friendship group - who was a fit as a butcher's dog - died of a catastrophic heart attack about 5 months after the booster and never regained consciousness. They seem to be particularly aggressive heart attacks.
It’s everywhere! I cannot fathom why this is happening being in the medical field myself! The only logical explanation I can come up with is these providers truly do know it is adverse effects from the vaccine and are afraid of losing their license! They probably have protocols they HAVE to follow for chest pain now. And most routine tests are coming back negative or the troponin levels are elevated at admission and return to normal levels so they are discharged. Our healthcare system is destroyed and not sure how we will ever recover the science or trust in the providers again.
Irrelevant. This group, whatever its origin, leads every subversive, communist movement in The West, votes nearly 80% for leftist causes, and has hated, and called for the destruction of the white race since 72 AD (way before the Khazarians).
We are being replaced and has been in the works for quite some time. An NP can currently apply for a very lucrative job at the border states taking care of illegals. Our tax es are paying for these provider’s housing, food and travel expenses. The job description states we MUST be fully vaccinated! Fully jabbed to take care of illegals who don’t need the poison! It’s on as we speak! When are going to stand up?!?!
I have a problem in aggregate, with this group that is hell bent on the replacement, and ultimate destruction of my people.
When you analyze and research how pervasive they are in every leftist/communist subversive activity, I find zero need to delineate phenotype vs. religiosity.
EVERYTHING I hate, or that threatens my family, community, culture and society has their greasy fingerprints on it:
Semitic people can find their roots in Biblical history. According to the Genesis account, Noah and his family survived a global flood by living in an ark. Semites can trace their heritage back to Shem, one of Noah’s sons. In ancient history the term “Semite” included Arabs, Assyrians, the Akkadians of Babylonia, the Canaanites, Aramean tribes, certain groups in Ethiopia and the Hebrew tribes. Most Semitic groups were nomadic and traveled throughout the Arabic peninsula. By 2,500 BC they had migrated as far as Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Mediterranean coastline. Contemporary Semitic people are primarily Hebrews and Arabs.
"Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples or Proto-Semitic people were people who lived throughout the ancient Near East, including the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Horn of Africa from the 3rd millennium BC until the end of antiquity."
"DR. RENATA MOON, MD: So a few months ago I looked at the package insert. I pulled it from the box of mRNA product. And it was sealed just like showing you here, I unsealed the box that the entire thing came in and then I pulled this out. And this is what it looks like. So I'd like to show it to you. [opens the large piece of paper, about the size of an opened newspaper, in so doing, bumps the microphone] Sorry about that. [holding up the large sheet of paper with both hands] It's um, it's blank.
DR. DAVID GORTLER: Boom. There is is.
DR. RENATA MOON, MD: It says intentionally blank on it."
Most doctors are not trained to look beyond their noses. While they are being smug and arrogant, thousands of people are dying. Even if they get lucky and make a diagnosis, they rarely know how to treat it. The medical profession is a major disgrace to the science of health.
I disagree with you on that statement. I agree with most responses on here but take offense to that one due to it’s not based on fact and totally inaccurate! We have allowed our medical system to be destroyed by not calling these providers out. I for one, can say I do on a regular basis with multiple write ups, kicked out of morning meetings and on the verge of termination. I am willing to lose every certification I have to save lives. These providers are WELL trained.
There are lots of wonderful doctors. There are many doctors who can think scientifically. But "Doctors" is a very large group of people: therefore there will be variation of all kinds. Notice that he did not say "all doctors", but "most doctors": after the experience of the last couple of years, it would be hard to find factual fault with that. I say that from a position of love for doctors. In my immediate family there are innumerable GP's, a surgeon, a nurse, & a physiotherapist. My two nicest friends are a husband and wife pair of family doctors who work tirelessly for the benefit of others; and yet they were unable to assess the evidence for the "vaccines" accurately.
Please don't be offended by his statement, which after all is only an impression not a survey, but proud of yourself if you were able to spot the fallacy in March 2020.
"WELL trained" in some respects but not all.
What proportion of the audience in this video would you say understand what is going on?
I watched that video and just to see all those walking around in masks is truly disheartening! I enjoyed reading your post and agree with you. I just cannot understand why these providers are willing to just totally disregard all they learned from years and years of true medical science! I am not a doctor but have 13 years of nursing experience and now graduating as an NP. I knew something was not right from day one based on my medical education and immediately started doing more research. I just cannot believe these providers, 3 years in now, still are either that brainwashed or willing to “do harm” to save their career! It is so sad to see! I absolutely love the medical field but I am afraid I will lose my license the day I start because I have told the truth from day one and will continue to do so. I think the healthcare system is too far gone and I do not fit their agenda.
I'm not sure if your comment is meant ironically. Not quite sure what you mean by "this" but Iatrogenic deaths were about the 3rd largest cause of deaths. Viz
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." ---Marcia Angell, MD
"The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal
"Six years ago, John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece, found that nearly half of published articles in scientific journals contained findings that were false, in the sense that independent researchers couldn't replicate them. The problem is particularly widespread in medical research, where peer-reviewed articles in medical journals can be crucial in influencing multimillion- and sometimes multibillion-dollar spending decisions. It would be surprising if conflicts of interest did not sometimes compromise editorial neutrality, and in the case of medical research, the sources of bias are obvious. Most medical journals receive half or more of their income from pharmaceutical company advertising and reprint orders, and dozens of others [journals] are owned by companies like Wolters Kluwer, a medical publisher that also provides marketing services to the pharmaceutical industry."
The pressure on doctors to tow the line seems absurdly onerous. I think the profession is all on eggshells. I wonder when the eggshells are all going to crack along with the layers of denial.
Click on the video that shows a blue-skirted conference table ]
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video was livestreamed by the speaker himself, Dr. William Bay, who is a GP in Brisbane, Australia. On the screen of his livestream recording numerous comments appear (I believe it was filmed for TikTok, although the link to view the recording goes to Vimeo). I have also transcribed these many comments separately, following the main transcript.
Dr. Bay filmed this at the Australian Medical Association conference held in Sydney in July 2022. . The video shows the banquet room filled with doctors, all masked, and sitting at large round tables. As Dr. Bay begins his protest speech, we see most of the doctors quickly get up and leave the room. Without ado, security guards escort Dr. Bay out to the corridor, and then down the escalator, as he continues to shout out his protest.
A story about this incident appeared appeared in the UK Daily Mail, August 7, 2022 together with a shorter version of this same video (cut at 2:12) under the title "Doctor's crazy anti-vaccine rant disrupts medical conference"
DR. WILLIAM BAY: Omar*, I'm sorry. My colleagues of the AMA, my name is Dr. William Bay and I'm a GP registrar and I'm here today to ask you to join with the people of Australia and stop forcing these vaccines on people who are getting killed by them.
Dr. Professor Paul Kelly [Australia's Chief Medical Officer] is a liar, he is gaslighting all of you and there is only a 0.27% fatality rate with the infection and natural immunity has been proven recently in a Qatar study that it gives you 97.3% immunity for life against all variants.
[suddenly, most of the doctors get up and start to walk away]
All GPs, all doctors of Australia, you are on notice by the people of Queensland, this is the Queensland People's Protest and you have been warned!
[security officers escort him out, he shouts from door:]
You have been warned!
The people of Australia hear you!
[now in the hallway, shouting to a scattered crowd]
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before you hit the floor!
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before you say no more!
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before the people say no more!
Case fatality 0.27%!
Natural immunity gives you 97.3% protection for life against all variants forever!
Look it up, that's the Qatar study!* Look it up! The people need you, doctors, don't let them down!
[a professional cameraman appears, walking backwards, filming Dr. Bay as he walks towards the escalator]
Do not let them down!
My name is Dr. William Bay and I'm from the Queensland People's Protest and I'm here to say that we must stand with the people of Australia and not let them get injured by this vaccine anymore!
They cannot be harmed!
The should not be harmed!
We must protect them!
We must protect the people of Australia!
[now riding the escalator down]
There is nothing scary about covid 19!
Or the money pox! Money pox, what a joke!
[professional cameraman riding escalator backwards before him, continues filming him, is casually chewing gum]
Nobody's scared of that! Why is that an international incident of concern?
A public health emergency of international concern for 44 cases in Australia!
We are not afraid!
The people of Queensland are not afraid!
And Professor Paul Kelly and the AMA, we call you out for the disgrace, for the travesty you have put on the people of Australia!
So help you God!
[On escalator, in a normal vice, to security officer, standing behind him]: Thank you for being gentle with me.
SECURITY OFFICER: It's in my nature.
DR. WILLIAM BAY [laughs, then, to his camera, louder voice]: Yeah, so just being escorted out, out of the AMA national conference, 2023 [he misspoke, it was 2022] after exposing the hypocrisy of Professor Paul Kelly, the AMA leadership, Omar, and all the people who keep pretending that covid 19 is killing you when it's the vaccine and the injuries that's killing you!
[shouting out:]
You must stop the injuries from these mRNA vaccines!
They are modifying your DNA!
They are causing myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, dementia!
[Still riding the escalator, to security guard, in normal voice]: Just over here. I've been here before, yeah. If I could get my bag on the way out that would be nice, so I don't have to come back.
SECURITY GUARD: [inaudible] want me to get your bag [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: Well I have to get it sooner or later.
SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: [laughs] I do have a ticket for it, yes.
SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: [inaudible] 335, please, sir.
[louder voice, to his own camera] So I'm just getting kicked out of the ICC*, very nicely, I must say, thank you, security, you've been very nice to me.
[to security guard:] Thank you for respecting my human rights.
[louder:] Thank you for respecting my democracy.
[shouting out to crowd:] This is the Queensland People's Protest! Stop 26 and we will not give in!
And we will win!
# # #
* I believe Dr. Bay is referring to Dr. Omar Khorshid, president of the AMA.
* "The Qatar Study" he refers to is the paper published by The New England Journal of Medicine, July 7, 2022, "Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections" by Heba N. Altarawneh et al
I was really struck by something Kim Fry said: "And [God] told me, you have to stop fighting and learn how to stand. And those are the guiding words that have continued. What does it mean to stand? What does it look like? It's when you have determined what the right thing is to do and you do it no matter what the cost. And you let God defend you."
Sorry but I stand with the brave ones who were/are willing to risk it all, and who weren't willing to compromise their sacred Hippocratic oath "To do no Harm". I can understand at the beginning, but as it went on and data and what they witnessed firsthand, not to mention what they should've known about medicine and science gives them no real excuse, and especially after the jabs.
Who doesn't in this forum. I'm just wondering when the rest fall through their eggshells and dance of denial. The profession is being gutted and replaced by a top down ai system without personalized health care. I have many posts reviewing the legislation.
I thought you were giving them a break my bad. I'm afraid too many believe in what they did, and it scares the hell out of me. Yet so many never lost trust and still do in not only the doctors but the hospitals and elderly care homes. Glad I was able to keep my mother out of one.
There is systematic evil imposed everywhere: some are willing participants, some or willfully blind, some or outright idiots, some are captured by their lies, some are captured by fear and then there is the dissent. We show courage and stand, we are louder and louder and we look behind and there are literally millions and millions standing the world over behind us on our words of courage. They whisper, talk, speak, shout until the platform of dissent is so vast it is impenetrable. Those who step up behind may come slowly, or suddenly, and with the sins of their past. But we all face the same enemy. Keep shouting hold the faith.
I have absolutely no confidence in doctors or the medical community. I think their eighter so arrogant that can't entertain that there are things they don't know at a major disadvantage to their patients sometimes fatal. The other is that they are completely corrupted from being bought by big pharma also ending in fatalities.
Oh they see. They deserve their coming karma. I gave them a pass early on but not now. The clowns have driven the clown car over the cliff. No warm fuzzy feelings for the docs aka liar pharma govt shills.
One generally has to look for a red flag to find one and the 35 year old patient's red flags were probably so apparent that the doctor was driven away by being charged with malpractice based on his recommendation of vaccination.
It is not for nothing the Ashkenazim executives/doctors at Pfizer and Moderna targeted vastly higher spike protein uptake on European ACE-2 receptors than any other race. They want us dead.
if you don't look, you can't see and there's nothing to see here. business as usual. sounds like you get better care from your off duty doctor friends than you do when you see them at their offices
The Doctor now knows what is going wrong.. and the tools that confirm this are not being used... micro clotting and fibrin clogging does not show in a standard blood test nor an MRI nor in people who get no autopsy... convenient protocol for anyone trying not to upset their paymasters... eh Bill ?
Yes but MRI ‘a need to be read by specialised radiographers who often “miss” the telltale signs of micro clotting in the limbs or torso... often these only become evident when tissue slices are examined during autopsy.
The doctors see it. They know full well. They are controlled by an influx of funds and fear. Considering the consequences of potential harm to others -- at this point -- all of it shameful.
Though, I have to admit, I am no longer having huge considerations of income to support a family were I to lose it all. IS THERE A PATH for those like-minded, critically thinking, individuals in the health fields to find a way and a place to congregate and create centers so they can continue to practice and meet the needs of those in the know and those who are slowing beginning to know -- there is an alternative to being cared for by conscientious medical caregivers not aligned entirely with Big Pharma?
The clot shot doing its job. For the vast majority of us there are not doctors there that can save you. The more shots you take the great the chance of dying is.
I have also heard (principally with reference to the athletes who are collapsing) that, even when there is medical help at hand, the majority of the collapsed are dying. On the Goodsciencing site, there are now 1798 cardiac arrests or similar incidents, with 1244 recorded as dying. A few will be unrelated to the jab (probably around 25-30/year according to a prior study) but most almost certainly are.
But it is of great concern that even when there's a doctor or paramedic on hand, they can't save them, in most cases. I have a distant friend who had a heart attack 2 months after her second jab (she'd had covid already, which made the jab more dangerous) and she would have died except that the helimed team were already with her when she arrested. It took 9 shots of the defibrillator to bring her back. Another closer friend in the same friendship group - who was a fit as a butcher's dog - died of a catastrophic heart attack about 5 months after the booster and never regained consciousness. They seem to be particularly aggressive heart attacks.
It’s everywhere! I cannot fathom why this is happening being in the medical field myself! The only logical explanation I can come up with is these providers truly do know it is adverse effects from the vaccine and are afraid of losing their license! They probably have protocols they HAVE to follow for chest pain now. And most routine tests are coming back negative or the troponin levels are elevated at admission and return to normal levels so they are discharged. Our healthcare system is destroyed and not sure how we will ever recover the science or trust in the providers again.
We never will trust the medical profession again. It’s even more untrustworthy than the used car guys.
The majority are just pill pushers for Big Pharma anyway.
Oy vey! Once again, just as with banking, porn and Communism, jewish corruption leads the way!
The Talmudic Jews aren’t the Torah Jews.
Irrelevant. This group, whatever its origin, leads every subversive, communist movement in The West, votes nearly 80% for leftist causes, and has hated, and called for the destruction of the white race since 72 AD (way before the Khazarians).
We are being replaced and has been in the works for quite some time. An NP can currently apply for a very lucrative job at the border states taking care of illegals. Our tax es are paying for these provider’s housing, food and travel expenses. The job description states we MUST be fully vaccinated! Fully jabbed to take care of illegals who don’t need the poison! It’s on as we speak! When are going to stand up?!?!
Well said. There will not be a consolidated white response. Cucked race.
So is it that you have problems with the religion or the Semitic race?
Also probably 20% of the Jewish people are Orthodox-the rest that you referred to are most likely secular or Talmudic .
Regardless, mimetic rivalry, hatred and scapegoating is endemic to being human.
I have a problem in aggregate, with this group that is hell bent on the replacement, and ultimate destruction of my people.
When you analyze and research how pervasive they are in every leftist/communist subversive activity, I find zero need to delineate phenotype vs. religiosity.
EVERYTHING I hate, or that threatens my family, community, culture and society has their greasy fingerprints on it:
Jews aren't the only semites.
Semite History
Semitic people can find their roots in Biblical history. According to the Genesis account, Noah and his family survived a global flood by living in an ark. Semites can trace their heritage back to Shem, one of Noah’s sons. In ancient history the term “Semite” included Arabs, Assyrians, the Akkadians of Babylonia, the Canaanites, Aramean tribes, certain groups in Ethiopia and the Hebrew tribes. Most Semitic groups were nomadic and traveled throughout the Arabic peninsula. By 2,500 BC they had migrated as far as Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Mediterranean coastline. Contemporary Semitic people are primarily Hebrews and Arabs.
If you prefer Wiki
"Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples or Proto-Semitic people were people who lived throughout the ancient Near East, including the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Horn of Africa from the 3rd millennium BC until the end of antiquity."
Pretty sure there’s a large percentage of black folks who feel the same way about Whitey as you feel about the Jews.
Are you saying we’re victims of the Jews?
One can always get another car...
Nice Posts, all the doctors and pharmacists had to do was look at the supposed documentation they were being provided.
"Five Pharmacists: Awake, Woken Up, Served"
"DR. RENATA MOON, MD: So a few months ago I looked at the package insert. I pulled it from the box of mRNA product. And it was sealed just like showing you here, I unsealed the box that the entire thing came in and then I pulled this out. And this is what it looks like. So I'd like to show it to you. [opens the large piece of paper, about the size of an opened newspaper, in so doing, bumps the microphone] Sorry about that. [holding up the large sheet of paper with both hands] It's um, it's blank.
DR. DAVID GORTLER: Boom. There is is.
DR. RENATA MOON, MD: It says intentionally blank on it."
Look up the forgotten side of medicine on Substack it’s writings of a real doctor who answers your very question
Most doctors are not trained to look beyond their noses. While they are being smug and arrogant, thousands of people are dying. Even if they get lucky and make a diagnosis, they rarely know how to treat it. The medical profession is a major disgrace to the science of health.
Exactly! 😑 well said truth.
I disagree with you on that statement. I agree with most responses on here but take offense to that one due to it’s not based on fact and totally inaccurate! We have allowed our medical system to be destroyed by not calling these providers out. I for one, can say I do on a regular basis with multiple write ups, kicked out of morning meetings and on the verge of termination. I am willing to lose every certification I have to save lives. These providers are WELL trained.
There are lots of wonderful doctors. There are many doctors who can think scientifically. But "Doctors" is a very large group of people: therefore there will be variation of all kinds. Notice that he did not say "all doctors", but "most doctors": after the experience of the last couple of years, it would be hard to find factual fault with that. I say that from a position of love for doctors. In my immediate family there are innumerable GP's, a surgeon, a nurse, & a physiotherapist. My two nicest friends are a husband and wife pair of family doctors who work tirelessly for the benefit of others; and yet they were unable to assess the evidence for the "vaccines" accurately.
Please don't be offended by his statement, which after all is only an impression not a survey, but proud of yourself if you were able to spot the fallacy in March 2020.
"WELL trained" in some respects but not all.
What proportion of the audience in this video would you say understand what is going on?
I watched that video and just to see all those walking around in masks is truly disheartening! I enjoyed reading your post and agree with you. I just cannot understand why these providers are willing to just totally disregard all they learned from years and years of true medical science! I am not a doctor but have 13 years of nursing experience and now graduating as an NP. I knew something was not right from day one based on my medical education and immediately started doing more research. I just cannot believe these providers, 3 years in now, still are either that brainwashed or willing to “do harm” to save their career! It is so sad to see! I absolutely love the medical field but I am afraid I will lose my license the day I start because I have told the truth from day one and will continue to do so. I think the healthcare system is too far gone and I do not fit their agenda.
None of this was happening before the bioweapon shots came out, so all of it is due to that.
I'm not sure if your comment is meant ironically. Not quite sure what you mean by "this" but Iatrogenic deaths were about the 3rd largest cause of deaths. Viz
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." ---Marcia Angell, MD
"The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal
"Six years ago, John Ioannidis, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Ioannina School of Medicine in Greece, found that nearly half of published articles in scientific journals contained findings that were false, in the sense that independent researchers couldn't replicate them. The problem is particularly widespread in medical research, where peer-reviewed articles in medical journals can be crucial in influencing multimillion- and sometimes multibillion-dollar spending decisions. It would be surprising if conflicts of interest did not sometimes compromise editorial neutrality, and in the case of medical research, the sources of bias are obvious. Most medical journals receive half or more of their income from pharmaceutical company advertising and reprint orders, and dozens of others [journals] are owned by companies like Wolters Kluwer, a medical publisher that also provides marketing services to the pharmaceutical industry."
... for starters.
I meant people weren't dying and getting seriously ill as well as dying with "cause unknown" on their files before the shots.
Ah! I see. Thanks.
Yes - I believe "cause unknown" has come from nowhere to be about the main cause of death in many places.
The pressure on doctors to tow the line seems absurdly onerous. I think the profession is all on eggshells. I wonder when the eggshells are all going to crack along with the layers of denial.
Re: pressure on doctors-- this is one of my favorites, although it is surreal and appalling:
[If that link doesn't work, try going to
Click on the video that shows a blue-skirted conference table ]
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This video was livestreamed by the speaker himself, Dr. William Bay, who is a GP in Brisbane, Australia. On the screen of his livestream recording numerous comments appear (I believe it was filmed for TikTok, although the link to view the recording goes to Vimeo). I have also transcribed these many comments separately, following the main transcript.
Dr. Bay filmed this at the Australian Medical Association conference held in Sydney in July 2022. . The video shows the banquet room filled with doctors, all masked, and sitting at large round tables. As Dr. Bay begins his protest speech, we see most of the doctors quickly get up and leave the room. Without ado, security guards escort Dr. Bay out to the corridor, and then down the escalator, as he continues to shout out his protest.
A story about this incident appeared appeared in the UK Daily Mail, August 7, 2022 together with a shorter version of this same video (cut at 2:12) under the title "Doctor's crazy anti-vaccine rant disrupts medical conference"]
[indistinct speech by speaker at podium]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: Omar*, I'm sorry. My colleagues of the AMA, my name is Dr. William Bay and I'm a GP registrar and I'm here today to ask you to join with the people of Australia and stop forcing these vaccines on people who are getting killed by them.
Dr. Professor Paul Kelly [Australia's Chief Medical Officer] is a liar, he is gaslighting all of you and there is only a 0.27% fatality rate with the infection and natural immunity has been proven recently in a Qatar study that it gives you 97.3% immunity for life against all variants.
[suddenly, most of the doctors get up and start to walk away]
All GPs, all doctors of Australia, you are on notice by the people of Queensland, this is the Queensland People's Protest and you have been warned!
[security officers escort him out, he shouts from door:]
You have been warned!
The people of Australia hear you!
[now in the hallway, shouting to a scattered crowd]
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before you hit the floor!
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before you say no more!
One shot, two shots, three shots, four!
How many shots before the people say no more!
Case fatality 0.27%!
Natural immunity gives you 97.3% protection for life against all variants forever!
Look it up, that's the Qatar study!* Look it up! The people need you, doctors, don't let them down!
[a professional cameraman appears, walking backwards, filming Dr. Bay as he walks towards the escalator]
Do not let them down!
My name is Dr. William Bay and I'm from the Queensland People's Protest and I'm here to say that we must stand with the people of Australia and not let them get injured by this vaccine anymore!
They cannot be harmed!
The should not be harmed!
We must protect them!
We must protect the people of Australia!
[now riding the escalator down]
There is nothing scary about covid 19!
Or the money pox! Money pox, what a joke!
[professional cameraman riding escalator backwards before him, continues filming him, is casually chewing gum]
Nobody's scared of that! Why is that an international incident of concern?
A public health emergency of international concern for 44 cases in Australia!
We are not afraid!
The people of Queensland are not afraid!
And Professor Paul Kelly and the AMA, we call you out for the disgrace, for the travesty you have put on the people of Australia!
So help you God!
[On escalator, in a normal vice, to security officer, standing behind him]: Thank you for being gentle with me.
SECURITY OFFICER: It's in my nature.
DR. WILLIAM BAY [laughs, then, to his camera, louder voice]: Yeah, so just being escorted out, out of the AMA national conference, 2023 [he misspoke, it was 2022] after exposing the hypocrisy of Professor Paul Kelly, the AMA leadership, Omar, and all the people who keep pretending that covid 19 is killing you when it's the vaccine and the injuries that's killing you!
[shouting out:]
You must stop the injuries from these mRNA vaccines!
They are modifying your DNA!
They are causing myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, dementia!
[Still riding the escalator, to security guard, in normal voice]: Just over here. I've been here before, yeah. If I could get my bag on the way out that would be nice, so I don't have to come back.
SECURITY GUARD: [inaudible] want me to get your bag [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: Well I have to get it sooner or later.
SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: [laughs] I do have a ticket for it, yes.
SECURTY GUARD: [inaudible]
DR. WILLIAM BAY: [inaudible] 335, please, sir.
[louder voice, to his own camera] So I'm just getting kicked out of the ICC*, very nicely, I must say, thank you, security, you've been very nice to me.
[to security guard:] Thank you for respecting my human rights.
[louder:] Thank you for respecting my democracy.
[shouting out to crowd:] This is the Queensland People's Protest! Stop 26 and we will not give in!
And we will win!
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* I believe Dr. Bay is referring to Dr. Omar Khorshid, president of the AMA.
* "The Qatar Study" he refers to is the paper published by The New England Journal of Medicine, July 7, 2022, "Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections" by Heba N. Altarawneh et al
* International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney
I love it when people stand.
I was really struck by something Kim Fry said: "And [God] told me, you have to stop fighting and learn how to stand. And those are the guiding words that have continued. What does it mean to stand? What does it look like? It's when you have determined what the right thing is to do and you do it no matter what the cost. And you let God defend you."
I like the prayer put on your breast plate of humility and raise the sword of truth.
Sorry but I stand with the brave ones who were/are willing to risk it all, and who weren't willing to compromise their sacred Hippocratic oath "To do no Harm". I can understand at the beginning, but as it went on and data and what they witnessed firsthand, not to mention what they should've known about medicine and science gives them no real excuse, and especially after the jabs.
Who doesn't in this forum. I'm just wondering when the rest fall through their eggshells and dance of denial. The profession is being gutted and replaced by a top down ai system without personalized health care. I have many posts reviewing the legislation.
I thought you were giving them a break my bad. I'm afraid too many believe in what they did, and it scares the hell out of me. Yet so many never lost trust and still do in not only the doctors but the hospitals and elderly care homes. Glad I was able to keep my mother out of one.
There is systematic evil imposed everywhere: some are willing participants, some or willfully blind, some or outright idiots, some are captured by their lies, some are captured by fear and then there is the dissent. We show courage and stand, we are louder and louder and we look behind and there are literally millions and millions standing the world over behind us on our words of courage. They whisper, talk, speak, shout until the platform of dissent is so vast it is impenetrable. Those who step up behind may come slowly, or suddenly, and with the sins of their past. But we all face the same enemy. Keep shouting hold the faith.
Doctors are too afraid of losing their jobs.
Most probably also got their own kids and their own parents jabbed with the safe-and-effective.
Ya think!?
Sadly and tragically so many honest and well meaning people were duped and believed in our CDC, etc etc etc
I have absolutely no confidence in doctors or the medical community. I think their eighter so arrogant that can't entertain that there are things they don't know at a major disadvantage to their patients sometimes fatal. The other is that they are completely corrupted from being bought by big pharma also ending in fatalities.
Oh they see. They deserve their coming karma. I gave them a pass early on but not now. The clowns have driven the clown car over the cliff. No warm fuzzy feelings for the docs aka liar pharma govt shills.
It is late, indeed.
Just imagine how much worse his heart attack would have been if he'd never been jabbed.
One generally has to look for a red flag to find one and the 35 year old patient's red flags were probably so apparent that the doctor was driven away by being charged with malpractice based on his recommendation of vaccination.
It is not for nothing the Ashkenazim executives/doctors at Pfizer and Moderna targeted vastly higher spike protein uptake on European ACE-2 receptors than any other race. They want us dead.
if you don't look, you can't see and there's nothing to see here. business as usual. sounds like you get better care from your off duty doctor friends than you do when you see them at their offices
The Doctor now knows what is going wrong.. and the tools that confirm this are not being used... micro clotting and fibrin clogging does not show in a standard blood test nor an MRI nor in people who get no autopsy... convenient protocol for anyone trying not to upset their paymasters... eh Bill ?
Exactly! These providers probably are not allowed to order the tests due sending up a red flag on their license!
McCullough said the gold standard test WAS a cardiac MRI. 🤔
Yes but MRI ‘a need to be read by specialised radiographers who often “miss” the telltale signs of micro clotting in the limbs or torso... often these only become evident when tissue slices are examined during autopsy.
Drs have been incentivised to not see the 🐘
The doctors see it. They know full well. They are controlled by an influx of funds and fear. Considering the consequences of potential harm to others -- at this point -- all of it shameful.
Though, I have to admit, I am no longer having huge considerations of income to support a family were I to lose it all. IS THERE A PATH for those like-minded, critically thinking, individuals in the health fields to find a way and a place to congregate and create centers so they can continue to practice and meet the needs of those in the know and those who are slowing beginning to know -- there is an alternative to being cared for by conscientious medical caregivers not aligned entirely with Big Pharma?