NAC is a precursor to glutathione which is an essential amino acid for maintaining optimum, liver function. In addition it is found in each cell of the human body and is an essential building block for normal cell division. The research on glutathione is extensive, but is ignored by main stream medical community for its role in maintaining good health. The recent push by the FDA on behalf of Big Pharma to make NAC a prescription item, speaks volumes about this issue. The blood level of glutathione can be measured just like vitamin D and evaluating deficiencies, and correcting them can improve the health status of the individual! There is no real money to be made by recognizing the role

Good nutrition plays in maintaining good health. That’s why there is a major push to make nano drug injections, the mainstay of treating disease states. Moderna is leading the charge.!

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Seeing NAC can be Rx also but for other symptoms & diseases

Didn't find dosages in any of those articles

Need to ask what is 100 g/ml (not 100 ug/ml) in capsules and what ratio of NAC to Bromelain, as some have both

Meat and fresh pineapple regularly (preferably not laced with mRNA, etc), ok but how much?? 🤔

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Need to ask the Wellness group. Don't know of any compound that is dual listed. OTC and Rx. The move would limit use and increase ill health.

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Thank you

Have purchased NAC with Bromelain, then there's Quercetin with it and if straight Bromelain, yet many different dosages, PLUS many 'experts' say even higher quality supplements can provide varying percentages of deliverable product, some as low as 30%

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I get slack sometimes and miss a day but usually take NAC, bromelaim, quercetin, zinc and Vitamin. D at least twice per day, thrice per day during covid outbreaks. It certainly would be good to hear opinions on some dosage recommendations.

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Thanks, good health to you!💯 on your best non slack days, what dosages do you of each and how finicky are you on brands & QC?

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea has a substack. She has microscopic proof that graphene is in grocery store meat & some dairy. Her April 8 stack with Maria Zee is very informative but she has many others. She also shows that unvaxxed people have the same blood changes.

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Isn't it amazing doctors and experts they call dissidents are actually providing solutions. Everyone has been harmed by these vaccines either by injection or by shedding. It's like they dwelled on nuclear threat years ago but that nuclear type threat came from these vaccines manipulated by fear and Chinese lockdowns. How silly. The Chinese manipulated all of the western world. The Weterrn World heavily invested in China. Bromelain NAC Quercetin Zinc D3 K2 Nattokinase. All unvaccinated need to take this.

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Moderna can go charge right off the cliff into the abyss...never to be seen again.

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Works for me, the sooner the better.

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In Toronto I Sept 2021 they were asking staff to enter a study regarding heart issues after the covid vaccines which they went on later to mandate or be fired. It doesn't appear that Toronto General which is UHN network and has the MARS wing for research has ever announced the results of their study. Maybe Dr Alexander wants to check this out. To inquitring minds if something is great news they have media blast it.

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Until they ban the sale.....

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I just read that the EU is proposing additions to the draft pandemic treaty, i.a. they want OTC antimicrobial medications (e.g. ointments?) banned. Making us more vulnerable and making us dependent on organized healthcare like in the case of banning early treatments for COVID.

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That's their MO, and not hyperbole. Time is running out. This is a race against the clock. This year is it... If the WHO gets their plan in place, if the RESTRICT act goes through, they have then legalized totalitarian control. The government pawns are already in place.

Ah, how naive so many of us have been though the decades... We've been the turkeys, trusting turkey farmers all along while heading into Thanksgiving (great reset...) So step in front of the mirror and ask yourself "Given the facts, what CAN be done to mitigate this undeniable, yet "invisible" to the media, crisis?"

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PayPal blocks NAC purchases at swanson vitamins. If you use your charge card it's OK.

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PayPal should be boycotted. They are as bad as the Chinese credit score system.

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I dropped them when they started their Nazi campaign talking about possible fines for misinfo on social media.

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I had a website with my son, they withheld funds for 6 months, severely damaging cash flow and out business. They were a big part of us closing it down. And they did it for no reason.

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Yup. That's them. Same transaction, lost over $1000. The other half was air bnb.

If I ever had to travel again, would stick to hotels with familiar names and pay the extra.

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Misinfo online equals truth. They cover up the real solutions.

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Are you serious? I find that hard to believe., so I checked it out myself. You are correct. It said it wasn't available for "restricted items" such as CBD or NAC. Unbelievable. I will not have ANY payment method telling me what I am "allowed" to buy. Bye bye Paypal!

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100% serious.

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So eat lots of meat (liver breaks down cysteine to Acetylcysteine) and pineapple for the bromelain.

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Yes pineapple enzyme . Great against blood clots.

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yes indeed. It helps to stop platelets from coagulating

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I read somewhere it was the fresh pineapple stem with the appropriate enzyme; most people discard this part.

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the more meat the better!? This ol' mechanic says,'Sorry,no way, José.' foodrevolution.org /blog/what-is-tmao/

What Is TMAO? And Why Should You Avoid It?Ocean Robbins ...TMAO, or trimethylamine-N-oxide, is a toxic compound produced by human gut bacteria. Its production can have a major impact on the development of chronic disease and overall health. In fact, the effects of TMAO are so significant that it’s being used as a medical indicator to help predict risk for heart attack, stroke, and death.... Here’s how it works: when you consume foods rich in TMAO precursor compounds, the bacteria in your gut convert them into a molecule called trimethylamine (TMA). Your liver then grabs that TMA, does some fancy chemical stuff to it (apologies for that technical sidebar), and generates TMAO. What Foods Form TMAO in Your Body?

The dietary precursors to TMA formation, which include L-carnitine and choline, as well as betaine and lecithin, are found almost exclusively in foods of animal origin. Red meat like beef, pork, eggs, and lamb, as well as salt-water fish, lead to the highest concentrations of TMAO in our bodies. Liver, dairy products, and shellfish are also TMAO producers...

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While I would agree that a more plant-centred diet is healthier, I would also suggest that balance is also an important consideration. Anecdotally, many who opt for the "vegan diet" end up with an imbalance in proteins. We are after all omnivores which rely on diet for our protein source. It is undeniable that those who opt for a more whole foods, plant-centered diet that is perhaps lower in meat and other animal products tend to live longer, and have lower rates of most of the major chronic diseases of our times — including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, dementia, and obesity. The article above was focusing in on acetylcysteine and bromelain as combatants against the spike protein, which is what prompted my response; though on a cursory level.

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Thank you so much Dr. Alexander!! for your continued care of all of us!

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Impressive results showing in the SDS PAGE results, treatment vs non treatment with the NAC/Brom combinations.

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Thank you Dr. Paul for having the courage to report what the msm won't. Horrific how the msm failed us. Thank God for people like you and outlets like Substack!

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During the peak of covid, Amazon stopped selling NAC citing the FDA guidance. I just ran out and the company I would by from online has stopped their retail sales. On a whim I went to Amazon and I was able to buy it again. So weird. I wonder what changed?

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Be careful with NAC - it has shown pro-cancer properties in studies. I don’t have the link offhand - but I’m 100% because I was looking for my mother-in-law who had cancer (so I paid attention to those sort of details.). I believe it was in an ivermectin in vitro cancer study...

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I question the validity of the studies. Sugar turbocharges cancer division and nothing is said by the oncology community to stop sugar consumption. They even order Ensure to be given to cancer patients in hospitals! Since glutathione is an essential component to cell division it could contribute to development of cancer cells just like sugar. The key is to make sure all essential nutrients for a vibrant immune system are present, including Vitamin D which again the medical community ignores as being a essential nutrient for good health including fighting Covid and all pathogens!

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Some hospitals give Vit D so not everyone denies it, Nurse Erin At tgev epi centre of covid in NYC where slaughter of blacks and Hispanics on ventilators was the norm not a virus has a doctor on tape laughing at Vit D and C

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He was denied the medical education he should have had!

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The covid shots contain sugar.right .

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Don’t know!

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Just googled it and two conflicting articles next to each other: NAC may also accelerate the progression of some cancer growth (lung and cancer)...and...could also help to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

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I agree. I take a lot of supplements as maintenance for the two shots I took and the NAC I’m taking is 600 mg. I see an article mentioning 100 mg with 60 bromelain...maybe I’ll get a lower dosage next time.

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Yes NAC is a short term therapeutic.

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Ya. That sounds right. :)

Just good to be aware of potential issues before we plunge into any protocol….

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Y'all probably know this... albertahealthservices.ca

• Patients with potentially toxic acetaminophen concentrations and/or evidence of hepatic injury regardless of the nature of the acetaminophen ingestion (acute or chronic, early or late presentation, hepatic failure) should have IV NAC administered for a minimum of 21 hours [!!] using the following one concentration' ... so logically, who among us has Not a toxin-burdened liver? & yet, there is doubt in your minds about NAC's safety because google says so... Bonus-just-in- Fun- tidbit... dailymail.co.uk /health/article-11961313/Abortion-pill-banned-lower-risk-effects-Tylenol-Viagra.html

Abortion pill that could be banned across US has lower risk of side effects than Tylenol, Viagra

...Mifepristone causes deaths in 0.5 per every 100,000 people who use the drug. The figure pales to the number of users of Tylenol and Viagra that die because of the medication's side effects. According to official data, 0.8 per every 100,000 Tylenol users and 4.9 per every 100,000 Viagra users will die...

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What product may be available, and from whom, containing BromAc? Strength? Should EDTA also be considered? Most important- should BromAc be used along with TWC’s Spike Support?

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Check out Amazon, I got my Bromelain there back in 2021, lots of great nutritional supplements.

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So if we take NAC + Bromelain and Nattokinase will we be safe from all the edible mRNA Bill Gates has infused our food with?

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Unfortunately, Dr. William Makis' $ubstack is now behind a pay wall.

Guess it was only a matter of time.

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Where do the researchers get the spike protein that they are supposedly testing these things on?

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E. Coli transfection/fermentation: https://www.smobio.com/dna-1

Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose: https://osf.io/b9t7m/

"Plasmid contamination from E.coli preps are often co-contaminated with LPS. Endotoxins contamination can lead to anaphylaxis upon injection (Zheng et al. 2021)."

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Pretty damn awesome. Thanks for sharing.

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AMAZING FIND,Dr. Paul. Thanks hugely for posting this. This information has been discussed thoroughly by Walter Chesnut ( no t in “Chesnut”) in his technical, but very accessible posts in his EXCELLENT AND IMPORTANT Substack: WMCRESEARCH.

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