Bioweapon-injection. Just call it that. That's what the PCR is too. And while everyone focuses on the "vaccine" they have been spreading the injection components via everything in our environment. Yes, the shots are harmful and should be pulled, but it is a distraction from the bigger covert op happening where they are poisoning the popu…
Bioweapon-injection. Just call it that. That's what the PCR is too. And while everyone focuses on the "vaccine" they have been spreading the injection components via everything in our environment. Yes, the shots are harmful and should be pulled, but it is a distraction from the bigger covert op happening where they are poisoning the populations through every environmental vector possible.
Yes. I guess we are paying attention as we are medical professionals, able to do our own due diligence with research, but it still astonishes me how other medical professionals I worked with and am still working with whom I shall call “True Believers” in the poison are still on board with it. I warned every single one of my co-workers and the physician in my clinic to NOT take an experimental operating system, yet they all took it. Totally and utterly ridiculous at this point. So much information is out there that cannot be hidden any longer.
PCR was never designed to be a test for viruses - the co-discoverer even said that. There was a video on Yoo Toob of him saying it should NEVER be used to test anything. It was designed to learn more about DNA. Period. My husband is a scientist who worked with PCR, it's a good thing but is being used in a very wrong way.
Bioweapon-injection. Just call it that. That's what the PCR is too. And while everyone focuses on the "vaccine" they have been spreading the injection components via everything in our environment. Yes, the shots are harmful and should be pulled, but it is a distraction from the bigger covert op happening where they are poisoning the populations through every environmental vector possible.
Yes. I guess we are paying attention as we are medical professionals, able to do our own due diligence with research, but it still astonishes me how other medical professionals I worked with and am still working with whom I shall call “True Believers” in the poison are still on board with it. I warned every single one of my co-workers and the physician in my clinic to NOT take an experimental operating system, yet they all took it. Totally and utterly ridiculous at this point. So much information is out there that cannot be hidden any longer.
There are three people who say that I am the smartest person they know. Two are vaccinated, against my advice.
The indoctrination runs deep.
ha ha ha
They could be under mind control
Maybe that is not the real Trump, and wearing a mask like Biden.
Hi Lae. I wrote an article that teaches what I've learned regarding treating bioweapon exposure. I thought you might like to read it.
I go with bio-weapon and include many big pharma products in that category.
Same, you might enjoy this article.
PCR was never designed to be a test for viruses - the co-discoverer even said that. There was a video on Yoo Toob of him saying it should NEVER be used to test anything. It was designed to learn more about DNA. Period. My husband is a scientist who worked with PCR, it's a good thing but is being used in a very wrong way.
boom, it was a process, excellent
Hi Dr. Alexander. I enjoy reading your Substack and wanted to share an article I wrote that I think you may enjoy. .
I will read and share, thank you
Thank you!!
The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, "conveniently" died a few months before the plandemic.
Mullis stated it should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
The PCR test was needed to fuel the fear porn.
correct, 24 amplifications was the cut point, above that was viral junk, non-infectious pathogen etc. we cycled at 40 and 45
I agree
You are so right!