Please please please please stop calling it a vaccine. It IS NOT! Language matters. Take control. Like Shasta. It is either a Counter Measure or a gene therapy or a jab or an investigative product or a bioweapon or a medical intervention. One thing it IS NOT is a vaccine. Please stop calling it that. You just realize we have to be win at every turn. It IS NOT A VACCINE. Adjust your language. Please.

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Bioweapon-injection. Just call it that. That's what the PCR is too. And while everyone focuses on the "vaccine" they have been spreading the injection components via everything in our environment. Yes, the shots are harmful and should be pulled, but it is a distraction from the bigger covert op happening where they are poisoning the populations through every environmental vector possible. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-there-is

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Yes. I guess we are paying attention as we are medical professionals, able to do our own due diligence with research, but it still astonishes me how other medical professionals I worked with and am still working with whom I shall call “True Believers” in the poison are still on board with it. I warned every single one of my co-workers and the physician in my clinic to NOT take an experimental operating system, yet they all took it. Totally and utterly ridiculous at this point. So much information is out there that cannot be hidden any longer.

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There are three people who say that I am the smartest person they know. Two are vaccinated, against my advice.

The indoctrination runs deep.

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ha ha ha

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They could be under mind control

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Maybe that is not the real Trump, and wearing a mask like Biden.

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Hi Lae. I wrote an article that teaches what I've learned regarding treating bioweapon exposure. I thought you might like to read it. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/treating-bioweapon-exposure

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I go with bio-weapon and include many big pharma products in that category.

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PCR was never designed to be a test for viruses - the co-discoverer even said that. There was a video on Yoo Toob of him saying it should NEVER be used to test anything. It was designed to learn more about DNA. Period. My husband is a scientist who worked with PCR, it's a good thing but is being used in a very wrong way.

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boom, it was a process, excellent

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Hi Dr. Alexander. I enjoy reading your Substack and wanted to share an article I wrote that I think you may enjoy. . https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/treating-bioweapon-exposure

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I will read and share, thank you

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Thank you!!

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The inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, "conveniently" died a few months before the plandemic.

Mullis stated it should not be used as a diagnostic tool.

The PCR test was needed to fuel the fear porn.

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correct, 24 amplifications was the cut point, above that was viral junk, non-infectious pathogen etc. we cycled at 40 and 45

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I agree

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You are so right!

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Most of us voted for Trump because he pretended to be against the lockdowns and demonic covid injections. However, he allowed Fauci to run the whole show forever while he pretended to be the good guy. Mutt and Jeff trick. I watch Trump give the symbol of the new world order with Macron of France. Trump is a fake and an actor and our top ex best military leaders stated he is an imbecile. David Icke and Bobby Kennedy both stated Trump was bribed over two billion dollars to bring it in and sell the deadly covid 19 injection that murdered over 18 million people worldwide. And is still calling himself the father of them. Come on. Many Americans do not care at all about this. They just want money in their pocket. They sold their souls to the devil as did Trump.

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questions are valid

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Trump chose the lesser of two evils.

He has been INDICTED for claiming 2020 was stolen despite mountains of proof!

What do you think will happen TO ALL OF US if he starts talking about this?

What would the Dems & msm & DOJ do if Trump says anything at all about these shots?

They’ll hit him with Crimes Against Humanity, and how would he prove that all those FEMA camps, coffins & body bags were the alternative?


We’re totally screwed, that’s what.

How would he prove the cabal would have kept up the lockdowns indefinitely, causing an even worse crisis including total takeover by the Davos demons?

Most people know something isn’t right and few are still taking boosters. In some states, we’re trying to outlaw the shots.

Evidence of death & injury abounds, and still there are those who will not look at the truth. They cannot! They’re too frightened - especially if they vaxxed their children.

What’s the point of adding immense fear to the collective mind? Consciousness plays a huge role in this battle for humanity.

DJT has done what he must.

He continues to do what he must to avoid complete disaster including a worldwide mental health crisis, anger, violence and loss of the upcoming election.

If he takes on this subject now, with being antidote to offer, he’d just be watering the seeds of fear already present within millions of people. Perhaps billions.

The majority of people either never took the shots or have stopped. We do not need President Trump to speak out to make us feel better or ‘right.’

We must let him fight this war in which THE WINNERS TAKE IT ALL.

He has proven his loyalty & commitment a thousand fold. We must trust he knows what he’s doing and let him do it.

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I get that you are a die-hard Trump fan. I get it. For s short time, I liked him too. And then, he initiated warp speed (and still claims it was his greatest accomplishment), allowed Bill Gates and the CCP to take over the US food supply, printed 8.2 trillion dollars, shut down the economy and destroyed 60% of small businesses, presided over the largest wealth transfer in US history from the poor and middle class to his billionaire friends, created Space Force which is the infrastructure for the global surveillance grid that works with the nanotechnology from the gene therapy injections, didn't finish the wall and was allowing UN troops in during his entire administration...he let in more than the Obama Administration, didn't fire a single swamp creature, gave Fauci and Burks medals for their plandemic performance, accepted a million dollars from Pfizer after saying he wouldn't, and set up the January 6rs by telling them to go to the Capitol building and said "I will be there with you," and then didn't go and didn't fight for them to be let out of prison. He also is WEF leadership, so there is that. My friend, I don't think you are paying attention to who this man is or what he has done. You listen to his words and he says things you like to hear. But, he does the opposite. Check out this article please and feel free to share your thoughts. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism

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what I appreciate about stack is the way we can debate here and be civil...thank you for that

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I do appreciate your support...I feel same but we need him to stand up and speak with us, people need something more this time around. love him...

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you are a supporter but what is being asked is not that much...many of what you say is 100% true but there are things that hurt Americans badly...

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Exactly! I've watched Trump for 45 yrs - he talked about maybe having to run for president back in 1979, there's a video interview of him made in that year where he talked about it. He's been tracking the bad guys and exposing them. He works in VERY unusual ways so we don't always know what he's doing or why but if you watch closely you will see this and eventually figure out what he's doing. There is A LOT of info we don't have, we only know maybe 1 to 5% of what is happening behind the scenes. We are at war with deep state and in war you NEVER give away any info on your moves. NEVER. The enemy will use it against you if you do.

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I don't know how he is going to win the election if he loses half his supporters due to his comments on the 'vaccines' and cancer. Then again, the elections are rigged.

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Leave the cult

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Well Said.

Very difficult to find a person of Truth these days. I am convinced that the majority of republicans only care about the money. Not the Laws of God nor Country. Nor morels. Only the money.There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump is guilty of Genocide and mass murder. He is a liar, a demon and a traitor. He sits at the left hand side of satan. And Biden is his dumb brother under satan. Please God ,protect us f4om these evil ones!

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Washington DC is TOTALLY synagogue of Satan.

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Did you see the tunnels under DC?

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Not at all a cult. We are being completely realistic about this. They are going after Trump like no other in recent history. Why is that? What is the threat he poses to them? Please answer that question in the most logical manner possible.

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They are not "going after Trump." It is a made for TV drama you guys are watching in US politics. Trump is WEF. He is a Freemason. He practices the occult. He has been for at least 37 years, because that's about how long ago Trump Tower was built. He supports the Zionist-globalist regime in Israel who is murdering hundreds of thousands of people right now. Check out this article, and then feel free to share your thoughts, https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism.

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Believe what you want. I disagree

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Knows what he's doing? - Ignoring millions of deaths from a bioweapon that the deep state that he was going to take on bamboozled him with? The 2 million dollar bribe he accepted from pharma to put the pharma puppet at the head of the FDA instead of RFK, Jr.? He didn't even pull us out of Afghanistan despite his pledge to end the forever wars. If RFK Jr isn't on my ballot I'll be writing him in.

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hhhmmm...thanks for this Michael

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I will never forge this Mother who lost four of her children after taking the covid 19 injections. I will never forget who this famous Patholoist testified at a Pennsylvania legislative session . I am not sure where in Pa. He sated and it was scary. He said he wanted to come forward and tell what he is seeing after folks taking the jabs. Teh dead ones had massive blood clots. He said the elites , he did not name them. He said they threatened to murder his family if he spoke out agains the covid shots. He could not talk after that.

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Do you all remember how Trump said " Lock her up:;; That was Hilliary. After he was put into office he said when some one asked him about charging Hillary. Do you all now what he said.???? Hillary Who ! He said, ' Lets all now forget about this and move on.

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I remember that distinctly. He also said the Clintons are good people. Do y’all remember that?

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You are absolutely right. Why did he change his tune? I don't know, and neither do you. What goes on behind the scenes? No idea. I can't even begin to imagine it. But, the question we need to answer is why the left are gunning for him and going at him with everything they can conceive of. Why? What are they afraid of? For all they have put him through and all they put him through during his years in office, he accomplished a great deal. I know no other person who could have withstood all he did and still function at top level.

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Trump is no threat really is what I perceived from Bro. Nathanael Kapner. For it is the Christian followers that this Cabal hates and wants destroyed.

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He's probably a malfunctioning clone by now. Like Hilary. Must be a new version they've rolled out. Perhaps that explains everything...

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Hillary was executed back in 2017, but too many Dems would have gone haywire if that had been announced. This is war and things have to be done in unusual ways.

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Like Jo BiDAN is wearing a mask. Here's my collection https://t.me/JoeBiden_is_WormFood

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Exactly the same as when Dumbo™ was sworn in in 2009. Everybody KNEW the cocaine addled alcoholic and his administration had their hands full of blood on 9/11, but everybody was supposed to look forward and move ahead.

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Has RFKjr. used the term biological-, or technological weapon? Never.

If you think he'll save your ass, think again. Let his sucking up to the Israel lobby be an indicator of where he stands. He's also in the same big club that none of us are in.

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There's LOTS of info we don't have, please read this it explains a lot:


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I generally like the information put out by this site, but on this topic, stopworldcontrol is wrong. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism

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Fascinating Substack Sarah.

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Mrs. Major Joe, all Trump had to do in "response" to the SOTU address? Zip it...Or at the very least, zip it with regard to the injectable junk.

Instead -- if that is his account and he actually wrote that -- it confirmed several unfortunate facts about the man. One, of course, is his ego. Two is his absolute tone deafness or disconnect from the facts of the suffering and deaths caused by the junk he thinks saved "millions." Third, the fact that he would crow about his role in shoving crap out into the market in "nine months" and not 12 years? This shows a stunning level of ignorance.

DJT's comment has stunned so many people...Americans are a forgiving people -- too forgiving IMO -- but this comment??? I know for a fact that DJT has been spoon fed details on the criminality of Fauci, on the criminality of the entire "COVID" operation, and on the criminality of the development of this injectable crap. That he crows in apparent abject ignorance of all of it -- at this point?

Bodes ill, Mrs. Major Joe. Bodes ill indeed.

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indeed, stunned.

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He has proven he is a traitor to our country and our citizens. This is just another excuse for a proven failure. He HAD a choice. Just like we all did. I refused to participate in murdering my patients. He valued the money from big pharma over human rights and human lives. He will sell you out as well.

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he is not a traitor

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There is no excuse left under the sun for Trump who we had high respect for as being intelligent and I cannot fathom that he is this entirely stupid as to say what he said about the 'vaccines' and cancer. I am DONE with Trump! The ONLY possible rationale I can come up with at a stretch is that he has encouraged the luny liberal leftists to get the shot so that they hurry up and die, as only by reducing the number of luny leftist voters will we be left with a semi-intelligent population of conservatives. Silent weapons for silent wars. Therefore, the 'natural attrition' of the least intelligent and most easily brainwashed will improve the ratio of luny leftists vs the conservative right, improving the conservatives aka patriots of winning back control of the USA...and Australia...and etc. I did preface this idea with the comment that it is a stretch. Other than that, Trump is now a traitor.

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Trump is a Trojan Horse. He has been bought and paid for. He doesn’t work for the people. He works for the dark side. If he gets back into power you will watch the antichrist rise.

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no, wrong...

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I've watched him for 45 yrs - he knew in 1979 he would probably have to run for president and I've seen an interview in that year where he talked about it. He's not a trojan horse, no one owns him, not ever. He loves America and is the real deal. He can't tell us what he's doing so we don't always understand his actions but he's here to take down dark side. Do some research. I"ve been a researcher for 25 yrs and I've watched Trump for 45 yrs because I knew he'd be president one day. He had Jeffrey Epstein arrested in 2009, for bringing underage date to his home. I remember it very clearly. Police said he was the only one in his circle to expose and report on pedophiles. You don't know Trump if you think he's dark side.

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You haven’t been paying attention then. I have done years and years of research and many other people have also. And DM we have come to the same conclusion. People who refuse the truth will never be able to see.

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There was no pretending on his part. He was never against the vaxx. He had it sped through the process because he was assured that all of the necessary testing would be done. It was not. However, he is now seemingly tone-deaf when he calls it a vaccine that aids in cancer remission. He is so wrong on that that I think people are feeding him that information. How can he NOT know what the vaxx has done to people? Turbo cancers? I just don't have another explanation for that.

Having said all that, I am looking to November 2024 as the choice between saving America and losing it forever. Trump is the only one at the moment who has a chance of doing the former. RFK Jr will never win, and he can in fact tip the scales in biden's favor.

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Reread the post by DJT, friend.

See the quotation marks?

Trump WAS QUOTING BIDEN about the shots and their use for cancer.

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Of course. I noticed that. What Trump was doing, though, was taking credit for it. Did you understand that?

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I will never forget listening to this Mom tell us how she lost four children after taking the covid 19 shots. David Icke and Adn Bobby Kennedy stated Trump was bribed to sell them. Even after one year went by he was telling people they were safe and they worked. He is a demonic liar. I am taking the advice of an elder woman who said Do not vote for the least of two evils. Because you are still voting for evil. I am still try9gn to figure how it was the Trump did win almost every state and still was thrown out. As Biden stayed in the basement. Was it rigged??You bet it was. And the next one will too be rigged. Sorry. but America is gone. It has been over throwed ye the new world order .

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I have also heard many stories. America isn't gone yet, but it will be. We are given a chance this year. Will not get it again. Save or lose?

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It has been planned by the globalist for many years to break up the US. We will break up just like the Balkins into eight ro ten nations. Once the US is broken up, they can brin in the one world government. It looks like a showdown between theUSChina and Russia , Who will be King of the Hill ?????

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Correct only delusional cult follow him

Hes a zionist slob

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It's chemical and biological warfare put together in one syringe

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Don't forget psychological warfare as well... 🤨

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Meaning basically he had to sell.out to the devil in some matters to maybe maybe have a chance to rescue the other matters. It's a deal he made. He said one time pharma is really powerful insinuating they might kill him and he might go into bunker but then he never went into a bunker instead started promoting thie pharma stuff without exception. 180 degrees flip. Maybe he promised them to push through 'cancer mrna vaccines' like this promising them easy billions more with no accountability for cancer which is now rampant. Like this they dont go after him and might even protect him. He is not Teflon he is protected by somebody.

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I don’t know if you ever watched his rallies, but I have watched most of them over the years on the RSBN Network app since 2016, and in 2020, he was propping up J&J, had their CEO in the audience on several southern rally occasions and calling the CEO out by name and thanking him for being there. not sure if anyone else noticed this, but I did. Needless to say, the crowds did not applaud…..OOF! That was a defining moment in my mind he was being somewhat controlled. Trump at that time did not need donor money.

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I recently saw a video Trump asked bill and hill to stand. He had everyone applaud them. He said they're great people

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"It's all one big club, and you ain't in it!"

- St. George of Carlin -

Agent Orange™, Killary and the guy who uses cigars in an inappropriate way are all members of that club.

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I saw that back in 2016.

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He didn't promote pharma, he promoted the healthy jabs he had scientists working on. They had HCQ, Ivermectin & healthy natural ingredients that strengthened immune system. Those were the jabs he promoted.

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agreed, it is not...I read lots of your work, excellent...see my new stack:


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Totally agree!!!

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Trump is not going to adjust anything. He’s part of the problem and when everybody realizes that we will be in a much better position. They are all in on it. Daughter graduated from the world economic for young global leaders program and I actually thought I read somewhere that Trump did as well at some point.

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They re-wrote the definition of a vaccine to make the RNA injection that reprograms the blue print of life palatable to the average American gullible voter. We are now all classified as lab rats for the benefit of Big Pharma!

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Exactly right. Stop calling it a 'vaccine'. Just stop it.

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exactly it is not a vax

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That's right it is not a vaccine. "We Must Use the language of the oppressors" as Dr David Martin said. If the FDA still refers to all mRNA based medicines as gene therapy products, then That is the correct name to be using. Some prefer gene modifying injections but that may be splitting hairs. Previously established studies and science tell us, modifying the human body, to produce a non-human protein, is a recipe for disaster in Healthy Populations that have Healthy Immune Systems. The misguided efforts of the medical establishment are well known. Just look at all the recent other failures of Big Pharma meds. A simple google search will bring up dozens.

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Why the hell would you use the same language as the oppressors to describe a bioweapon shot? That is just aiding and abetting them!

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You call a thing what it is and don't delude yourself into believing calling something by the right name is wrong, aiding or giving comfort to the enemy. MSM has been guided Not to call these shots gene therapy or even gene modifying, despite the truth and fact that the shots do modify genes & chromosomes and modulate the immune system by weakening it permanently. The enemy here is not big pharma, it is those who control and set the operating ways of big pharma. It is those who go back and forth from the NIH/FDA/CDC into big pharma. It is the khazarian mafia, the WEF, the WHO, the UN and in many cases the US govt and other gov'ts around the globe, which have been infiltrated by these enemies of the people. We use the language of the oppressors because it pisses them off and sends the message we know exactly wtf they are doing and their day of reckoning, is coming very soon.

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Re: "The enemy here is not big pharma, it is those who control and set the operating ways of big pharma". - I think you will have the entirety of the fully awakened population against you if you subscribe to this idea. Of course Big Pharma have negotiated the deals and of course Big Pharma is full of KM agents, Freemasons etc. If you want to wake the people up then you need to stand against the mainstream narrative and call a spade a spade. If you want the sheeple people to keep their rose colored glasses on then keep calling it a vaccine. Meanwhile, gene therapy is the legally PC term to get this into the courts for a proper trial and challenge the term 'vaccine' ultimately. The KM/Illuminati/Reptilians/Unfriendly&Neutral ET's/Satanic Talmudics or - whoever is at the top - are the puppet masters and have been pulling the strings of their compartmentalized Useful Idiot minions and pedophiles trapped in the honey pot set for them, within all of those agencies that you listed.

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Dr Alexander - has ANYONE from the Medical Freedom Movement ever reached out to Trump,

Trump Jr. Lara Trump or Vivek, (who is probably stumping for him)... to show him the proof of the vaccine harms? and advise him on how to turn this around? SURELY if he knew the truth he would not be saying this. I can understand if he knew the truth he would feel terrible but know that the left would use it against him. I have been thinking he would not comment on any of it and then clean house once he got elected. But now this! Not good!!! The medical freedom community needs to reach out to him personally, not just bitch on podcasts. I don't trust RFK jr on climate and big gov't either.

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Dr. Edward Group was on his COVID taskforce at the beginning of the plandemic. Dr. Group quit about 6 weeks in because Trump refused to listen to anything his task force advised. Trump is WEF. He is a globalist. He is 100% on board with the UN2030 Agenda. That is why he won't listen. Here is the proof if that is hard to believe. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism

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I do recall and that 5G was being implemented everywhere during lockdowns.

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Dr. Group is amazing. He must have been frustrated.

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Dr Group is a hero

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And Vivek is a pharmaceutical entrepreneur, so he's tied to that whoring industry.

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Trump will never admit he was wrong!!

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I think that's what it really comes down to.

Trump can never admit he's wrong. So he doubles down, and then it's even harder for him to admit that the toxic mRNA injection killed millions and was literally _worse_ than ineffective, causing everyone who took it to become more likely to get sick and more likely to die.

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Reread the post by DJT, friend.

See the quotation marks?


Only the last sentence was Trump’s.

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Yeah, well, someone who, by your own account, is so easily [mis]led and discriminates reality so poorly, and supports these bioweapons after all this time, is categorically unfit for a leadership position, especially one of this supposed magnitude.

How many times are you ready to overlook his culpability and egotistical posturing about how wonderful what he did with his specious Operation Warp Speed was?

Now he is too naive to see what his supposed handlers are supposedly doing to harm him?

And this is the man you want in the Oval Office?

Biden is a disaster. Harris is even worse, I grant you, but please stop, put your bunting and flags down for a moment and think about what you are saying here.

It is, I am afraid, absurd and, frankly, makes you less credible, as you tap dance around the obvious reality of Trump's gullibility (at best).

You say so many things that are correct, Paul, but this Trump obsession is all worn out. And you just published what should be the final nail in its coffin.

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Thank you for your clarity, Not ever in my lifetime has any millionaire or billionaire cared in any way about anybody's health, ever! T'is business, business, business, t'is all the controllers care about where money is just the lever to oppress, and as always the old still valid sentence goes : Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, very few can handle it with grace, I wish you a lovely day, Grüß Gott.

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Trump has always been a globalist thug. In my comment below I listed all the official steps he took to ensure covidcon was a success.

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Yes people blame Trump's handlers as though he has no mind of his own. The only thing he has over Biden when it comes to the "vaccines" is that presumably he won't make them mandatory. Trump is no different than those "medical freedom" activists who believe there actually was a pandemic caused by so-called viruses never proven to exist. That also includes the unproven theory of contagion. Society just isn't there yet. It will probably take another 200 years before The Temple of Scientism is torn down for good.

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Reread Trump’s post, Doc.

See the quotation marks?


Only the last sentence was Trump’s.

Surely you of all people comprehend the magnitude of the war we are in; the forces opposed to Trump.

If you cannot see that DJT had to disrupt the cabal’s lockdown plans and choose the lesser of two evils, I’m very surprised.

This is the man who is INDICTED for insisting 2020 was stolen despite mountains of irrefutable proof.

This is what he’s dealing with.

What’s he supposed to say now?

That he was lied to?

That the shots were contaminated later on?

Do you think our enemies will say,

“Oh shucks, it wasn’t his fault?”

Anyone who is not yet convinced that DJT is 100% sincere in rescuing the Republic and our world is just incredibly brainwashed and stuck in their ego.

What more does he have to endure to prove himself?

What do we know about what went on behind the scenes with this vax rollout, anyway?

Next to nothing!

But I do know what would happen if Trump says one single bad thing about the vaccines: the Dems & msm would dog pile on him so fast and the DOJ would indict & convict him of Crimes Against Humanity.


We’re all screwed, that’s what!

The truth is out there for anyone who wishes to know it.

Most people either never took the shot or have quit taking boosters.

Those who cannot handle the truth either wouldn’t hear him anyway, or they will go crazy.

Think of the mental health crisis, the fear, anger & violence that would also ensue.

And the cabal will be licking their chops, offering up the head of Donald Trump whose only “crime” was to prevent an even bigger one.

We need at let the white hats handle this.

Trump cannot address this until the time is right and he perhaps has something to offer besides merely adding fear to the collective mind.

Perhaps an antidote is in the pipeline.

I sincerely hope so.

Two of my beloved children fell for the plandemic and vaccines.

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he could have burnt it down...this time he has too...no more chess

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Amen, Dr. Rima.

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Have you seen the operation restoration with the bondsforthewin movement yet?



and this from last week. In Florida. Dr. Sansone... another freedom fighter hero.


and a little archived article I found a few years ago dated 1914. How long has this been going on? I share this to show how long [they] have been at this.


And of course I have to share some music 🎶 🎵 for some solace and historical awareness too.. what and who were they singing about? "How long has this been going on" by ACE


P.s. I watched you on PSB... as a guest. I appreciate you and all you do.. ❤️ 💛 💓 💗 ♥️ God bless you.

Oh.... for FenBen/IVM success accounts check out on substack


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He loses me with the constant pride in the worthless, harmful jab.

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Dr. Paul Alexander asks:

"Is POTUS Trump being guided by handlers trying to destroy his re-election?"


Y E S !


As Washington is the world-capital of corruption - POTUS Trump was quickly stripped of some good people around him - and ended up surrounded by traitors . . .


There is a great interview from Tucker Carlson on Colonel McGregor on this topic , and there is the US-Army in control of Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 from the beginning . . .



My opinion:

The entire Corona-SCAM was unleashed in a rush & an unprecedented panic to finish Trump.

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Kalle: I think your opinion expressed in your final sentence is correct.

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Warp Speed, IMO, code for “don’t take this d... shot.” If you took the injection or you were advised to by your doctor? Have you left his/her practice? Called him out on it? Are you suing him? Trump’s not a doctor. And he is surrounded by deep state scum. Not defending his comment. But your doctor, well, he is a doctor. And has reasonable cognitive abilities. Hopefully.

Are they still asking you about taking the vaccine? How complicit are they? A novel vaccine produced in 8 months. And it’s called, “warp speed”. Where was the medical profession that should have called out this killer shot? At least questioned it. Some did. Most should have. Why didn’t they? It’s so much bigger than Trump. It takes a village. The village is the swamp and we live in it and are fighting for our lives.

Follow the money. From clinic to hospital to church to school to coroner. Follow the $$$.

Do you take a flu shot? This year, last year, every year? Ever? Just my thoughts.

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interesting post

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It’s painful when you begin to realize that the one you thought was going to be your savior is actually just more of what you’ve had.

Trump is controlled by the Rockefellers. He went to them for help when he was bankrupt. The Rockefellers ARE big pharma. It’s time to start connecting the dots.

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Lest we forget.

Trump signed The Act into law which grants enormous powers of cooperation between the FDA and the DoD. Under Trump big pharma was given immunity from liability for the covid jabs. Trump declared covid a public health emergency. Trump signed the EUA into law. He authorized operation warp speed and bragged about it. He put big pharma swamp lord Alex Azar in charge of HHS. He put big pharma swamp lord Scot Gottlieb in charge of the FDA. He took the jabs and bragged about it. Then he whored for big pharma by telling everyone to take the jabs. All of that can't be an accident. He knew what he was doing.



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Biden was the person who forced people, with the mandates, to take the covid DeathVax.

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That's right. But he couldn't have done that without the earlier groundwork of the emergency declaration/EUA/ liability immunity, all put in place by Trump. That's the uniparty hard at work cooperating to cull the population.

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Vaccine manufacturer's have had immunity from liability since 1986.

Congress passed that law.


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Once again you are partly right. Reagan did sign that terrible Act into law. But big pharma also needed to get specific immunity for the covid jabs to cover their butts. Trump signed that amendment to the PREP into law. I covered all of this back in 2021. In addition to the two links I posted above, may suggest you also read these two links to see how the uniparty has set this all up over the past 100 years?



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More like a global cabal consisting of Bill Gates, the WEF, and the WHO.

The problem is worldwide.

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Right again. That cabal includes both parties in the US.

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The more we all call vaccines bio weapons, the more the sheeple will accept this truth. We have to halt the “vaccine” bio weapons program. All language should reflect the drive to cease and desist these shots across the board. Natural immunity & natural health protocols need to be pushed over any shots from big pharma(harma).

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How bad does this have to get? There are still too many MSNBC talking heads spewing lies, and my loved ones are STILL falling for it, STILL jabbing, and yeah, some of them now have "turbo" cancer etc. (we will never know for certain, but we will always suspect that these bioweapon injections played a part).

I'm screaming into the wind. The brainwashing is being reinforced by Trump's clumsy statements like this. It doesn't do anything to help people wake up; it only keeps many locked in the same groove they've been stuck in. Half-truths are confusing to many people, and fear keeps them locked in the same mental prison. It's time to be full-on Truth (ironic that this was put forth on "Truth" social) and enough with pussyfooting around.

No more lies. No more clever comments that only insiders will "get." Just serve it up, plain and clear as day. No excuses. No spin. No guessing games. OUT with it, already!

At this point, I don't even care about apologizing. I'd just like honesty and straightforwardness. It's very, very ugly, and it only gets uglier, the longer you delay.

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I agree with you 100%! We have been through hell and back the last 8 years and all I want is the truth. Rip the dam bandaid off already. I don’t care how people will react or respond or don’t react. I’ve dropped so many brain dead and mind controlled people from my life already and made new like minded friends. I’m tired of living between two realities amongst the walking dead :(

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Inexcusable. Trump is one of three: ignorant, in denial, or in support of culling the herd. He would have been better saying nothing! I thought by now he would have come forward and admitted the travesty and his own failure.

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He is a narcissist. It will never happen. Wrote the President in 2020. He staff had no interest in reading anythng that was saving lives.

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What a totally DUFUS statement. I reserved this title usually for Premier Doug Ford of Ontario but really Trump . You are coming out like a real goofball. Now a lot of Reds are going to hesitate about voting. Are you in Pharma’s pocket too ? Just like sleepy Joe?

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Im starting to think we're being played by Trump, does he really want to fix the country, with comments like those, Im starting to doubt it.

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You might want to see my comment Hannah, which is currently just above yours.

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Go look up narcissistic personality disorder. Or just personality disorders in general. Trump’s handlers know he can’t retract anything he says and they manipulate him based on what his psyche can and cannot do. He also looks to have a bit of a messianic issue. All that taken into account, his psyche could not handle the crushing reality of what he has done. So...it will never see that reality. A man who cannot see he made a mistake and listened to the wrong people and then admit to that and then make corrections is not what we need in a leader. Especially in these times. Obviously the deep state represented by its puppet Biden is not what we need, either. I’d like to give Kennedy, Jr a shot. I would have liked to see De Santis taken more seriously as a better leader. All this aside, however, the deep state won’t let anyone function as they present themselves in their campaigns. If threats, buy-outs or propaganda/manipulation don’t work there is always assasination. But please do not think Trump isn’t owned by someone. The drug companies for sure and those, in turn, are owned by the global bankers. He will do what he is told to do.

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Anyone think the timing of this complete sell out of our human health is coincidental? While Joe Biden is selling out America’s security to the Military Industrial Complex to defend Ukraine’s borders but not our own, Trump is selling out our health to the Medical Industrial Complex.

As the old saying goes “without your health, you have nothing”….and will be happy.

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Trump is a man, not a savior, selected by his time, powerful forces, and also by God, to be the final traditionalist, populist, conservative President. But America is still in a death spiral, and the Deep State still holds the levers of power. All republics in history have fallen after about 200 years, ours will be no different. America's fall will be catastrophic, but democracy and freedom and awareness will live on in people's hearts somewhere or everywhere, in the world, in a more underground or recessive manner, until the elites destroy themselves, along with much of the human population. But a new day of freedom is eventually coming. Republics always fall, but also elites are too selfish to cooperate and always eventually destroy themselves by their own corruption.

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Trump is an Occult-practicing, WEF Agenda Contributor, which is the same title the WEF gave to Bill Gates. He is not who his supporters think he is. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/trumps-occult-symbolism.

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The Federal Reserve is central to most all the evil outcomes. Most stalwart activists against the NWO have refused to give up their pensions and social security checks in order to return society to pre-fascist normalcy of non-intervention and civility. In a perverted way it may be better to accelerate the demise of the FED and dollar than to serve 2 masters.

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