You are absolutely right. Why did he change his tune? I don't know, and neither do you. What goes on behind the scenes? No idea. I can't even begin to imagine it. But, the question we need to answer is why the left are gunning for him and going at him with everything they can conceive of. Why? What are they afraid of? For all they have p…
You are absolutely right. Why did he change his tune? I don't know, and neither do you. What goes on behind the scenes? No idea. I can't even begin to imagine it. But, the question we need to answer is why the left are gunning for him and going at him with everything they can conceive of. Why? What are they afraid of? For all they have put him through and all they put him through during his years in office, he accomplished a great deal. I know no other person who could have withstood all he did and still function at top level.
You are absolutely right. Why did he change his tune? I don't know, and neither do you. What goes on behind the scenes? No idea. I can't even begin to imagine it. But, the question we need to answer is why the left are gunning for him and going at him with everything they can conceive of. Why? What are they afraid of? For all they have put him through and all they put him through during his years in office, he accomplished a great deal. I know no other person who could have withstood all he did and still function at top level.
Trump is no threat really is what I perceived from Bro. Nathanael Kapner. For it is the Christian followers that this Cabal hates and wants destroyed.
He's probably a malfunctioning clone by now. Like Hilary. Must be a new version they've rolled out. Perhaps that explains everything...