Maybe if Israel didn't steal Palestinians homes at gun point their neighbors would not hate them. Maybe if Israel didn't bomb schools and kill over 3,000 children folks would be more happy to help them. Israel has bombed Iran for decades, should Iran not retaliate?

We pay taxes and we pay for the health insurance of every Israeli. Is that not enough?

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problem is many of us say things uninformed, due to the crooked fecal CNN et al. for the last 30 years...lies and more lies...Darkstar, huge love and respect but you forget a major part of history. its like the media and school and leftist freaks who white out the fact that there was a white slave trade that was more punishing than black slave trade, out of the Mediterranean...ran by islamic pirates...I guess that was not taught to you in school? that both Jewish temples were destroyed...do you know where they were? and one more thing, on my dad's side, RIP, my heritage is lebanese and syrian...but my ancestors were christians who fled the middle east due to being killed and persecuted for being non-muslim...so the history of the middle east, flows in me and I understand it...

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Thank you Paul. I know this is a difficult time for a lot of people. I a m not a supporter of Islam . Not in the slightest. For my part I am a Christian. However, I am well educated. CNN is highly supportive of Israel. So are the rest of the MSM.

The Belfor Agreement of 1917,created Israel out of thin air.

I respect your education and your past. I know you have a good heart and are trying to help.

If we can work together over our differences, then when the conflict comes we'll both be stronger .

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know that I wrote and reply when I can but I dont know most here and my views are not personal so to speak...I love reading and listening for there is so much I need to learn still...I am curious

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Israel allows many many Palestinians and Arabs to live peaceably inside its borders. The Palestinians are not the problem, the HAMAS terrorists are.

When did Israel ever bomb schools, and kill 3K children? That's nonsense.

And Israel has not "bombed Iran for decades". Maybe the US deep state has, but Iran is a proxy state for the CIA, which IS the enemy of the people.

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excellent reply...so much in here...

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Thank goodness for people like you who reveal some truths.

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Sorry Dave Geezermann - you're totally delusional. The terrorists are the Israelis and those that support their terror on Gaza and Palestinians.

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ok JoeMichel, you may be right, lets say...but dont just say that, put up some data

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Well, then, you are just an illiterate liar, and bizarrely happy to broadcast that.

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Ditto to you

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How erudite and dripping with the same cowardice that only highlights your Jew-hatred.

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There is no cowardice here nor Jewish hatred! However I do believe in a more just and humane and egalitarian world. I pity those that are drunk and duped with the IsraeHell double-standard. Wake up and smell the coffee!

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HAMAS has been created and sponsored by the CIA.

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we need proof of that...I dont put it past the CIA...seems a questionable outfit...again, rank and file may be doing it and in it to help motherland USA, leaders are corrupt...I get that...but where is proof

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For truth and facts: CAroline Glick.

Also …watch Jewish news: JNS tv and see how it lines up with what Caroline says. Netanyahu is persecuted and sought for assassination just like Trump. Biden/Trudeau two peas in a pod.Read about 1979 Iran take over. Read about how the Muslims took over mostly Christian Lebanon. Only Israel came to aide the Christians…no other Christian country. Read Lebanese Brigitte now American , her documentaries and speeches about her youth days in hiding not knowing if she would grow up. Brigitte is the Ann Frank of the Christians.

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All of Israel press has proof, but USA talking-heads and the lemmings refuse to look at it;

Even more interesting than "Netanyahu is Father of Hamas"

Is the more important item "Netanyahu works with all drug lords of South-America to import cocaine into Israel and re-distriubute throughout Europe ( think Ukraine )

Lastly, in case you didn't know all the CARTEL drug lords from Mexico to Peru, are ZOG king-pin familys tightly aligned with Israel

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Palestinians work for pitiful wages thanks to the Israelis. It's called apartheid. Israel would much rather blame somebody else for their murders and mayhem. Listening to TV and radio hosts extol the great Israeli people is sickening. A disgrace. Of course, the hosts owe their jobs to the jews so they must tread lightly even when Israel is caught murdering Palestinians. Still sickening.

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The 3,000 children are on record in the ICJs condemnation of Israel for genocide. Israel has targeted dozens of Iran's leaders since the Shaw was deposed . The usage of white phosphorus on civlians is banned by the Geneva Convention, yet Israel has bombed civlians with it for decades.

If someone came to your house and told you to leave at gun point how would you feel? Israel dose this all of the time.

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if you read and understood the history correctly, Israel has as equal or more of a claim that it is their homeland than anyone else...IMO it was the PLO and Arafat that has failed the Palestinian peoples...they never wanted peace or a solution...I believe solutions were always on the table, PLO never wanted...as Dave said, notthe Palestinian people, I know some, some good decent people, its their leaders, same in Iran...

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Dr Paul. Are you saying that God is an estate agent? The support of Hamas by Israel was to drive a wedge against the PLO and to make sure that there never was a two state solution. Maybe listen to Alastaire Crooke, a former British diplomat, a person who has dealt with both parties at a high level. Israel's course of action will be it's own destruction. Secondly, you may wish to see how many times Israel has attacked Iran, and the Iranians have not responded. If you think that Israel can survive this, you are mistaken. This is not Jew hating but looking at the end result if it keeps escalating. We are on the brink of WW3, and the west, Israel, and nato cannot win unless it goes nuclear. Netanyahu only survives by escalating, so, we are on the brink of WW3 because of some ones ego. Mind you, if it calms down, you will always have a war with China to satisy the blood lust of the death cult.

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Knock it off. Your rendering of reality is utterly fabulist and your attempt to recount *history*, drips with illiteracy. Sure, hun, Israeli is so oppressive and aggressive that 20% of Israelis are Arab Muslims who work at all levels, including the Knesset. So oppressive that they vacated Gaza and left Gazans with modern infrastructure and uber-profitable industry, which the Gazans destroyed. So oppressive that Israel wound up with far less land---which they've occupied for several millennia, continuously, than was originally planned.

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Jeff Childers has a piece on the Biden involvement, as well as this next installment of the Trump Trials.


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thank you much for this...this stinks too

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USA descends into martial law

Elections cancelled

Trump like Eugene Deb's 1919 goes to prison, and is a write-in candidate by prison number, as its illegal to mention his name;

Economically USA is toast, so they'll bring out all the martial all, also Ukraine, & Israel are also toast;

All that can be said, if you live in any of these countrys, you should have left pre 2007 when the USA closed the ability for westerners to have bank accounts abroad, which terminated the ability of people to 'escape the USA penal colony with their wealth'

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I don't see anybody addressing P-ALEX point here, I have long said this is the most probably 'election outcome', it doesn't take rocket-science

1.) Ukraine has cancelled elections cuz of war

2.) Israel has cancelled elections cuz of war

3.) USA Biden can only remain in office by cancelling elections,

Zelenksy is hated, Netanyahu is hated, when leaders are hated, they just engineer permanent war, and remain in power forever; In all cases when citizens criticize their GOV they are arrested as traitors for not supporting the war.

Look back to WW2, eugene debs POTUS candidate arrested and emma-goldman for criticizing the war in WW1, it was 10 years in prison for publicly criticizing home-made wars;

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The only conundrum here is TRUMP beating the war drum for Israel, saying that if he were POTUS Israel wouldn't have been attacked, and all the Palestine would already be dead;

Ergo Trump seems to be shooting himself in the foot for his 100% support of Netanyahu, all the while demoRATS have demanded Netanyahu resignation;

The entire circus show is bullshit;

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There was no terror. WTF.

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How does that saying go (?) ..the Webs we weave when attempting to deceive..

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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to deceive."

Sir Walter Scott, "Marmion," 1808

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Thank you I didn’t have it to my instant Recall lol

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(My mother taught us that as children.)

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So didn’t mine !

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The muslims have nuclear weapons. They're in Pakistan.They also have hypersonic missiles. They're in Iran. The US has only just developed hypersonic missilea. Other countries have had them for years.The US never attacks capable adversaries. And, Biden's got bigger fish to fry. Most of the US has had contact with SPIKE Protein. Biden conned people into thinking the mild flu-like prodrome of covid is the disease. However, there's bad news:

A Cellular Peine Forte et Dure: The Spike Protein Induces Almost Imperceptible Chronic Inflammation with Devastating Consequences. The key cytokine is almost certainly CCL2, and this was known in 2010!



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India is the check on Pakistan, we got India on our side...India is check on China too...never forget India...

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INDIA is in bed with Russia & CHINA most of the time, only when they get called out do they make a feeble attempt to drop to the knee for USA;

INDIA in IMHO will wait to see who is the winner, but for now recall "BRICS" and India is in Brics's

Once the US-Dollar is worthless then India will 100% diss the USA

Pakistan only has a ZOG gov by force ( coup ) in INDIA the majority is 'GHANDI' who hated zionists, so only the elite 'brahmin' actually support Israel, but they have been massively cut in recent years by the woke;

I would say that since 1948 when they killed GHANDI in India, that being 70 years the GHANDI majority could easily re-take INDIA and purge the ZIONIST's

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Recently India agreed to buy oil from Russia, and Russia agreed to accept RUPEE's, this is huge, as it takes USA 100% out of any ability to 'sanction'

The real wild card is the Turkmenistan', so called STAN's between Russia & INDIA, they need rail links, but CIA is deeply embedded in "STANS" to prevent modernization and a "SILK ROAD" from INDIA to Russia, but eventually it goes online and when it does the most populated country on earth "INDIA" will have cheap energy and unlimited wealth;

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excellent sharing...I will reshare

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Iran should be nuked. They’ve caused too much trouble to too many people for too long.

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look, issue is they have declared they will nuke Israel if the get a bomb...Obama was seeing to that...so do we wait until they get a bomb? thats the million $ question...this missile barrage tells you they would...so Israel and US MUST, I say MUST bomb and dismantle their nuclear program, complete. I want not one Iranian killed, no innocent people, no children, just destroy their nuke abilities...coming...warriors, they are nothing...look at history, arab muslim warriors are and were always defeated...lots of mouth....I got lots of that in heritage...good at running bazaars..thats it...and sipping tea and threats...its time the good people of middle east stopped that shit and mainstream, come into the modern world yes, keep your customs, but dont come to harm people...keep your faith, let all keep theirs...but behave your self.

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US philosophy is to "kill all enemies before they kill us". How many countries has the US attacked over the 20th century? How about 52? Since jews run our foreign policy do we have a mind of our own or not? Both Sharon and Netanyahu detested US and pined for the time when they would destroy America. Are you Israel lovers aware of these 2 men? It's in the archives. Check it out.

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Should probably include cia home office in that wish.

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Watch this if you have time. Put it on 1.75X.

start watching at 1:49:09


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The Salty Cracker is a fun channel to watch. He calls out all the bull shit all the time. Badlands Media on Rumble is also very good at real news.

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I love Salty and Mrs. Salty. She is a classy chick and a nice lady. I book him for Dr. Drew. He is so grounded and realistic. Anyone who's offended by him is living in a fake reality. I'm Jewish btw and have never had a problem with anything he's said. I need to watch Badlands more. I do subscribe. Good call G'Man!

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very nice...and give Drew a hello for me, I love Drew...good man...takes some flack from mommy in the basement key board warriors who refuse to declare name etc. hidden, cowards. huge props and love to Drew...a solider...thank you Emily for all you do, you are a hero...I know what you do to keep it together...Kelly Victory is a gem

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YOU are, Paul Alexander. Good thing love and courage aren't zero-sum. As the livestreamer Salty Cracker says, the universe...God...bends in the direction of good. We will not be silenced or intimidated.

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Bilbo just got nuked. He was too hard hitting apparently...and over the target.

They need to suck the USA into their Mideast war ambitions.

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Perhaps the American people will be willing to take back their country then but I doubt it.. The only thing good about America is its people..America was an occultist experiment and needs to be destroyed by God and I am glad it’s going to be destroyed and all the evil ended..Don’t expect this to be well received but I don’t care..

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Trump will not win if conservatives don’t get up and get out to vote. Percentage of eligible voters pulling their thumbs out on Election Day is only 60-65%. Get over the personalities and get focused on ideology. Get over the “it doesn’t count” limp excuse. It only hasn’t counted as it should because of people not engaged. We cannot cruise on or abdicate our civil if not moral responsibility. America will not come back from this and only idiots or deniers or enablers say otherwise.

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Apr 15
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Yeah, well… the Feds only can act on the enumerated powers, too… these do NOT include foreign aid, education, energy, HUD, bathrooms, sports, “general police powers” (eg FBI, ATF…)… so calling them on delaying an ejection because Constitution seems naive, no?

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Yeah editing would be fun. Instead of copy delete paste edit post.

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What were you thinking about? lol

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I was replacing an incorrect word in my comment and iPhone substack doesn’t provide an edit function…

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