I watched intently and old Joe kept reaching up to his right ear….looked at times like a deer in the headlights as if he was being fed some answers. Look at it closely, where he looks like he is trying to understand something maybe someone is telling him when President Trump is speaking. If you look real close, you might see an inner ear earpiece. Both ears.

Nevertheless, he is utterly incompetent mentally, he is just the puppet doing the bidding of his masters.

Pray for President Trump.

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During the debate, while Biden was waiting his turn to speak, he often looked very angry. His eyes were scary looking. At other times he looked lost & just void of any sense. Then there were the times he just looked down at the podium. Like he was reading a prompter or something. It also seemed like he was listening to instructions from an earpiece at times. He just looked pathetic and weak as a leader of our nation. Go away pedo Joe! Nobody likes you! Not even your own family. Or they wouldn’t allow you to be paraded on stage like this.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Oh,that's typically a sign of Demonic Possession, Denise.

Not really surprising when we consider just how creepy he is.

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I believe it was planned. It’s not a coincidence that all MSM reported on how poorly their beloved Biden is failing without it being a coordinated effort.

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To march in JFK, Jr? What else can they do?

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That could very well be the case.

While we tend to think they'll put some nut job in, RFK would get more vote than Trump.

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When CNN subtly supports Trump in the debate it's obvious something is going on. And if the Dems welcome RFK Jr back into the fold and nominate him then all bets are off. But are the Dems smart enough to do this?

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The media, and all who gloss over Biden's condition and who lie about the reality of it, are without morals. How does one sell out like this? They seem to have no shame.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Biden either doesn't care about what happens to Democrats after he is gone or is stupid to want women who get raped by illegals to be permitted to abort the illegal's child. The child of the illegal, if not aborted, gets to be born on American soil and there's a very good chance that that child will grow up to vote Democrat and also, if male, to rape and impregregnate American women with the grandchildren of the illegal and in so doing help to grow the ranks of future Democrat voters. Why would any Democrat in their right mind want to support abortion of the progeny of illegals?

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But it is demonic.

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That is true but from the standpoint of population genetics it makes perfect sense as a reproductive strategy for illegals, especially with millions coming over the border, many of who might have come from prisons and psychiatric institutions in Venezuela and Mexico etc.The more American women they can rape and impregregnate the more American descendants who carry their genes they can have and even though they will be absentee fathers there will be Americans who foster and raise the child.

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It also dilutes European-American genetic heritage.


Is there any connection between the illegal influx over the Southern U.S. border of military-aged Chinese men and China's 20th-century, enforced one-child policy resulting in the abortion or abandonment to overseas adoption (or sale) of first-born female children? [Not suggesting these men have committed rape upon American girls or women. Have not seen any reports of this.]

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Still demonic, but God can work good out of our (& their evil intentions!) Pray that He does, though one wonders if this is God’s judgement on our collective waywardness.

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The MSM defending Biden's unsurprisingly horrible performance sound like complete idiots today!!! They should all be ashamed of THEIR OWN PERFORMANCE! This is ELDER ABUSE!!!

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They get paid handsomely.

So they only hire the best professional actors available.

Also those news people get lots of perks. Like free cocaine ♥️

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Biden will be removed at the convention or drop out 'voluntarily'. Then watch Newsom and his running mate, Susan 'the snitch' Rice, deflect every Trump and Republican argument with "That wasn't us, that was Biden." 'That was Biden' will be their default campaign slogan and will be repeated by every msm including anti Trump Fox News. No policy will change with a Newsom presidency (see California for God's sake). Males in women's bathroom, porn in school libraries, open borders, Ukraine, everything. And Susan 'the snitch' Rice will be there to report directly to Obama. She's the insurance policy that Newsom doesn't get uppity and go rogue.....or else.

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No one likes him either. Look at what has happened to California under him?

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Susan Rice is an ongoing threat to America behind the scenes, along with Valerie Jarrett.

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(Biden referenced incest as normal! Someone help Ashley.)

I think Vegas is taking bets on his replacement.

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& prayers for Trump .

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Awful prospects for the future of America and Western civilization.

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non compos mentis ---> "nincompoop"

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I don't like Biden, but I don't see a problem. Vibrant mind, clear speaking..

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That’s a joke, right?

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Anti joke I guess, of which “Dad joke” is a subset.

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In A MAJOR FL medical center. He laughed at me 💩😈💩😈

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The FING Dr just laughed at me when I told him I thought my mother’s problems were vaccine related. WtF. He’s a cardiologist

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Someone was telling good old demented what to say. Why can't he think for self? I believe it's an act to conn everyone that way can't be held for liability of any crime. Brilliant strategy. IF he is truly that demented has no place in authority incompetent to hold office.

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We are still being played by the media & the goons that run DC

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Absolutely a psyop! Trump did not participate on his own free will! Either under death threat or some sort of plea deal.

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Listening to some, it looks like it was a test for Old Joe by his own team so they can replace him. Why else would it be done so early, before the actual convention?

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You really think so?

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I do

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That hadn’t occurred to me.

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