Everybody thinks that, but we don't feel that way about cattle. And it's looking like we are viewed as cattle by the Klaus Schwab graduates. Every time we see them flaunting the restrictions they dictate, we can see they believe they are different from us.
actually it bothers me that they jab cattle and i eat less of it than i might otherwise do, i try and stick to wild fish but that has its own issues too.
its about making bodily autonomy a right, no government should be able to tell me what to put in my body 'or else'
Everybody thinks that, but we don't feel that way about cattle. And it's looking like we are viewed as cattle by the Klaus Schwab graduates. Every time we see them flaunting the restrictions they dictate, we can see they believe they are different from us.
actually it bothers me that they jab cattle and i eat less of it than i might otherwise do, i try and stick to wild fish but that has its own issues too.
they just seem to want to poison everything
I've been following Stephanie Seneff (MIT senior science researcher) and her quest against glyphosate. They ARE poisoning everything!