We must demand governments state that what they did with the emergency powers was wrong how they did it, and that not only drop mandates, but that the emergency powers are lifted FULLY
Everybody thinks that, but we don't feel that way about cattle. And it's looking like we are viewed as cattle by the Klaus Schwab graduates. Every time we see them flaunting the restrictions they dictate, we can see they believe they are different from us.
actually it bothers me that they jab cattle and i eat less of it than i might otherwise do, i try and stick to wild fish but that has its own issues too.
Don’t give us a bunch of blither blather about how enough people have done their part (by complying) so that now {magically, almost} we can begin to live with this virus.
The people in charge should NEVER have enacted their totalitarian edicts and infringed upon the God-given rights and responsibilities of free people
Letting them off by their saying that well, the situation is better now merely leaves the door wide open for them to do all of this again.
Suspending the Constitution in times of emergency, even a health emergency, was something that was not part of the US Constitution because the founders understood it would always be used as a reason to gain power for the government. I've heard this is unique among constitutions - but look how little protection that proved in the end. If you create an ignorant population, they are prey. You are absolutely correct these mandates have to be not merely suspended but obliterated. It's great someone is finally pointing this out - but how to get it accomplished?
The courts have totally failed to enforce the constitution and rule against the government. The media has repeated the government lies without question. The medical establish has enforced government dictates without question. The religious leaders have given in without resistance. etc.
The other players in this drama have also have to admit what they did was wrong and we have to put in place safeguards so that it can not help again.
somehow, this needs to be the focus. Medical freedom, individualized medical treatments, decisions made by the patient in consultation with the doctor(s) of his/her choice, for each individual situation, condition and preference.
This, however, tugs at the string of larger truths that the "people in charge" don't want the little people to know. We can start anyplace, but how about this: our bodies are well designed by our Creator from the get-go, to be self healing and to tend towards healing and health, if only we do not poison our bodies, and if we nourish them properly (in every possible way). This information has been kept from us!
So we have arrived at this awful point whereby a large number of the population erroneously believes that without man-made drugs and vaccinations, they will surely die. We have been mistaught about how our well our immune systems work, and what an ingenious design they actually are.
The entire medical system needs to be restructured, rebuilt. To do so, we must burn it to the ground, or at least keep a skeletal framework in place to keep things going while we rebuild. If we can realize and move in this direction, a very bright future awaits humankind.
But we have to get to the end of compartmentalized knowledge, holding truthful information back from people and seeding minds with destructive lies. As we have seen throughout this plandemic, the ability of the common man to understand that we have been lied to, and also to be able to grasp the complex science behind this evil narrative has been vastly underestimated. It's so wonderful to see people from all backgrounds joining together to share their perspectives as we all learn together, and cheering each other on.
Oh you are so correct! People need to learn the right way to protect themselves is also a natural way! God created us all to have the intelligence to make decisions for ourselves. There are millions of things in nature which are much better than big Pharma crap they keep pushing on us. I have been sharing information with people all the time about natural supplements and vitamins, and some just shake their heads at me I’m sure. Bigger government isn’t better it’s what our founding fathers warned us against!
Help. I'm starting to go down a new rabbit hole. The Alien Agenda. It's new to my concious mind but with the subconcious thoughts and correct guidance I've been given privy to the last two years, and basically all of my life, this new rabbit hole feels correct. Damn, if it's true, we're going to have to literally fight hell. PS I'm very apprehensive to share this but oh well. I hope I don't discredit myself by sharing. Love and Light to You All, Dawn.
I figure if aliens are here and have a malevolent desire, they probably could have executed their nefarious plans decades ago. And they didn't, so I land on the side they are not THE threat we are facing right now.
On the other hand, I think it was Aaron Russo's "America, Freedom to Fascism" film that laid out the plans of the Rockefellers to bring down the US and implement a One World Order by an emergency which would require the entire globe to address. First they talked about climate, and if that didn't work, plague, and if that didn't work, an alien war on the earth. He said it would all be fake. And looking how climate change is rearing its ugly head again, maybe everything but the kitchen sink will be thrown at us all at once. He said they'd use holograms and the goal was to chip us, and be able to turn off our money. I'm tempted to rent that movie again (It was made in the early '90s I think) and see how much he got right.
Bottom line - try not to become afraid. You lose your ability to think rationally when fear takes over. And try and be careful what you expose yourself to - especially TV - we've got a lot of subliminal messaging and hypnosis going on. If we are subjected to holograms and directed energy weapons, I'm not sure how many people will be able to see through it. And in the end - does it matter who is shooting at you?
Just read (or re read) 1984! Same concept but written in 1948. Orwell was a bit off on the year but a lot of what is happening could have come straight from the book!
Thank you all for the thoughts and responses. I am not afraid. I have been able to SEE and feel and know things all my life. I do not have television and have never used social media until the begining of this whole plandemic. I am now addicted to it. It sucks to be addicted to it. I truely feel, with everything I have personally experienced in my life, I've been prepared for this exactly. I am not afraid of anything at this point. Again thank you all here. PS I just wing it and the correct info just comes to me somehow. And that's why I am apprehensive to go down the Alien Rabbit hole. I need a break. I have so much I've neglected. But I am now addicted to this type of hardcore research. Just another brick in the wall that I am building on one end while at the same time trying desperately to deconstruct on the other. Enough of my rant. Again, I love you All and may Our Creator Bless and Strengthen each one of us.
Absolutely. All emergency powers must be lifted and they should never be able to have emergency lowers ever again. It's a legal.loophole to get rid of civil liberties and due process. We are still under emergency after 9/11 here in the states or else the Patriot Act and all the spying powers would be illegal.
Absolutely! And for decades, no one is held accountable. My earliest memory is the Kennedy assassination(s) but I'm sure it stretches back as far as time. Maybe the most effective tack would be to broadcast images and discussions about Ceausescu - not as a threat, but just the same messaging we are all subject to. It's weird, but his name DOES seem to be coming up a lot. Maybe that's why Trudeau fled (despite being in no danger) and called for help from the US FBI and DHS. (Which is very concerning)
its about making bodily autonomy a right, no government should be able to tell me what to put in my body 'or else'
Everybody thinks that, but we don't feel that way about cattle. And it's looking like we are viewed as cattle by the Klaus Schwab graduates. Every time we see them flaunting the restrictions they dictate, we can see they believe they are different from us.
actually it bothers me that they jab cattle and i eat less of it than i might otherwise do, i try and stick to wild fish but that has its own issues too.
they just seem to want to poison everything
I've been following Stephanie Seneff (MIT senior science researcher) and her quest against glyphosate. They ARE poisoning everything!
Yes, yes! Thank you Dr. Alexander for all that you are doing. We must work so that this does not happen again!
Don’t give us a bunch of blither blather about how enough people have done their part (by complying) so that now {magically, almost} we can begin to live with this virus.
The people in charge should NEVER have enacted their totalitarian edicts and infringed upon the God-given rights and responsibilities of free people
Letting them off by their saying that well, the situation is better now merely leaves the door wide open for them to do all of this again.
Suspending the Constitution in times of emergency, even a health emergency, was something that was not part of the US Constitution because the founders understood it would always be used as a reason to gain power for the government. I've heard this is unique among constitutions - but look how little protection that proved in the end. If you create an ignorant population, they are prey. You are absolutely correct these mandates have to be not merely suspended but obliterated. It's great someone is finally pointing this out - but how to get it accomplished?
The problem is bigger than that.
The courts have totally failed to enforce the constitution and rule against the government. The media has repeated the government lies without question. The medical establish has enforced government dictates without question. The religious leaders have given in without resistance. etc.
The other players in this drama have also have to admit what they did was wrong and we have to put in place safeguards so that it can not help again.
somehow, this needs to be the focus. Medical freedom, individualized medical treatments, decisions made by the patient in consultation with the doctor(s) of his/her choice, for each individual situation, condition and preference.
This, however, tugs at the string of larger truths that the "people in charge" don't want the little people to know. We can start anyplace, but how about this: our bodies are well designed by our Creator from the get-go, to be self healing and to tend towards healing and health, if only we do not poison our bodies, and if we nourish them properly (in every possible way). This information has been kept from us!
So we have arrived at this awful point whereby a large number of the population erroneously believes that without man-made drugs and vaccinations, they will surely die. We have been mistaught about how our well our immune systems work, and what an ingenious design they actually are.
The entire medical system needs to be restructured, rebuilt. To do so, we must burn it to the ground, or at least keep a skeletal framework in place to keep things going while we rebuild. If we can realize and move in this direction, a very bright future awaits humankind.
But we have to get to the end of compartmentalized knowledge, holding truthful information back from people and seeding minds with destructive lies. As we have seen throughout this plandemic, the ability of the common man to understand that we have been lied to, and also to be able to grasp the complex science behind this evil narrative has been vastly underestimated. It's so wonderful to see people from all backgrounds joining together to share their perspectives as we all learn together, and cheering each other on.
Oh you are so correct! People need to learn the right way to protect themselves is also a natural way! God created us all to have the intelligence to make decisions for ourselves. There are millions of things in nature which are much better than big Pharma crap they keep pushing on us. I have been sharing information with people all the time about natural supplements and vitamins, and some just shake their heads at me I’m sure. Bigger government isn’t better it’s what our founding fathers warned us against!
Help. I'm starting to go down a new rabbit hole. The Alien Agenda. It's new to my concious mind but with the subconcious thoughts and correct guidance I've been given privy to the last two years, and basically all of my life, this new rabbit hole feels correct. Damn, if it's true, we're going to have to literally fight hell. PS I'm very apprehensive to share this but oh well. I hope I don't discredit myself by sharing. Love and Light to You All, Dawn.
I figure if aliens are here and have a malevolent desire, they probably could have executed their nefarious plans decades ago. And they didn't, so I land on the side they are not THE threat we are facing right now.
On the other hand, I think it was Aaron Russo's "America, Freedom to Fascism" film that laid out the plans of the Rockefellers to bring down the US and implement a One World Order by an emergency which would require the entire globe to address. First they talked about climate, and if that didn't work, plague, and if that didn't work, an alien war on the earth. He said it would all be fake. And looking how climate change is rearing its ugly head again, maybe everything but the kitchen sink will be thrown at us all at once. He said they'd use holograms and the goal was to chip us, and be able to turn off our money. I'm tempted to rent that movie again (It was made in the early '90s I think) and see how much he got right.
Bottom line - try not to become afraid. You lose your ability to think rationally when fear takes over. And try and be careful what you expose yourself to - especially TV - we've got a lot of subliminal messaging and hypnosis going on. If we are subjected to holograms and directed energy weapons, I'm not sure how many people will be able to see through it. And in the end - does it matter who is shooting at you?
Just read (or re read) 1984! Same concept but written in 1948. Orwell was a bit off on the year but a lot of what is happening could have come straight from the book!
Thank you all for the thoughts and responses. I am not afraid. I have been able to SEE and feel and know things all my life. I do not have television and have never used social media until the begining of this whole plandemic. I am now addicted to it. It sucks to be addicted to it. I truely feel, with everything I have personally experienced in my life, I've been prepared for this exactly. I am not afraid of anything at this point. Again thank you all here. PS I just wing it and the correct info just comes to me somehow. And that's why I am apprehensive to go down the Alien Rabbit hole. I need a break. I have so much I've neglected. But I am now addicted to this type of hardcore research. Just another brick in the wall that I am building on one end while at the same time trying desperately to deconstruct on the other. Enough of my rant. Again, I love you All and may Our Creator Bless and Strengthen each one of us.
The only thing I will add Jayne is if we believe that we are the only intelligent beings in this vast universe, we are kidding ourselves!
I've already seen the others, at least their ships, I think. Years ago. I was a child.
Tell me more Jayne. When you are recovered from your fright.
We must take back the media - the media is the key to all of this
Absolutely. All emergency powers must be lifted and they should never be able to have emergency lowers ever again. It's a legal.loophole to get rid of civil liberties and due process. We are still under emergency after 9/11 here in the states or else the Patriot Act and all the spying powers would be illegal.
The only insurance towards Never Again is people facing justice.
Absolutely! And for decades, no one is held accountable. My earliest memory is the Kennedy assassination(s) but I'm sure it stretches back as far as time. Maybe the most effective tack would be to broadcast images and discussions about Ceausescu - not as a threat, but just the same messaging we are all subject to. It's weird, but his name DOES seem to be coming up a lot. Maybe that's why Trudeau fled (despite being in no danger) and called for help from the US FBI and DHS. (Which is very concerning)