Why are often the “doctor” the ones slow on the uptake? Doctors also told cancer patients to get the damn jab!

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hang them

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Doctors are dogmatised(brainwashed and financially incentivated) by the pharma industry as soon as they begin their training. I've seen it from the inside and outside, they do not have the truth anymore. 🤨

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You're so right. I heard from a daughter of a friend studying medecine in a prestigious U in Montreal that the "wine and dine" honeymoon from Big Pharma to seduce medecine students was relentless and even distracting to students.

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Option C incentivized.

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Until recently, I adminned a support forum for non-Hodgin's lymphoma patients. (My husband had NHL). Most were advised, and complied, with their oncologist's *advice* to take the jabs. NHL is, literally, a cancer of the immune system, so the *wisdom* of stirring that immune pot with a jab suspected of destroying immune response. It was like being dropped into the Twilight Zone...many of them were uber-angry at those, like me, who advised against it. We've all had experiences with the vax zealots, I think, and this was no different...demands that we be punished for our *selfishness*, etc. However, that is not what made me quit. What made me quit was the surge of those in long remission, coming out of that with multiple cancers, and very aggressive and fatal recurrences. Turbo, I guess. WAY too many, given the statistical rate of recurrences in that group.

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A friend of mine, who is being treated for cancer, was told my his cancer doctor to take the covid DeathVax.

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that doctor should be hung

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It's the pharma companies and those behind them who need to hang... 🤨

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all of them...they knew better

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I have one friend with a rerun of his multiple myeloma who was advised to get boosted so of course he did. And another with stage 4 NSCLC who’s doctor surprisingly told her not to. But I do blame the damn doctors as much if not more than Pharma & the DOD. I expect the later to be evil. The doctors surprised me.

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Very sorry. I lost my Brother, age 65, on September 5, 2023. His son insisted he take the

JAB in order to see his grandson. Now, he certainly won't anymore. My Brother's

co-worker told us all about the health problems he was having at work. He was out of

breath, brain fog, couldn't lift boxes, and more. He even told her that he felt it was

from taking the JAB. I wish that he would have told us about it. We lived 5 hours away.

RIP Brother+

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So sorry for your loss.

I knew a few people who died (a friend’s sister 42 years old, and my ex MIL and her fiancé both-all from sudden unexpected heart failure) and others who were injured.

I was getting physical therapy for my knee when they first rolled out for medical personnel and my PT jumped at the chance to be vaxed, and I know for a fact that they shed and caused me to have symptoms. I stopped going immediately.

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brutal loss

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Yes, my Brother had a massive heart attack. He called off work on Labor Day. The next day he decided to take a nap in the afternoon. His son heard him make a sound and tried to revive him and couldn't. Neither could the paramedics. Sorry, for your loss, also. Thank YOU for

sharing. It means a lot. Thanks for letting me know of your experience with the shedding.

What is the Dakota Grace Foundation? GOD BLESS YOU +

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Sorry for the confusion there; it’s not a foundation, (though that’s a great idea). I named my substack, “Foundations.”

Since doing so I haven’t been able to get the posts up due to 4 straight months of life’s little complications. Many of which I’m still trying to resolve.

Once I’m able to post as planned the title will make sense.

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Oh....OK.....Can I find it on your Substack then?

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Yep. I know a healthy 65 y/o took jabs so he could see his grandchildren. HIS SON AND DAUGHTER IN LAW , KILLED HIM

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THANK YOU for reaching out to me. YES....and my Brother's older SON and WIFE insisting he get the JAB for the same reasons, killed him, too. Then to add. Her Mother was insulin

diabetic. She took JAB and Booster. She was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer

in June 2022 and passed away in December 2022. I don't think those two until today realize they caused their parents demise. They, of course, took the JAB and Boosters, too. Keep in Touch. Take Care.... :-)

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The 65 y/o has twin. They were very close. Twin was also threatened by his kids about not seeing grandchildren if not vaxxx he suffers the loss of his twin and is very sickly. He has considered suicide. Its surreal

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Oh, Dear. VERY SORRY to hear this situation. Did the twin take the JAB, too? Please try and

get him help. How devastating this must be for him. My Prayers are with him +

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yes, Kathleen, you are so full of gracious mercy.

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I’m so sorry. It’s pure evil.

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They were all told to say it was fine. I suppose Dr's believed "the science" err..fraudchi.

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We can never trust them again.

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We WILL never trust them again.

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They have proven themselves to be serial killers.

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complete...we really need justice

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Many doctors are really just service technicians for Big Pharma.

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criminals really, many should he hung after proper courts rule

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I agree wholeheartedly. BUT, that can only be a possibility AFTER he is elected, God willing, when he has the authority to do something about it. Were he to mention what you and I are, right now...well...we know how that would end up---more thought crime charges, and more *outrage*. My suspicion is that he is biding his time, refraining from justifiably accusing Fauci and Co., for just that opportunity.

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99.9% just dumb fucking jocks, and they go into MD cuz its money, & prestige

It’s also a club of ass the AMA

Just like the ‘BAR’ is a club of asshole lawyers the gatekeepers

Imagine if you were an alien outside of USA and watching this shit-show, the two most evil groups in USA MD’s & lawyers are running the human health-care and killing the patients, the MD’s KILL and the lawyers have their backside

Then the PHD’s flood COVID bullshit on substack, happy triad of Satan

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BB, does that include me?

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and the money that was made, too. By Frauchi, Birx, Doctors and even nurses.

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Did the patient agree?

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Better question: Was it informed consent?

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no one ever had proper informed consent.

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I doubt it very much.

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Yes, unfortunately he did agree. And, he criticized me for not taking the shots.

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Aw, man. I’m sorry.

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Agree to what? Killing themselves ?

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He can’t yet! So you want big Pharma to kill him?

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we will protect him

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There is fact sourced info from his presidency that stated He appointed RFK jr to be the head of his vaccine safety committee until Gates mentioned to Trump that placing RFK jr in that position would be a bad idea. Immediately following that comment from gates RFKjr was removed from that position and replaced with 2 pfffizer reps instead. Then there was 1 million $$ donation from Pfizer to the Trump campaign.

This is documented in “ The real Anthony Fauci” book.

It’s also been presented in videos as well as the movie.

He needs to acknowledge that he was misled. I don’t understand why to this day, after all this time has passed and all that has happened -the deaths, the injuries and the shedding and all the data proving they intentionally hid the known adverse effects and deaths all along - all of the health issues it’s caused - it all continues as long as mRNA is used.

There are so many - reports and patients that medical professionals are seeing micro clotting occurring from shedding in unvaccinated as well as vaccinated. It’s a mess.

That’s the only area I disagree with Trump on wholeheartedly. It’s not his fault. He is not responsible for what was hidden from him. He was doing what he believed was best. It would be admirable of him to acknowledge this info and he would gain more respect for that transparency. Why would he avoid it?

He lives in the very state where the AG has been speaking out against the shots and trying to ban them - there is no way Trump cannot be aware of this grim reality.

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I don't believe one rats hat of what fraudchi says. Book or no book. He's a lying, murderous scoundrel.

Yes, it would be good to admit ones fallacies.

The people know we need him or we get the lefties and their craziness, so he's got my vote anyway.

The thing is, we saw what he could do for our country to thrive. We do know those flying circus fleas will continue to throw crap his way. We'll need to be supportive.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

That book is not written by Fraudci it’s written by RKJr and I do support Trump. But he has to find a way to acknowledge this serious deadly ongoing issue about the MR/NA

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Exactly. I'm getting very very suspicious now

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How's that? He is undergoing so much right now. Did we protect him?

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That's another important pount

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This demand is a gift to the Dems and Never Trumpers, none of whom will vote for Trump under any circumstance, but are thrilled to use anything to savage him. They will pounce on that and make it the keystone of their attack ads. Now is not the time for philosophical *needs* discussions, and there is a helluva lot more at stake, existentially and imminently, than this issue. There is ample time to for him to address this AFTER he retakes the WH, and when he has the authority to investigate and prosecute. Please, let's not hamstring him with this.

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45 is 47!!! Yes he has not rejected this bio weapon and I get it BUT some people don’t get that THEY have a choice to not comply but if Trump is not 47 there will be no personal choices the Cabal will decide our fate!

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But how can we trust Trump when he still won't admit the obvious: that the vaxx is DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE?

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He did not make a mistake. He accelerated the timeline. It's more complicated than you think. Watch and learn, doc.

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cg, you forgot I worked there, in OWS...he made a mistake...it was unsafe and he trusted...he must own it. nothing about it was successful, he was conned. like how Malone has conned the idiots who donate money to him

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There's something much larger going on here that I don't think either of us understand. John Cullen may be onto it, or at least part of it.


Maybe we'll understand this better later this year, steer clear of needles.

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Agree. Apparently DJT sped up the operation to throw off the deep state. He had basically 3 options 1) do nothing and millions more would have died 2) tell us the truth at the beginning and our country would have been in a huge civil war 3) interrupt their plan to reduce the amount of killing. Remember we are AT WAR, there are always unfortunately casualties of war. That is why he is saying “he saved MILLIONS “. If you follow Patriot Underground on Rumble- he lays it out.

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I love him too, I want him back on deck term 2...but h must speak out

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How sad.

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Also follow News Treason on Rumble

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TBH, I do remember that when it first came out, we didn't really know how unsafe it was going to be. All we knew at the time was that it wasn't properly tested, the previous coronavirus vaccines couldn't be approved and didn't work out, it wasn't needed (we had HCQ PrEP), and the claimed efficacy of 90% was fishy (flu vaxes don't get much above about 50%). I don't remember knowing about the toxicity of spike protein at that time though. We learned that later. In fact, I think we first learned about the VAERS signals and then learned about toxicity of spike protein.

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The first step is to admit that covid was a bioweapon.

No "vaccine" would work.

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No he cannot say HE made a mistake! It is complicated and some are not getting that!

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The Hill does not seem to think Trump is a vaccine supporter. They even write:

"He has falsely claimed vaccines cause autism, falsely declared the coronavirus shot is the world’s deadliest vaccine and questioned the safety of shots’ ingredients."

When did he state the covid shot is the world's deadliest, and why would The Hill lie about that?


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No, Trump doesn't have to do shit. He is doing what must be done to save our Republic.

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Not if he hires people such as John Bolton or appoints Nikki Haley as the UN Ambassador.

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I doubt he will admit it. Trump has a ton of Pfizer stock. I’m going to vote for Trump because I don’t believe that RFK can get enough votes to win…. And I certainly don’t want Biden. My grandmother used to say Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

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If President Trump admits now during his campaign that he was misled and wrong, the left will grab that and run with it hard. It creates ammunition for them.

I, too, would love for him to come out and say this, but let's wait until AFTER he is elected and in office. It makes no sense at all to give the evil side more ammunition to use.

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I’m near ft Myers. Our local vfw is full of republicans, a few democrats, a few stopped caring. Over 2 dozen people I know who voted for Trump aren’t going to unless he says something about jabs being dangerous . Too many of them , or their family, were injured or died from the vaccine.

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It’s a mess :(. So many different angles to this “plandemic” it’s hard to know who is telling the truth. Ps my son moved to Ft Myers two years ago. Love it there :)

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Glad your son is happy here! Area is growing quickly.

It is a quagmire! what’s going on.

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Really? And his *admission* is going to bring them back from the dead, and they'll magically vote for them for *admitting* that he *killed their loved ones*? No, they are barking at the moon, they don't like him, and have hitched their wagon to this tactic to prevent his election. No *admission* is going to satisfy people with this twisted mindset that ignores the realities of the vaccine development, which falls fully on the malfeasants like Fauci, Birx, and the bulk of the Democrat party.

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They loved him and he betrayed them. I understand it’s bigger than just Trump , whole new world order nonsense behind it all. The development was our department of defense, duh.

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He didn't betray them. It wasn't Trump that de facto forced the jabs, either. Are they even aware of how Birx, in her book/payoff, boasted of deliberately lying to Trump, and ---her word, not mine---'subverting' him?

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The ones who read this substack are aware.if course he was subverting, it’s obvious.

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Subverting or subverted? I don't usually nitpick on grammar, but in this case, it makes a huge difference,lol.

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Mister Operation Warp Speed flip-flops on the CCP's TickTock, yet remains consistent on his beautiful DEATHVAX?

How about that wall of his?

Wanna really know why Trump is now all for the social credit score X Everything App system at the border with the latest biometrics push?

Watch this and admit the ugly truth to yourselves: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kh0qulz8HqjL/

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thank you for sharing. this bitchute is staggering

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I am going to write a big article on this shortly, with some devastating new AI developments that also tie into some other "random" recent developments.

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Yep I heard this and am questioning everything

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You are going to cost him this election, you and your cadre of bitter myopic complainers, who insist on splintering the electorate, to the benefit of the Dems. David Icke??? For real?

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Dr. Alexander, you want what Trump will never and cannot give. His enormous pride and lack of humility prevent him from the obvious.

Please use your influence to push for a debate with Trump and RFK JR.

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I respect your opinion. I believe differently. He has been put through a firestorm- who wouldn't fight back? Who wouldn't fight through all of the madness he's had, through his term and even to this day? I suppose you grow wisdom, and skin.

It's also true that we have to be able to look at how our words affect everything. I do feel he is regretting believing the "science" in Healthcare, as we have had in place in the country for quite a long time. It comes from the top. You don't argue, bc they ARE the specialists- everyone has THEIR role, and staying in your lane is a requirement, or you're out..so we stay in our lane.

We can throw out the request and when it is appropriate, I would venture to guess Wil apologize.

Recently, someone from the healthcare industry said they weren't able to pull back from the requirements. They went on to say something like "if the teachers don't get it the kids don't get it and everybody gets sick, we bring a pandemic". They, as many "healthcare" individuals have, still believe what's pounded in their heads every day. Certainly, the one I had to school when she sent for me and tried to force it on me in a mean and disrespectful (and ignorant) way was not yet believing any harm came of it.

Yes, she sees each person come through, in HR, but she only sees a part of the picture.

For me, I was in management in LTC (after working for an agency where I took people to the mass v*xx clinic). I saw all the death after reports that family reported suddenly went downhill, as well as the many side affects (and some death) after the sh*ts. We had so many out after the strange protocols that some of us were left holding the bag- 60& 80 hour weeks weren't enough to get all the "required" work done. I had one administrator say they had worked 90 hour weeks, at times.

I fell from pure exhaustion.

After I could walk again, and after much rehab (costly, I might add- cause the facility wouldn't pay it) I went back to work. I worked in medical records for a few months. The sheer number of requests for records, from individuals, attorneys, life and health insurers, physicians, half of the small staff left...they couldn't keep up! Then, the tracking data requests from CMS, CIOXX, DHHS also tell a story..

They knew their was a problem, but didn't call it. If they weren't expressly involved, they were complicit.

There is another side that this "healthcare professional" gave. That is of the financial burden that will occur if the biotech product and development are pulled. There is so much invested in biotech right now that pulling it could cause a good financial burden.

For me, I say let the chips fall where they need to. We can't keep making money the god. Do the right thing. Money; people. Money; people. People; money!

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I agree and we love him for the fight...this is why I said here I WANT HIM BACK BUT HE HAS TO STAND UP

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we are working on him

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He will say yes yes yes and then do what he thinks. He has good instincts but he might not like to be "worked on". I hope your efforts work out.

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Did you see the following link from a Yahoo News report posted March 9, 2024 which commenter KarlM Alias shared today?


It depicts Trump as against covid shots and against mandates, including mask mandates.Trump spokesman Stephen Cheung is quoted.

Paul Offit is also quoted:

"Trump is an important voice. He has a big platform. And he uses that platform, in this case, to do harm. Because he’s implying by saying that we shouldn’t mandate vaccines, vaccines are in some ways ineffective or unsafe,” said Paul Offit, a pediatrician and vaccine expert at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

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Very interesting yahoo arricle. So Trump seems to have them freaking out already by sending mixed signals. If it's deliberate, he is playing them well. I thnk Numero Uno item is: we don't want mandates. Let's start with that.

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Yahoo news? No, not credible. Yes, he followed suit and wanted to go about protecting us all. He didn't know that the secretary of fraud...I mean schience, would lob such a thing on an entire population. Who could know that? He NEVER mandated the shots..

This article goes on to tout the mandates of these strange things. All benefit and profit for the beholder, all risk for the receiver. Yes, I have 2 sons who have been affected. My youngest couldn't speak for a couple of years and it took much speech therapy for him to be able to recover. Had a lifetime of setbacks with it. The other? Other than a 106*F fever for a couple of days, it wasn't apparent at first. Then, some ADD symptoms most randomly presented. Another lifetime of setbacks.

What about those who want to do this? Let them give them to their kids. They can't say we are the problem, since they are covered, right? We covered that already!

One note: When I did some practicum work at a local high school I had to stand with the kids who "went first". About 35 children, most in wheelchairs and all developmentally disabled, came through every day. There were about 2,000 kids. Who says they are all represented there either?

Just throwing out questions we need to ask when we see red flags. Gotta ask why?

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Yes. Yahoo News is not credible. But I shared it here because it has a wide audience and because it's important to know what the "other side" is reading and lapping up.

Also as evidence that Trump's fence straddling on this topic may be a deliberate strategy as some here have suggested, since Stephen Cheung has been a reliable spokesman for Trump.

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Of course, everyone will twist the meaning to their own specs. I like that he speaks up. Not many have braved the storm. Thanks, for another link to look at. Be well!

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That article made me want to puke.

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Exactly. Pull the bandaid off NOW and let the chips fall where they may.

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By all means, do agitate for a split of the GOP electorate. Just polish up a silver platter and hand over the election to the Dems.

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can you explain

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Sure, but that wasn't directed at you, specifically. I like RFK Jr for his apparent sincerity on the vaccine issues. Right or left, it took courage to defy the politically correct narrative as he has done on that. But, he is till, overarching, a progressive on most other issues, particularly the climate change bludgeon that can, as a single issue, cause the *fundamental transformation* of this country. So, while he may be sincere, he is not wise. And, by design or not, his candidacy functions as a splitter, to peel away votes from Trump. So debating RFK is pointless by any measure. Trump is certainly capable of handily debating him, but there's not only no point to it, it's foolish, from an electoral standpoint.

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If Trump can so easily handle RFK JR as you say, then why avoid a reasoned debate. If I "agitate" for anything, it is for America, not any one candidate. Dr. Alexander, please moderate a debate

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What would be the point, politically? RFK is not going to be any nominee. No politically-informed person is going to change their mind about who they are voting for, on the grounds of a debate with him. He is undeniably progressive on most issues, and has his share of hypocrisy, i.e, being an environazi except when those policies would impact his family compound, having stated that certain areas---his home---are *too pretty to ruin* with offshore windfarms.

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Very wise comment, Tori.

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Trump admit he was wrong? He is WAY too vain to do that.

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Oh grow up, with your *thinking* and in your need to belittle a woman as you did. YOU are too vain to admit that you benefited more under Trump than under Biden. There is zero benefit to be gotten from *repenting*, and the Dems will exploit any apology to the hilt.

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One, you too don’t get it. 🙄

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Yeah, o.k., little girl.

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If President Trump were to admit to the fake vaccine mistake there is a certain risk the fanatical leftists would indict him for crimes against humanity for the millions killed and maimed globally so far, even though they were the guilty party. It is what they do. It is imperative that all good Americans get President Trump elected.

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LuciPfizer's Venomous Turbo Cancer & Lesser Magic Cast from the Altar of NFL Stupor Baal LVIII


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You know him. You worked with him. Tell him all of this.

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