Never forget 12 year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston, that Kamala Harris (border CZAR), Obama, Biden enjoys life today as Jocelyn cried out for her mom at the hands of these fcuking illegal 3rd world

feral scum; "wrap his arm around Nungaray’s neck and walk her off where he allegedly took of her pants, held her down, raped her, killed her, and tied her up before tossing her body into river"

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The fascist left wing media is silent on that. America got a huge problem. The modern democrat party. How could so many democrats be this blind ,and possibly elect a communist over Trump? What is happening in America, ruled by the medical mafia, this is getting much worse than the communists Czechoslovakia I grew under. Those communists did not pump us kids with 72 vaccines as in USA. The one and only one in school I rejected. In socialist California I would be kicked out of school for that. They promoted real prevention instead, fruits , vegetables , herbs, vitamins, fresh air. This is not a liberty America when you have no right to your very own body. My California son fear civil war, if Trump is hurt again, or the communist become a president.

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I worked with well aware and knowledgeable Czechs. One was Anton Miksa. He told me that he lived under KGB and Gestapo rule and that the Gestapo would not hurt you unless you rebelled in which case you would get a bullet. He hated the KGB...told me people here and there would be picked up by KGB and never seen again. Stayed in a rooming house owned by a "Slovakian" woman and she was also aware of and taught me her history. Your background on politics I am sure was taught to you/passed on by your parents and grand parents. Your people cannot be fooled.

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But what is more insane then importing a death cult whose so called holy book counsels murder by saying, "Kill the infidels wherever you find them." (infidels are all non moslems)

The damned fools who import that trash would not bring black mambas into their own homes but seem to think they are safe. Got news for those stupid bastards. They should read history of Genghis Khan.

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Kamala Harris: para "Lester, stfu, no I have not been to the Southern border but I have also not been to Europe so what the big EFF in deal, calm down Lester, cool yourself" para 'yes, we abolish ICE'

para "we should have the conversation that those convicted of sexual assault should be allowed to vote" para "yes, all illegals should get health care"; "wrong to think that more police officers would mean more safety” “I support medicare for all” “I am for banning fracking” “people on death row should be able to vote” para “healthcare for everyone inside America even illegals”

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thats her words, prosecute her on that

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Do not be fooled, Obama's delayed endorsement of Kamala Harris is/was part of the plot...its baked in...she is his Willie Brown girl, chosen as his radical leftist extremist girl to get in there &

destroy America as we know it, to remake it into a Kenyan African hell hole shit hole he and his past came from, to ISLAMize America and make it into IRAN...Obama's goal is to nuclearize Iran

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he needs Kamala to do it, this is what the fight is about

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you notice I can write scientifically and medically as I have many published works in medical books etc. but we are in a different fight...I am writing from my heart now...as how I think...no games...it may be raw and I apologize ahead of time...if you are weak knee this stack may not be for you.

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Don't hold back. No doubt you have the finest technical writing skills in science and medicine. We've seen that here and since your days at Brownstone. But this election poses an unprecedented threat making your strongly expressed views in plain language appropriate and welcome.

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make these words your key words...

Kamala Harris: Weak. Failed. Dangerously Liberal.

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Meet these 4 men, all bailed out by VP Kamala Harris (a bail fund that helped free convicts, including murderers & serial domestic abusers) & all turned around & raped & killed again! With illegal

rapists & murderers she/Obama let in at the Southern border (Latinos, Middle Eastern, North African 3rd world scum 6th century feral medieval beasts, dogs), she is UNQUALIFIED to be POTUS! MAGA!

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prosecute her on this where as a DA or AG, she let violent men walk and helped them just like she did the criminal rioters who were burning down USA...get her on that...not sleeping around...we know...

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Fentanyl deaths, over 100,000 per year in USA, among our children, rests at the feet of Kamala Harris, Biden, Obama for the deadly Fentanyl comes in via the Southern border carried with illegals

Fathers who lost children to fentanyl visit southern border Mark Murphy and Tom Quehl both lost a child to fentanyl poisoning; "Fentanyl deaths have spiked among U.S. children and teens"

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prosecute her on this...not sleeping around...we know what we know...focus on the deadly policies, there are enough to go around

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The enemy lies within the gates. She is guilty of murder and treason. BTW the three main street drugs in the area I inhabit are fentanyl, crack, and heroin. Homeless people told me that and not stupid ones, Talked to lots of them.

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keep the argument there, her failed policies that costed and is costing lives now

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The same policies are followed here in Canuckistan by the ample assed ugly spawn of a hippie witch and a commie lying father. It is the same in most western nations.

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love JD but he is the wrong one for Kamala...the VP for 45 needed to go after the POTUS as he did the word...JD cant

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I don't care if she banged her way to the top. She has the skanky ho vote sewn up. Trump is not going to win that demographic. I care that she failed her bar exam and is dumber than Biden. However, she may be dumb but she's cunning. Don't underestimate her ability to con a dumb, gullible American public. She was polling 6 to 8 % in San Francisco in one of her early races there back when she was still *#%*&@# Willie Brown's #&@* and she came from behind to win. Don't underestimate her rat cunning.

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she is cunning and can communicate and will be a big problem at the debate...this is not Hilary...she will use her skills...he can pop off and attack and it will be a disaster...it is a shrewd move by democrats...Trump's VP pick was critical and it needed to be someone who would have banged away at her and done the dirty work...he is limited in that regard...I dont care who dont like it but thats the truth

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I don't believe Vance will pull any punches against Harris. He can outsmart her with clear arguments and incriminating examples of her intentional subversion of the American legal system while remaining a perfect gentleman. He may be also be receptive to your good guidance in this regard?

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I hope you're correct but he is being torn to pieces over his childless cat ladies comment. Tulsi Gabbard runs rings around Harris. She knocked Harris out of the race in the Dem primaries. Vance has to be very careful. If Vance gives her the opening Harris will roast him over his war record of being a journalist serving in an office far from the front line. He would have been unable to do that with Tulsi.

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I sought out the video of Tulsi strongly tearing Harris apart in the 2020 Dem debate after you called attention to it in an earlier post. I found her words very effective.

What followed was revealing. Without skipping a beat, Harris countered smugly with diversion and lies. The Dem base just plugs their ears with respect to Harris' misrepresentations of her record.

Unless Trump asked Tulsi not to weigh in, I don't see what could be holding Tulsi back from making similar arguments against a Harris presidency NOW, unless her motives were only for her own advancement rather than protecting America from the incompetence and scheming corruption that defines Kamala Harris.

Side note: Despite having had sweet, lovable kitties in the past, (though not being barren, as Harris is), I did appreciate the 2021 "childless cat ladies" tongue-in-cheek remark, even more so since Vance included Pete Buttigieg among the "ladies" he referenced. (Maybe that's what inspired creepy Pete and his "husband" to engage in human trafficking by securing a now-motherless child for adoption.)

Aside from that, I have always had misgivings about childless politicians, more so after my perspective was enhanced after I became a mother myself.

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rat cunning....lots of people out there 'owe' her, lots of sordid secrets.

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Any **informed** person knows perfectly well that Kamala is light years from being POTUS material.

In so many ways, Kamala would be an EPIC DISASTER for the USA.

BUT SO WAS BIDEN !!! Let me repeat that: SO WAS BIDEN!

Thus, the real problem on our hands is that today QUALIFICATIONS DON'T MATTER. As long as the individual is corrupt, dishonest, and psychotic-evil enough, then he/she qualifies - period!

That's how and why Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Biden got into the Oval Office.

That's why Kamala "qualifies", despite her obvious, uncountable shortcomings. Stated differently, getting Kamala into the White House will be a trivial exercise compared to the same for Biden.

As for Trump ... you already know my hypothesis. I hope and pray that I'm wrong.

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I desperately want to believe the good guys will win in November. The same machine that put fraudulent Obama in office and lied to us about who he was, the machine that cheated incompetent imbecile Biden into the White House is the same machine which dropped COVID on the world, lied about its origins then murdered off people throughout the globe with scam injections...crushing oppression and dark times. It matters not a whit who is running, if they could prop pudding head Biden into office THERE ARE NO competency requirements for their candidate. They only need to put their massive propaganda cheering squad media machine behind her, do a ton of vote fraud....and then arrest those who call out the cheat and demand fairness and justice. We are in dark dark times. The attempted assassination of Trump and subsequent revelations of govt "failures" which allowed it shows the extent to which they are willing to go. We are up against more than we know in trying to get Trump back into office. I pray it can be done but I've seen too much evil and darkness prevail in the past several years. I hope I'm wrong

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I agree and it is at a breaking point...we have to trust and pray...the power of prayer and trust and belief is key here and to 'hold'...do not give up hope....we are waging a battle that will outlive is, the rewards, but it is for the children and theirs...they are incapable so we need fix it and set the future table for them...can we count on you? I think we can...thank you for sharing this, key content...from the heart

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Absolutely, I will continue to fight and pray, I've been in the fight all along, esp with regards to the death shots and supporting those horribly injured. Lost friends and family for speaking out but made many new friends and come to regard many as heroes.

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For sure., prayers are the best medicine, right now.

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Kamala's ugly step-daughter has Secret Service protection.

She won't be affected by the illegals and rapists coming across the southern border.

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thats the argument...keep it there

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They would not want her anyway, she is a complete turn off.

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At some point we have to welcome the inevitable . It's taken years of diligent planning to bring us to this point.

We will not quitely fix this.

A storm is coming, may as well prepare for it

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yes a storm is coming, you have been warning us...rightly

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You always talk about Muslim obama and what he and the rest of his gang are going to do to us. Why don't you throw in some good that Trump and his team are doing tp counter? obama always wanted Miss VP. She's a Marxist just like him. She's putty in his hands. Where's the Me Too pink hat wearing women. They sure marched on DC when Trump was inaugurated. I know, because I was there.

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No thanks. Trump 2024.

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