sensible food, energy in must equal energy out! these beasts, money whores who made a crooked industry, knew women, anyone would regain the weight & more, you screw your basal metabolism dieting
Dr Alexander, please write about how effective intermittent and extended fasting is to reverse metabolic diseases. I've learned a lot from Dr Jason Fung in Toronto.
My friend just got diagnosed Diabetic after a life time of healthy (no meat etc) eating. Vegan/Vegetarian at one point. However, stress bing eating and drinking Oat Milk (which has a sugar in it that is 105 on the glycemic scale!) and having whacked out portion control and using food to eat emotionally... eating big frozen yougurts instead of ice cream (full of sugar!!)..and thinking that's 'healthy' ...well... she's now obese and diagnosed Diabetic at age 60! How? The simple fact is: she doesn't need to do anything but stop over eating the wrong foods - eat low sugar high fiber and some fats. Protiens. Lots of them (hey maybe that meat wasn't so bad after all??). And with that she can manage that diabetes *provided* she exercises portion control. I am shocked so few know what a proper portion size is. Everything is super wonder we are a fat nation. I personally think she needs to accept she over eats, but she's not willing to go there. And portion control makes her 'hungry' she says... well news flash: calories in calories out .. if you be fat, you be eating too much the wrong stuff...and not exercising it out...
I’m not and expert but my wife is. Time restricted eating is an easy way to look at it. If your last meal is 8 pm skip breakfast eat at noon you have gone 16 hours. You can have coffee in the morning black or with heavy cream. Also flip the food pyramid upside down
3 or more days is considered extended fasting. Ketosis and autophagy, lower blood sugar and insulin levels and weight loss don't reach peak levels until after 3 or 4 days from what I have read. Just make sure to hydrate and take electrolytes before starting an extended fast. Vitamins and supplements are a good idea. Hunger is normal for the first 2 days while fasting. But if you’re feeling shaky, dizzy, or weak, you may be experiencing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). That’s a signal to break the fast. Fasting is not appropriate for children, underweighted or people with eating disorders.
Yes! Ever since Dec 2020 when I caught supposedly Covid- I was sick for 2 weeks at home. Per many physicians visits I supposedly have Long Covid, symptoms include 60 lb UNINTENTIONAL weight loss for over2 years now, brain fog, confusion, chronic fatigue and naturally due to all of this shit for the past 3 years- anxiety and depression. I started fasting and taking The Wellness Co- Spike Support. Starting to feel a little better bit by bit. I know it will be a long process but I believe FASTING is key!!!
You are unvaxxed? The 2nd time, 2 years after 1st time w supposed Covid, it reactivated asthma that cleared up years ago. Trying to clear it naturally w no steroids this time. Unvaxxed here. I ask as it’s not clear to me if long Covid is vax injury. Thanks kindly. 🙏🏽
Mixed bag...It can lead to slowed metabolism in some hands...the chronic dieters, in particular. I appreciate aspects of it (have fasted 7 days on water multiple times and a 40 day once.) but would not recommend across the board. Moderation, smaller portions a safer way to go.
Techincally intermittent fasting isnt the same as fasting. Its eating only during a set period of time during the day. For me it is one meal. My metabolism and needs are different from yours so the way I intermittent fast wont be the same as other people. We are all different.
I wouldn't recommend a 40 days fast. My Pastor many years ago did a 40 day fast and her body started breaking down. She ended up dying not too long after this fast. BE CAREFUL.
It's not something you should take on yourself, but only if called to it. I never ever recommend it. We can be sincerely sorry for her experience. I explained below...
Actually it did work at times. So many variables to consider. For what it's worth, the 40 day fast occurred spontaneously as a result of deep Thai massage detox and opening of the energy lines. It was not planned, not an effort, but an experience of unprecedented aliveness, joy and creativity. I only lost 8 lbs. We are hybrid vehicles to a degree that is not well-known in the west. Living on the highest form of energy. Food was a gross imposition. Sleep was not necessary or desired. Extraordinary potentials exist in these precious bodies of ours. The Thai teachers not only saved my life, but gave a glimpse of what is possible. Interesting that we can talk at such cross-purposes, isn't it? Peace and health to you.
I highly recommend people READ Dr Jason Fung’s books to properly understand intermittent fasting before trying it. He does a great job debunking the processed food and diet industry propaganda and lies. Keto or carnivore also works for many people. I think we’re all unique and need to find our own approach. I do a combination of IF and lax ‘dirty’ keto and it’s excellent and not difficult.
Amen. Eat what you were designed to eat in moderation. Always moderation. A few cannot have some items, even in moderation - dairy intolerance etc. But moderation is key. And portion control. I live my life by the 3 bite rule: I can have 3 bites of anything. I never feel 'deprived'. Some days I do better than others but I don't beat myself up, I just say yeah, it was a bing and then go back to doing better... and eat better for the next week. I love my butter, meat and milk. :) In moderation.
Wow, you all missed it. They are going under anyway. The best way to find how your body works in terms of diet, BECAUSE, we are all different, and have different needs. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE MY MIND. I WAS A PERSONAL TRAINER, nutritional coach for 15 years. NOT ONE “DIET/LIFESTYLE CHANGE” was the same. Everyone is different. Even me! Stop the bantering, please. Unless you truly understand someone else’s issues, mental and physical, as all works together, even spiritual, why don’t we leave this article alone.
I agree everyone is different and I think having a coach or personal trainer is different than the fitness industry… I’m very pro exercise eating sensible it’s the industry that I’m not for. I think they sell you on the dream that once you are skinny you will be happy… the reality is just like any disease we need to look at the whole person physical emotional and spiritual and a fitness trainer is a great professional tool to help!!
So darn true! I had a man who was in car accident. Whole right side of his body was metal. He died on the operating table 3x. But, he was determined. Started slow in the pool, as he was 430lbs. He is now 250lbs. He is happy, eats good, and I still get emails that he is doing great. That’s what it is all about. Listening, and doing it slowly...
Amen. We are each created in a fearfully and wonderful way INDIVIDUALLY. There is no one size fits all in pantyhose, health or life, for that matter. Normal is a setting on your dryer and what you want to receive on your mammogram results.
Absolutely true! In the 70's I dated the nephew of the Weight Watcher's founder, spent a lot of time w/ the family. Her knowledge was pulled from the Nazi starvation experiments. and repackaged into an empire. They were Jewish and all terribly eating disordered due to the tragedies their family endured. Unlike Dr Atkins who saved a lot of lives w/his approach, their marketing scheme was to help them lose, re-gain and become customers for life.. Yes, they knew... Thanks Dr. Alexander!
This is wrong Paul. When will you doctors realize you have been lying to yourselves and others?
Moderation in diet is not good. There is no amount or sugar or fructose that is good to be eating.
Cut it out completely. Grains too. Seed oils.
It is impossible to lose fat by exercising. It uses up too little energy and causes causes hunger. Fat cannot be consumed in the body if blood sugar and insulin are high, period. A waste of time.
There are benefits to exercise for strength and fitness, but not fat loss.
this is what fasting is good, for it depletes the sugar and then your bidy must tap into fat...not so? this is the success of intermittent fasting....agreed, sugar is deadly...
and when we say moderation, I dont mean in diet, moderation and common sense...common sense for if it works then it is good. you use common sense e.g. dont go jogging in the woods with no one around ysing a mask...
Yes, fasting or calorie restriction will lead to blood sugar reduction, but it takes days or up to a week for the body to switch from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism, especially if they are overweight and have high insulin. Meanwhile they are desperately hungry and weak from hypoglycemia. Most people cannot carry it out. We need to phase out the sugar and grains over a period of weeks and keep them very low. Even after goals are acheived.
Sugar is in fruits and vegetables. Your carbs in grains break down to sugar. Yes---moderation IS the answer. Processed sugar is horrendous. Processed juices have much more sugar than the juice in a fruit!
Moderation? What does that mean? How many grams per day? Of course, if you are young and health you can tolerate eating glucose and fructose for a number of decades before you become overweight and diabetic.
Or be weird like I am. Haven't gained or lost a lb since getting super sick from flu age 28 where I went from 120 lbs 5 ft 3 to losing all body fat and becoming an anorexic looking 93 lbs. Subsequently went back up a bit to my 95 lb self. No matter how much I eat, tho I do not gain. I am also very hum, a fidgeter I move about the cabin alot type of person, so... burning constantly. I'm back to working out to replace flab with muscle and maintain bone health. But I live on the 3 bite diet - I eat what I want, as long as the portions are smaller and I always have room for dessert. 3 bites of it anyway. I don't watch my diet in the strict sense. I just try to eat enough veggies and fiber, meat, and drink enough water. Some fruits. It is hard work as I live alone to sometimes eat right. I have to prep my meals for a week ahead - to make sure I eat during the week. Bfast is a no - I am never hungry til 10. So chocolate milk at 10 am, or a nuts and cheese snack. Then lunch at noon to 1 my big meal. Then home at 5 for snack (fruits) and tea, and workout or a light supper (tunafish and salad)... I was alcohol addicted at one point (beer) and realized I was become an alcoholic because I was drinking the beer in lieu of eating food, so i quit alcohol for months. I'm adding a bit back now, mostly white wine with lots of sparking water added. I think (well I know) the carbs in the beer were what I was craving.... and it was a true craving. Giving up was hard. On the whole modern life makes eating right hard. The temptations are everywhere, and unless you cook your own, you never really know what it is you are eating. PS. I did WW and I liked the exchange system - it helped alot with knowing what you should aim for. I think it was very helpful in that respect for alot of people...And the support was helpful too.
I am 65 years old with a biological age score of 31. Exercised and ate healthy all my life...I treat myself to anything I want to eat on Sundays but I am not addicted to sugar so I still keep it pretty healthy.
You only need to observe Oprah for a while to understand dieting doesn’t work. WW is going into I telemedicine RX for weight loss. Big pharma at the rescue. They are going to be offering the diabetic drug Ozempic.
Diets never work, changing how you see food and start eating what your body needs, exercise is massively important to stay healthy, dieting is a failure from day one.
I have come to the conclusion that the single best thing an obese person can do to stop being obese is to completely stop consuming high fructose corn syrup, preferably before it leads to being diabetic.
Truth, Dr. Alexander. Furthermore, they preach one thing at meetings and then turn around and promote another, their latest factory-made boxxed garbage, thus excising more $$ from their followers.
Today’s obesity is a direct result of our bastardized food supply. If your eating anything that comes in a bag,box or the frozen food section, your eating poison. * Glyphosate.
Big Ag, Big Food and Big Harma are all in bed together creating repeat customers.
I agree with Lee, we are all different and lifestyle and diet are not a one size fits all.
Why not just use common sense, eat organic fruits and veggies, grassfed and finished meats, get away from the vegetable and canola oils, stick with organic animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil and grassfed butter. In other words eat all the wonderful delicious foods God provided, not the chit produced by Kellogg, nabisco, Kraft and so on. Feed your body real food, get excerise and sunshine and it will reward you with happy and healthy body.
I disagree about Weight Watchers. The point system works. It teaches you to figure out fiber and fat and calories. You make sensible food choices and you don't have to starve doing it. My mother was a leader for over 30 years and loved the people in her classes. The groups supported one another. It might not work for everyone but its one of the better weight loss options out there.
stupid is as stupid does ,if you over eat stop doing that You dont need to spend money on all the books of someone telling you what to do. they prey on your feelings etc and you let them
Too much sugar and processed carbs all covert to fat in the liver unless utilized by high physical activity. Excess fat in the liver leads to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ... this is a silent epidemic. Once liver is not working well it leads to more insulin resistance , sluggish detox, metabolism is affected and wt gain . Even coronary plaque is caused by diet high in refined carbohydrates, inflammatory oils , stress.....cholesterol and low fat is not the main offender.
I was a bit chubby when I was younger. Around 1987 I switched to a mostly vegan organic diet, with occasional wild caught fish. The extra pounds just dropped off. There are additives, sugars, unheathy transfats and other things in the typical American diet of processed foods that make it very difficult to lose weight. What I have found is that if my great-grandmother didn't eat it, it's likely not good for me! Down with synthetic food!
imo the reason so many people are overweight and still hungry is because they are not eating real food so their brains tell them they are still hungry...if they ate well including good meats, poultry, etc. and veggies and fruits they would lose weight and not be hungry all the time and eat boxes of Oreos etc
Dr Alexander, please write about how effective intermittent and extended fasting is to reverse metabolic diseases. I've learned a lot from Dr Jason Fung in Toronto.
yes, I know too, it is effective once used in moderation, common sense, with exercise too...cleans out the liver, pancreas etc., reduces stress on it
Dr. Jason Fung's book, The Obesity Code, argues that obesity isn’t caused by overeating, but by excessive insulin.
My friend just got diagnosed Diabetic after a life time of healthy (no meat etc) eating. Vegan/Vegetarian at one point. However, stress bing eating and drinking Oat Milk (which has a sugar in it that is 105 on the glycemic scale!) and having whacked out portion control and using food to eat emotionally... eating big frozen yougurts instead of ice cream (full of sugar!!)..and thinking that's 'healthy' ...well... she's now obese and diagnosed Diabetic at age 60! How? The simple fact is: she doesn't need to do anything but stop over eating the wrong foods - eat low sugar high fiber and some fats. Protiens. Lots of them (hey maybe that meat wasn't so bad after all??). And with that she can manage that diabetes *provided* she exercises portion control. I am shocked so few know what a proper portion size is. Everything is super wonder we are a fat nation. I personally think she needs to accept she over eats, but she's not willing to go there. And portion control makes her 'hungry' she says... well news flash: calories in calories out .. if you be fat, you be eating too much the wrong stuff...and not exercising it out...
How is moderation achieved in fasting besides doing it?
Intermittent fasting seems to require dedication to abstaining from eating at least half a day at a time.
I’m not and expert but my wife is. Time restricted eating is an easy way to look at it. If your last meal is 8 pm skip breakfast eat at noon you have gone 16 hours. You can have coffee in the morning black or with heavy cream. Also flip the food pyramid upside down
Caffeine is an very effective metabolic sabotuer.
How so?
16 hours or more before you see a substantial benefit. The most powerful benefits after 3 days or more.
You have a different definition of intermittent than any of the doctors I've read on it.
3 or more days is considered extended fasting. Ketosis and autophagy, lower blood sugar and insulin levels and weight loss don't reach peak levels until after 3 or 4 days from what I have read. Just make sure to hydrate and take electrolytes before starting an extended fast. Vitamins and supplements are a good idea. Hunger is normal for the first 2 days while fasting. But if you’re feeling shaky, dizzy, or weak, you may be experiencing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). That’s a signal to break the fast. Fasting is not appropriate for children, underweighted or people with eating disorders.
I never eat after 6pm and I do not usually eat anything before 9am. It works for me. Bullet proof coffee first thing in the mornings.
If coffee is the first thing that you put in your GI tract, it never gets buffered to prevent it jacking with your metabolism.
Yes! Ever since Dec 2020 when I caught supposedly Covid- I was sick for 2 weeks at home. Per many physicians visits I supposedly have Long Covid, symptoms include 60 lb UNINTENTIONAL weight loss for over2 years now, brain fog, confusion, chronic fatigue and naturally due to all of this shit for the past 3 years- anxiety and depression. I started fasting and taking The Wellness Co- Spike Support. Starting to feel a little better bit by bit. I know it will be a long process but I believe FASTING is key!!!
You are unvaxxed? The 2nd time, 2 years after 1st time w supposed Covid, it reactivated asthma that cleared up years ago. Trying to clear it naturally w no steroids this time. Unvaxxed here. I ask as it’s not clear to me if long Covid is vax injury. Thanks kindly. 🙏🏽
I too am absolutely 100% NON VACCINATED! I thank the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for opening my eyes to this evil world
Mixed bag...It can lead to slowed metabolism in some hands...the chronic dieters, in particular. I appreciate aspects of it (have fasted 7 days on water multiple times and a 40 day once.) but would not recommend across the board. Moderation, smaller portions a safer way to go.
Techincally intermittent fasting isnt the same as fasting. Its eating only during a set period of time during the day. For me it is one meal. My metabolism and needs are different from yours so the way I intermittent fast wont be the same as other people. We are all different.
I have seen no evidence of that. I would suggest you look at the Jason Fung videos and or but his books. How much did you lose on the 40 day fast?
I wouldn't recommend a 40 days fast. My Pastor many years ago did a 40 day fast and her body started breaking down. She ended up dying not too long after this fast. BE CAREFUL.
It's not something you should take on yourself, but only if called to it. I never ever recommend it. We can be sincerely sorry for her experience. I explained below...
Yes, have tried it all...
I'm sorry it didnt work for you. To me the important thing is none of us can speak for someone else. What works for me or you might not work for them.
Actually it did work at times. So many variables to consider. For what it's worth, the 40 day fast occurred spontaneously as a result of deep Thai massage detox and opening of the energy lines. It was not planned, not an effort, but an experience of unprecedented aliveness, joy and creativity. I only lost 8 lbs. We are hybrid vehicles to a degree that is not well-known in the west. Living on the highest form of energy. Food was a gross imposition. Sleep was not necessary or desired. Extraordinary potentials exist in these precious bodies of ours. The Thai teachers not only saved my life, but gave a glimpse of what is possible. Interesting that we can talk at such cross-purposes, isn't it? Peace and health to you.
That sounds incredible ❤
Peace and health to you also
Jason has it right.
Yes Jason Fung is AMAZING!!!!
I highly recommend people READ Dr Jason Fung’s books to properly understand intermittent fasting before trying it. He does a great job debunking the processed food and diet industry propaganda and lies. Keto or carnivore also works for many people. I think we’re all unique and need to find our own approach. I do a combination of IF and lax ‘dirty’ keto and it’s excellent and not difficult.
Amen. Eat what you were designed to eat in moderation. Always moderation. A few cannot have some items, even in moderation - dairy intolerance etc. But moderation is key. And portion control. I live my life by the 3 bite rule: I can have 3 bites of anything. I never feel 'deprived'. Some days I do better than others but I don't beat myself up, I just say yeah, it was a bing and then go back to doing better... and eat better for the next week. I love my butter, meat and milk. :) In moderation.
Wow, you all missed it. They are going under anyway. The best way to find how your body works in terms of diet, BECAUSE, we are all different, and have different needs. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE MY MIND. I WAS A PERSONAL TRAINER, nutritional coach for 15 years. NOT ONE “DIET/LIFESTYLE CHANGE” was the same. Everyone is different. Even me! Stop the bantering, please. Unless you truly understand someone else’s issues, mental and physical, as all works together, even spiritual, why don’t we leave this article alone.
love this
I agree everyone is different and I think having a coach or personal trainer is different than the fitness industry… I’m very pro exercise eating sensible it’s the industry that I’m not for. I think they sell you on the dream that once you are skinny you will be happy… the reality is just like any disease we need to look at the whole person physical emotional and spiritual and a fitness trainer is a great professional tool to help!!
So darn true! I had a man who was in car accident. Whole right side of his body was metal. He died on the operating table 3x. But, he was determined. Started slow in the pool, as he was 430lbs. He is now 250lbs. He is happy, eats good, and I still get emails that he is doing great. That’s what it is all about. Listening, and doing it slowly...
Amen. We are each created in a fearfully and wonderful way INDIVIDUALLY. There is no one size fits all in pantyhose, health or life, for that matter. Normal is a setting on your dryer and what you want to receive on your mammogram results.
Absolutely true! In the 70's I dated the nephew of the Weight Watcher's founder, spent a lot of time w/ the family. Her knowledge was pulled from the Nazi starvation experiments. and repackaged into an empire. They were Jewish and all terribly eating disordered due to the tragedies their family endured. Unlike Dr Atkins who saved a lot of lives w/his approach, their marketing scheme was to help them lose, re-gain and become customers for life.. Yes, they knew... Thanks Dr. Alexander!
This is wrong Paul. When will you doctors realize you have been lying to yourselves and others?
Moderation in diet is not good. There is no amount or sugar or fructose that is good to be eating.
Cut it out completely. Grains too. Seed oils.
It is impossible to lose fat by exercising. It uses up too little energy and causes causes hunger. Fat cannot be consumed in the body if blood sugar and insulin are high, period. A waste of time.
There are benefits to exercise for strength and fitness, but not fat loss.
this is what fasting is good, for it depletes the sugar and then your bidy must tap into fat...not so? this is the success of intermittent fasting....agreed, sugar is deadly...
and when we say moderation, I dont mean in diet, moderation and common sense...common sense for if it works then it is good. you use common sense e.g. dont go jogging in the woods with no one around ysing a mask...
People don't take it that way. They think moderation means just one donut, one cookie, one chocolate bar, and one sugar drink. That until lunch time.
Yes, fasting or calorie restriction will lead to blood sugar reduction, but it takes days or up to a week for the body to switch from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism, especially if they are overweight and have high insulin. Meanwhile they are desperately hungry and weak from hypoglycemia. Most people cannot carry it out. We need to phase out the sugar and grains over a period of weeks and keep them very low. Even after goals are acheived.
Most people switch after 3 days you can see ketone levels rising.
Intermittent fasting is dieting.
Sugar is in fruits and vegetables. Your carbs in grains break down to sugar. Yes---moderation IS the answer. Processed sugar is horrendous. Processed juices have much more sugar than the juice in a fruit!
Moderation? What does that mean? How many grams per day? Of course, if you are young and health you can tolerate eating glucose and fructose for a number of decades before you become overweight and diabetic.
Or be weird like I am. Haven't gained or lost a lb since getting super sick from flu age 28 where I went from 120 lbs 5 ft 3 to losing all body fat and becoming an anorexic looking 93 lbs. Subsequently went back up a bit to my 95 lb self. No matter how much I eat, tho I do not gain. I am also very hum, a fidgeter I move about the cabin alot type of person, so... burning constantly. I'm back to working out to replace flab with muscle and maintain bone health. But I live on the 3 bite diet - I eat what I want, as long as the portions are smaller and I always have room for dessert. 3 bites of it anyway. I don't watch my diet in the strict sense. I just try to eat enough veggies and fiber, meat, and drink enough water. Some fruits. It is hard work as I live alone to sometimes eat right. I have to prep my meals for a week ahead - to make sure I eat during the week. Bfast is a no - I am never hungry til 10. So chocolate milk at 10 am, or a nuts and cheese snack. Then lunch at noon to 1 my big meal. Then home at 5 for snack (fruits) and tea, and workout or a light supper (tunafish and salad)... I was alcohol addicted at one point (beer) and realized I was become an alcoholic because I was drinking the beer in lieu of eating food, so i quit alcohol for months. I'm adding a bit back now, mostly white wine with lots of sparking water added. I think (well I know) the carbs in the beer were what I was craving.... and it was a true craving. Giving up was hard. On the whole modern life makes eating right hard. The temptations are everywhere, and unless you cook your own, you never really know what it is you are eating. PS. I did WW and I liked the exchange system - it helped alot with knowing what you should aim for. I think it was very helpful in that respect for alot of people...And the support was helpful too.
I am 65 years old with a biological age score of 31. Exercised and ate healthy all my life...I treat myself to anything I want to eat on Sundays but I am not addicted to sugar so I still keep it pretty healthy.
You only need to observe Oprah for a while to understand dieting doesn’t work. WW is going into I telemedicine RX for weight loss. Big pharma at the rescue. They are going to be offering the diabetic drug Ozempic.
Side effects include possibility of thyroid tumor.
Diets never work, changing how you see food and start eating what your body needs, exercise is massively important to stay healthy, dieting is a failure from day one.
I have come to the conclusion that the single best thing an obese person can do to stop being obese is to completely stop consuming high fructose corn syrup, preferably before it leads to being diabetic.
Truth, Dr. Alexander. Furthermore, they preach one thing at meetings and then turn around and promote another, their latest factory-made boxxed garbage, thus excising more $$ from their followers.
Today’s obesity is a direct result of our bastardized food supply. If your eating anything that comes in a bag,box or the frozen food section, your eating poison. * Glyphosate.
Big Ag, Big Food and Big Harma are all in bed together creating repeat customers.
I agree with Lee, we are all different and lifestyle and diet are not a one size fits all.
Why not just use common sense, eat organic fruits and veggies, grassfed and finished meats, get away from the vegetable and canola oils, stick with organic animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil and grassfed butter. In other words eat all the wonderful delicious foods God provided, not the chit produced by Kellogg, nabisco, Kraft and so on. Feed your body real food, get excerise and sunshine and it will reward you with happy and healthy body.
Amen to you! Exactly, wholesome good God given food. It’s our right.
I disagree about Weight Watchers. The point system works. It teaches you to figure out fiber and fat and calories. You make sensible food choices and you don't have to starve doing it. My mother was a leader for over 30 years and loved the people in her classes. The groups supported one another. It might not work for everyone but its one of the better weight loss options out there.
I lost 100lbs following weight watchers back in only works if you are committed and stay committed to lifestyle.
stupid is as stupid does ,if you over eat stop doing that You dont need to spend money on all the books of someone telling you what to do. they prey on your feelings etc and you let them
Too much sugar and processed carbs all covert to fat in the liver unless utilized by high physical activity. Excess fat in the liver leads to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ... this is a silent epidemic. Once liver is not working well it leads to more insulin resistance , sluggish detox, metabolism is affected and wt gain . Even coronary plaque is caused by diet high in refined carbohydrates, inflammatory oils , stress.....cholesterol and low fat is not the main offender.
I was a bit chubby when I was younger. Around 1987 I switched to a mostly vegan organic diet, with occasional wild caught fish. The extra pounds just dropped off. There are additives, sugars, unheathy transfats and other things in the typical American diet of processed foods that make it very difficult to lose weight. What I have found is that if my great-grandmother didn't eat it, it's likely not good for me! Down with synthetic food!
Mads, of course you are correct. And everyone's physiology is different.
imo the reason so many people are overweight and still hungry is because they are not eating real food so their brains tell them they are still hungry...if they ate well including good meats, poultry, etc. and veggies and fruits they would lose weight and not be hungry all the time and eat boxes of Oreos etc
Weight Watchers teaches their clients to make good food choices. Boxes of Oreos etc are not good choices.
Oprah bought Weight Watchers several yrs ago