Dr Alexander, please write about how effective intermittent and extended fasting is to reverse metabolic diseases. I've learned a lot from Dr Jason Fung in Toronto.

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Wow, you all missed it. They are going under anyway. The best way to find how your body works in terms of diet, BECAUSE, we are all different, and have different needs. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE MY MIND. I WAS A PERSONAL TRAINER, nutritional coach for 15 years. NOT ONE “DIET/LIFESTYLE CHANGE” was the same. Everyone is different. Even me! Stop the bantering, please. Unless you truly understand someone else’s issues, mental and physical, as all works together, even spiritual, why don’t we leave this article alone.

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Absolutely true! In the 70's I dated the nephew of the Weight Watcher's founder, spent a lot of time w/ the family. Her knowledge was pulled from the Nazi starvation experiments. and repackaged into an empire. They were Jewish and all terribly eating disordered due to the tragedies their family endured. Unlike Dr Atkins who saved a lot of lives w/his approach, their marketing scheme was to help them lose, re-gain and become customers for life.. Yes, they knew... Thanks Dr. Alexander!

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This is wrong Paul. When will you doctors realize you have been lying to yourselves and others?

Moderation in diet is not good. There is no amount or sugar or fructose that is good to be eating.

Cut it out completely. Grains too. Seed oils.

It is impossible to lose fat by exercising. It uses up too little energy and causes causes hunger. Fat cannot be consumed in the body if blood sugar and insulin are high, period. A waste of time.

There are benefits to exercise for strength and fitness, but not fat loss.

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I am 65 years old with a biological age score of 31. Exercised and ate healthy all my life...I treat myself to anything I want to eat on Sundays but I am not addicted to sugar so I still keep it pretty healthy.

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You only need to observe Oprah for a while to understand dieting doesn’t work. WW is going into I telemedicine RX for weight loss. Big pharma at the rescue. They are going to be offering the diabetic drug Ozempic. https://www.drugs.com/mounjaro.html

Side effects include possibility of thyroid tumor. https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/weightwatchers-buy-sequence-telehealth-enter-obesity-drug-prescription-business-2023-03-07/

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Diets never work, changing how you see food and start eating what your body needs, exercise is massively important to stay healthy, dieting is a failure from day one.

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I have come to the conclusion that the single best thing an obese person can do to stop being obese is to completely stop consuming high fructose corn syrup, preferably before it leads to being diabetic.

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Truth, Dr. Alexander. Furthermore, they preach one thing at meetings and then turn around and promote another, their latest factory-made boxxed garbage, thus excising more $$ from their followers.

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Today’s obesity is a direct result of our bastardized food supply. If your eating anything that comes in a bag,box or the frozen food section, your eating poison. * Glyphosate.

Big Ag, Big Food and Big Harma are all in bed together creating repeat customers.

I agree with Lee, we are all different and lifestyle and diet are not a one size fits all.

Why not just use common sense, eat organic fruits and veggies, grassfed and finished meats, get away from the vegetable and canola oils, stick with organic animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil and grassfed butter. In other words eat all the wonderful delicious foods God provided, not the chit produced by Kellogg, nabisco, Kraft and so on. Feed your body real food, get excerise and sunshine and it will reward you with happy and healthy body.

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I disagree about Weight Watchers. The point system works. It teaches you to figure out fiber and fat and calories. You make sensible food choices and you don't have to starve doing it. My mother was a leader for over 30 years and loved the people in her classes. The groups supported one another. It might not work for everyone but its one of the better weight loss options out there.

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I lost 100lbs following weight watchers back in 2017...it only works if you are committed and stay committed to lifestyle.

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stupid is as stupid does ,if you over eat stop doing that You dont need to spend money on all the books of someone telling you what to do. they prey on your feelings etc and you let them

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Too much sugar and processed carbs all covert to fat in the liver unless utilized by high physical activity. Excess fat in the liver leads to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ... this is a silent epidemic. Once liver is not working well it leads to more insulin resistance , sluggish detox, metabolism is affected and wt gain . Even coronary plaque is caused by diet high in refined carbohydrates, inflammatory oils , stress.....cholesterol and low fat is not the main offender.

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I was a bit chubby when I was younger. Around 1987 I switched to a mostly vegan organic diet, with occasional wild caught fish. The extra pounds just dropped off. There are additives, sugars, unheathy transfats and other things in the typical American diet of processed foods that make it very difficult to lose weight. What I have found is that if my great-grandmother didn't eat it, it's likely not good for me! Down with synthetic food!

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imo the reason so many people are overweight and still hungry is because they are not eating real food so their brains tell them they are still hungry...if they ate well including good meats, poultry, etc. and veggies and fruits they would lose weight and not be hungry all the time and eat boxes of Oreos etc

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