I don't think it was an intelligence failure Dr. Alexander. It seems more likely to me that the intelligence was deliberately ignored so that the attack could take place and be used to justify starting more wars.

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I think they were all in on it--Israel created Hamas.

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Geeze, that sounds just like 911. Intelligence was ignored so that the attack could take place and the govt could gift us with the patriot act and then take down a bunch of countries in the Middle East.

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(A whisper in your ear Michael?:) It wasn't an "intelligence failure". Nor was "intelligence" deliberately ignored. This was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION, planned and instigated by the Mossad -- and quite possibly by the CIA as well. How anyone can't understand something so obvious it's incomprehensible to me!

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I was going to write exactly that. It wasn't an intelligence failure, no more than the alarms just failed to work in Hawaii, and the covid vaxes failed to work. It was all designed to "fail" ON PURPOSE.

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They ALL knew. This was a premeditated false flag to cause worldwide chaos and panic. I don’t believe anything they say. They are proven LIARS.

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But how can you doubt them? They told the truth about Saddam stockpiling WMDs. Colon Powell had photos to prove it. He held them up in the UN. What about Russian collusion with Trump? What about wikileaks hacking the DNC and passing the information to Russia? What about Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation? What about the attaxck of August 4, 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin? You are a denialist and a revisionist Lucy.

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incubator babies to sell War on Iraq 1

WMD that never existed to sell War on Iraq 2

Germans with babies on bayonettes to sell WW1

Lustiania false flag for WW1

Pearl Harbor- FDR asked for list of what would make Japan attack and then set about doing every single thing on that list,

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Your comment makes no sense. Sounds like you just want to pick a fight. That doesn’t help anyone.

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The leaders of Israel practically invited the terrorist to come in their country and kill people. Again score another point for the global leaders of the world. Too bad you peons!

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Intelligence failure my ****


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Israel/Hamas War: Problem–Reaction–Solution

The Hegelian Dialectic Process: The Devil's Most Powerful Tool


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excellent piece, sharing it substack

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yes, baseline.

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Strange how, with McCarthy being tossed (a big proponent of funding Ukraine, etc.), another conflict "just happens" to start up that will have the arms suppliers salivating at selling more goods. The age of coincidences died a few years back. Nothing gets past the Gazan border without Israel's high tech set up knowing about it.

When countries allow easy access to abortion (how many people know that Israel loosened its access to abortion rules in response to the U.S. Dobbs decision?) the value of an individual life is cheapened. And Israel has the highest (or nearly the highest) vax jab rate through coercion in many cases, which again speaks to 'ends justifies the means' type thinking. Could all of Israel's early warning systems failed so coincidentally at one time, this specific time? Cynics, and non-cynics, would say something is fishy.

Watch for pushes for more 'control' here in the U.S., and not making it easier for law abiding citizens to get the level of weapons they need to defend their families as they see fit.

The old Rahm Emmanual "Never let a crisis go to waste" has been flipped on its head to "Create a crisis so you can advance radical authoritarian agendas (and line the pockets of people in positions of influence)."

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Mean while Israel is reducing gun ownership restrictions...🤦🏼‍♂️ if reducing restrictions helps control the violent extremists in Israel why wouldn’t it do the same in America?

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Either "intelligence" failed, or Israeli and US "Intelligence" were behind it. Does the discrepancy of 2 well funded and highly trained intelligence agencies "missing" a "terror attack" make sense? Analyze the discrepancy. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/discrepancy-analysis

Who benefits from conflict? The people who think "shooting more of them" is the solution? or is it the people selling the bullets?

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All Wars Are Bankers Wars- Mike Rivero


Central bankers rule the world. National leaders are puppets, and all wars are orchestrated. The people ruling over us keep nations divided and deliberately create enemies, so they can kick off a war as needed. Citizens slaughter each other. Central bankers get wealthier as they enslave nations with more debt. It's all a puppet show.

It also has to do with the debt-based fiat ponzi scheme monetary system, which requires increasing amounts of debt at an accelerating rate or the whole system will collapse., Most don't know that the week prior to the attack, the bond market was collapsing, and it was looking like the whole system was headed for the end. Then suddenly on Friday, money started pouring into the market with big bets being placed on crude going much higher.

Liquidity Crisis? No Problem, Just Start Another War!


"To keep the world financial system from locking up, an ever-increasing flow of debt MUST be pumped into it… and it cannot ever stop. Debt must be borrowed into the system constantly, and ever more reasons to continue this mechanism MUST be instituted to allow the system to function.

No other endeavor on Earth generates more cash flow into the system in terms of borrowed dollars than WAR, and what better than a Middle East war to keep the price of crude high.

I have warned everyone who has followed my work FOR YEARS that they will do ANYTHING to keep new debt flowing into the system, and to be ready for anything. The escalation and propagation of war, and the start of new wars allows at least temporarily, more liquidity to be pumped into the system. Make no mistake, just as I said when the Russia/Ukraine war started- this is just the beginning."

Also to understand the liquidity problem he's referencing, please read:


(at some point, no matter how much money/debt they throw at it, it won't help and the whole financial fiat ponzi scheme will collapse--and then they will force CBDCs on us. This is the demonic financial system we are living under. If all the debt gets paid off, there will be no money in circulation)

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This is the Committee of 300 document for the King of the Philippines. Notice the immense wealth he has deposited in every country in the world. No sovereign will ever go to war while having trillions deposited in another country's banks.

So any war that does occur, has to be "approved" by every bank with crossholding deposits in each of the "warring" countries.

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This was not an intelligence failure. They knew and Wall Street and members of Congress took advantage; profit over human lives.


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Oct 12, 2023
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Common and decent human beings have thoughts, feelings, empathy, and goodness. This excrement of a cockroach bears none of these characteristics. Hence is complete disregard for humanity.

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*his complete disregard

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There was no failure of intelligence. It was coordinated by the very top of both sides much like the corporations and union heads conspiring against and exploiting their workers.

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False flag

False flag

False flag

Everything is a false flag.

Just ask Bigfoot

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Ask God.

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Anything you say Bigfoot

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Note the Lockheed Martin Corps stocks ... wondered about those Globalcap guys and their one world agenda for the good of us all.

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Not the good of us all, but that is the NWO excuse. Good of the corp/banker/NWO Mussolini fascist leadership. Re-read Huxley's Brave New World. First chapter is most important, the rest is kinda funny, but Aldous gripped the sense of the Vatican-Jesuit Imperial class system. Autism will be the lower caste, in our case, but with a savant-focus ability. Of all people, sci-fi-fantasy writer, Vinge, three books, book one, fire upon deep. This guy nailed so much and dorked autism without using the word, link:


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Have book marked your suggestion here "scout" and not sure if you have read CJ Hopkin's : The Rise of the New Normal Reich ? I have been thinking a lot about those on that autism spectrum, and as a former nurse in another life , I wonder where empathy has gone on so many fronts now, especially for the most vulnerable .

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CIA. Did I say that outloud?

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It was a "stand down" not a failure.

Just like 911.

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There was no failure

“It was not botched; it was not bungled; it was not a blunder; it was not incompetence; it was not lack of knowledge; it was not spontaneous mass hysteria. The planning occurred in plain sight; the planning is still occurring in plain sight."

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Whether true or not, Egypt said it warned Israel, including the PM, several times about something big that was going to happen in the Gaza area and that these warnings were ignored. Assad visited China recently for the first time in 20 years and just returned while leaving his three children in China. Hezbollah is making moves to join the conflict as is Syria. Iran has the blood money from the Biden administration and funds the terrorists. It appears the neocon warmongers might end up with their WWIII. Pray not.

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Maybe someone wants ww3. Naah. Another excuse for martial law or division or depopulation wouldn't accord with anything seen to date.

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If we can agree that they orchestrated Covid , and see that Ukraine is rotten, I have to assume they orchestrated this “surprise attack” as well. All citizens are under attack and our enemy is neither Israel or Hamas, black or white, Arab vs Christian…it is the Bilderberg groups and all the governments they control.

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