It was not just Israeli intelligence that failed to thwart and confront and cut off Hamas's attack (if reporting is correct) but alarmingly it was the failure of the US intelligence! nothing moves
globally without the NSA & US intelligence knowing, so it raises URGENT questions especially as the Biden INC. administration (& prior Obama's) has flooded & is flooding US with suspected terrorists
This is where our discussion must be now and urgent, in how to secure our Southern border and all borders for the jihadists and Hamas-like killers are coming and are here courtesy of Biden INC…I refer to Tashfeen Malik et al.…it is now that we ensure our guns work, are legal, our 2nd ammendment is strong, our guns are accessible, and we go target shooting…arm our women, our young girls for they are always targets of the islamist males…
I don't think it was an intelligence failure Dr. Alexander. It seems more likely to me that the intelligence was deliberately ignored so that the attack could take place and be used to justify starting more wars.
They ALL knew. This was a premeditated false flag to cause worldwide chaos and panic. I don’t believe anything they say. They are proven LIARS.