Yes, and the worst of the worst are the ones that sit in medical boards attacking the few doctors that saved lives and treated covid. We had Zelenko's protocol by April 2020. ICMR in India has already recommended prophylaxis with HCQ at least for healthcare workers.

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That's right. The horrendous treatment of Dr Nass and Dr Cole, doctors in Canada by their own peers is a shameful indictment of our medical system.

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100%...a close second are those doctors/hospitals and clinics that attack awake PATIENTS. Outpatient: refusing to see patients (if not CV jabbed) or prescribe and hospital doctors by gaslighting and stigmatizing any patient or family member advocating for off protocol life saving treatments.

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G’day Paul, First and foremost, 🙏 for all your efforts of the past four years in raising people’s awareness of this great crime against humanity.

We can all howl at the moon about Big Pharma till the cows come home, and we’ve all done our share of that. We can likewise criticise the establishment media and the self-serving politicians for their incessant fear mongering. We can call out for their criminal corruption the Faucis, the Gates, the Hotez et. al. and all the other usual suspects, but while the dogs are barking, the COVID caravan rolls on.

It’s always been my view however that if there was one group that could have called a halt to this monstrous experiment at any point from the get go, it was the practicing members of the medical and healthcare profession. And up to a point I might’ve been prepped to cut them some slack for their initial failure to respond more robustly to the machinations of the Medical Mafia™️ if only because they’ve been as bamboozled, coerced, and perhaps felt as cornered and threatened etc., as much as the rest of us.

But I’m mos’ def’ not prepared to do that anymore. That ship has sailed a long time ago, and your post further underscored my resolve. The profession has a lot to answer for. After four years of this ongoing fraud, there’s still no sign of that ‘critical mass’ of the profession standing up and speaking out. Being as they are the one and only discrete group that could still stop this criminal enterprise in progress in a heartbeat. 

Truth be told, to the extent they ever had any, they’ve long ago run out of excuses. Like many I expect, whatever admiration or respect I held for them in the past has gone MIA. They’re still after all this time and all the hard-core evidence that’s come to light, blithely ‘whistling past the graveyard’, a phrase I’ve been using for some time now and which is no less apt now. They do know of course. How could they not know? They’re just too gutless to actually stand up and speak out.

Yet the reality that after all this time we still accord some measure of trust in these de facto pharmaceutical sales consultants in white coats with stethoscopes is one which invites incomprehension, dismay, and doubtless for many, no small amount of disgust and anger. They should be held in the highest contempt for this cowardice and moral turpitude, and for what amounts to nothing less than an abject betrayal of everything they once stood for.

Or at least what we imagined they once stood for. Their once inviolable professional mantra—“do no harm”—has since morphed into “see no evil”. Apart from those who’ve stood up to be counted, I don’t think any of them have any idea of a) just how much their profession has been compromised; and b) the degree they themselves have directly contributed to that outcome.

📃Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard (Part One) — The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy, by Greg Maybury.

#DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset #AdverseEvents #AIDS #HIV


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Doctors in the US are the most well paid in the world in order to comply with pharma , insurance companies policies and CMS policies. That tells it all. I rather trust my intuition and survival instinct than a doctor. Period. Sometimes I feel bad for those who may really care about people’s well being and are trying HEALING protocols. Mostly are naturopaths as they are looking at the roots of the disease. They are ridiculed, mostly in the US. Sad.

If this injections are really coming with such serious side effects ( I am not a medical professional) does anyone believe that those affected will be healed? They will just get disease management as much as the doctors can squeeze the insurance company.

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". . . serious side effects . . ."

Yes, the shots have serious effects but they are not "side" effects. Actually, there is no such thing as a "side effect", there are ONLY "effects"! That side effect excuse is just a way of downplaying the toxic results they produce in human bodies. It is more gaslighting by the highly fraudulent pharmaceutical industry.

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Yes. Doctors have a financial interest in keeping you sick: they want you gobbling more and more pills. Some may be honest, but how do you know?

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If you are born and lived only in the US you may not know. If lived say for decades in Eastern Europe or China, you already know the approach of a doctor who takes you on the healing path. They do not talk drugs and vaccines. They look at your eyes, hands, nails, ask meaningful questions… They used to, even in allopathic establishments. However, our health should be in our hands, not theirs. In now a days medical system they look at people as CONSUMERS of medical services and products, as a source of profit.

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Agree with all you have said. I’m an RN who was kicked out for not getting the jabs. For 2 years I was out of the workforce and just got back when the mandates dropped. It’s beyond my grasp that even at this stage of the game GPs and many healthcare professionals are still pushing this bio weapon. I have RNs colleagues who had 5 shots and residents up to 6 shots. I am trying to educate my workmates but many are beyond repair! They gone zoombie mind. It’s very scary! To be honest I don’t even want to comeback

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As Bill Gates told a group of CIA, they wanted to clip the Vmat2 gene so people wouldn't be fanatics. In other words they wanted to kill God. Seems they may have lobotomized many and turned them into mindless drones for their hive mind goals and agendas.

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VA still giving covid shots to veterans.

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The entire medical "education" process that is medical school is indoctrination into how to be a good and basically unquestioning servant of Big Pharma. They are taught to accept the system as is without questioning, and to dispense "standard of care" protocols no matter how harmful to the patient, because to "buck the system" may mean losing their certifications and maybe even their license. For one to succeed in medical school they must submit to being pretty much mindless drones.

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The "medical papacy" was ripe and ready to participate some years prior to the Covid hoax outburst. Arguably, there were pressures applied to them by their employers, "put up or shut up". If somebody tells you it's not about the money, rest assured its about the money. Now, it's all about dollars per hour. Earned or not earned, the cost of services is insane. Not being in their shoes, I'm sure these diatribes directed at "them" are often overstated and lacking in rationale. The rapidly increasing fears attributed to Klaus and his band of merry murderers are not to be understated either. If 90% of us are to be liquidated, just sayin', what does that do to our hopes for the future? Can we assume our lives will carry on like in prior days, school, college, job, family, retirement, all predictable and dependable? Not by a long shot. I'm not buying green bananas, are you?

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I will get your book. Couldn’t agree more with your comments. I am worried that the truth of this vaccine conspiracy will never be accepted. The insurance companies, medical associations, teachers’ unions, pharmacies, athletic unions, sports teams, most of the media - they have been brainwashed and financially rewarded to continue pushing this deadly fraud. Even the parents who have lost their children continue to bury their heads in the sand. Humankind is deeply flawed and not much better than a bobble head. Sad...will the masses ever wise up?

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In addition to that, the media both social and news is heavily censoring everything that doesn't go with their narrative that the vax is effective. They use AI to flag keywords they want to stop.

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So Dr Paul how do I help my cousin who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer does she go to the On col o gist? or does she go natural and what will that be?

my son went to the On col o gist who filled him up with so much poison that he wanted to die so the government brought in the assisted suicide act to help him with the help of his wife

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Fenbendazole apparently has reduced and/or eliminated many people's cancer. Search a Substack from name Ben Fen called "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer." He has lots of information. You can actually buy it on Amazon or at pet supply stores. I wish you the best.

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Move quickly. Also have her drink Taheebo tea all day every day. Taheebo Tea Club is what you look for.

Here is link: https://paudarcoteaclub.com/gclid=CjwKCAiAlJKuBhAdEiwAnZb7lc2CEPmpXxp2TrGrd1HTc51v1s8bozWbYOkO4vKg6SrCehQPuSC1uxoCkS8QAvD_BwE

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Please do your own research but I have been seeing quite a bit of information circulating about repurposed medications being successful in treating cancer and other conditions.

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Keep it coming! Thank you for your bravery, Dr Paul.

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Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and affiliated scientific fields embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its regime.

The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum—in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation and others—could hardly have imagined much less attempted this monstrous deception without the imprimatur and cooperation of the broad medical and scientific establishment. Along with ditching their solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and betraying their ethical principles, they've become fully owned chattels of the Big Pharma crime cartel.

In this two part series, from the personal to the political and back again Greg Maybury applies the 'blowtorch to the belly' of this once revered profession. It’s not a pretty sight.

👉👀📃 Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part Two: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine, by Greg Maybury


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I have been at protests with you. I read everything you write and follow your leads closely. I just want you to know that and agree with you on the amnesty issue 100%. I will fight with you for total accountability if you ask.

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For 50 years I have been saying doctors are children playing with matches. Here is some new science that may explain the utter brain death of so many people. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/the-jerusalem-report-with-ilana-rachel-daniel/the-indoctrinated-brain-with-michael-nehls-md-phd-the-jerusalem-report/

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They are going to pay. The Bible says what does it profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? They had better repent and make restitution so they don't end up in hell. Hell is a real place. I know someone who died and was shown hell and Jesus brought them back to their body. It's a horrible place and no one wants to be eternally separated from God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

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Medical Communism, since the start of the fraudulent Plandemic. They say "Genocide"

How many would take their "Poison Elixir" or "Safe & Effective" Never believe a convincing politician or government; they lied!

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Paul, I think it’s Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and not Cloward-Pliven. The former is an illness induced on a loved one in order to draw attention to the perpetrator. The latter is a program designed to bankrupt the country’s welfare system. Wait a minute, maybe it’s both!

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The weird thing is most of the medical professionals who killed and harmed patients by the billions DID NOT know. They're so deep in the forest they can't SEE it, and just followed the directives of their higher clergy. Those who DID see it were excommunicated.

I'm a real estate agent. We role play "prospecting" interactions all the time. And all the scripts and such become so familiar, agents don't realize how scripted, inauthentic, and salesy they come across. It's like that in any insular environment. Even was in the Nazi concentration camps after a few days of being utterly horrified, but not strong enough to "be weak" and get out of the hell.

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Guess what? None of these doctors are anything close to being doctors in a sense of helping and healing the patient. They are indoctrinated big pharma murder machines.

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The small medical hospital in California that my husband and I first went to for help and asked for ivermectin was denied and we were lied to that was the beginning of the torture firby husband who was murdered by the medical industrial complex. My neighbor just went for a yearly checkup and was given another jab booster by them. It sounds like she was strongly pushed into doing it!

Disgusting it needs to be pulled!

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Just came across this today: www.deathbymedicalprotocol.com

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The MD’s continue to get away with murder and face no repercussions. Two big things; prescribing opioids and making a whole sub population vulnerable to addiction and death. A pharma company gets off with a relatively light penalty but the Doctors that did the prescribing face no penalty. This was followed up by the slow motion genocide of the Covid vaccines. Again they face no consequences.

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