It was our medical doctors who killed us, who killed many by refusing to help patients, who helped push the fraud pandemic, lockdowns & the deadly mRNA vaccines, yes this was an OP, cause a crisis &
now run around on stages pretending to be the saviours, kill people, do nothing, then offer solutions...classic Cloward-Piven....the medical doctors in our midst are the real criminals
moved to safeguard themselves and their salaries and research grants, while refusing to give Suzie a medical exemption knowing she was allergic to the contents of the shot, so Suzie was laid off, went home, hung herself and you want amnesty? You did not know?
Yes, and the worst of the worst are the ones that sit in medical boards attacking the few doctors that saved lives and treated covid. We had Zelenko's protocol by April 2020. ICMR in India has already recommended prophylaxis with HCQ at least for healthcare workers.
G’day Paul, First and foremost, 🙏 for all your efforts of the past four years in raising people’s awareness of this great crime against humanity.
We can all howl at the moon about Big Pharma till the cows come home, and we’ve all done our share of that. We can likewise criticise the establishment media and the self-serving politicians for their incessant fear mongering. We can call out for their criminal corruption the Faucis, the Gates, the Hotez et. al. and all the other usual suspects, but while the dogs are barking, the COVID caravan rolls on.
It’s always been my view however that if there was one group that could have called a halt to this monstrous experiment at any point from the get go, it was the practicing members of the medical and healthcare profession. And up to a point I might’ve been prepped to cut them some slack for their initial failure to respond more robustly to the machinations of the Medical Mafia™️ if only because they’ve been as bamboozled, coerced, and perhaps felt as cornered and threatened etc., as much as the rest of us.
But I’m mos’ def’ not prepared to do that anymore. That ship has sailed a long time ago, and your post further underscored my resolve. The profession has a lot to answer for. After four years of this ongoing fraud, there’s still no sign of that ‘critical mass’ of the profession standing up and speaking out. Being as they are the one and only discrete group that could still stop this criminal enterprise in progress in a heartbeat.
Truth be told, to the extent they ever had any, they’ve long ago run out of excuses. Like many I expect, whatever admiration or respect I held for them in the past has gone MIA. They’re still after all this time and all the hard-core evidence that’s come to light, blithely ‘whistling past the graveyard’, a phrase I’ve been using for some time now and which is no less apt now. They do know of course. How could they not know? They’re just too gutless to actually stand up and speak out.
Yet the reality that after all this time we still accord some measure of trust in these de facto pharmaceutical sales consultants in white coats with stethoscopes is one which invites incomprehension, dismay, and doubtless for many, no small amount of disgust and anger. They should be held in the highest contempt for this cowardice and moral turpitude, and for what amounts to nothing less than an abject betrayal of everything they once stood for.
Or at least what we imagined they once stood for. Their once inviolable professional mantra—“do no harm”—has since morphed into “see no evil”. Apart from those who’ve stood up to be counted, I don’t think any of them have any idea of a) just how much their profession has been compromised; and b) the degree they themselves have directly contributed to that outcome.
📃Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard (Part One) — The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Papacy, by Greg Maybury.
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