Well he had better hurry unless he took the saline shots.

Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals


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Even former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield says the Spike Protein is immunotoxic and turns the jab recipient into a Spike Protein Manufacturing Plant for an unknown length of time. Although a jabber, Redfield says he uses only the protein subunit jabs in his own practice. He refuses to use the mRNA jabs. tWhat happens after taking the mRNA and AVV jabs is becoming clearer and this new study found higher rates of cognitive impairment and alzheimer's dementia in the covid jabbed than in the controlled. I fear for any who took the mRNA and AVV jabs but especially for the elderly. The thought of a nation losing its marbles is a frightening thing. The Chinese, North Koreans and Russians did not take the mRNA jabs. I doubt many illegals flooding the southern border took the mRNA jabs. In contrast, how many Americans took the jabs?

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very interesting

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Quick question:

In reading the subtitles of the Japanese conversation, this is the first time I've encountered the term "replicons." Are they referring to "self-amplifying" mRNA? (I'm not sure that technology has been translated into covid jabs as yet in Japan. Any thoughts?)

I think you once sent a Japanese study (early May?) on saRNA but I seem to have lost it.

Edit -- Just came across this:


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Self-amplifying/self-replicating mRNA jabs - the way of the future!

Rise of the RNA machines – self-amplification in mRNA vaccine design


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Thank you.

This is exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

(Despite being all wrapped up in a neat little propaganda package, as we've come to expect.)

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Self-disseminating or contagious mRNA vaccines also are apparently the way of the future. Jab a few individuals and they will spread the vaccine to others in a process akin to shedding.

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An ingenious and despicable way to subvert informed consent.

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Yes, and the way he should do it is the second part of what I call The Al Capone solution.

The feds had a hard time busting Capone for his criminal empire, but they were able to take him out (before syphilis finally did) by busting him for something else.

My solution, the Al Capone Solution, would, in the hands of someone like Eisenhower, quickly result in several things:

1. The expulsion of illegal aliens

2. The incarceration of virtually all the movers and shakers of the Left and the seizing of all their financial assets and real property.


The sanctuary movement is a violation of federal law and amounts to secession by participating states, counties, and cities.

Furthermore, it’s a violation of the Constitution forbidding states to make pacts with each other.

Accordingly, making pacts to violate federal immigration law amounts literally to organized criminal behavior making ALL the participating organizations, whether public or private, and their officers and employees subject to RICO laws.

Step one: bust EVERYONE responsible for sanctuary cities, counties, and states for sanctuary secession and insurrection against the federal government, whether they are in business, government, religious NGOs, academia, entertainment, judges, think tanks, charitable foundations. Use asset forfeiture laws to seize everything they own.

Seize all their property under asset forfeiture laws. Imprison them for insurrection/sedition/whatever and put them away for the maximum sentence.

The busting of anyone involved in sanctuary movement at every level would also take out virtually every significant person on the Left and quash a wide variety of their ongoing activities to undermine the US.

When they’re locked up awaiting trial by military tribunal, begin step two.

Step two: Start rounding up the illegal aliens. It will be relatively easy to do with all the leftist NGOs, lawyers, prosecutors, and crooked judges out of the way.

Tell the illegal aliens if they don’t leave immediately, then any assets they have acquired will be declared ill-gotten gains of unlawful activity and seized.

If they self-deport, they can leave with their possessions. If they have to be tracked down, they won’t take anything with them but the clothes on their backs.

“But what about their children born here who are US citizens?”

First, they aren’t US citizens.

Second, they are citizens of the countries of which their custodial parents are citizens.

That’s where the citizenship of natural-born citizens comes from: who they are born to, not where they are born (see majority opinion in Minor v Happersett where US citizenship is described in great detail).

Then let the massive deportations begin and pay for it by using the seized assets of the leftist assholes and scurrilous businesses who had engineered the whole sanctuary movement.

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Yes, Yes,Yes. Right Now. I am not long for this World but the thought of what is happening to my country pains me so. Thank you

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Reread this again. Sounds like a plan. When do we start? I have to do everything I can. Heartbroken to witness this fall of our country

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It would first involve getting someone for Attorney General who is not a crook and will have no problem investigating and busting all those folks for their actual crimes. This is one reason they’re all so batshit insane in trying to prevent that from happening by their (equally criminal) lawfare against Trump.

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He had a very good design for the wall, and it worked, and was what the border patrol agents wanted. Plus it was faster and easier to put up. The last few miles could have easily been finished, but the Obama/Biden regime scrapped it. That was part of their treasonous plan.

When Trump comes back he will finish the southern border wall. But before he can deport all the millions of illegals, many of them will cross the northern border into Canada to seek asylum. What do you think Turdeau will say to that?

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but we saw people climb the slats...its the optics...a solid brick wall 100 feet high sends a diff message....does not matter what the border agents wanted IMO....he said concrete wall....and in some sense you grew to understand Coulter's argument...had he built a concrete wall no gaps, we would have changed constitution, Mount Rushmore....he would have been untouchable...not trials nothing....in some sense she was right...it would have been trump's wall, live on for 1000 years...Biden could not take it down...

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I can't argue with you on that. The stronger the better, and I trust Trump will do it.

What about the logistics of a wall on the northern border?

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we can live under zero government, which solves all of the problems (which government makes anyway).

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Good idea ! 💡

Government made the problem, so why would they solve it?

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I have been saying for years put patriot snipers on the boarder. So done. Prosecute ALL and I mean ALL who aided and abetted them

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yes, I like the snipers.

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Ahh, but it’s a lonely job far away from the actual action 😏🙂‍↕️🫡

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The COVID "vaccines" aren't vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers "willfully misled the public" by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine." This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized. But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections. "What this also does is [it] starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime."

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From that article in the link in my comment above: This should let Trump off the hook....

It should also be mentioned that Pfizer was not chosen to assist the federal government's vaccine development program, known as Operation Warp Speed, and declined that development funding. When asked about that, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Pfizer did not participate in the program to free up Pfizer scientists and avoid government oversight of its vaccine development. He also said, They want reports. I don't want to have any of that. Refer to them. When he said them, he is referring to the federal government

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Better America than other countries which would have to have them instead

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EZ Solution is Draft Illegals.

Any unfit for combat would be sold to CCP.

Seen as body parts and bought cheap, the Illegal Immigrant Problem would be a medical bonanza for CCP.

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Unethical but brilliant

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He said he wanted to build a "big beautiful wall", he can build some "big beautiful super prisons' like Ecuador! Build baby build!

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It's not going to be easy to find those who disappeared into unknown locations in the country.

Texas has one good idea, it nabs illegals for driving violations. Apparently their poor knowledge of our driving rules and their poor/uncaring driving skills make it easier to identify them.

All states should implement that immediately.

There must be other ways to identify illegals. Like from their sending money back home or to the Cartels.

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As well as, locate & destroy all the tunnel systems.

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off topic...but important

Kansas is suing Pfizer...great post by interest of Justice...Hope link works...


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'The Attorney General of Kansas warned Pfizer today that depending on how they react to this lawsuit there “may” be a ton more States jumping in the game to SUE the company for the false and misleading statements that were relied on to purchase the products. This on the heels of Texas suing, but this time many States are considering suing as a force to be reckoned with. All based on Pfizers reaction to this case'

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Biden is giving permanent residence to any illegal immigrant who marries an American, way to go, permanent residency just for a signature on a piece of paper for a marriage, fake or otherwise. Stay fo ever. YES!!

Joking aside - ALL countries have the same Law - when a person who does not have permanent status (Citizenship) or was born in America, commits a crime with a punishment of more than 6 months, after their sentence, they are automatically deported back to where they came from, never to return.

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I have never understood why they just didn't put signs on the border wall saying it was randomly electrified for 5 minutes, twice every hour. This would save money on the electric bill and deter anyone from even touching the wall. Problem solved. Even if you just put single strand electric fence wires, like for horses and cattle, every foot or so going up, or maybe just one electric wire near the bottom, and one near the top perhaps, with many signs in many languages. If one wire was cut and the electricity stopped flowing, it would set off lights and alarms before they could start climbing or cutting the ballards. We need a smarter fence, not a bigger fence! With a psychological barrier as well, as in when will the electricity go on and should I touch it. 😱 Damn, I should have been a totalitarian dictator! I'm pretty good at this!!! 🤣

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Don't forget Daddy Bush ! He was the head of the CIA when these groups were born.

The only think that Trump can do is declare them all International Terrorists.

Then he can start taking them out.

Maybe deputies a bunch of older ones to help.

It won't be easy, and if not careful we'll have many civilian casualties.

We can hope this will come to pass.

But we will have to buy our land back with blood.

Also don't think these guys are easy to fight.

Most of you have only seen the street hoods

The solders are hardened killers.

Blood in Blood out.Three confirmed kills.

That the price of ink.

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They are ENEMY COMBATANTS who have INVADED our country…and must be treated as such.

I favor deputizing all LEOs to capture and deport all illegals, as well as allowing all willing former military service members to be deputized as well. Set a bounty per illegal deported as an incentive.

There are as many as 70 million illegal invaders in the United States at present. ICE does not have the manpower to take on the task of deporting them all. This job requires law enforcement and military participation (present and former) to clean house.

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