"Either way, we're using PCR to fabricate fake pandemics, which is leading to major disasters." I guess that's their goal, anyway.

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yes, they are using the fraud PCR over-cycled to manufacture fake pandemics...now talking H5N2...thank you for sharing

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We must not allow these unscrupulous doctors and scientists to get away with the exact same script for imaginary bird flu as they did for "covid." At the beginning of covid, many of us were already ill with unusual flu-like symptoms and vulnerable to the lies. No one is sick now. And we've been destroyed by their lies once already.

Our awareness of the past and developing schemes to shut down the economy, to "vaccinate" the population with deadly spike proteins, and to steal an election can arm us against this new propaganda.

We've seen this incitement to panic before with the same untrustworthy cast of characters. We must not comply with this insanity.

Where are the spokesmen for the chicken, dairy, and beef industries? They ought to be forcefully rejecting this unscientific interference into their businesses and our food supply.

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very well said...very well said.

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Pharmacists are Drug Dealers with a license. #Nuremberg2.0Time

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14


Owe their souls to BlackRock and Vanguard?

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My chickens are armed

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ha ha ha

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History will record the scamdemic as worse than any other outrage in history. Remember the scriptures just before the flood where it says. "And God looked and saw that the IMAGINATIONS OF MAN WERE ON EVIL CONTINUALLY and it grieved God that He had made man." Look it up...Genesis I believe.

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boom, the very worst

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With stuff exposed by substackers here. I place myself under cloak of God ,

manifested to protect me from all evildoers by thealmighty Jehovah so I do not lose faith in humanity as a whole.Suggest many do the same.

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very excellent sharing Michael

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

God is my example. I cannot attain unto Him. His ways are higher than mine. I read the history of the world. I read of the Mercy of Jesus but also see and know Him in the first chapters of Revelation as the Glorified Christ who will come to act as Judge, Jury and Executioner. We are all born into sin. We are imperfect. Our emotions battle with our wills and usually the emotions win. Humanity is errant. Most religions are apostate. We are ALL sinners. But yes, sometimes God intervenes in the affairs of man. Understand "all power is given unto Jesus, Son of the Living God," and I never put my trust or faith in humanity. We are tested in many ways and can only win by the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

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Those involved for the past 10 years must be arrested and stand trial for Crimes Against Humanity. #FauciDidntActAlone

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Trump said his VP pick was at the Republican meeting today in DC. Will announce this weekend at the People's Convention. Check out: www.theconservativetreehouse.com There is a picture of Trump with Republicans. The most important person there is to the far left of Trump.

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The woman in the red and white scarf? I don't recognize her. Can you share her name?

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I'm sorry, if I confused you. I meant JD Vance. But, I was trying to figure out who that

woman is, too. If I find out, I'll let you know :-)

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Thanks, Lynn. I like Vance, too.

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You are Welcome. That's what I've been hearing :-)

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I didn't see Michael Flynn. He is the very best candidate for The USA and preservation of our Republic.

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Right on cue Traitor Pence made sure Flynn was out of the White House.

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Pence is a real piece of shit so anything he drove went off a cliff.

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You said it. What a disgrace to act like he was such a Christian!

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I don't think it's going to be Michael Flynn.

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Flynn is still in my opinion the best choice for VP as he knows where all the bodies are burried.

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Trump can have Flynn in his administration somewhere.

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Yup. Wherever he wants.

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Indeed. "This week on the James Corbett's New World Next Week: The WHO is preparing to drop Scamdemic 2 with the bird flu bogeyman." Corbett is suggesting that the World Health Organization (WHO) is planning to introduce a new health scare, referred to mockingly as "Scamdemic 2," using bird flu as the basis.



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trying H5N2

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we wont let them

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great sharing

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And At This Point

I Would Give Malone A Nobel Prize

For NOT Having Any More Ideas.


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Fool me once... now scarf lady wants to Pcr the cows, let’s pcr her and put her to pasture

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Excellent notion. We need a PCR for treason. For sure she's positive.

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Positive and needs to be isolated from humanity, we are at risk near her!

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have they tested alll the pawpaw fruits to see if they have any (H5N2, H5N8, H5N1...)

i remember when they tested a pawpaw fruit and it came back positive for covid.

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In my opinion, all these inept people are paid to fraud the society. Is anyone so dumb to believe that they are doing all these aberrations for the benefit of people? 🤮

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The CON men and women in DC want you dead. There are currently 388 Traitors holding office because of the deep state and ALL of them are in bed with Communist China at our detriment. #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #DefundTyranny #InsistOnMadeInTheUSAToPreserveFreedom #SupportBrunsonBrothers

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

I got their FUnUnU2MFO right here. Damn these bastards to hell for their murderous treachery!

I bet I have said this a thousand times: There is no pandemic. Never was! THERE IS NO PANDEMIC. You aren’t going to die people,not from 😵‍💫Coooovvviddd, or from birdbrain flu, or from anything else the colossal pfucks at NWO Pfizer dream up! You won’t die unless stupidity is fatal!

Do not comply. Your freedom is the one thing they can’t stand. Stop being pathetic and just say no.

The above statements by me have started screaming matches and fist fights. I hope and pray we are past all that psychosis. But if not—give me some fightin’ room! 😅

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They've been doing this for a while read this link The 1990s Meningitis Outbreak in the UK and the Game-Changing MCC Vaccine!?MMM, this is an interesting Rabbit hole ......Rabbit Hutchinson Coincidence at the same time!!! https://normanjames.substack.com/p/the-1990s-meningitis-outbreak-in. and

Countering the Critics: A Defense of Dr. Thomas Cowan's Theories on EMF, Conductive Chemicals, and Human Health. https://normanjames.substack.com/p/countering-the-critics-a-defense

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Occam's Razor dictates the simplest answer is often the right answer.

It's just asinine to assume birds & other animals are getting sick and dying (including humans) due to an invisible boogeyman and 'confirmed' via a fraudulent method, when a toxin is being heavily sprayed on food crops all over the world, with the symptoms being identical to the 'flu' and other respiratory illnesses. In addition, crops (including bird feed crops) are sprayed a few days before harvest to dessicate the plants to increase the speed & weight of the harvest. Glyphosates take 30 days to biodegrade outside, exposed to sunlight. But when harvested quickly, piled up, transported, packaged tight in airtight bags, distributed & purchased for use quickly, and not exposed to outdoor conditions for 30 days, the glyphosphate does not biodegrade as advertised.

-Glyphosphates can be found in over 80% of the population's urine.

Big Chemical, now Big Pharma, has covered up harm & death via its toxins by attributing illness, injury and death to a virus before. The polio epidemic the 1940's & 1950's was caused by pesticides. DDT was advertised as I my harmful to insects and Safe and Effective around humans. Beds, pillowcases and sheets were commonly dusted with it. There are books on the subject.

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the third most commonly-reported cause of pesticide illness among agricultural workers in California.

Glyphosate is the most commonly reported cause of pesticide illness among landscape maintenance workers in California.

The surfactant ingredient in Roundup is more acutely toxic than glyphosate itself and the combination of the two is yet more toxic.

Glyphosate is suspected of causing genetic damage.

Glyphosate is acutely toxic to fish and birds and can kill beneficial insects and soil organisms that maintain ecological balance.

Laboratory studies have identified adverse effects of glyphosate-containing products in all standard categories of toxicological testing.

Glyphosate residues in soil can persist over a year.

Glyphosate residues has been found in strawberries, wild blueberries and raspberries, lettuce, carrots and barley.

Glyphosate has been measured 1,300 – 2,600 feet away from its application site.

"According to ISURA, glyphosate can cause DNA damage, cell death, and endocrine disruption in birds and other warm-blooded animals at low doses. In severe cases of glyphosate poisoning, birds may experience respiratory distress, impaired consciousness, shock, arrhythmias, and renal failure."

1. https://ecologycenter.org/factsheets/so-whats-the-problem-with-roundup/#:~:text=Glyphosate%20is%20acutely%20toxic%20to,standard%20categories%20of%20toxicological%20testing.

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