Law & order continue to crumble every day under the Biden regime, with latest manifestation coming in the form of illegal aliens being RELEASED into the country despite attacking National Guardsmen
If you want to know disgusting, realize that one a month suicides from hopeless endless sodomy in these J6 hell-holes, where old white men are locked in cages with feral apes;
Many 'conspiracy' people believe that Trump is very much involved in sending the lemmings to J6 and then throwing them into J6 sodomy hell-holes;
Note that when BLM & AntiFA attacked wash-dc trump never called the national gaurd, he did walk outside for 10 minutes but then ran back inside the white-house;
All that can be said is that TRUMP was not running DC when he was POTUS, Trump was being Ran;
The truth is that J6 people are opposed to the 'deep state' which is zionism running wash-dc by AIPAC; The problem of course is TRUMP is a zionist, so J6 people are the enemy of 'deep-state' to which Trump is a member of the cult being a life long zionist by birth, and mentoring by Roy Cohn, & Jeff Epstein;(MOSSAD)
This is not a priority for Republicans because they are actually Democrats and illegals are future Democrat voters. Republicans would rather oppose Trump on abortion than focus on the border.
Trump rips Lindsey Graham after critique of abortion stance, says senator should focus on ‘non-existent Border’
Perfect response by President Trump to Lindsey Graham. Build the border wall.
And a perfect example from Sen. Graham of how selfish Republican infighting serves to interfere with a wise and important policy statement by the Republican Presidential candidate.
Republicans should have rallied to support Trump's stance on abortion as an individual state issue since it entirely defuses Biden's futile effort to base his re-election campaign on reinstituting Roe v. Wade as the "law of the land" and leaves the issue to "the will of the people."
The 'border wall' is to keep the goyim tax-cattle inside the USA penal colony
As you all know CPB has been flying in the wetbacks for years, so the wall is just a golden-cow that satan likes to point too;
Something like 90% of all wetbacks are flown in through miami, and then forwarded all over the country, and this program dates back a decade or more
Trump signed an EO with CPB that gave them all "Secret Service" like legal immunity to do as they wish, without over-sight or control; To which allows them to fly in wetbacks, and allowed TRUMP to deny his authorization, because his blanket 'immunity' gave them 100% power to do as they wished without authorization.
So in effect TRUMP actually made the 'deep state' bigger, by giving CPB a "PRAETORIAN" status
The fact that CIS is now disclosing the post 2022 300,000 wetbacks flown into USA is bullshit, cuz RAYGUN created the program back in 1986 and since then 30 million have been brought in;
USA is a nation of immigrants, I recall well back in the early 1980's doing 'start-ups' that ONLY the INDIANS & CHINESE were useful hires, not that they were paid cheap, but that they had burned their bridge to get into USA to get a PHD and had no way to return home to their waiting 'young wife' unless they had 100% success;
In mid 1980's it was said that Bellevue, WASH Microsoft campus had MORE PHD's than all of Bangalore, India;
Dump wetbacks in USA post RAYGUN, +30M have entered and RAYGUN legalized the input 3 major winners
1.) Banks, cuz wetbacks are dumb about debt and can be made life long debt slaves making the banks rich, ergo RINO lobbys push for wetbacks
2.) Real-Estate industry lobby, new bodys in USA means demand for NINJA loans and the system of realtor & construction industry are a HUGE RINO lobby
3.) Future MIL for US-GOV wars, Given that ZIONIST who control the USA want all "WHITE MEN" dead on earth, then its fairly obvious that the 30M wetbacks brought in Raygun->Trump will be promised citizenship if they fight for US-GOV, and kill whites world-wide
4.) Voting, its not clear most wetbacks are catholic and anti-homo grooming, but given that RINOS are sodomites and demoRats are pedophiles, its a tough call, either way all is Uni-Party;
Yes, while the RINO's make it appear that demoRats run all the gay-parades
If you look closely at any homosexual in USA they tend to be RINO's
Just that wealth keeps it in to closet, while these public displays are for all to see with the rainbows, most RINO homo's say like Mitch McConnell still keep it in the closet;
I used to know some people that would go down at Bangor in the Nuke submarines or six months and they would tell storys, about fucking 24/7 for six months and loving it, and all were conservative, but then that was "Don't ask, Don't tell"
I always knew quite a few people who ran the "RINO PARTY", and again all the leadership were 100% homo-sexual
Homosexuals certainly do tend to be RINOS. But if you look at Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz (and even Diddy) they all tend to have one thing in common. They tend to be Democrats.
Normal people who work, and have a family don't have time for Power games, to rule the world, own the world, or like Gates to "GENOCIDE" the world, these are psychopaths
The sexual psychopaths like sodomite rapists ( roy cohn ), and Epstein ( pedo grooming for adelson whore houses managed by Trump ), are not normal people;
All these over-achievers like Gates tend to be Autistic or just bat-shit crazy, evil and obsessed;
It will get far worse before it gets better. One thing we need to change is the fact that most patriots are solitary by nature. Not now,but soon we will have to find a strong degree of commonality. That will be the way we weather out the storm.
start now. stop prepping and start fighting back.. legally, while we still can fight legally and non-violently. We must start designing and implementing what we want.
They should have been shot the minute they became aggressive. WTF is the point of armed nation guard troops if they won’t open fire. Might as well put no one there.
J6 is a real topic, but I never see TRUMP ever risk his political capital to save his 'lemmings', never
Political imprisonment is as old as politics itself; Nothing new under the sun;
Trump is even on record saying that he will not free J6 men who have been convicted of a crime; All the while BLM people who destroyed property have had all charges dropped;
The gist here is RINO's have no balls, and don't give a fuck about their lemmings, while the demoRats cover the backs of their lemmings;
Elections have consequences.... I wonder how many who subscribe to this substack actually voted for Old Joe and took the Jab.... Why do I suspect that some actually lack the bandwidth to have done so. Otherwise, you'd think that with so many like-minded people within the US that things would be different. Just trying to make sense of the world and a bit frustrated. It will pass. Pax
We need to get out of the UN , which is nothing more than a “ Fascist Order” emanating from the ashes of WW2 in 1945-Animals like John Foster Dulles ( I.M.O. and his brother were responsible
for the Kennedy murder-) ( CIA Criminals)-as well as Alger Hiss - indicted and sentenced as a Commie spy)- we also need shut down the Tri-lteral commission and the Council of Foreign nrelations and other agencies which have been permitted to operate without any oversight as to members and purpose contrary to the USC-
The UN was sworn towards the formation of the New World Order One World Government ( And many Politicians from both sides were subscribed to the concept and worked-towards those goals
which means they were in violation of the USC-The entire cadre in leadership of tghe 17 intel agencies need be purged and the Fraud known as NASA needs be defunded-Let them get another Elon Musk to pay for their fucking toys-( The moon shot never happened as the science to get to the moon with such menial efforts ws a stunning fraud perpetrated by Kennedy’s backers who urged him forward with that fateful announcement because we were embarrassed by the first orbit of the earth by sputnik and the Russians lead us in space-i was booted from you tube for exposing this on their media-which is totally controlled by CIA trolls.
The only thing that matters today to the destroyers of America and the world is:
“The ends justify the means”!
Obviously America needs to be taken out / over, to be reimagined! Because, America is the “only” hope for the rest of the world and for an”One World Order” to take power, America must be reduced to chaos! As we’ve been watching happen.
Certainly more info is being shared and exposed, then provided such as, “CIA Control”! Under the DOD, there isn’t anything any President can do today, not Trump, Not Biden, which will stop the inevitable!
Possibly civil war? “I’m certainly not advocating for this”!
Don’t be fooled into believing “Trump” will solve everything, he won’t, he can’t and certainly Congress hasn’t, nor will they! Congress is 100%! Complicit too!
(Ok, maybe 99.%).
There’s one reason “Military Age Chinese Men” traversing the globe and are entering America. Secretly I might add for the most part. Not to mention all the jihadist, gang-bangers, rapists and bottom-feeders!
All by design! Yes, all by design!
Also, does or has anyone learned or heard where all these “Military Age Men” have gone? NO, not precisely, there isn’t. Those trying to figure this out are quickly forced back when they’re getting too close!
A case in point, Naomi Wolf’s husband has been working on a documentary regarding these “Military Age Men”, he didn’t
have much luck whatsoever. Actually he wasn’t successful when confronting a motel south of Boston Ma., now was he?
Quickly and quietly, he was “shutdown”! He sped off having to elude those blocking his way out of the motel and while he was filming. I wonder why?
This is, in addition to all the “Washing-DC-Swap”, the literal cesspool of America, which has purposely lied with every “exhaled breath”!
A deliberate act and a deliberate narrative, which is reinforced by the “USELESS LYING MSM”! Our demise of all things good, which once was America while the various entities are working in lockstep, robbing taxpayers money to pay for our own destruction! While removing any citizens rights remaining.
Can anyone tell me I’m wrong? If so, tell me where they can see “Bright Days Ah ”?
What’s happening today is part of and nearly at the end of the “Proverbial 100 Year War”!
There are far too many people involved, starting from “TOP-DOWN” and every point in between!
This has opened the eyes of millions of Americans, the problem for Americans are in part, “LACK OF WILL” to take a stand and those holding on to what’s left of their hard earned work through the years! Trying to hold onto everything they’ve worked so hard for and not wanting to “Rock The Boat”! Unfortunately, the inevitable seizures of wealth will not stop until all had been taken / stolen! This has been and is in the works and fourth coming too!
Trump is not an isolated case, not by far, reality is, what’s being done to Trump is sending the message, “DON’T FUZK WITH US” or we’ll ruin you too! The silent but extremely loud, “STAND DOWN” or else”!
This is exactly how bullies work! They instill fear against their enemies and continue their reign of terror until someone takes a stand!
This is exactly what we’re facing today, nothing more! Except lots and lots of money to buy their way into this “deranged and detached” mindset!
The only people fighting are the “Useful Idiots” who are being paid by the Soros, etc. to deliberately continue stoking fear creating a “stand down” mentality to anyone who disagrees.
Think about how many, “OOPS” that didn’t work out so well. Then couple all the “OOPS” with what we now know are and have been deliberately implemented acts of destruction and what you’ll find is, America in decline faster than any one person can “UNDO”!
America is on a “Runaway Course”! Not for the betterment of its citizens.
The “J-6ers” are there for a reminder not to “FUZK” with the “man”and as “Political Trophies”! This is how sick these “Narcissistic Psychopaths” operate!
Remember, “DEI” has ZERO to do with what we’re told. It a “sound-good” bullshit rouge!
Just as everything else which is and remember this:
“It’s NOT what they’re doing for US, It’s what they’re doing to US”!
And lastly remember who said:
“Fundamentally Transform America”!
Whether you believe or are a non-believer all I can say at this point is, “What do you have to lose”?
And Trump continues to take a shit on his supporters. Just like with the death jab that he so proudly continues to pat himself on the back for. He's a Zionist owned sodomite just like Joey Biden is.
What was it like on January 4th two days prior to the staged event. There were hundreds of Trump supporters at the Whitehouse begging for him to come out an address them. Instead good old Donald Trump decided to go to the golf course instead. Funny how all his supporters don't ever want to speak about that day.
Long game is an understatement. This goes back to the fall of Adam and Eve. satan has been trying for millennia to dethrone The Most High and me thinks he has enough minions to really piss the Creator off to act imho
This is so disgusting and a sad commentary on the state of the union. Free the J6 now!
If you want to know disgusting, realize that one a month suicides from hopeless endless sodomy in these J6 hell-holes, where old white men are locked in cages with feral apes;
Many 'conspiracy' people believe that Trump is very much involved in sending the lemmings to J6 and then throwing them into J6 sodomy hell-holes;
Note that when BLM & AntiFA attacked wash-dc trump never called the national gaurd, he did walk outside for 10 minutes but then ran back inside the white-house;
All that can be said is that TRUMP was not running DC when he was POTUS, Trump was being Ran;
Thank you Bilbo's Bitch for speaking truth that Trumpers don't wish to speak about.
The truth is that J6 people are opposed to the 'deep state' which is zionism running wash-dc by AIPAC; The problem of course is TRUMP is a zionist, so J6 people are the enemy of 'deep-state' to which Trump is a member of the cult being a life long zionist by birth, and mentoring by Roy Cohn, & Jeff Epstein;(MOSSAD)
Trumpers are all 100% zionists
They see J6 people are being Pro-Palestine, anti-Israel, that they need to die, or rot in hell;
Even today in Israel press they continue to call for anti-Israel ( people who don't like ZIONISTS owning & running wash-dc ) to be killed
Israel says that USA needs to purge the pro-Palestine people from USA they are a danger to the Jews in USA
Israel warns that if pro-Palestine are not banned and jailed today in USA, then a OCT7 will come to USA;
Maybe put signs along the border in Spanish and a variety of foreign languages (ex. Chinese, Arabic, Farsi) warning trespassers will be shot on sight?
A loudspeaker recording could provide the same warnings.
This is not a priority for Republicans because they are actually Democrats and illegals are future Democrat voters. Republicans would rather oppose Trump on abortion than focus on the border.
Trump rips Lindsey Graham after critique of abortion stance, says senator should focus on ‘non-existent Border’
Perfect response by President Trump to Lindsey Graham. Build the border wall.
And a perfect example from Sen. Graham of how selfish Republican infighting serves to interfere with a wise and important policy statement by the Republican Presidential candidate.
Republicans should have rallied to support Trump's stance on abortion as an individual state issue since it entirely defuses Biden's futile effort to base his re-election campaign on reinstituting Roe v. Wade as the "law of the land" and leaves the issue to "the will of the people."
The 'border wall' is to keep the goyim tax-cattle inside the USA penal colony
As you all know CPB has been flying in the wetbacks for years, so the wall is just a golden-cow that satan likes to point too;
Something like 90% of all wetbacks are flown in through miami, and then forwarded all over the country, and this program dates back a decade or more
Trump signed an EO with CPB that gave them all "Secret Service" like legal immunity to do as they wish, without over-sight or control; To which allows them to fly in wetbacks, and allowed TRUMP to deny his authorization, because his blanket 'immunity' gave them 100% power to do as they wished without authorization.
So in effect TRUMP actually made the 'deep state' bigger, by giving CPB a "PRAETORIAN" status
The fact that CIS is now disclosing the post 2022 300,000 wetbacks flown into USA is bullshit, cuz RAYGUN created the program back in 1986 and since then 30 million have been brought in;
USA is a nation of immigrants, I recall well back in the early 1980's doing 'start-ups' that ONLY the INDIANS & CHINESE were useful hires, not that they were paid cheap, but that they had burned their bridge to get into USA to get a PHD and had no way to return home to their waiting 'young wife' unless they had 100% success;
In mid 1980's it was said that Bellevue, WASH Microsoft campus had MORE PHD's than all of Bangalore, India;
Dump wetbacks in USA post RAYGUN, +30M have entered and RAYGUN legalized the input 3 major winners
1.) Banks, cuz wetbacks are dumb about debt and can be made life long debt slaves making the banks rich, ergo RINO lobbys push for wetbacks
2.) Real-Estate industry lobby, new bodys in USA means demand for NINJA loans and the system of realtor & construction industry are a HUGE RINO lobby
3.) Future MIL for US-GOV wars, Given that ZIONIST who control the USA want all "WHITE MEN" dead on earth, then its fairly obvious that the 30M wetbacks brought in Raygun->Trump will be promised citizenship if they fight for US-GOV, and kill whites world-wide
4.) Voting, its not clear most wetbacks are catholic and anti-homo grooming, but given that RINOS are sodomites and demoRats are pedophiles, its a tough call, either way all is Uni-Party;
Astute observations about RINOS Bilbo and I don't doubt that many are homo-pedo.
Yes, while the RINO's make it appear that demoRats run all the gay-parades
If you look closely at any homosexual in USA they tend to be RINO's
Just that wealth keeps it in to closet, while these public displays are for all to see with the rainbows, most RINO homo's say like Mitch McConnell still keep it in the closet;
I used to know some people that would go down at Bangor in the Nuke submarines or six months and they would tell storys, about fucking 24/7 for six months and loving it, and all were conservative, but then that was "Don't ask, Don't tell"
I always knew quite a few people who ran the "RINO PARTY", and again all the leadership were 100% homo-sexual
Homosexuals certainly do tend to be RINOS. But if you look at Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein, Al Franken, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz (and even Diddy) they all tend to have one thing in common. They tend to be Democrats.
Normal people who work, and have a family don't have time for Power games, to rule the world, own the world, or like Gates to "GENOCIDE" the world, these are psychopaths
The sexual psychopaths like sodomite rapists ( roy cohn ), and Epstein ( pedo grooming for adelson whore houses managed by Trump ), are not normal people;
All these over-achievers like Gates tend to be Autistic or just bat-shit crazy, evil and obsessed;
Yes, they are also ALL on the EPSTEIN list cuz demoRats tend to be PEDOPHILES
"He likes them on the younger side", Gates on why he likes Epstein;
It's actually quite simple
"Homo-Sexual" men always win the bank account lotto, by not having to finance wives & children;
So richer RINO's which always have more money than demoRats, tend to be homos aka fudge-packers
The old saying from 1930's
Rinos steal your money
demoRats get you into wars
Not fuck all ever changes,
RINO-ism is the party of "LINCOLN" a flaming homosexual just like Obama;
It will get far worse before it gets better. One thing we need to change is the fact that most patriots are solitary by nature. Not now,but soon we will have to find a strong degree of commonality. That will be the way we weather out the storm.
Thanks for you tireless efforts, Paul.
start now. stop prepping and start fighting back.. legally, while we still can fight legally and non-violently. We must start designing and implementing what we want.
Very good advice.
many groups have already been forming for years.. Get involved with Counter-Offensive Actions : TimeForActions.SubStack.Com
Yes,hopefully we can win by voting.
But other arrangements have to be considered.
The voting will be MORE rigged in 2024 than it was in 2022, which was MORE than in 2020, which was more than in 2018
The elections have been DESIGNED for fraud.
We are not even close to fair elections in some places, like GA, MI, WI, PA, AZ
Many groups have already been forming for past 2-4 years.. GET INVOLVED.
This is true. There are many that doubt we will get an election this year. Mostly because of the war brewing in Europe. Let's hope they're wrong.
The judge's name is Humberto Acosta. That explains a lot about his flawed decision.
They should have been shot the minute they became aggressive. WTF is the point of armed nation guard troops if they won’t open fire. Might as well put no one there.
J6 is a real topic, but I never see TRUMP ever risk his political capital to save his 'lemmings', never
Political imprisonment is as old as politics itself; Nothing new under the sun;
Trump is even on record saying that he will not free J6 men who have been convicted of a crime; All the while BLM people who destroyed property have had all charges dropped;
The gist here is RINO's have no balls, and don't give a fuck about their lemmings, while the demoRats cover the backs of their lemmings;
Elections have consequences.... I wonder how many who subscribe to this substack actually voted for Old Joe and took the Jab.... Why do I suspect that some actually lack the bandwidth to have done so. Otherwise, you'd think that with so many like-minded people within the US that things would be different. Just trying to make sense of the world and a bit frustrated. It will pass. Pax
We need to get out of the UN , which is nothing more than a “ Fascist Order” emanating from the ashes of WW2 in 1945-Animals like John Foster Dulles ( I.M.O. and his brother were responsible
for the Kennedy murder-) ( CIA Criminals)-as well as Alger Hiss - indicted and sentenced as a Commie spy)- we also need shut down the Tri-lteral commission and the Council of Foreign nrelations and other agencies which have been permitted to operate without any oversight as to members and purpose contrary to the USC-
The UN was sworn towards the formation of the New World Order One World Government ( And many Politicians from both sides were subscribed to the concept and worked-towards those goals
which means they were in violation of the USC-The entire cadre in leadership of tghe 17 intel agencies need be purged and the Fraud known as NASA needs be defunded-Let them get another Elon Musk to pay for their fucking toys-( The moon shot never happened as the science to get to the moon with such menial efforts ws a stunning fraud perpetrated by Kennedy’s backers who urged him forward with that fateful announcement because we were embarrassed by the first orbit of the earth by sputnik and the Russians lead us in space-i was booted from you tube for exposing this on their media-which is totally controlled by CIA trolls.
Cfr should be sucked to bitss at their next get together. It’s the most evil organization of any that exists.
So you know - that the American JUSTICE-SYSTEM is broken - and America is on it's way out of history.
The only thing that matters today to the destroyers of America and the world is:
“The ends justify the means”!
Obviously America needs to be taken out / over, to be reimagined! Because, America is the “only” hope for the rest of the world and for an”One World Order” to take power, America must be reduced to chaos! As we’ve been watching happen.
Certainly more info is being shared and exposed, then provided such as, “CIA Control”! Under the DOD, there isn’t anything any President can do today, not Trump, Not Biden, which will stop the inevitable!
Possibly civil war? “I’m certainly not advocating for this”!
Don’t be fooled into believing “Trump” will solve everything, he won’t, he can’t and certainly Congress hasn’t, nor will they! Congress is 100%! Complicit too!
(Ok, maybe 99.%).
There’s one reason “Military Age Chinese Men” traversing the globe and are entering America. Secretly I might add for the most part. Not to mention all the jihadist, gang-bangers, rapists and bottom-feeders!
All by design! Yes, all by design!
Also, does or has anyone learned or heard where all these “Military Age Men” have gone? NO, not precisely, there isn’t. Those trying to figure this out are quickly forced back when they’re getting too close!
A case in point, Naomi Wolf’s husband has been working on a documentary regarding these “Military Age Men”, he didn’t
have much luck whatsoever. Actually he wasn’t successful when confronting a motel south of Boston Ma., now was he?
Quickly and quietly, he was “shutdown”! He sped off having to elude those blocking his way out of the motel and while he was filming. I wonder why?
This is, in addition to all the “Washing-DC-Swap”, the literal cesspool of America, which has purposely lied with every “exhaled breath”!
A deliberate act and a deliberate narrative, which is reinforced by the “USELESS LYING MSM”! Our demise of all things good, which once was America while the various entities are working in lockstep, robbing taxpayers money to pay for our own destruction! While removing any citizens rights remaining.
Can anyone tell me I’m wrong? If so, tell me where they can see “Bright Days Ah ”?
What’s happening today is part of and nearly at the end of the “Proverbial 100 Year War”!
There are far too many people involved, starting from “TOP-DOWN” and every point in between!
This has opened the eyes of millions of Americans, the problem for Americans are in part, “LACK OF WILL” to take a stand and those holding on to what’s left of their hard earned work through the years! Trying to hold onto everything they’ve worked so hard for and not wanting to “Rock The Boat”! Unfortunately, the inevitable seizures of wealth will not stop until all had been taken / stolen! This has been and is in the works and fourth coming too!
Trump is not an isolated case, not by far, reality is, what’s being done to Trump is sending the message, “DON’T FUZK WITH US” or we’ll ruin you too! The silent but extremely loud, “STAND DOWN” or else”!
This is exactly how bullies work! They instill fear against their enemies and continue their reign of terror until someone takes a stand!
This is exactly what we’re facing today, nothing more! Except lots and lots of money to buy their way into this “deranged and detached” mindset!
The only people fighting are the “Useful Idiots” who are being paid by the Soros, etc. to deliberately continue stoking fear creating a “stand down” mentality to anyone who disagrees.
Think about how many, “OOPS” that didn’t work out so well. Then couple all the “OOPS” with what we now know are and have been deliberately implemented acts of destruction and what you’ll find is, America in decline faster than any one person can “UNDO”!
America is on a “Runaway Course”! Not for the betterment of its citizens.
The “J-6ers” are there for a reminder not to “FUZK” with the “man”and as “Political Trophies”! This is how sick these “Narcissistic Psychopaths” operate!
Remember, “DEI” has ZERO to do with what we’re told. It a “sound-good” bullshit rouge!
Just as everything else which is and remember this:
“It’s NOT what they’re doing for US, It’s what they’re doing to US”!
And lastly remember who said:
“Fundamentally Transform America”!
Whether you believe or are a non-believer all I can say at this point is, “What do you have to lose”?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
And Trump continues to take a shit on his supporters. Just like with the death jab that he so proudly continues to pat himself on the back for. He's a Zionist owned sodomite just like Joey Biden is.
What was it like on January 4th two days prior to the staged event. There were hundreds of Trump supporters at the Whitehouse begging for him to come out an address them. Instead good old Donald Trump decided to go to the golf course instead. Funny how all his supporters don't ever want to speak about that day.
If Donald Trump would follow your shitty advice - he would be in anonymous hiding today - just like you . . .
This disgusting abuse of power by the DS tyrants must be stopped!
Long game is an understatement. This goes back to the fall of Adam and Eve. satan has been trying for millennia to dethrone The Most High and me thinks he has enough minions to really piss the Creator off to act imho