I do luv your site u realized your the only COVID poster that doesn't have a pay4view paywall? Telling

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Great. No significant increase in cardiac events as compared to monovalent shot. Wait. But the monovalent shot has significantly increased risks for cardiac events vs no injection. Nothing to see here then and basically if you were dumb enough to get the monovalent one, you might as well get the bivalent booster! I'm only kidding of course since even that number shown in the tables does not include subclinical myocarditis. Does not include symptomatic myocarditis but mild to the point where the chest discomfort was ignored and people (who went ahead and got the bivalent, so we know they're NOT going to admit they notice any symptoms) would not have presented for hospital care or MD appointment.

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Had a look at Mark Crispin Millers Canadian sudden-death watch yesterday.

Apparently in Canada...men live to 80 and women to 84 as the avg age of death. Everyone I looked at was under that. Most in their 50-60s, but many much younger. Over 200 in Ont alone in one week.

The unnoticed insanity...for most.

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Thanks Dr. A. for all that you're doing & posting. Massive thanks for not having any paywall too.

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Also it seems to me the 800 lb. gorilla in the room is that we're seeing sudden cardiac death or serious events happening farther out than what's being examined here as though there's no connection or as though they don't exist. I suppose if you don't look under the carpet then there's no evidence of dirt being swept there.

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I have to pass this message everyday until I see more People working with serious strategic planners in a real Freedom Movement!

ALL THE TREASON/WAR…shots, election fraud, etc…will continue until there is serious UNITY of The People!

WHY has this NOT happened after 3 destructive years by global psychopaths?

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

And there is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them! UNITE and our enemies will fear us!

Serious writer, Lex Greene has another piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty…


P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. If you want to unite with brilliant, strategic minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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