Yes. Watched him live on C-SPAN.

Extraordinary fearlessness. Didn't skip a beat. Extraordinary man.

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One thing is for certain, Trump has Style. And a genuine lady's man.

Even more so than JFK.

Small wonder my wife likes him so much.

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The left has plenty (!) to say about the guy - but he has charisma, and loads of it.

The qualities of a Leader, with a Capital "L".

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Absolutely all agencies to appropriate locations! Let’s have some reader suggestions. I’ll get it stared.

FBI: Nowhere

HHS: Chicago

BLM: Antarctia

You all get the idea 😉

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yes, close 75%, fire 10,000 top down the remaining and give them back to the States...I would place all federal employees on the Rock, Alcatraz...

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Especially homeland insecurity

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As much as I’m trying to be sceptical of this Prophecy (originally 2020) I can’t help to believe that this is now being unfolded!

Kamala Harris will be the next cruel President! She is part of the Beast System!

Watch the prophecy here:


America has been involved in crime against humanity ! You will need a leader that will bring back this nation to God and bend knees for Gods forgiveness! Trump is not helping, he played a big part on pushing and marketing the deadly and gene editing injections to the whole world! And he has Not even backdown yet from this narrative! He has not done anything to correct his errors! There are massive implications of this actions! America will have to brace Kamala cruelty!

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Gitmo. :) I have the Rock, Alctraz it is a tourist site.. it may cost too much to re open it.. let me think.. how about LEAVENWORTH?.. :) rofl

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BLM should not go to Antarctica to mess up that pristine gorgeous place.. more like Outer Mongolia or a Gulag somewhere.. :)

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Burn it down? Did POTUS Trump burn down HHS and the Warp-speeded Clot shot? No. He brags about it and still brags about it. He did not stand up to the swamp then--how can we be sure he will do it now? You say he is the only option. God help us. HE failed us miserably during COVID. He needs to come clean. PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST!

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You forget, Trump made his own path, he touted Hydroxychloroquine as a covid cure, he brought in Dr. Atlas, Dr. Alexander was there, Trump pushed for the nation to open up again. He endorsed the clot shots, but there he was lied to about those, and remember too, they lied to every American about the clot shots besides Trump. Trump insisted on no mandates. Had he been re-elected, I'm sure he would have fired Fauci, and possibly Birx too. Also consider the death rate during Covid and Trump stayed exactly the same, it only went way up under Biden and Biden's mandates.

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Trump was lied to? DOES HE HAVE A BRAIN HE CAN THINK WITH? THat is a poor excuse. Pathetic excuse. JFK was lied to about Cuba. JFK stood up to the swamp. Gerald Ford stood up to the swamp to do what was best for the nation.

Trump? FAILURE with deadly clot shot. He needs to come clean. And, prove he has a brain when it matters.

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Sorry, to disappoint all Trump supporters! It has been prophesied that Kamala will be the next President not TRUMP! America has done so much crime against humanity and has turned its back from God. Trump has been part of pushing and marketing the deadly gene editing injections that killed millions of people around the world including innocent babies and children. He has not even backdown from this safe and effective narrative! Unless he repent and make things right and bring back the nation to God, there will be NO peace. America will suffer, if it doesn’t return to God and correct the wrong they have done to humanity!

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Consider that 80% of all Americans, including all of our colleges, scientists, engineers, doctors, have been "vaccinated" by the clot shots. You're saying none of them have brains, they're too stupid to know anything? Why do you expect Trump, a real estate developer, to be fully versed in the science of virus's, immunology, and "vaccines"? Trump did everything he could to expedite the vaccines, since pharma lied to him and claimed it was possible. It wasn't his fault. And in running for the election, if he came out now publicly against the clot shots, don't you think that big pharma with their billions in revenue, would spend every penny they had to defeat him? Why would he take on that battle and ensure he loses?

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80% weren't elected POTUS. One was. JFK stood up to the swamp. Trump did not. Trump was lied to? Cry me a river. The swamp always lies. It takes a strong man/woman to stand up. Trump failed us in our time of need. Many died due to his silence and due to his continued promotion of the clot shot. Dr. A and others can only cover up for so long. They are starting to sound swamp-like. And, i don't say that lightly. Dr. A speaks the truth but he is somehow blinded by POTUS Trump.


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You keep expecting Trump to be an expert in infectious disease, what's wrong with you?

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Wrong. I keep expecting POTUS Trump to make the right decision in his most important moment as POTUS. JFK wasn't a defense expert. He made a decision against the swamp.

Trump had advisors--Atlas and Alexander talking to him. Trump appeared to question the swamp, then when the going got tough...he ran and hid. Millions may have died from that clot shot he still praises.

I expect my POTUS to make tough decisions. Trump cowered when called upon. Until he apologizes, he does not deserve 4 more. Disease X is coming...can't wait till he warp-speeds another 'fabulous' and 'wonderful' clot shot.

You can blame others, but he was in charge. PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST! DR. A--STOP COVERING FOR HIM.

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And Trump was repeatedly LIED TO BY FAUXI and his merry band of liars and thieves along w/ Dr Birx.. scarf lady.. as a retired Scientist in that field.. I knew that operation Warpspeed would not work because it was not possible to create a vaccine in 9 months and so did many other scientists who were SHUT DOWN by the media. Trump is a business man and mogul and a builder who went to Wharton; People like to pretend they actually understood what it meant: I really did.. and did not take the Vaccine.. though I worked in many hospitals and have taken many vaccines.. but I knew that one could NOT HAVE WORKED and it didn't and neither did the filthy masks.. which people are still wearing.. to this day.. anyway .. good post. today

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Sorry, to disappoint all Trump supporters! It has been prophesied that Kamala will be the next President not TRUMP! America has done so much crime against humanity and has turned its back from God. Trump has been part of pushing and marketing the deadly gene editing injections that killed millions of people around the world including innocent babies and children. He has not even backdown from this safe and effective narrative! Unless he repent and make things right and bring back the nation to God, there will be NO peace. America will suffer, if it doesn’t return to God and correct the wrong they have done to humanity!

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I do not know when or what happened, but Trump seems like he is part of the deep state. From his opinion on vaccines, his VP picks, his way of dealing with Ukraine, and to his love to Israel.

I know a lot of reps play identity politics and love Trump. But people need to wake up if they want to actually drain the swamp. Trump wont and will not do that.

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UH NO,,,, the DEEP STATE is comprised fully by the DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES who keep lying to the American PEOPLE about everything.. including the VACCINES.. which never worked; JD Vance is a great choice.. and then we have the LIARS who said Joe Biden is sharp as a tack despite a deep cognitive decline. Abandoned Afghanistan and allowed 12 million plus (who knows really) ILLEGALS into this country and who constantly attempt to destroy the Constitutional Republic and do not understand that we are not a DEMOCRACY but we are Constitutional Democracti Republic founded on Judeo-Christian principles. The Abraham Accords were the closest we have to a marginal peace in the middle East, which is actually not our battle to fight since this has been an ongoing war for at least five thousand years.. per recorded history. so give me a break. Chew.

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This is why I hate identity politics. Everyone thinks their party is better. In actuality, both parties are just as bad. The deep state is compromised of both Republicans and Democrats. The deep state has its hands in all the sectors of life—military, education, food, and religion. I guess Vance has ties with world leaders, and his famous movie on Netflix has nothing to do with anything. Also, what peace? Israel has killed 1000s of innocent people this year alone.

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So you would have Israel stand down, not defend itself, not eliminate Hamas who swears their goal is to murder every Jew on earth? Who invaded Israel and brutally slaughtered 1400 people? Hamas and Hamas alone is responsible for each and every death in the conflict, no one else, not Israel either. If Hamas had came into your home, and killed all your family, wouldn't you want to put an end to such deprivations?

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It is not about standing down or defending oneself. It is about not killing anyone. Israel is committing genocide. That is wrong. HAMAS is the byproduct of Israel imprisoning Palestine. You would be upset, too, if you and your loved ones were slaves.

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excuse typos.. gotta go ,, and I don't feel like editing more.. :)

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

As much as I’m trying to be sceptical of this Prophecy (originally 2020) I can’t help to believe that this is now being unfolded!

Kamala Harris will be the next cruel President! She is part of the Beast System!

Watch the prophecy here:


America has been involved in crime against humanity ! You will need a leader that will bring back this nation to God and bend knees for Gods forgiveness! Trump is not helping, he played a big part on pushing and marketing the deadly and gene editing injections to the whole world! And he has Not even backdown yet from this narrative! He has not done anything to correct his errors! There are massive implications of this actions! America will have to brace Kamala cruelty!

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Sorry, to disappoint all Trump supporters! It has been prophesied that Kamala will be the next President not TRUMP! America has done so much crime against humanity and has turned its back from God. Trump has been part of pushing and marketing the deadly gene editing injections that killed millions of people around the world including innocent babies and children. He has not even backdown from this safe and effective narrative! Unless he repent and make things right and bring back the nation to God, there will be NO peace. America will suffer, if it doesn’t return to God and correct the wrong they have done to humanity!

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