Is it time? it may be time to step aside for larger good? Does the Ghost writer have a point? Is this based on reason? What say you? Should we wait? We trust 45 & loyalty is key, yet do we ask?
We know there will be massive voter fraud, we just don't know how much. That's the biggest factor of all in November, not whether the ticket can win because of course it can. I know of no one who is a Trump supporter who will stay home on election day b/c Vance is on the ticket.
Yes! In a legitimate election, Trump/Vance would win easily.
The only issue now is the massive fraud committed by Democrats in 2020, and whether this time their fraud will be even larger and yet more obvious. What do we do in that case?
No, he's as deep state as they come. DOD/DARPA/NIH. Trumps either a complete moron or .... The thing people have to realize is elections are fake. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, it's rich against the poor. They try to make it poor white against poor black, or black against hispanoc. It works.
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain
The problem with polls is that they are often there to CREATE public opinion- not gauge it. How do we know if this poll is even based on reality and not a smear campaign?
According to Robert Barnes, the deep state likes Vance as much or less than Trump. Wouldn't it be in the deep state's interest (and since CNN does deep state bidding) to get Vance to step aside to replace with a deep state friendly politician? Then the deep state actors can assassinate Trump and have the control of the White House.
The constant media attacks on Vance tells you he’s the man. If he wasn’t a threat to the deep state and career bureaucrats, you wouldn’t hear peep from MSM. Trump chose him because he can related to working class people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, rust belt states, because he knows what it’s like to be one of them and have all the jobs get shipped overseas. The Ghost writer is missing that key fact, everything else is noise and a psyop! TRUMP VANCE 2024
That’s a great point Barnes made! He’s a solid political intellectual, his analysis of Kavanaugh and ACB were dead on, especially ACB, she’s been a fluke to say the least.
people will get and are getting swept up in the hope and change shit again...brought to you by Obama as he is running this shit but packaged as Kamala...thats why Trump's traction out of RNC and even assassination is not moving....and fallen. be careful with Kamala...thats why questions are in order as to who is best able to take that monkey down...anyone is a monkey, me too...remember in 2008, even I was for Obama and today know he is the most dangerous person alive for America...even you was caught up...many will be with Kamala...we need the A team homies...just think...dont fret and get the vapors...think.
We are thinking. The swap-Vance-out are getting vapors based on fake polls and the media narratives that we KNOW will NEVER be favorable to anyone Trump picks. I am old enough to remember who John McCain was the 'darling' of the media and New York Times. Until he became the nominee. Then he was painted as a racist, etc. The Left ALWAYS does this. Then, they tried to retcon the narrative to "Sarah Palin' was the problem, when it was the OPPOSITE. Palin boosted the tickets favorability. Our side is so stupid. Easily led by people who lay in wait false-flagging as friendlies but then when election time comes, convincing people to shoot their own. Hold the line! There will be 3 more weeks of this nonsense. Deep state wants Kamala out. Their next best thing is to get Vance out. Don't work to get either out. We want Kamala, and we want Vance. Get smart people!
true, may be 100% but Trump is going to need the right person to pummel Kamala...can JD do this? now? after his start? it is not about her record, its there, bullshit record, dangerous one but she operates in personal attacks and the like...can he go toe to toe with her...? can he go at her record now? I think who vetted did 45 a BAD...I stand behind the ticket...its Trump's decision but still does not stop us from asking based on what we are seeing...
From all I've seen and heard from her, she's dumb as a box of rocks. Couldn't find her way out of a wet paper bag. Nope, she's got nothing on Vance; I've listened to him and he's a lot sharper than has been portrayed.
he is...but is Trump debating her and prosecuting her...GW is saying maybe he needs the right person to soften her up, to set the table for to speak...I find its very interesting.
The fight to win must be based on President Trump’s policies more than on Kamala’s personality. We don’t have to get down in the gutter. Highlight her Border Czar failures (any one can see), her Defund the Police stance along with her many radical, left wing positions. Maybe some of her young and old (especially women) supporters will wake up to the dangers she poses to them. I support J.D Vance.
In my opinion this whole panic about JD Vance is a psyop! This is all fake news from the LEFT and NEVER TRUMP establishment RINOs to spook MAGA. JD Vance is the PERFECT PICK! The deep state is in total panic after the J13 attack on President Trump - SO obvious!! Wake up people! They fear JD Vance like they do Trump — who smart picked a non-Boomer for once !! Kamala is a Baby Boomer like Joe and Trump. JD is 20 years younger !! That’s passing the torch! That’s extending MAGA. Never doubt how thoroughly he was vetted. People love him!! Ignore the scare tactics they hope will work!
That’s the tell he’s a solid pick, the constant media negativity about the things he’s said, just pure garbage. The ghost writer would’ve had more credibility if he/she didn’t cite CNN’s polling.
Robert Barnes thinks he’s a solid pick, had he gone with Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Marko Rubio,
Then you know deep state got him by the balls! Vance is an Anti Deep state pick
I respect Trump's decision in selecting Vance. Replacing him at any point would show weakness and suggest a false "admission of failure."
These senseless, offensive Democrats would have found something ridiculous to pounce upon no matter who Trump's VP nominee may have been. After all, since the Dems have nothing to offer, all they can do is insult, lie, and try to demean.
No .. but there is a ton of “ghostwriter” types trying to spook our movement. It’s a tactic to make us question what we already know and have seen with our own eyes! Also we know Trump is a smart guy who learns — the left knows this & it terrifies them— their only defense is to pummel the media with the “weird”
narrative when Vance & Trump are the normal down to earth — pro-family, pro-America, and a God-fearing populist!! That’s what terrifies them so they want to throw us off our game & momentum! !ts getting easier and easier to see the hypocrisy of all they do! Kamala is a total amateur & couldn’t pass a high school speech class! And no real accomplishments. JD is mad accomplished, self-made, and successful. And could debate a moron like Kamala into the ground! Think!!
you miss the point of Ghost Writer, JD Vance may not have the tools 45 needs now to defeat Kamala...of course she is unfit...I think the GW was very complementary of JD.
JD is not running against Kamala, Trump is. We're looking at the trees now when it's of critical importance to see the forest. Bottom line is, at this point the choice is a fast slide into call it what you will, I call it small c communism ....or a chance at righting this ship. JD Vance is but a blip on the radar when looked at from this perspective.
Ghostwriter never says what qualities are needed by Trump that JD doesn’t have and who they think is? And why would they think Trump hasn’t vetted him and compared to others as well?? Trump doesn’t know what he needs in his third campaign?? As well as ghostwriter does but doesn’t say? Come on.. not logical!
the Ghost writer actually is connected to Trump's orbit. more conservative than you and is full MAGA. I think they are entitled to ask questions...they seek the best for America and Trump. and the start is rocky to say the least. not because you like something does not mean you cannot ask the questions especially if not going well...disaster is sticking with a failing situation. It is key to ask questions given the press now...Trump struggled to address the question yesterday on Vance...did you watch the same black reporter conference I watched? go and listen to Trump's response.
Guess not a ghost writer if you know who it is, would have more impact if they stood behind it with their name. I did watch, didn’t think it was a bad answer at all. Patriot, Marine, solid MAGA voting record in the Senate. Not seeing it…..
Believing that fake news and commie university polls are not rigged is like believing the 2020 election was on the up and up. Come on, this makes zero sense. And, people do not vote for the VP, especially when they are desperate for a courageous change agent like Trump.
correct, but Trump in this case needs someone to help destroy Harris's record...he cannot on his own...and let us keep this cordial...respectful...can Vance help prosecute her record? now?
Harris has a record she can’t hide from, a Marxist. It destroys itself, no matter how hard they wanna scrub it. Yale Law if not mistaken, cum laude? Great speaker and debater? Lays out the receipts 🧾
What am I missing here? Why wouldn’t Vance be able to prosecute her record? He is very intelligent and articulate. He has also shown a willingness to challenge the conventional thinking and approved narratives.
I have no patience with people who are pointing the finger at the wrong person. I have no reason to doubt Trump's pick. But if Vance proves to be otherwise, time will tell. Until then, STFU .
Our enemy is loyal to the criminal syndicate. The MSM is loyal to the regime's picks. We should be calling out the LIES and hypocrisy of Obamala Harris, and her incompetence, stupidity and ignorance.
I like him, then you are not reading and this is the writing of the Ghost you, she has an miss the point...people dont vote for VP but VP is to help the this case, today, given what the dems have done with Kamala, Trump needs a different type of help. You do know I worked in the Trump administration? Did you? When I was introduced in meetings words like 'This is the one person in DC who if The President would call and ask to cut the WH lawn, he would show up'....this is not a color thing...gggeezzzee, you sounding like a democrat now
Vance will help! Trump doesn’t need a guy to help capture the Blue Wall?? — working class people won’t relate to JD?? Why is his book from 2016 #1 NYT bestseller this week??? 600k copies already and another pressing needed…. Because he’s an underwhelming pick no one likes? Come on!!!
Many do not like Vance, myself included. Words of Roger Stone, “you don’t need to find a vp pick to help you, just find one that doesn’t hurt you.” For Trump, this isn’t Vance.
Irrelevant. It is still a good strategy. And it was an old comment from the 80s actually. Trump didn’t need a pick to help him. He just needed someone not to drag him down. Pence, I mean Vance can only drag
So many people running to interview Pence because he is so popular and respected??No, he is disloyal and even dem/progressives hate that. Vance is a conservative that didn’t understand Trump’s strategy or communication style.
this is a very good debate and thank you for being civil...we learn this way and we all can have opinions and love each other still...huge love and MAGA
people will get and are getting swept up in the hope and change shit again...brought to you by Obama as he is running this shit but packaged as Kamala...thats why Trump's traction out of RNC and even assassination is not moving....and fallen. be careful with Kamala...thats why questions are in order as to who is best able to take that monkey down...anyone is a monkey, me too...remember in 2008, even I was for Obama and today know he is the most dangerous person alive for America...even you was caught up...many will be with Kamala...we need the A team homies...just think...dont fret and get the vapors...think.
Doesn't it make us all retch and upchuck when the Congressional traitors gave Bibi 52 standing ovations? So galling is this yet the major networks were happy and proud to show this on national TV. I've heard many a weasel sneak in his/her exaltations about Israel and many have been Marranos. Even the great colonel MacGregor admits with some sanctimony that he's 4 square behind Israel although he couches those words rather obliquely. Against genocide but pro-Israel and we wonder why the US is headed for the shoals? How few Americans have ever heard of the tragedy of the USS Liberty? 50 million Christian Zionists- explain that monstrosity.
We tolerated, as a nation, all of Obama's lies and obfuscations. Why? People actually applaud Kamaltoe, are they DNC plants?
Hate to say it but we appear headed toward Civil War #2.
How could you vote for obama? I wasn't really into politics then. but I knew when I heard his name that it spelled trouble. It sounded like a terrorist name and was and still is to this day.
This discussion is a waste of time, Trump will never second-guess his choice for VP and remove Vance, unless something huge happened to force him to. Trump isn't perfect but I trust this choice, and as others have stated, the media would ignore him if he wasn't a threat to the deep state. Pray for his safety too and that of his wife and children!
Dr. Paul, do you even know who this person is? What has her (if she is even a she) posting history been, or did she just appear after the failed assassination attempt?
I don’t trust her.
I like you and mostly agree with your take on things, but you can be excitable at times (truth be told, so can I).
Having read Hillbilly Elegy when it first came out and not having seen the movie, and having spent 10 years practicing in WV, and having read some of his writings I think he is the right person for the job (or at least a right person), and I don’t think Trump should be responding to people getting the vapors at this time. Hell the Dims haven’t even finished filling all the necessary FEC paperwork to switch donkeys in mid stream. Who knows what Barry Sotero & Georgie Soros have up their sleeves.
The Fake news is all up in arms because Trump correctly called Ms Cackling Knee Pads out for being opportunistic about her ethnicity Indian when it was to her advantage & Black when she thought it was to her advantage. Oh horrors!
You just need to call them out for their anti Orange bigotry.
Who gives a rats rear end about the polls or any journalist claiming they are MAGA saying the choice of Vance as VP will result in Trump losing as president?? No one votes for a candidate because of a VP pick and no one crosses over to the other side to vote if they don’t like the VP pick. In common fallacies, this is known as a false cause. The writer hides their identity because they don’t want to be held accountable for their stupidity when Trump wins hands down. Trump was a surprise to the swamp roaches when he turned the light on and won the first time. 🪳🪳🪳
I swear, women should not even be allowed to vote at this point.
Especially the crazy childless cat women who wear pink pussy hats loving on abortion but are so ugly and fat they would have to pay some guy to screw them.
No, I like Vance a lot and think he's a good pick!
All the negativity about Vance seems orchestrated by the CIA/NSA/FBI etc.
I/we love him too. That is not the issue, the issue is can he win, can this ticket win?
We know there will be massive voter fraud, we just don't know how much. That's the biggest factor of all in November, not whether the ticket can win because of course it can. I know of no one who is a Trump supporter who will stay home on election day b/c Vance is on the ticket.
Yes! In a legitimate election, Trump/Vance would win easily.
The only issue now is the massive fraud committed by Democrats in 2020, and whether this time their fraud will be even larger and yet more obvious. What do we do in that case?
If we haven't figured it out for 4 years, then our Country is doomed.
Pennsylvania will cheat.
Also my state of Georgia will too.
Michigan too. Detroit in particular.
Of course. Pennsylvania is a very politically corrupt State. If Special K picks
Shapiro who knows what will happen. Why was JOE always going to Philly?
He would stop off many times on his way to Delaware. Now, Special K
is having a rally there next week. Allegheny County for sure!
This is what the left thinks about us.
The video is anbout12 minutes long.
Ohio will go RED. How were you mandated? Hope you are OK.
So will Arizona
That's one State that is pure EVIL. I don't know how anyone could live there.
It's run by the cartels.
That's easy Lynn. I pack a 1911 whenever I leave the apartment.
I know the gangs that run my part of the desert 🏜
And have no problem with them.
Thay also know not to mess with me,or my wife.
I call it "home turff advantage "
Sounds like you take of business. Stay safe out there +
In a fair election, yes.
These days that almost like saying
"a fair hand of Poker"
😃 😊 😀 😄
No, he's as deep state as they come. DOD/DARPA/NIH. Trumps either a complete moron or .... The thing people have to realize is elections are fake. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, it's rich against the poor. They try to make it poor white against poor black, or black against hispanoc. It works.
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain
Reeks of yet more CIA bullshit to me.
The problem with polls is that they are often there to CREATE public opinion- not gauge it. How do we know if this poll is even based on reality and not a smear campaign?
According to Robert Barnes, the deep state likes Vance as much or less than Trump. Wouldn't it be in the deep state's interest (and since CNN does deep state bidding) to get Vance to step aside to replace with a deep state friendly politician? Then the deep state actors can assassinate Trump and have the control of the White House.
The constant media attacks on Vance tells you he’s the man. If he wasn’t a threat to the deep state and career bureaucrats, you wouldn’t hear peep from MSM. Trump chose him because he can related to working class people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, rust belt states, because he knows what it’s like to be one of them and have all the jobs get shipped overseas. The Ghost writer is missing that key fact, everything else is noise and a psyop! TRUMP VANCE 2024
Here is a threat more important to be concerned about than an anonymous "ghost's" baseless opinions.
The Deep State advises today that the public may not get November Presidential election results in a timely way. Sound familiar?
Ha, imagine Romney as his VP. THE rinos would love it. They were happy with Traitor Mike as well.
They're all traitors. Did you know trump supported kamalas campaign in Ca?
No, he's as deep state as they come. DOD/DARPA/NIH. Trumps either a complete moron or ....
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain
That’s a great point Barnes made! He’s a solid political intellectual, his analysis of Kavanaugh and ACB were dead on, especially ACB, she’s been a fluke to say the least.
people will get and are getting swept up in the hope and change shit again...brought to you by Obama as he is running this shit but packaged as Kamala...thats why Trump's traction out of RNC and even assassination is not moving....and fallen. be careful with Kamala...thats why questions are in order as to who is best able to take that monkey down...anyone is a monkey, me too...remember in 2008, even I was for Obama and today know he is the most dangerous person alive for America...even you was caught up...many will be with Kamala...we need the A team homies...just think...dont fret and get the vapors...think.
We are thinking. The swap-Vance-out are getting vapors based on fake polls and the media narratives that we KNOW will NEVER be favorable to anyone Trump picks. I am old enough to remember who John McCain was the 'darling' of the media and New York Times. Until he became the nominee. Then he was painted as a racist, etc. The Left ALWAYS does this. Then, they tried to retcon the narrative to "Sarah Palin' was the problem, when it was the OPPOSITE. Palin boosted the tickets favorability. Our side is so stupid. Easily led by people who lay in wait false-flagging as friendlies but then when election time comes, convincing people to shoot their own. Hold the line! There will be 3 more weeks of this nonsense. Deep state wants Kamala out. Their next best thing is to get Vance out. Don't work to get either out. We want Kamala, and we want Vance. Get smart people!
true, may be 100% but Trump is going to need the right person to pummel Kamala...can JD do this? now? after his start? it is not about her record, its there, bullshit record, dangerous one but she operates in personal attacks and the like...can he go toe to toe with her...? can he go at her record now? I think who vetted did 45 a BAD...I stand behind the ticket...its Trump's decision but still does not stop us from asking based on what we are seeing...
From all I've seen and heard from her, she's dumb as a box of rocks. Couldn't find her way out of a wet paper bag. Nope, she's got nothing on Vance; I've listened to him and he's a lot sharper than has been portrayed.
he is...but is Trump debating her and prosecuting her...GW is saying maybe he needs the right person to soften her up, to set the table for to speak...I find its very interesting.
And replace Vance with?
I watched his movie. He has quite the life story and his book is currently #1.
I think he's the cia psy op.
DOD/DARPA/NIH. Trumps either a complete moron or .... The thing people have to realize is elections are fake.
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain
The fight to win must be based on President Trump’s policies more than on Kamala’s personality. We don’t have to get down in the gutter. Highlight her Border Czar failures (any one can see), her Defund the Police stance along with her many radical, left wing positions. Maybe some of her young and old (especially women) supporters will wake up to the dangers she poses to them. I support J.D Vance.
In my opinion this whole panic about JD Vance is a psyop! This is all fake news from the LEFT and NEVER TRUMP establishment RINOs to spook MAGA. JD Vance is the PERFECT PICK! The deep state is in total panic after the J13 attack on President Trump - SO obvious!! Wake up people! They fear JD Vance like they do Trump — who smart picked a non-Boomer for once !! Kamala is a Baby Boomer like Joe and Trump. JD is 20 years younger !! That’s passing the torch! That’s extending MAGA. Never doubt how thoroughly he was vetted. People love him!! Ignore the scare tactics they hope will work!
That’s the tell he’s a solid pick, the constant media negativity about the things he’s said, just pure garbage. The ghost writer would’ve had more credibility if he/she didn’t cite CNN’s polling.
Robert Barnes thinks he’s a solid pick, had he gone with Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Marko Rubio,
Then you know deep state got him by the balls! Vance is an Anti Deep state pick
Exactly! Right on Target!!!
He seems to be very deep state himself, dod/darpa, fauci guy.
No, he's as deep state as they come. DOD/DARPA/NIH. Trumps either a complete moron or .... The thing people have to realize is elections are fake.
I respect Trump's decision in selecting Vance. Replacing him at any point would show weakness and suggest a false "admission of failure."
These senseless, offensive Democrats would have found something ridiculous to pounce upon no matter who Trump's VP nominee may have been. After all, since the Dems have nothing to offer, all they can do is insult, lie, and try to demean.
Remember how the Dems treated Sarah Palin.
so once there is a question it becomes psyop?
No .. but there is a ton of “ghostwriter” types trying to spook our movement. It’s a tactic to make us question what we already know and have seen with our own eyes! Also we know Trump is a smart guy who learns — the left knows this & it terrifies them— their only defense is to pummel the media with the “weird”
narrative when Vance & Trump are the normal down to earth — pro-family, pro-America, and a God-fearing populist!! That’s what terrifies them so they want to throw us off our game & momentum! !ts getting easier and easier to see the hypocrisy of all they do! Kamala is a total amateur & couldn’t pass a high school speech class! And no real accomplishments. JD is mad accomplished, self-made, and successful. And could debate a moron like Kamala into the ground! Think!!
How come she didn't use her real name?
Probably DoD, CIA, FBI, DHS, etc.
Great question.
Easy to hide behind anonymity when someone is trying to undermine a worthy political candidate. No respect for such a backstabber.
It is just another way to undermine Trump.
100% AGREED! #MAGA 🇺🇸
Ah, so JD Vance isn't ft for the office but Kamala is? Hahaha!
I reject outright your ghost writer's thesis.
you miss the point of Ghost Writer, JD Vance may not have the tools 45 needs now to defeat Kamala...of course she is unfit...I think the GW was very complementary of JD.
JD is not running against Kamala, Trump is. We're looking at the trees now when it's of critical importance to see the forest. Bottom line is, at this point the choice is a fast slide into call it what you will, I call it small c communism ....or a chance at righting this ship. JD Vance is but a blip on the radar when looked at from this perspective.
Ghostwriter never says what qualities are needed by Trump that JD doesn’t have and who they think is? And why would they think Trump hasn’t vetted him and compared to others as well?? Trump doesn’t know what he needs in his third campaign?? As well as ghostwriter does but doesn’t say? Come on.. not logical!
Are you kidding me? So, Pence was so great? He was pushed on Trump by
Mitch and GOP. Don't think Paul Ryan didn't have a hand in it.
Load of trash, they are crazy cat ladies 😂. Smear Campaign cause their RINOS weren’t picked for VP. Full MAGA ticket! Boom!
the Ghost writer actually is connected to Trump's orbit. more conservative than you and is full MAGA. I think they are entitled to ask questions...they seek the best for America and Trump. and the start is rocky to say the least. not because you like something does not mean you cannot ask the questions especially if not going well...disaster is sticking with a failing situation. It is key to ask questions given the press now...Trump struggled to address the question yesterday on Vance...did you watch the same black reporter conference I watched? go and listen to Trump's response.
Guess not a ghost writer if you know who it is, would have more impact if they stood behind it with their name. I did watch, didn’t think it was a bad answer at all. Patriot, Marine, solid MAGA voting record in the Senate. Not seeing it…..
Why the fuck didn't she use her real name?
Because she doesn't want Trump to know she is disloyal?
She doesn't deserve Trump's trust.
She should be working to lift Vance up not to badmouth him.
She should be more concerned with getting some psychiatric care for her porn star daughter who had a traumatic childhood living with those 2 nutcases.
Is Ghostwriter KAC?? Not sure I trust her. And definitely not her evil EX husband of many years… most anti-Trump perve alive!
No wonder their daughter is a porn star.
2 nutcases for parents.
Probably warmonger Nikki writing that shit.
Why would you believe polls that show Carmela zooming past Trump. Propaganda.
I dont.
Believing that fake news and commie university polls are not rigged is like believing the 2020 election was on the up and up. Come on, this makes zero sense. And, people do not vote for the VP, especially when they are desperate for a courageous change agent like Trump.
correct, but Trump in this case needs someone to help destroy Harris's record...he cannot on his own...and let us keep this cordial...respectful...can Vance help prosecute her record? now?
Harris has a record she can’t hide from, a Marxist. It destroys itself, no matter how hard they wanna scrub it. Yale Law if not mistaken, cum laude? Great speaker and debater? Lays out the receipts 🧾
Trump can destroy Harris' record on his own...he doesn't need Vance to do it.
What am I missing here? Why wouldn’t Vance be able to prosecute her record? He is very intelligent and articulate. He has also shown a willingness to challenge the conventional thinking and approved narratives.
I have no patience with people who are pointing the finger at the wrong person. I have no reason to doubt Trump's pick. But if Vance proves to be otherwise, time will tell. Until then, STFU .
Our enemy is loyal to the criminal syndicate. The MSM is loyal to the regime's picks. We should be calling out the LIES and hypocrisy of Obamala Harris, and her incompetence, stupidity and ignorance.
Thank you. I must have missed whatever it was that suddenly made some people turn on Vance. The deep state is always using disinfo and pysops on us.
You say he is not the best choice for this time. WHY? Is it because he’s white? Give a reason.
I like him, then you are not reading and this is the writing of the Ghost you, she has an miss the point...people dont vote for VP but VP is to help the this case, today, given what the dems have done with Kamala, Trump needs a different type of help. You do know I worked in the Trump administration? Did you? When I was introduced in meetings words like 'This is the one person in DC who if The President would call and ask to cut the WH lawn, he would show up'....this is not a color thing...gggeezzzee, you sounding like a democrat now
Vance will help! Trump doesn’t need a guy to help capture the Blue Wall?? — working class people won’t relate to JD?? Why is his book from 2016 #1 NYT bestseller this week??? 600k copies already and another pressing needed…. Because he’s an underwhelming pick no one likes? Come on!!!
"She" has an opinion?
Is it crazy nutcase Kelly Anne Conway with the fat ex-husband and porn star daughter?
Crazy Conway who is doing a whispering campaign against Vance?
(Kellyanne and Dumpty George Conway are now divorced.)
I don't trust her.
Many do not like Vance, myself included. Words of Roger Stone, “you don’t need to find a vp pick to help you, just find one that doesn’t hurt you.” For Trump, this isn’t Vance.
Roger Stone is old news. How many things he said hasn't come true. He said
Michelle/Michael or whoever it is was going to be the pick. Why is it
Special K now?
Sasha also hangs with Catherine Austin Fitts (Flipps) who is a Bush acolyte. 🙄
Irrelevant. It is still a good strategy. And it was an old comment from the 80s actually. Trump didn’t need a pick to help him. He just needed someone not to drag him down. Pence, I mean Vance can only drag
So many people running to interview Pence because he is so popular and respected??No, he is disloyal and even dem/progressives hate that. Vance is a conservative that didn’t understand Trump’s strategy or communication style.
Naw—fuxk that! JD is the man Trump needs and he’s going nowhere
ok, MAGA
this is a very good debate and thank you for being civil...we learn this way and we all can have opinions and love each other still...huge love and MAGA
people will get and are getting swept up in the hope and change shit again...brought to you by Obama as he is running this shit but packaged as Kamala...thats why Trump's traction out of RNC and even assassination is not moving....and fallen. be careful with Kamala...thats why questions are in order as to who is best able to take that monkey down...anyone is a monkey, me too...remember in 2008, even I was for Obama and today know he is the most dangerous person alive for America...even you was caught up...many will be with Kamala...we need the A team homies...just think...dont fret and get the vapors...think.
I did not even vote for Obama.
Neither did I. Obama's a phony through and through.
He is Satan.
I was not impressed one bit by Barry Soetoro!
Now, you are talking :-)
Doesn't it make us all retch and upchuck when the Congressional traitors gave Bibi 52 standing ovations? So galling is this yet the major networks were happy and proud to show this on national TV. I've heard many a weasel sneak in his/her exaltations about Israel and many have been Marranos. Even the great colonel MacGregor admits with some sanctimony that he's 4 square behind Israel although he couches those words rather obliquely. Against genocide but pro-Israel and we wonder why the US is headed for the shoals? How few Americans have ever heard of the tragedy of the USS Liberty? 50 million Christian Zionists- explain that monstrosity.
We tolerated, as a nation, all of Obama's lies and obfuscations. Why? People actually applaud Kamaltoe, are they DNC plants?
Hate to say it but we appear headed toward Civil War #2.
Me either!
How could you vote for obama? I wasn't really into politics then. but I knew when I heard his name that it spelled trouble. It sounded like a terrorist name and was and still is to this day.
This discussion is a waste of time, Trump will never second-guess his choice for VP and remove Vance, unless something huge happened to force him to. Trump isn't perfect but I trust this choice, and as others have stated, the media would ignore him if he wasn't a threat to the deep state. Pray for his safety too and that of his wife and children!
Yes, a waste of time indeed.
Dr. Paul, do you even know who this person is? What has her (if she is even a she) posting history been, or did she just appear after the failed assassination attempt?
I don’t trust her.
I like you and mostly agree with your take on things, but you can be excitable at times (truth be told, so can I).
Having read Hillbilly Elegy when it first came out and not having seen the movie, and having spent 10 years practicing in WV, and having read some of his writings I think he is the right person for the job (or at least a right person), and I don’t think Trump should be responding to people getting the vapors at this time. Hell the Dims haven’t even finished filling all the necessary FEC paperwork to switch donkeys in mid stream. Who knows what Barry Sotero & Georgie Soros have up their sleeves.
The Fake news is all up in arms because Trump correctly called Ms Cackling Knee Pads out for being opportunistic about her ethnicity Indian when it was to her advantage & Black when she thought it was to her advantage. Oh horrors!
You just need to call them out for their anti Orange bigotry.
Nothing like a coward who hides behind anonymity.
I think it is Kellyanne Conway with the fat ex-husband and porn star daughter.
Who knows, I love your description of the family (which would suggest that dear old dad has some proclivities in common with Pedo Joe.
I don't trust her at all. That ex-husband of hers has a lot to be desired. There is
something strange about that guy, if you know what I mean.
This is one lady, who claims she is MAGA, but is she a RINO in MAGA clothing, or even a DNC plant like Liz Chaney, the reptile.
Who gives a rats rear end about the polls or any journalist claiming they are MAGA saying the choice of Vance as VP will result in Trump losing as president?? No one votes for a candidate because of a VP pick and no one crosses over to the other side to vote if they don’t like the VP pick. In common fallacies, this is known as a false cause. The writer hides their identity because they don’t want to be held accountable for their stupidity when Trump wins hands down. Trump was a surprise to the swamp roaches when he turned the light on and won the first time. 🪳🪳🪳
I swear, women should not even be allowed to vote at this point.
Especially the crazy childless cat women who wear pink pussy hats loving on abortion but are so ugly and fat they would have to pay some guy to screw them.
Damn, Kathleen....
She's right.
Watch some idiot call me a misogynist.