Why anyone would think ncolve themselves with the bushes and the rest of the cabal is beyond me. Luciferians every one do them. Dad bush calling for a “New World Order”. Occultists have no place in Heaven. They all go to hell. If you find yourself in the masons or other occultists you will find yourself outside Gods grace. Our country is in bad shape because of all of them. It won’t get better till we forsake evil and turn to good. Enuf said.

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You said it Willie, you said ii well!


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Jul 22
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Yes Heather, “EVIL”! As if the food and water wasn’t enough, Bill “Kill” Gates has been spraying mRNA into the air, so one way or another!

We’re all walking “NODES” in his mainframe “WACKADO” mind!

His will come, certainly not of my doing and certainly not from this mortal life, from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Yea Heather his end will be of uplifting value to mankind, “Every Dog Has His Day”


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"heather" Do not click on link - it's malware!

Spam bot.

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Here’s the real shocker! Our country is in bad shape because of them, but we’re still light years ahead of almost every other country on earth! They’d love to set get us on par with Nigeria, Uganda, or Venezuela!

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The spirits of the Nephalim are the Rephaim, they are inhabiting all who do the evil. Nothing new under the sun, is there?

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Yes Paul, I read about this the next day after the shooting. A huge "short sell" taken on DJT stock the day before the shooting. This shows FOREKNOWLEDGE by someone, people who are our enemies.

And now we find more things about the coverup they are attempting. This was a planned assassination by our own deep state government.

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I wonder who would have the power to make this put option disappear?

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Wall Street “managers”

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Crooks was 'crooked!'

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And the patsy. It was an inside job, again, as they always do.

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Yes and they always need a fall guy.

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...like Oswald, James Earl Ray, Timothy McVeigh.

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All patsys for sure

They all were most likely being watched for a year

To find the perfect loser.

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They probably even killed the killer they set up. We haven’t heard how many bullets he took but the Crook has croaked and we are getting that much closer to exposing the cabal. Of course MSM will be on the job covering it all up.

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The guy that missed Trump is buried in a nearby field or has been turned into dog food.

If you miss your hit you're likely not to die pleasantly.

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Yesss! Good points.;

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“We filled in error”. Yeah and a bear uses a toilet.

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Yeh once you press the ENTER button it's done..don't they read fine print they wrote...all bs

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I had already reported on this a day ago- and it was 12 million puts- Which is almost the entire amount of outstanding shares 15 million- I.M.O if Trump wants guaranteed saferty - he should call on Eric Prinz - and hire some dependable people ass he is going nowhere with this fucking corrupt dei woke fucking swamp

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I hope you can contact him and tell him. I sincerely hope and pray we can as a country, dig our selves out of this roiling sewage..... united as free individuals, for the welfare of all, clean up this horrific mess.

It will not be a simple task

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I am preparing a message for him, i would like some input from our people and i will

include that in a comprehensive message to him-i will await contact from our people

and colate the message-

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Trump has already spoken about it. He is very aware.

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“PUTS”- is an Option ( trading method on margin of using very little money a lot of leverage 10:1- and being subject to enormous returns when you win- or some losses if the market turns against you -subjecting you to “ margin calls for adding money to your account- “calls’ are betting the market goes up- “puts” is betting it goes down

party ( a) buys puts on GDZ mtrs offered at 100.00 he puts ann order in to Sell one share @ 100.00 - the market goes down to 80.00 - he closes his position by buying

back the shares at 80.00 - he made 20 dollars on one share and only only outlayed

10 dollars- I hope that made it easy- ( No i didn’t write “options for dummies”

Ciao. Milt

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Interesting, I’m seeing another Kennedy type Assassination was tried. Masons are in on it, sadly I feel like our government was too. But for Gods grace, he let Trump live. Now’s the time to turn everyone back to family and belief on our creator. Save our country now people.

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F'ing Liz Cheney.

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FILING ERROR!!! Bawaahahaha!!

That's piping hot coffee out the nose stuff right there. The revisionists and Globalistas truly do believe that we are ALL idiots.

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all true...

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The hit was planned by the Swamp Creatures!

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I heard Pfizer owned the building that the skinny perpetrator was on, maybe they are so afraid of Trump taking their protection away from them on the vaxx, maybe it was their idea to try and kill Trump?

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Blackrock building. They had an hand in the company that runs a business out of there. Blackrock also had Crokks in a video they made while he was in high school.

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I think we need to know when each of those players - Bush, Cheney, Rothschilds etc. made their investments. Seems very odd to me they’d invest AT ALL in a DJT stock! This is so obvious it’s not even funny.

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There were many other bets made the day before the assassination attempt than Austin Investments, J. Bravo on You Tube probably knows the majority of the rest.

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So, a firm with $1bn in assets under management makes a $50k play on $DJT?

Sorry, not buying it.

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Thanks for bringing it all together ETVP! You dig up the dirtiest!

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My pleasure

It’s self-indulgence, to some degree!

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Less calories than chocolate, and better for you!

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By the way, I just bought raw milk for the first time. Holy shhhht…so good

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Welcome to the world of real food! Gates is making fake butt’r now. https://newatlas.com/technology/savor-butter-bill-gates/

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Did not our good doctor warn of this time after time after time? Why did not the men there physically detain the bastard?

Thirteen percent of the population commits over half of all violent crime. You can take the savage out of the jungle but not the jungle out of the savage. Africa for africans, that is their home. Leave them there. Run a search on Toronto's Most Wanted" for proof.

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