The more we speak and bang on about Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Bourla, Bancel, Soros, etc., the more stage time we give these loathsome individuals.

It starts to appear to me to mutate into a Stockholm type syndrome.

We ought to improve things from within - for our members worldwide - without obsessively and chronically denigrating all the alleged "masterminds behind the scenes".

If we attempt to create some sort of community in numbers of like-minded individuals, for our own welfare, then we are far stronger than lone voices running substacks looking for followers and subscription revenue and those hitting the like button.

Am I wrong?

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You are not wrong, Barry. I'd love to find some like minded people in my area. The ones I know that are unvaxxed, don't believe any of the rest. The rest are vaxxed and obviously don't listen to anything outside their closed little minds. Except 1. They had to get vaxxed for work. I have been sending substacks their way. Mild ones at first. Now, a few hard core truths. They've been doing research on those and have found out some truths. But, still not into doing anything about it.

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How do you propose to do this? Substack brought us together in virtual form. We'd have to meet and then start building communities together in real life.

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Hi Wolly,

Yes, exactly, like in any face-to-face relationship - physical contact with people in your area.

Or perhaps, start off with a zoom call of say 20 or 30 people, where we can break the ice and take it from there.

I know there are of course security issues, and some people may be imposters, but this world of ours has to have a certain amount of risk in it for progress to be made in human connections, and nothing we are doing here is unalwful or illegal in any manner or form.

Some people will prefer to remain anonymous/faceless/both, and that's fine as well.

I have never met anyone in my life virtually.

I could never have done dating apps.

I always enjoyed face-to-face.

Part of the problem is fear - and the virtual technology perpetuates the fear and the solitary existence behind a screen/smartphone, but it's never fulfilling, for me I'm saying, because the human contact is absent.

I do believe the concept has some traction.

It's just a suggestion.

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I agree. How can this be facilitated?

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I can set up the first zoom call.

All I would need, is email addresses, because this is the way the zoom invite works.

My email address is: barryvarkel@gmail.com

Let me know.

PS You can look me up on the internet, I am exactly who I say I am.

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I'm saving this page because I'm crashing after a bout of insomnia but I will reach out tomorrow. Thank you.

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No worries, have a good sleep : ))

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Bill Gates is a college dropout who won the lottery. I’ll bet we all know someone who has a huge talent but never made it big through no fault of their own. I believe it’s destiny. He got overcome with money and power and now thinks he knows more than God. Well good luck with that Bill. You worship your God and I’ll worship mine. Just stay in your lane.

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He never stays in his lane

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He's following in his father's footsteps. He came from money, but still had to steal to become anything. That tells you something about him right there. I'm sure his sorry ass kids will do something similar. Why work hard when you can steal?

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Mar 26, 2023
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His Mom and Dad were a eugenicists, too.

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I beg to differ, Bill Gates went to Harvard at 14 years of age, and had dropped out of high-school. Anybody can attend college at 14, I did but I simply attended college classes near where I lived.

Bill lasted less then 2-4 months at Harvard where he dropped out, hooked up with Paul Allen, 10 years his senior and moved to Albuquerque NM, where they spent a year laying out a business plan for Microsoft, which Allen always intended not develop a product, but to OWN an industry.

Gates father owned the largest Lawfirm in the Seattle Region, eventually they moved MS HQ to Bellevue, WA gates home, so he could be near his mother. (Odd point, Gates mother did more for him, than father turned out the mother used to date CEO of IBM so she get them to pass all best GOV contracts for software by Gates first before they went outside of IBM , this is how Gates nabbed the IBM-PC/OS contract, once he had the contract he stole DOS from a local seattle company and sold it to IBM as his own, it wan'nt another ten years before the original DOS creator got $1M, first Gates tried to only pay $50k ; Gates made BILLIONS of USD off of DOS )

Our Bill Gates is Gates the III, pa is II, and the grand father was a famous Gates that along with Bush & Ford back in the 1920's brought Hitler to power; The original Gates klan in UK wrote the book on Eugenics which became the basis of Hitler's ZOG Nazism, and of course the superman and de-populating the earth of inferiors.

Lasty note this idea of starting a company to own an industry, this is what Rockefeller said when he started 'standard oil', and its also what he said when he started 'oil based medicine' companys in 1910, he start oil in 1860's, and in 1910 decided to own human-health too.

Gates&Allen agreed in 1975 that MS would own the COMPUTER MARKET, this was before its was even a thing and nobody but IBM had a monopoly, today MS does own COMPUTATION worldwide

The thing is most CIA-NSA is close Los-Alamos where the nukes were developed WW2 tons of CIA/NSA computation people in los-alamos, santa-fe, and albuquerque, I think that most strategy was there; That Allen could introduce Gates to high-level GOV people and they could find young programmers to write the first product, the MS "BASIC" interpreter.

Gates was the mascot, the father the legal-team, PAUL ALLEN the brains; From the very start of MS there were putting GOV trojan horses into the software, by first gen windows in 1986 there was an entire NSA team who worked at microsoft embedding spy code.

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Thanks for that info on Gates and family (and associates). I don't think this is common knowledge and this needs to be part of the information for the public.

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whoops, my point is that Gates is/was both a college drop out, and a high-school dropout

He was a nerd, but later became a sex addict, which is why he hung with Epstein.

His image, persona, and all the bullshit about him was invented by his PR agency called "Pam-Wagner Edstrom", which was inhouse, because he was boning entire group the female lead I think 'pam' moved op to Portland in early 1980's to get the 'girls' away from bill

The joke in 1980's if you worked at MS and you were female you had to sign an NDA that you wouldn't sue bill if you had sex with him. (true thing, sort of like dating pre-nups before the fact), certainly they must have only been hiring gold-digger? But who the fuck knows??

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Gates can go to Hell in the wide-open gates. Evil will leave the light on for you. Or should I say fire.

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2 minutes.

Mark Crispin Miller talking about how B Gates did NOT have his kids vaccinated. AT ALL.


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Yep and Peter Hotez is another example.

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When people EVIL like him come to you about Peace, its really about war.. If they come to you in friendship, its about back stabbing.. If they come to you about Health, it is about diseases.. EVIL always comes to you with the opposite of what they say.. They are deceivers like their Master.. You can never go by their words, only their actions and anybody who has hearing or sight knows Gates is EVIL and no good... But when you are rich and have tons of money you can do anything like murdering millions in Africa and you still get respect from everyone in Government and Media and the health community, so that tells you they all are no good.. As long as they have white shirt and ties they are good.. A poor person steals a loaf of bread and they go to jail.. That is the legal system in the USA.. Always has been always will be.. They all protect each other, but punish everyone else who does not have the money or connections... They are above the law, because they are the law...

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I agree with your concept that they gas light by saying it is good and it is evil. Most bills that Congress pass smell of this! Is there bias in the legal system? yes! The rich can afford lawyers who are well educated! Level the playing field is difficult when they keep the ball!

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We have a Prime Minister in Canada 🇨🇦 that is proving your words true. He gets away with everything - has has numerous ethics violations. Now OUR DEAR LEADER has been found out KNOWING about Chinese money put into the election campaign coffers of individual politicians the Chinese wanted elected. HE WAS TOLD REPEATEDLY about these violations AND SAID NOTHING!!! He then appointed a family friend to do an investigation!!!!

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The Chinese have a long view on how to dominate and survive. Our clowns in CA and DC are just puppets!

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I agree 100%

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There you go.. What we all need to understand is that when these people rise to the top of government, medical and corporations and any organizations with any power they all have to pass through a filter, and that filter makes sure all the good in them if there ever was any, is filtered out of them and it is replaced by their EGO's of whatever they want, which will be self importance, power, money, titles, belonging to an ELITE group so they feel they belong to something above the peasants.. So then this opens them up to justifying in their minds and actions that they and their family are more special and important then yours, so then they will sacrifice your for themselves and their family.. Its the same old human weaknesses.. They have sold their souls for nothing, but they will not realize it until they hit the hidden dead end they all hit..

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F gates … he is not even worth the muscles that move these fingers.

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Well they have their private jets too, and mansions that require a hydro project or mini-nuke to run.

When one possesses infinite wealth and therefore infinite power, infinite corruption seems inevitable.

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In a TED talk he clearly expressed his mindset that to save the earth and humanity we need to reduce the world population by 15%. That’s one billion people! So, between gain of function bio weaponized viruses and injecting humanity with RNA that reprograms cellular function will he achieve his goal?

I’m starting to believe the Rand Corporation deep thinkers believe we can only prevent WWIII by preempting the war by creating a bioweapon that decimates humanity!

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I think the DOD, HHS, WHO and WEF are aiming for 80-90% of humanity to be extinguished. They need just enough humans to be their slaves and to oil the robots.

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Gates also has breasts as well as his big, fat belly? What's the story on that? Is he transitioning so he can get into little girls' change rooms? Kids look to this creep as a role model and he has connections to Epstein. I admire his billions of shekels but what else has he got to admire?

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Bill Gates has a massive conflict of interest. He helps engineer a pandemic or pseudo-pandemic. He tells the WHO to advise the world that vaccines are the only possible remedy. He decides what companies receive the orders for vaccines. He bribes the national watchdogs to omit their time-consuming quality/safety mechanisms. He owns a large financial stake in the companies that manufacture the vaccines. He then makes obscene profits from jabbing billions of people with unsafe, ineffective vaccines.

Bill Gates is quite possibly the most toxic, corrupt person on Earth.

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Gates the soy boy, needs a manzier: https://youtu.be/Q8YIbhJhH7s

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That was a great episode!

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Hilarious, thx Joe. He had children? Oh my god.

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What do you mean by "had"? Are you referring to his activities on the island?

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Microsoft sucks

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he's also got boobs. don't forget the boobs

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Whoa! Red flag. Taxi!

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Bill Gates is NOT fat, he's pregnant, there is a difference.


(Real Photo of Bill Gates during Preganancy)

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