Cholesterol has been demonized as something that needs to be controlled. It's brain food , lowering it decreases brain function. The culprit is inflammation of the arteries. There are many homeopathic remedies to lower inflammation. Doctor prescribed Statins are toxic. They can cause neurological damage.
Cholesterol has been demonized as something that needs to be controlled. It's brain food , lowering it decreases brain function. The culprit is inflammation of the arteries. There are many homeopathic remedies to lower inflammation. Doctor prescribed Statins are toxic. They can cause neurological damage.
Cholesterol has been demonized as something that needs to be controlled. It's brain food , lowering it decreases brain function. The culprit is inflammation of the arteries. There are many homeopathic remedies to lower inflammation. Doctor prescribed Statins are toxic. They can cause neurological damage.
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