US 'once regarded (rightfully so!!) as the greatest nation to ever have existed on Earth...because of its human rights and freedoms, God-based morality...a solid Rule of Law that applied to everyone"
The war for America - if there truly is going to be one - must have been started TODAY, right after the inauguration. It won't take long for us to have a fairly good idea whether that war will be real, or just wishful. If it's not real, then I tremble for our kids and all future generations - it won't be pretty.
"The War for America" unfortunately begins from a mistaken premise - inculcated into a uniform body of 'western exceptionalists' who fail to make that cardinal distinction between "America" that duo of continents where "Americans" of all description live - and the "United States" of America(kudos to Paul for gettin it right below)- a legacy term used in place of the more accurate "DisUnited States" soon to be broken into tiny shards no more capable of being pasted together than HUmpty Drumpty will prove capable of 'pasting together' the imaginary 'coalition' of his 'grassroots/deplorables' and the 'billionaire philanthropists' who actually own his ass lock stock n barrel.
After we rearrange the etch-a-sketch to include our western hemisphere in the term War for America - things start to get somewhat clearer; that 'war' - as I've indicated below BEGAN on the peripheries .... the islands, las pampas, la selva... where the agents of the $power working for it's Eastern Faction but from WITHIN the USA... spread the specious doctrine of 'socialismo' and were only successful in getting that canard to stick by using the HEAVY STICK of USA foreign policy (State Dept)and it's secret agents to impose tyranny pon liberty lovin latinos.
After that was accomplished, they moved back to the domestic front. The rest is 'your history'... and just like agents of that same satanic power nestle right up to ya's on this very stack... so the nestlin of psychopathic billionaires right into the nest of your 'best' bet to save ya's - a WHITE HOUSE>HEN HOUSE full o foxes with boxes of $$$
Jorge, I said this before and I'm going to copy and paste and repeat it:
Well said Jorge. And 100% accurate. They [most Americans today] get deeply offended, "wounded" even [by the truths you tell], for you have cut off their [i.e., narcissists'] "supply" of the "sweet lies" they crave to feel good about themselves. Therefore, they aim to cut you down, when by telling the truth you hope that others will do so too and effect change for the better so that they can eventually be lifted up. You are a man of rare insight and honesty. And you have empathy for the victims [of pedophila and other crimes]. Your willingness to recognize and acknowledge and to face the very unpleasant and ugly reality of the magnitude of the problem and to tell the truth and not fall back instinctively on jingoism, or to become defensive out of wounded pride, or to say or imply that depravity existed in ancient cultures too so therefore it is okay, is commendable.
The scale of corruption in America was on full display to the world today yet again when the Biden crime family along with Fauci, Milley, Schiff, Raskin and "Constitutional Conservatives" and Ukraine warmongers Cheney, and Kinzinger were granted pardons.
The SCOTUS in Burdick v. United States stated that a pardon carries "an imputation of guilt and acceptance of it a confession of it."
Those bastards can still be held to account. It is not until they have been pronounced guilty that they may present evidence of their pardons and ask for clemency.
Some good things were done today, right after the inauguration. Was that window dressing or too little, too late? The shots can be stopped right now. If the shots are stopped TODAY or even tomorrow we will know that the war on corruption and depravity is real!
“If the shots are stopped TODAY or even tomorrow we will know that the war on corruption and depravity is real!”
Your words are, without any doubt, true Awake!
Key word “IF!” We better pray these shots are stopped and soon, simply because they kill, they maim and they’re known to have been the result, or in part to a, 73.9% causation in the death of 385 people.
Think about that for one second. 73.9%? This is “premeditated murder!” Never has such a high degree of death been related to, in part, a forced, mandated, unproven, failed technology, shelved for decades!
Dr McCulloughs team autopsied 385 people, finding 73.9% to have “passed” in part the this failed technology, we’ve learned is called mRNA.
What this means is, all further injections, related to the childhood vaccine schedule, will utilize the mRNA platform.
If 10% of the total uptake of all injections yearly die, even less, because of this failed and utter disastrous mRNA platform, what does that mean for ALL injections yearly, worldwide?
10% may be an under estimated number, I’m speculating. WHO knows what the true number could be? Possibly much higher, nobody really knows. Although I’m sure someone has a good idea of how many deaths will result annually.
What we do know however, is this mRNA technology has been proven unsafe, unreliable, causing inflammatory reactions within the body, permeating throughout the body wreaking havoc, if not killing and disabling, etc.
With so many people silenced from the rollout of the Covid-Injections, plus the level of death and disability resulting, what we know to be, in part, related to this failed and flawed, shelved for decades mRNA technology. What we can expect to happen, will happen, for future generations!
IMO, a slow-death elimination of populations, worldwide and of course here in America! So far one of the only nations not to call out this “diabolical-mRNA” problem riddled products!
This is one surefire way of population-reduction, slowly but surely, steadily and effectively, if the goals are to reduce population, etc. Which is in some circles of humanity.
Specifically “Globalist-Elites!”
A perfect way to rule over the masses is to reduce, slowly and steadily, while implementing an total control
“One World Health” initiative in addition a
“New World Order!” A perfect plan for the most, immorally, degenerates, who are total narcissistic psychopaths, seeking complete power and control over, well over all the
little-people, useless eaters!
We better hope and pray Awake your statement above, especially that two letter word “IF” comes to fruition. There’s many nefarious ways to
“skin a cat.”
The use of all future injections of this mRNA based platform tells me one thing, one most important fact, they’re no longer skinning cats, rather they found a new way to
“skin human beings” silently, slowly, and over time planned reduction.
I always appreciate your insights Awake. You’ve learned me well.
I agree with most of what you have said AJR and that the mRNA "prophylactic vaccines" are shit, but I'm keeping an open mind on the mRNA "therapeutic" anti-cancer personalized "vaccines" that are not given to everybody but instead are only given to people who already have cancer.
If some of those cancers respond to the treatment and it saves lives then I am all for it.
The Russians are not giving mRNA prophylactic vaccines to anyone at all, but they are giving mRNA therapeutic vaccines to cancer patients
They also have other cancer treatments under development.
I don't know if the link below will open for you but if it does I would be interested to know what you think of the research going on into the "EnteroMix" oncolytic vaccine.
What’s most important I believe is, we can’t lose sight as to why this DoD-CIA-OWS happened.
Think about how much damage has been caused by this “Non-Pandemic” so called pandemic?
Some estimates are $37 trillion dollars of damage. Can the real numbers ever be determined? Maybe, maybe not.
What is most important I believe is why this happened. Why did they shut down the world? “New World Order?” Most likely, yes.
With constant bombardment of event after event, one after the other, it’s easy to lose sight of the true intentions.
PfizerForAll.Com comes to mind, One World Health also comes to mind. Population culling is another and disabling millions as well.
There’s no doubt the world is “turning” into something I’m not sure anyone knows or can fully understand.
One thing is certain, 2019 will be the notch in time where the world once was, a border separated parcel of individual nations.
2020, the world has changed forever. Once separate nations begins the culmination of a “New World Order.”
Ultimately, I don’t believe we will ever be separated again. If we ever were to begin with is anyone’s guess, some say yes others no.
If in fact these “Globalists-Psychopathic-Psychopaths” continue with their vision without interruption, then yes, we will all live under a set rule of “totalitarianism” the likes of which I don’t believe any American can comprehend.
“As this New-World-Order Turns So Ends the Days of Our Lives.”
Absolutely Awake. The problem is not with mRNA theory but with its real world implications. They haven’t been able to “control” the medicine, so to speak. The inflammatory issues are also detrimental to the mRNA platform.
There’s a reason why after nearly 50 years they haven’t been able to get this platform up and running is my primary concern. I’m not saying never, nor would I ever, but there comes a point where you fish or cut bait.
I been reading Dr. Makis’s Substack and the amazing results he’s been having with ivermectin and combinations of other drugs.
Honestly Awake, I believe they’ve already have a cure for cancer. There isn’t any money in fixing people, so they’ll continue to hide, deny and deflect all treatments for cancer and anything else.
One thing is clear, the mRNA and all its inherent risk / problems, shouldn’t be used for any further injections treatments, unless experimental and never for the masses, until they fix the “engine.”
Cancer is rife. The risk increases with each decade. By the time men are 80, if they make it that far, because that's well above American life expectancy, about 80% of men will have prostate cancer. Most men will die with undiagnosed prostate cancer. But it kills some men and some get aggressive cancer. Early detection is important. I have become aware of a lot of people developing hyperprogressive cancers just in the last few years. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, you name it. I am curious about all treatments. I will have to look into what Dr Makis has to say.
So far Awake, Dr Makis from all I’ve read has broken through this cancer barrier.
Something else concerns me about these mRNA’s. There was absolutely no reason to include SV40 and pseudouridine. Gene Expression is key here. What’s been peer reviewed is the fact that these two compounds are, in part causing widespread cancers among the mRNA-Bioweapon!
As Dr McCulloughs had explained, our bodies immune systems, basically “go to sleep” allowing this deadly spike to run rampant throughout the body.
Additionally, the SV40 and Pseudouridine both are cancer causing elements within the mRNA injection. Studies indicate absolutely
“No-Benefit” and should not have been included. The simple answer IMO was to increase cancer rates. And lo and behold what’s happening, cancers have exponentially increased, to levels many oncologists have never seen before.
Also worth noting is, patients in remission are now experiencing rapid onset of spread. An Austrian Doctor has pointed this out in detail. He’s extremely concerned of the ramifications simply because his patients were cancer remission for 20+ years until they took the JAB.
I am not, as I have said many times before, a doctor. But I can decipher, deduce and conclude from information with pretty reasonable certainty what may or may not be the culprit. As below states, “gene expression.” A key factor in cancer increasing among all populace’s and age groups.
I’ll post the Australian Doctor’s Video once I find it.
“The known molecular functions of pseudouridine, which include stabilizing RNA conformations and destabilizing interactions with varied RNA-binding proteins, suggest that RNA pseudouridylation could have widespread effects on RNA metabolism and gene expression.”
I almost forgot to mention Awake, two customers of mine both in their late 70’s, extremely active, golfing everyday, one recently passed due to pancreatic cancer and the other has given up on treatment of the same.
I explained to the President of my company, the mRNA injection blocks the chemotherapy/ radiation function from destroying the cancer.
Why I’m so pissed off i simple, to many people I know have died! The only common denominator in each of these people was the mRNA!
Otherwise they were all very healthy people and all of a sudden are gone! One thing I would like to know is if there’s any mechanism in these shots which can single out a certain genetic component related to every individual who has died.
Or has this entire injection event been basically a roll of the dice “Russian Roulette” bad luck?
Need to stipulate the distinction between Deep State and Our Country. The former is who Jorge describes. The latter is for what I fight. Our Country is not the Deep State. The Deep State is the cancerous parasite that needs permanently excised.
"The conversation I had at a War Room conclave on Potomac Ave with a foreign national from a Soviet block eastern European country who asserted that the USA was now the most communist of nations, far surpassing even China under the CCP, where the spirit of entrepreneurship is thriving (in contrast to the USA)."
I'm not a fan of Malone but what the foreign national he referred to said is true. The roots of the Repuglican Party are in Marxism, just like the Demonrats.
Today the commies, determined to destroy the white man and the brown man and the West, wave Ukraine flags or speak of pedophilia being "normal" in ancient cultures and cast aspersions on Trump for being a red blooded heterosexual male who admits to hitting on adult women in the past, something they hate.
It's time to stand up to the "socialismo" pedo/commies and MAKE AMERICA HETEROSEXUAL AGAIN!
For quite some years now I've said that the U.S. government apparatus (at all levels, local, state and federal) has devolved in to what is the largest organized crime syndicate in the history of the world.
Why must we have 700+ military installations in more than 130 countries (including the "legally occupied" - according to our Dept. of State - petroleum rich territory in the recently fallen Syria)? I would expound more on the Syrian debacle, but, I'll leave it there for now. Rest assured some quasi - wannabe - "American Patriot" will criticize me for even questioning our decades-long F@&K'D UP "foreign policy." Ask me how I know.
On a local and state level, walk in to any government building wielding nothing more than your cell phone camera turned on and filming your interaction with government employees (for purposes of transparency) and you've got a 98.9 ~ 100% probability that you'll be (erroneously) told it's "against the law" film any-thing even in openly public areas that are in plain view, and you must therefore cease and desist all filming immediately lest the police are called, at which point you will be "trespassed" from a public building (that your tax dollars contributed to the payment for construction of), arrested or both.
Or, how about if you happen to be driving along an open highway (in any of our 48 contiguous states) and you're carrying some amount of cash and a state trooper, sheriff or police, concocts some bogus reason to pull you over, ends up searching your vehicle (which you ought ALWAYS refuse any search thereof, including the bogus canine search) and your cash is "suspicious" of being involved in a crime (but you're not, in fact, you're free to continue your way with not even a warning or citation for any-thing) thus it is confiscated under the entirely fraudulently created SCOTUS "Civil Asset Forfeiture" rules and you are told you can sue the government to prove the innocence of your cash (or other valuables confiscated). Don't believe me? Look up a recent Nevada Supreme Court decision regarding former U.S. Marine Stephen Lara.
And, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies rake in billions annually in these piracy schemes.
Come to think of it, did you hear about how the DEA got caught with their pants down in their airport boarding ramp piracy operation, which they recently suspended because one of their victims recorded his entire interaction with agents as he was boarding his flight, posted it on-line, went viral and the F@#K@#G COWARDLY DEA ran in to its little corner and declared the cessation of their piracy antics (though likely, IMO, to scheme and devise some new con job).
I don't think the majority of Americans have a clue as to how F'd up things are across our Union.
If we are to retain even a sliver of what remains, we have a TONNE of heavy lifting to do.
This world is captured/controlled by the globalists aka Zionists dba UN/WHO/WEF. Every world government is captured/controlled and corrupt, not just the US.
I disagree the US is the most criminally corrupt country. This is worldwide systemic corruption going straight to the top i.e. the UN/WHO with its library/publishing house, Lucis [Lucifer] Trust, and WEF where Klaus Schwab tells us we’ll own nothing and be happy; meanwhile they spin the bird flu hoax to orchestrate widespread, worldwide famine and burn California to usher in SmartLA and 15-minute cities.
No, the US is not the most criminally corrupt. The UN/WHO/WEF is the most criminally corrupt.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
All that stuff they wanted to implement isn't going to happen. The time line has changed. We are entering as of Now, Today, January 20th, 2025
The New Golden Age...
No more Internal Revenue Service. It is now External Revenue Service from Tariffs.
No mandates to buy (dumb) electric cars...we're going to drill baby drill. No more Green New Scam! Real American Education woll be taught in schools teaching students to love their country. No more DEI, pronouns, teaching little kids to be another sex,
Weara a sovereign nation and WHO, UN, WEF will Not be telling us what to do. It's over for them and they know it.
No men pretending to be girls will be allowed in women's sports. We will be a prosprrous nation, we will be a merit based country . We will bring back love , respect. honor, honesty and God in America.
I watched President Trump’s Inauguration. His speech was great with its many references to the destruction of the Biden-Harris regime. The looks on Biden and Kamala’s faces were priceless.
I hope it’s all true and that Trump can repair the damage wrought by Biden-Harris. I’ve been concerned watching his picks that are WEF i.e. Musk, McMahon, Oz..
The one part of his speech yesterday that I disbelieve is about going to Mars. Mankind hasn’t been to the Moon (not US, Russia, China or India) or Mars. I doubt it’s possible. Space X (X, another Musk tribute to Osiris Risen) has experienced many set backs (rocket failure, explosion, etc.). I would love to know Baron Trump’s thoughts when his father was speaking. The camera cut to Musk’s jubilant response, but Baron shifted and looked down.
My comment was in response to the original post. It’s the Luciferian cabal aka Zionists of UN/WHO/WEF that are the criminally corrupt enterprise that’s captured and controls all world governments, politics, commerce, finance, judiciary, agriculture, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news/entertainment). Historically, anyone that’s gotten in the way of their NWO one world government/currency/religion hasn’t fared well. Many have been eliminated.
431108 Hi, Dr Paul. Thank you for keeping us so well informed about what is happening in the USA. One would hope that things will improve now that there is a change of administration. However, I never put my trust in earthling man and princes, but one has to admit that some governments are better than others.
Jorge as true as the sun will rise this morning, so too are the words you speak.
The more I think about these past few years, coupled with your posting, the more I’m 100% positive, all you’ve said is much, much worse!
I’m not sure why, 50 years ago the American people were more truthful and honest, less corrupt and evasive or have the American people of today simply become accepting of such deep level corruption?
There’s one common difference between yesteryear and today. All the media platforms. With the world at your fingertips, with multiple outlets for news and opinion articles, people today have a plethora of resources available as opposed to yesteryear’s.
I believe this can be incredibly helpful or incredibly detrimental. Yes this allows all of us to seek whatever information we like, we agree with, as opposed to a handful of media outlets / news sources, available and viewed by millions of yesteryear people.
Today, we’ve become a “feel-good” society yet millions of people have deep troubling “mental-health-issues” which affects everyone around them.
Why? Why would the level of psychiatric care be in such high demand today? Decades ago I can remember how quickly people would settle their differences. Today, people sit behind their “blue-beam-blue-screens” hollering obscenities, writing scathing comments about someone they never met. This is a huge problem and still we hear of bullying online, cowardice people constantly calling others name’s while berating anyone they disapprove of.
When any society cannot tolerate such disagreeing perspectives, surely the mental health care center’s phones start to ring off the hook.
Thin skinned? Absolutely yes! Yesterday’s inauguration event proved this overwhelmingly. Biden “pardons” for example, his entire family! Why? What are you guilty of Joe? What’s your family guilty of Joe?
All while President Trump is being sworn in. Talk about
“thin-skin” cowardice? Yes those who seek the truth will and can learn , will find eventually, the truth.
Those who continue to “close their eyes” will continue to be blinded. Therefore, they will continue perpetuating, the same falsehood’s, the same negative narratives over and over again.
If ever there was a time to call for a truce, it’s now. However, I think the American people will sort out, find out and eventually learn, spending half a day, on a monthly basis, lying on the psychiatrist couch, isn’t / hasn’t / won’t solve their issues.
Neither will nor has a medicine cabinet filled with the latest SSRI’s / anti-depression medication.
Pills and more feel good information sources aren’t the answer. The answers lies within each of us / are within each of us. We simply need to be honest about things and our own belief systems will figure it out. We must understand how to thicken our outer shell of reality while facing the truth.
It’s vital for any society to recognize there’s three sides to every story. Yours / mine / and the truth. A combination of all three sides typically we’ll find the truth and throw away our medicine cabinets.
"Most criminally corrupt" 'county' on earth can be taken to mean several things - but the best takeaway contained in that pity prescription must be the injection of the word 'county' in place of the purported 'country' which less insightful parties might have mistakenly wrote.
Although anathema to suggest - that the once mighty Republic might be today nothin more than a fiefdom of a $power the tentacles of which wrap themselves around EVERY benighted corner of our world - a mere 'county' in other words of a fiefdom given over by a MAD KING GEORGE to his heinous henchman the "Sharif of Nought" to rob n pillage every village - and 'first nite' every maiden or tender sapling
no dappling apple of temptation has been left 'unburned' by the culture wars waged upon ye's! Meanswhile a mendacious media continues to spin an 'alternate reality' of daily dissimulation for it's sponsors - a chilling drink of foolaid not one in 10,000 westerlings can resist to imbibe!
Nothing could be more appropriate to dissecting the corpse of a body politic bloated and stinkin on the stretcher before our yeux... than that one who our jefe Jorge has hinted too!
Two? Hoo... could dat be? he he heh...
Maybe my fave LP of em all... the extravagant cacophony of 'anti-kov-fefe' of the kind spread by phonies who 'grab pussies' instead of 'problemas- RIMTO ORIENTAL ... picked up on the streets of a HABANA were the 'fruits' of socialismo are on display for all to see..
two giant signposts of musical merit stand out there...
a) 'mi socio manolo'... a blasting broadcast of insight into how even as savvy a soul as Senor Fernandez can be 'picked up' and utilized by stealthy agents of that same $power - for purposes he would vomit at the thought of being party too..... b)the incredible 'los que saben no saben' - a song whose insights into dat der 'human psychology' things stands without parallel over the passage of time!
Time to git up n dance peeps! Let the 'horn o plenty' of that ol time cubano horn section and strings thing wash o'er us like a 'cleansing wave of 'red sea water'....
viva la victoria! viva la broma! viva vincente fox.... an all dem zorros in the hen house in DC!
"Some good" still to come Paul. One day I'll tell ya's about the trip made by Agent Trudeau One from Key West towards the bless'd Land where Cigar Man took out the last bastion of real resistance to the $powers take down of middle class Cubano hero's who disputed the right of USA intelligence services to impose it's lackey Fidel onto what had once been the THIRD LARGEST ECONOMY in the entire western hemisphere.
"Escambray Campaign" ... search it out... read, then 'weep' for mi gente,
The war for America - if there truly is going to be one - must have been started TODAY, right after the inauguration. It won't take long for us to have a fairly good idea whether that war will be real, or just wishful. If it's not real, then I tremble for our kids and all future generations - it won't be pretty.
I feel same...we have been down this road we seek real action. I do think USA is being sold to the highest bidder now or has been sold.
"The War for America" unfortunately begins from a mistaken premise - inculcated into a uniform body of 'western exceptionalists' who fail to make that cardinal distinction between "America" that duo of continents where "Americans" of all description live - and the "United States" of America(kudos to Paul for gettin it right below)- a legacy term used in place of the more accurate "DisUnited States" soon to be broken into tiny shards no more capable of being pasted together than HUmpty Drumpty will prove capable of 'pasting together' the imaginary 'coalition' of his 'grassroots/deplorables' and the 'billionaire philanthropists' who actually own his ass lock stock n barrel.
After we rearrange the etch-a-sketch to include our western hemisphere in the term War for America - things start to get somewhat clearer; that 'war' - as I've indicated below BEGAN on the peripheries .... the islands, las pampas, la selva... where the agents of the $power working for it's Eastern Faction but from WITHIN the USA... spread the specious doctrine of 'socialismo' and were only successful in getting that canard to stick by using the HEAVY STICK of USA foreign policy (State Dept)and it's secret agents to impose tyranny pon liberty lovin latinos.
After that was accomplished, they moved back to the domestic front. The rest is 'your history'... and just like agents of that same satanic power nestle right up to ya's on this very stack... so the nestlin of psychopathic billionaires right into the nest of your 'best' bet to save ya's - a WHITE HOUSE>HEN HOUSE full o foxes with boxes of $$$
will proceed in front of your unseeing yeux!
Let's have a parade!
Jorge, I said this before and I'm going to copy and paste and repeat it:
Well said Jorge. And 100% accurate. They [most Americans today] get deeply offended, "wounded" even [by the truths you tell], for you have cut off their [i.e., narcissists'] "supply" of the "sweet lies" they crave to feel good about themselves. Therefore, they aim to cut you down, when by telling the truth you hope that others will do so too and effect change for the better so that they can eventually be lifted up. You are a man of rare insight and honesty. And you have empathy for the victims [of pedophila and other crimes]. Your willingness to recognize and acknowledge and to face the very unpleasant and ugly reality of the magnitude of the problem and to tell the truth and not fall back instinctively on jingoism, or to become defensive out of wounded pride, or to say or imply that depravity existed in ancient cultures too so therefore it is okay, is commendable.
The scale of corruption in America was on full display to the world today yet again when the Biden crime family along with Fauci, Milley, Schiff, Raskin and "Constitutional Conservatives" and Ukraine warmongers Cheney, and Kinzinger were granted pardons.
The SCOTUS in Burdick v. United States stated that a pardon carries "an imputation of guilt and acceptance of it a confession of it."
Those bastards can still be held to account. It is not until they have been pronounced guilty that they may present evidence of their pardons and ask for clemency.
Some good things were done today, right after the inauguration. Was that window dressing or too little, too late? The shots can be stopped right now. If the shots are stopped TODAY or even tomorrow we will know that the war on corruption and depravity is real!
“If the shots are stopped TODAY or even tomorrow we will know that the war on corruption and depravity is real!”
Your words are, without any doubt, true Awake!
Key word “IF!” We better pray these shots are stopped and soon, simply because they kill, they maim and they’re known to have been the result, or in part to a, 73.9% causation in the death of 385 people.
Think about that for one second. 73.9%? This is “premeditated murder!” Never has such a high degree of death been related to, in part, a forced, mandated, unproven, failed technology, shelved for decades!
Dr McCulloughs team autopsied 385 people, finding 73.9% to have “passed” in part the this failed technology, we’ve learned is called mRNA.
What this means is, all further injections, related to the childhood vaccine schedule, will utilize the mRNA platform.
If 10% of the total uptake of all injections yearly die, even less, because of this failed and utter disastrous mRNA platform, what does that mean for ALL injections yearly, worldwide?
10% may be an under estimated number, I’m speculating. WHO knows what the true number could be? Possibly much higher, nobody really knows. Although I’m sure someone has a good idea of how many deaths will result annually.
What we do know however, is this mRNA technology has been proven unsafe, unreliable, causing inflammatory reactions within the body, permeating throughout the body wreaking havoc, if not killing and disabling, etc.
With so many people silenced from the rollout of the Covid-Injections, plus the level of death and disability resulting, what we know to be, in part, related to this failed and flawed, shelved for decades mRNA technology. What we can expect to happen, will happen, for future generations!
IMO, a slow-death elimination of populations, worldwide and of course here in America! So far one of the only nations not to call out this “diabolical-mRNA” problem riddled products!
This is one surefire way of population-reduction, slowly but surely, steadily and effectively, if the goals are to reduce population, etc. Which is in some circles of humanity.
Specifically “Globalist-Elites!”
A perfect way to rule over the masses is to reduce, slowly and steadily, while implementing an total control
“One World Health” initiative in addition a
“New World Order!” A perfect plan for the most, immorally, degenerates, who are total narcissistic psychopaths, seeking complete power and control over, well over all the
little-people, useless eaters!
We better hope and pray Awake your statement above, especially that two letter word “IF” comes to fruition. There’s many nefarious ways to
“skin a cat.”
The use of all future injections of this mRNA based platform tells me one thing, one most important fact, they’re no longer skinning cats, rather they found a new way to
“skin human beings” silently, slowly, and over time planned reduction.
I always appreciate your insights Awake. You’ve learned me well.
Thank you.
I agree with most of what you have said AJR and that the mRNA "prophylactic vaccines" are shit, but I'm keeping an open mind on the mRNA "therapeutic" anti-cancer personalized "vaccines" that are not given to everybody but instead are only given to people who already have cancer.
If some of those cancers respond to the treatment and it saves lives then I am all for it.
The Russians are not giving mRNA prophylactic vaccines to anyone at all, but they are giving mRNA therapeutic vaccines to cancer patients
They also have other cancer treatments under development.
I don't know if the link below will open for you but if it does I would be interested to know what you think of the research going on into the "EnteroMix" oncolytic vaccine.
What’s most important I believe is, we can’t lose sight as to why this DoD-CIA-OWS happened.
Think about how much damage has been caused by this “Non-Pandemic” so called pandemic?
Some estimates are $37 trillion dollars of damage. Can the real numbers ever be determined? Maybe, maybe not.
What is most important I believe is why this happened. Why did they shut down the world? “New World Order?” Most likely, yes.
With constant bombardment of event after event, one after the other, it’s easy to lose sight of the true intentions.
PfizerForAll.Com comes to mind, One World Health also comes to mind. Population culling is another and disabling millions as well.
There’s no doubt the world is “turning” into something I’m not sure anyone knows or can fully understand.
One thing is certain, 2019 will be the notch in time where the world once was, a border separated parcel of individual nations.
2020, the world has changed forever. Once separate nations begins the culmination of a “New World Order.”
Ultimately, I don’t believe we will ever be separated again. If we ever were to begin with is anyone’s guess, some say yes others no.
If in fact these “Globalists-Psychopathic-Psychopaths” continue with their vision without interruption, then yes, we will all live under a set rule of “totalitarianism” the likes of which I don’t believe any American can comprehend.
“As this New-World-Order Turns So Ends the Days of Our Lives.”
Absolutely Awake. The problem is not with mRNA theory but with its real world implications. They haven’t been able to “control” the medicine, so to speak. The inflammatory issues are also detrimental to the mRNA platform.
There’s a reason why after nearly 50 years they haven’t been able to get this platform up and running is my primary concern. I’m not saying never, nor would I ever, but there comes a point where you fish or cut bait.
I been reading Dr. Makis’s Substack and the amazing results he’s been having with ivermectin and combinations of other drugs.
Honestly Awake, I believe they’ve already have a cure for cancer. There isn’t any money in fixing people, so they’ll continue to hide, deny and deflect all treatments for cancer and anything else.
One thing is clear, the mRNA and all its inherent risk / problems, shouldn’t be used for any further injections treatments, unless experimental and never for the masses, until they fix the “engine.”
Cancer is rife. The risk increases with each decade. By the time men are 80, if they make it that far, because that's well above American life expectancy, about 80% of men will have prostate cancer. Most men will die with undiagnosed prostate cancer. But it kills some men and some get aggressive cancer. Early detection is important. I have become aware of a lot of people developing hyperprogressive cancers just in the last few years. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, you name it. I am curious about all treatments. I will have to look into what Dr Makis has to say.
So far Awake, Dr Makis from all I’ve read has broken through this cancer barrier.
Something else concerns me about these mRNA’s. There was absolutely no reason to include SV40 and pseudouridine. Gene Expression is key here. What’s been peer reviewed is the fact that these two compounds are, in part causing widespread cancers among the mRNA-Bioweapon!
As Dr McCulloughs had explained, our bodies immune systems, basically “go to sleep” allowing this deadly spike to run rampant throughout the body.
Additionally, the SV40 and Pseudouridine both are cancer causing elements within the mRNA injection. Studies indicate absolutely
“No-Benefit” and should not have been included. The simple answer IMO was to increase cancer rates. And lo and behold what’s happening, cancers have exponentially increased, to levels many oncologists have never seen before.
Also worth noting is, patients in remission are now experiencing rapid onset of spread. An Austrian Doctor has pointed this out in detail. He’s extremely concerned of the ramifications simply because his patients were cancer remission for 20+ years until they took the JAB.
I am not, as I have said many times before, a doctor. But I can decipher, deduce and conclude from information with pretty reasonable certainty what may or may not be the culprit. As below states, “gene expression.” A key factor in cancer increasing among all populace’s and age groups.
I’ll post the Australian Doctor’s Video once I find it.
“The known molecular functions of pseudouridine, which include stabilizing RNA conformations and destabilizing interactions with varied RNA-binding proteins, suggest that RNA pseudouridylation could have widespread effects on RNA metabolism and gene expression.”
I hope this helps Awake.
I almost forgot to mention Awake, two customers of mine both in their late 70’s, extremely active, golfing everyday, one recently passed due to pancreatic cancer and the other has given up on treatment of the same.
I explained to the President of my company, the mRNA injection blocks the chemotherapy/ radiation function from destroying the cancer.
Why I’m so pissed off i simple, to many people I know have died! The only common denominator in each of these people was the mRNA!
Otherwise they were all very healthy people and all of a sudden are gone! One thing I would like to know is if there’s any mechanism in these shots which can single out a certain genetic component related to every individual who has died.
Or has this entire injection event been basically a roll of the dice “Russian Roulette” bad luck?
Need to stipulate the distinction between Deep State and Our Country. The former is who Jorge describes. The latter is for what I fight. Our Country is not the Deep State. The Deep State is the cancerous parasite that needs permanently excised.
Bravo! Well stated. I second the motion for excision
The meaning of Jorge's statement is self evident.
Malone, on his stack, talks of:
"The conversation I had at a War Room conclave on Potomac Ave with a foreign national from a Soviet block eastern European country who asserted that the USA was now the most communist of nations, far surpassing even China under the CCP, where the spirit of entrepreneurship is thriving (in contrast to the USA)."
I'm not a fan of Malone but what the foreign national he referred to said is true. The roots of the Repuglican Party are in Marxism, just like the Demonrats.
Today the commies, determined to destroy the white man and the brown man and the West, wave Ukraine flags or speak of pedophilia being "normal" in ancient cultures and cast aspersions on Trump for being a red blooded heterosexual male who admits to hitting on adult women in the past, something they hate.
It's time to stand up to the "socialismo" pedo/commies and MAKE AMERICA HETEROSEXUAL AGAIN!
Amen and Amen!
I agree with Mr. Fernandez!
For quite some years now I've said that the U.S. government apparatus (at all levels, local, state and federal) has devolved in to what is the largest organized crime syndicate in the history of the world.
Why must we have 700+ military installations in more than 130 countries (including the "legally occupied" - according to our Dept. of State - petroleum rich territory in the recently fallen Syria)? I would expound more on the Syrian debacle, but, I'll leave it there for now. Rest assured some quasi - wannabe - "American Patriot" will criticize me for even questioning our decades-long F@&K'D UP "foreign policy." Ask me how I know.
On a local and state level, walk in to any government building wielding nothing more than your cell phone camera turned on and filming your interaction with government employees (for purposes of transparency) and you've got a 98.9 ~ 100% probability that you'll be (erroneously) told it's "against the law" film any-thing even in openly public areas that are in plain view, and you must therefore cease and desist all filming immediately lest the police are called, at which point you will be "trespassed" from a public building (that your tax dollars contributed to the payment for construction of), arrested or both.
Or, how about if you happen to be driving along an open highway (in any of our 48 contiguous states) and you're carrying some amount of cash and a state trooper, sheriff or police, concocts some bogus reason to pull you over, ends up searching your vehicle (which you ought ALWAYS refuse any search thereof, including the bogus canine search) and your cash is "suspicious" of being involved in a crime (but you're not, in fact, you're free to continue your way with not even a warning or citation for any-thing) thus it is confiscated under the entirely fraudulently created SCOTUS "Civil Asset Forfeiture" rules and you are told you can sue the government to prove the innocence of your cash (or other valuables confiscated). Don't believe me? Look up a recent Nevada Supreme Court decision regarding former U.S. Marine Stephen Lara.
And, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies rake in billions annually in these piracy schemes.
Come to think of it, did you hear about how the DEA got caught with their pants down in their airport boarding ramp piracy operation, which they recently suspended because one of their victims recorded his entire interaction with agents as he was boarding his flight, posted it on-line, went viral and the F@#K@#G COWARDLY DEA ran in to its little corner and declared the cessation of their piracy antics (though likely, IMO, to scheme and devise some new con job).
I don't think the majority of Americans have a clue as to how F'd up things are across our Union.
If we are to retain even a sliver of what remains, we have a TONNE of heavy lifting to do.
This world is captured/controlled by the globalists aka Zionists dba UN/WHO/WEF. Every world government is captured/controlled and corrupt, not just the US.
I disagree the US is the most criminally corrupt country. This is worldwide systemic corruption going straight to the top i.e. the UN/WHO with its library/publishing house, Lucis [Lucifer] Trust, and WEF where Klaus Schwab tells us we’ll own nothing and be happy; meanwhile they spin the bird flu hoax to orchestrate widespread, worldwide famine and burn California to usher in SmartLA and 15-minute cities.
No, the US is not the most criminally corrupt. The UN/WHO/WEF is the most criminally corrupt.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
All that stuff they wanted to implement isn't going to happen. The time line has changed. We are entering as of Now, Today, January 20th, 2025
The New Golden Age...
No more Internal Revenue Service. It is now External Revenue Service from Tariffs.
No mandates to buy (dumb) electric cars...we're going to drill baby drill. No more Green New Scam! Real American Education woll be taught in schools teaching students to love their country. No more DEI, pronouns, teaching little kids to be another sex,
Weara a sovereign nation and WHO, UN, WEF will Not be telling us what to do. It's over for them and they know it.
No men pretending to be girls will be allowed in women's sports. We will be a prosprrous nation, we will be a merit based country . We will bring back love , respect. honor, honesty and God in America.
I watched President Trump’s Inauguration. His speech was great with its many references to the destruction of the Biden-Harris regime. The looks on Biden and Kamala’s faces were priceless.
I hope it’s all true and that Trump can repair the damage wrought by Biden-Harris. I’ve been concerned watching his picks that are WEF i.e. Musk, McMahon, Oz..
The one part of his speech yesterday that I disbelieve is about going to Mars. Mankind hasn’t been to the Moon (not US, Russia, China or India) or Mars. I doubt it’s possible. Space X (X, another Musk tribute to Osiris Risen) has experienced many set backs (rocket failure, explosion, etc.). I would love to know Baron Trump’s thoughts when his father was speaking. The camera cut to Musk’s jubilant response, but Baron shifted and looked down.
My comment was in response to the original post. It’s the Luciferian cabal aka Zionists of UN/WHO/WEF that are the criminally corrupt enterprise that’s captured and controls all world governments, politics, commerce, finance, judiciary, agriculture, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news/entertainment). Historically, anyone that’s gotten in the way of their NWO one world government/currency/religion hasn’t fared well. Many have been eliminated.
USA can return....just prosecute the evil ones. Ovomit, biDUMB and assministrations.
431108 Hi, Dr Paul. Thank you for keeping us so well informed about what is happening in the USA. One would hope that things will improve now that there is a change of administration. However, I never put my trust in earthling man and princes, but one has to admit that some governments are better than others.
Jorge as true as the sun will rise this morning, so too are the words you speak.
The more I think about these past few years, coupled with your posting, the more I’m 100% positive, all you’ve said is much, much worse!
I’m not sure why, 50 years ago the American people were more truthful and honest, less corrupt and evasive or have the American people of today simply become accepting of such deep level corruption?
There’s one common difference between yesteryear and today. All the media platforms. With the world at your fingertips, with multiple outlets for news and opinion articles, people today have a plethora of resources available as opposed to yesteryear’s.
I believe this can be incredibly helpful or incredibly detrimental. Yes this allows all of us to seek whatever information we like, we agree with, as opposed to a handful of media outlets / news sources, available and viewed by millions of yesteryear people.
Today, we’ve become a “feel-good” society yet millions of people have deep troubling “mental-health-issues” which affects everyone around them.
Why? Why would the level of psychiatric care be in such high demand today? Decades ago I can remember how quickly people would settle their differences. Today, people sit behind their “blue-beam-blue-screens” hollering obscenities, writing scathing comments about someone they never met. This is a huge problem and still we hear of bullying online, cowardice people constantly calling others name’s while berating anyone they disapprove of.
When any society cannot tolerate such disagreeing perspectives, surely the mental health care center’s phones start to ring off the hook.
Thin skinned? Absolutely yes! Yesterday’s inauguration event proved this overwhelmingly. Biden “pardons” for example, his entire family! Why? What are you guilty of Joe? What’s your family guilty of Joe?
All while President Trump is being sworn in. Talk about
“thin-skin” cowardice? Yes those who seek the truth will and can learn , will find eventually, the truth.
Those who continue to “close their eyes” will continue to be blinded. Therefore, they will continue perpetuating, the same falsehood’s, the same negative narratives over and over again.
If ever there was a time to call for a truce, it’s now. However, I think the American people will sort out, find out and eventually learn, spending half a day, on a monthly basis, lying on the psychiatrist couch, isn’t / hasn’t / won’t solve their issues.
Neither will nor has a medicine cabinet filled with the latest SSRI’s / anti-depression medication.
Pills and more feel good information sources aren’t the answer. The answers lies within each of us / are within each of us. We simply need to be honest about things and our own belief systems will figure it out. We must understand how to thicken our outer shell of reality while facing the truth.
It’s vital for any society to recognize there’s three sides to every story. Yours / mine / and the truth. A combination of all three sides typically we’ll find the truth and throw away our medicine cabinets.
“We aren’t always right.”
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
The "bros" have been by...
and astute observers can see a bit of 'discretion' starting to be "edited" into their screeds.
Oh SAY could it be... that they're starting to SEE... just what kinda 'kill box" they've entered?
Don't touch that dial amigos y guapas...
You gonna smile when this party gets really goin!
"Most criminally corrupt" 'county' on earth can be taken to mean several things - but the best takeaway contained in that pity prescription must be the injection of the word 'county' in place of the purported 'country' which less insightful parties might have mistakenly wrote.
Although anathema to suggest - that the once mighty Republic might be today nothin more than a fiefdom of a $power the tentacles of which wrap themselves around EVERY benighted corner of our world - a mere 'county' in other words of a fiefdom given over by a MAD KING GEORGE to his heinous henchman the "Sharif of Nought" to rob n pillage every village - and 'first nite' every maiden or tender sapling
no dappling apple of temptation has been left 'unburned' by the culture wars waged upon ye's! Meanswhile a mendacious media continues to spin an 'alternate reality' of daily dissimulation for it's sponsors - a chilling drink of foolaid not one in 10,000 westerlings can resist to imbibe!
Nothing could be more appropriate to dissecting the corpse of a body politic bloated and stinkin on the stretcher before our yeux... than that one who our jefe Jorge has hinted too!
Two? Hoo... could dat be? he he heh...
Maybe my fave LP of em all... the extravagant cacophony of 'anti-kov-fefe' of the kind spread by phonies who 'grab pussies' instead of 'problemas- RIMTO ORIENTAL ... picked up on the streets of a HABANA were the 'fruits' of socialismo are on display for all to see..
two giant signposts of musical merit stand out there...
a) 'mi socio manolo'... a blasting broadcast of insight into how even as savvy a soul as Senor Fernandez can be 'picked up' and utilized by stealthy agents of that same $power - for purposes he would vomit at the thought of being party too..... b)the incredible 'los que saben no saben' - a song whose insights into dat der 'human psychology' things stands without parallel over the passage of time!
Time to git up n dance peeps! Let the 'horn o plenty' of that ol time cubano horn section and strings thing wash o'er us like a 'cleansing wave of 'red sea water'....
viva la victoria! viva la broma! viva vincente fox.... an all dem zorros in the hen house in DC!
very interesting, some good here. Thanks for adding to the discourse. Jorge's piece touches on truth.
"Some good" still to come Paul. One day I'll tell ya's about the trip made by Agent Trudeau One from Key West towards the bless'd Land where Cigar Man took out the last bastion of real resistance to the $powers take down of middle class Cubano hero's who disputed the right of USA intelligence services to impose it's lackey Fidel onto what had once been the THIRD LARGEST ECONOMY in the entire western hemisphere.
"Escambray Campaign" ... search it out... read, then 'weep' for mi gente,