if white women and girls in USA are raped and murdered by blacks and brown fair skinned Latino males, that is ok by the democrats...ok, I get it now.

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There’s something drastically wrong with these people such as Pramila and Joy! I’ve tried to figure out if it’s their true nature or is it their own belief systems?

Anyone who thinks raping any individual has quite the serious mental disorder!

Any human being believes that it’s ok, unless the victim’s skin color is of certain traits, 1. Needs to be removed from society and 2. Should be professionally treated!

Simply because they don’t or they’re part of an agenda doesn’t sit well with me. There’s something far more wrong with them!

Deep rooted hatred for anyone is not just about skin color nor should it be! This is where anyone else would be locked up in a padded room!

Which is unlikely to happen with these two nutcrackers! They’re the absolute disgust of humanity! There isn’t a damn thing about them that anyone could possibly find acceptable or attractive!

The more we see and hear from such demented and demonic ideologues, the more likely they become empowered! At least in their own minds!

There’s such a level of hatred for human life it descends beyond comprehension and most certainly recognition.

Peer reviewed phycological studies have proven how deeply flawed people like these two are. There’s no way either of them should have input or have any say whatsoever about literally anything and everything!

Thank you Dr for pointing these? I don’t know what to call them.

Thank you for posting this article.


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thanks for sharing...I only comment on things I find glaring...

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Well said. It's obvious to anyone who has a smidgen of intelligence left, that these are cult members, belonging to one of the biggest, most powerful cults of all time. They're the ones who don't even realize it. When a soul becomes as hardened as these cult members, one ceases to be a man, a woman, or even a human being. If anyone knows the pathology of psychopathic cult behavior, we can predict which direction this will go...

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it is as though they refuse to think critically or in any manner...guided only by their twisted beliefs...ideologies.

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boom, so well explained here, thank you RC

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Thank you Raleigh. Obviously they’re “controlled” by some sort of cult.

I’ve never followed or paid much attention to such demonic behavior / practices.

It’s astounding that anyone would listen, never mind watch them on tv.

I imagine one would have to delve deep into these types of cults to better understand how and why they exist!

IMO, I haven’t the time or energy to waste on them and I don’t understand how anyone can. Bizarre doesn’t seem to define how screwed up they are!

Thanks again Raleigh, you’ve given me some great insight to dive deeper into.


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I agree with you 100%. I'm certainly not an expert, and I have been guilty of having too much time invested in random things such as cults, etc! ☺️

I am seriously ashamed to be a Washingtonian knowing that this despicable person has been elected as a rep??? 🤯 How horrifying for the victims of such crimes in my state. I pray that the poor young victim never sees these two making a mockery of her traumatic experience! 😔

Take care

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thank you for sharing with us here...the reason I make the stack open is because I dont approve of any censorship and its key we listen...people want to be heard even if we do not agree with them...our own views might be averse

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Paul, the formula, everything on TV in the MSM and spoken by the selected vermin called political leaders pres, governors etc... has as its purpose to enrage, weaken, scare, confuse and divide, make controlling the sheeple easy with a snap of the fingers.

So whenever the lips of such scum are moving we know without even listening that sewage is flowing.

Such internally and externally horrific examples of human life, being used as a mouthpiece of the death cult, being used to convey the message of the death cult. The sheeple watch and eat it up and take sides.

There is only one side, the side of truth, light and life.

Sub humans like Joy and this other atrocity are perfect for their job. What else could they do but be part of a genocide, get paid well to be the handmaidens of evil.

When their day comes after being convicted in tribunals, and sentenced to death for being a mouthpiece of the death cult,

A giant smile and goosebumps of joy will fill my being as their life is extinguished.

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I sure hope we get legal tribunals one day...to get redress...the media does a lot of damage...these people are dangerous people

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Pramila and Joy are two freaking ugly muthas. They are so ugly a serial rapist castaway on a deserted island who swam through a group of great white sharks would on looking at them both, safely on dry land would take out his knife, slash himself and run back into the water to get eaten alive, knowing full well that would be far less traumatic than being sexually harassed by those two witches. Egads, the horror!!!! I would choose the sharks too.

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you are serious yet so hilarious too.

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I guess we need make jokes too...to cope

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My trusty malamute whispered to me he would not waste good piss using them as territorial markers. Not worth pissing on the best part of any of them.

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GREAT comment :-)

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You are a terrible man she said and she was right. I looked up to see her staring at me with big brown eyes misting with affection as she added, "but I still love you." We both laughed.

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As a Latina, I say this with as much love and respect I can muster but WHITE MEN you need to stand up and stop allowing the racism and bullying against your community. You built this country and continue to reimagine and refine our nation. This is all racist bull****. Trust me when I say that these demons feel like they can condemn you for sins of the father(s) which you had nothing to do with. They become deaf, dumb and blind to what the black and brown community is doing to each other TODAY. They continue to terrorize and abuse people of their own communities because they think they can. They think they have the right to do so. It’s an emotionally and psychologically abusive relationship and I’m sick of it. I can say without hesitation that besides my immediate family, the only people that ever gave a damn about me and looked out for me were WHITE people and they didn’t ask for s**t in return. I will and do fight on your side but you can’t allow yourselves to be beaten down. It’s just plain wrong.

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I lived in Sweden for 7 years. They did the same thing there... covering up the rapes etc. I moved there late 90's. I was the only blond in immigration. The rest were in burkas.

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You know, I try hard to not wish harm on others. I do ...

But the LEFT is giving me a serious run for my $$$ on this.

So okay, fine:

I wonder how "PRO RAPE" they would be if it were THEM ( ya, now I am thinking a bit of Karma should visit them. ) But these so called "women" .. and NOT their children or other family members. Just them and then see how much they 'talk the talk'!??

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Planned to incite...civil war.

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Affirmative Action did that shit. Abolish Affirmative Action.

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Leave it to liberal trash.

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Violent crimes by illegal aliens is just starting to take off. It's going to get way worse and the Dems and MSM will have to report it. This is blood on Biden's hands. He's following Obama's orders to flood the country in order to gain replacement voters for November.

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boom, I have been saying, its a numbers game and now Pandora has emerged for her box and has come to play and they will never be able to put her back...they own this and we, me, I will punish them daily with it...each interview I go on now I make this central...we talk COVID and other issues but I hammer this

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If it wasn't for DEI, Joy Reid wouldn't even be around. She tries to act white all the time. I don't think she has much between the ears. As for that Jayapal, she has always been a lunatic. What would they have said, if it was a black or indian woman.? You can't get any lower than them.

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My trusty malamute whispered to me he would not waste good piss using them as territorial markers. Not worth pissing on the best part of any of them.

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I like

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we are damn upset

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My trusty malamute whispered to me he would not waste good piss using them as territorial markers. Not worth pissing on the best part of any of them.

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I see Milton, we have aroused you anger here....very good.

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Any woman ugly on the inside also is naturally ugly on the outside. Most are dumboCRAPS.

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I dont know why, to me, woman is woman and why cant you feel same to her plight...? these dem women amaze and scare me.

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They enjoy seeing or hearing about juveniles being raped.

They pay to watch films from Epstine Island. They watch snuff films for kicks.

It's not a sickness. It's their religion.

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