money & I have said this was only about shaming POTUS Trump, shaming 45; but we will ensure we impose same on them who did this, we return it in kind, we go at their KINGS too in court, no matter when
Imagine if it was Hillary. The problems would just go away. Cohen and Pecker would meet with an unfortunate accident or would become despondent about something and would shoot themselves twice in the back of the head with a different gun each time while asleep in bed. There would be no star witnesses and the case would collapse.
This is exactly the problem; if they can do it to a former president, imagine what they can and will do to the common people. They are still fear mongering to make us submit to tyranny.
Why would Judge Jeanine even think that case would be significant at all? I remember people who go against Trump. Back in the days on FOX, I remember her talking to Lara Trump on her show with not that much support for President Trump after the stolen Election. I found out then how Trump's friends and supporters went against him and denied the Steal. Let me see. That was Laura Ingraham,
Dan Bongino, Judge Jeanine and more. It's that paycheck.
Pretty darn sad when the dems can just make this stuff up and go after President Trump. Just imagine if it was just an ordinary person. ---------
Imagine if it was Hillary. The problems would just go away. Cohen and Pecker would meet with an unfortunate accident or would become despondent about something and would shoot themselves twice in the back of the head with a different gun each time while asleep in bed. There would be no star witnesses and the case would collapse.
This is exactly the problem; if they can do it to a former president, imagine what they can and will do to the common people. They are still fear mongering to make us submit to tyranny.
Love Judge Jeanine!
What Judge Pirro said at the beginning is similar to what Karl Denninger wrote today at
Bragg should be charged with 18 USC 242.
I love Jeanine Pirro. She is absolutely right. Like I told my husband last night, the indictment is a "big nothingburger."
Bull-s---t burger.
Je t'aime Jeannine....bien dit!
Government employment at the top has always been more about personal enrichment than public service with all the expectable detriments.
We cannot " go " at them in court.
They run the courts...the military...the FBI...the CIA...the police....the media...big business...hollywood...the
need I go on?
Why would Judge Jeanine even think that case would be significant at all? I remember people who go against Trump. Back in the days on FOX, I remember her talking to Lara Trump on her show with not that much support for President Trump after the stolen Election. I found out then how Trump's friends and supporters went against him and denied the Steal. Let me see. That was Laura Ingraham,
Dan Bongino, Judge Jeanine and more. It's that paycheck.