My thoughts: NO. Hell no. Let Jordan take them in. Or even better, maybe Saudi Arabia can step up. We have enough troublemakers of a certain religion in America already. Nicky Haley needs to STFU and STFD.

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Her campaign is over 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Muslim Rioters just left 20 cops injured in Berlin.

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No thank you Nikki. I suggest you first go over and volunteer your time in Gaza and see how that goes.

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Who could possibly agree with Nikki Haley on this issue? Who could trust as President someone who would espouse such a dangerous policy for the U.S.? [Why doesn't she suggest that India take them? They can get lost in the crowd of HER people.]

After pandering to anyone who will listen throughout her campaign, making promises not within a President's authority, Nikki Haley is so desperate now she's pandering to the illegal alien jihadist vote.

I'm disgusted with her.

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Good. This will knock her out of the race. One down and several dozen other freaks on both sides left to go.

BTW, can house the refugees on her estate and take personal responsibility for them.

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Nikki is a certified Globalist.

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Why doesn’t Nikki Haley fly to the Middle East, establish a Terrorrist Free Zone in the middle of the desert and build terror free homes for ALL of her Constituents that are representing her and move there PERMANENTLY to secure all of her friends that she is so desperately worried about? Haley doesn’t seem to be Concerned about the ILLEGAL Invasion of terrorists who are pouring into America so that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Isis, can set up shop with their fellow UNIPARTY TERRORISTS and become like the BABY BUTCHERERS in America who they call Planned Parenthood! I really don’t see a difference between HAMAS and Haley’s Terrorist Friends at Planned Butcherhood! They BOTH slaughter, Maim, and Murder INNOCENT DEFENSELESS HUMAN BEINGS, but Haley wants more of this by bringing more Terrorist Butcherers into America when in fact Millions of them are already here! Shouldn’t these candidates have to pass a Mental Competency Test? Haley belongs in the Insane Asylum with her fellow Libtard Commiecrat Uniparty Friends! LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER NIKKI! Get help ASAP!

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Nikki must be of her rocker, she must have a death whish!

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Notice how their Arab brothers hate these people? With good reason.

RINO Nikki opens mouth and inserts two feet.

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Fuck Nikki and the horse she rode in on.

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She is crazy. Just another Globalist.

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People forgot how a South Carolina governor Nikki Haley ever even got noticed, she banned the confederate flag. That's her claim to fame

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Nikki obviously took the jab and drank the KoolAid.

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NO!! NO!!! NO!!! Ramaswamy is a PLANT!! He’s a WEF Young Leader, just like commie Castreau to the north! He’s a slick Yale(Bohemian Grove) trained lawyer (so we REALLY need another one of these in the WH???) who turned biotech entrepreneur. He claims his company developed the nanotechnology used to deliver the jab poison into our cellular DNA, and isvembroiled in two ugly lawsuits over the patent. One company claims his company stole it from them. He’s a silver-tongued Lothario who’s telling the disaffected base exactly what they think they want to hear, until he gets elected. Then the WEF takeover of America and human freedom will be complete.

Is that REALLY what you want????

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Political Class Repubs are CLOWNS ...... at Best. Just look at the House Speaker sElections. McCarthy is a ProgreSSive Putz and Deserved Removal for FULLY FUNDING ALL of JoBama's Regime through to 2025.

The USSA is Bankrupt, 33 Trillion in Debt, Being Actively Invaded, and these Clowns both democRats & rinoRats want Moar Foreign Wars.

It Will end Very Badly in USSA's military Defeat and Economic collapse. Perhaps that is for the best as this is no longer a Lawful Constitutional Republic.

The USSA is a Corrupt Rotten Empire with Stasi Style DoJ/ FIB Polezi Domestic Tyrants. Just the Facts.

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She is part of the deep state.

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