have thousands of KILLER jihadist islamists in America due to Obama & Biden & she wants to add 1 million more? to live where? with house? Nikki is now the strongest contender for the JACKASS AWARD
My thoughts: NO. Hell no. Let Jordan take them in. Or even better, maybe Saudi Arabia can step up. We have enough troublemakers of a certain religion in America already. Nicky Haley needs to STFU and STFD.
I agree. But the US should go further and offer part of the US to Israelis to create a new Jewish homeland. Before Israel was established in the middle-east there were plans to use part of north-western Australia to create a Jewish homeland. Create another Jewish homeland in the US. There need not only be one. Florida would be ideal. Disperse Floridians to other areas and resettle Israelis who want to relocate in Florida. Let those who want to remain in the middle-east remain.
I suppose this is meant as provocation rather than a serious suggestion. A Jewish homeland in the US is as irrelevant (for lack of a better word) as the Australian plan. Jonathan Swift would smile.
We do have a lot of land in the United States that are national parks, and we just pick one of the big ones and repurpose it for a second Jewish homeland. It is not an impossibility and could be done without displacing anyone. This is of course just a thought experiment and it taking it a step further, it is clear that it wouldn't stop the Hamas from coming in through our open borders and targetting that new homeland.
For all idiots here: the jewish homeland is not just any old region for jews to settle. It has meaning such as if you heard if it Jerusalem. Yes jerusalem also has a bit of meaning to Christians.
The Torrah & Bible give the history of the Jews/Israel. Jerusalem is God's city where Yeshua will reign from during the millenium. Start from Creation in Genesis 1:1 & get to know God & Jesus Christ by Holy Spirit. He created us in His image to fellowship with! Shalom!
The ancestral homeland of most of the Jewish people is Europe, Yal NA. See the article at the first link. However, there is rising hostility toward them in Europe again today, on a backdrop of a very dark history in Europe. There is also great hostility toward them in the middle-east and there is no sign of that abating. Others whose ancestors have lived there a long time also claim Jerusalem and a not insignificant number are Christian. Australia or a part of it almost became Israel. See the articles at the l2nd, 3rd and 4th links. Carving out a piece of the US and giving it to the Jewish people makes sense. The Jewish people may not be indigenous to the US but neither are most Americans. Many of the US leaders, including Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Merrick Garland and many others are Jewish so there would be a cultural connection of the people of the New Israel to their new neighbors.
Unfortunately, the “Jewish Homeland” is a Zionist myth. The “Jews” being “re-homed” are an IndoArayan tribe originally from the Eurasian Steppe. They were mass converted on the orders of one of their kings in the 700’s. They are the Ashkenazi Jews, and from them
we’re born the Zionists with designs on taking Palestine since the late 1600’s. The Orthodox Jews staunchly disagree with the Zionists and see them
as not true Jews. The Orthodox community disagrees with the founding of the State of Israel as their Torah says they shall not have, nor seek to establish, a homeland. They feel that their god will re-establish a homeland for them when he returns to earth. The Zionists are Ashkenazis including many of the most wealthy and powerful banking families in the world. They believe that they must lay waste to the earth, 2/3 of all Jewish people must die and the Temple of Solomon must be rebuilt to usher in the return of God and the rapture of the Zionist faithful to paradise. They seem to have been slowly fomenting this plan since they engineered the false flag sinking of the Lusitania to drag America into WWI to save Great Britain’s bacon . The Zionists appear to have made a deal with the decil(so to speak), and they’ll stop at absolutely nothing to bring about their vision. It’s the Zionists, the central banksters who fund them (many of whom ARE Zionists), and all their co-dependents and useful idiots whom we must stop!
With the US as the neighboring country, all the resources necessary for the survival of the new homeland would be close at hand. There would be cost savings for the US. It would no longer be necessary to deply US troops half way around the world to fight for it or defend it. Action could be taken quicker and Americans killed in defence of the new Jewish homeland would be close to the US and would not have to undertake a long journey home to be mourned and buried by loved ones.
Touchee!!! Well presented. A thought experiment for How would you feel? Indeed, unfortunately this has already been done, in Florida even, with the Indians and the Trail of Tears. Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, who lost WW1. Israel was an agreement with Britain that was on the winning side of WW1 and got to pick which parts of the Ottoman Empire that it wanted, as wars go. East and West Germany was a result of WW2. Wars have consequences and they usually aren't fair. The Ottoman Empire lasted 600 years and ruled the entire Middle East and no one even remembers them 100 years later. What we see today in the Middle East are the remaining pieces of the Ottoman Empire still fighting the outcome of WW1. Kinda like if the Indians attacked Florida today to get their land back and killed women, children and the elderly, scalping them, as opposed to slitting their throats, as custom would have it. What do U think would happen? Touchee back. ;)!
I doubt people in Florida want to give up their homes to people from Israel. I don't know when the last time you were in Florida, but it feels multi-cultural to me already. Lots of people from different places there already.
Also I thought New York was home already to a lot of Jewish people.
Who could possibly agree with Nikki Haley on this issue? Who could trust as President someone who would espouse such a dangerous policy for the U.S.? [Why doesn't she suggest that India take them? They can get lost in the crowd of HER people.]
After pandering to anyone who will listen throughout her campaign, making promises not within a President's authority, Nikki Haley is so desperate now she's pandering to the illegal alien jihadist vote.
Oh, me too. The TV airwaves in MA and NH are saturated with political ads due to the NH Presidential primary being first in the nation. Nikki Haley's show her delivering one-liners as if she were on an open mic at a comedy club, nodding her head, pandering for applause.
She banned the confederate flag. A piece of history. I shudder to think of how many statues she'd like to tear down and probably replace with statues of Marx and Krishna.
I was appalled by that politically-motivated strategy of hers. It brought national attention to the issue, causing others to follow suit and lighting another fuse on the powder keg that is the BLM movement, its predecessors, and their ignorant sympathizers.
Why doesn’t Nikki Haley fly to the Middle East, establish a Terrorrist Free Zone in the middle of the desert and build terror free homes for ALL of her Constituents that are representing her and move there PERMANENTLY to secure all of her friends that she is so desperately worried about? Haley doesn’t seem to be Concerned about the ILLEGAL Invasion of terrorists who are pouring into America so that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Isis, can set up shop with their fellow UNIPARTY TERRORISTS and become like the BABY BUTCHERERS in America who they call Planned Parenthood! I really don’t see a difference between HAMAS and Haley’s Terrorist Friends at Planned Butcherhood! They BOTH slaughter, Maim, and Murder INNOCENT DEFENSELESS HUMAN BEINGS, but Haley wants more of this by bringing more Terrorist Butcherers into America when in fact Millions of them are already here! Shouldn’t these candidates have to pass a Mental Competency Test? Haley belongs in the Insane Asylum with her fellow Libtard Commiecrat Uniparty Friends! LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER NIKKI! Get help ASAP!
NO she has a death wish for you, your family and your country. So go get in line to get your shots and prepare to move to your 15 minute city. That is, if you survive your boosters.
Ah, that would make sense, so you are saying she took the vax, the Spike Protein is being made by the trillions in her brain and she is a retarded mess? That is a very solid theory.
NO!! NO!!! NO!!! Ramaswamy is a PLANT!! He’s a WEF Young Leader, just like commie Castreau to the north! He’s a slick Yale(Bohemian Grove) trained lawyer (so we REALLY need another one of these in the WH???) who turned biotech entrepreneur. He claims his company developed the nanotechnology used to deliver the jab poison into our cellular DNA, and isvembroiled in two ugly lawsuits over the patent. One company claims his company stole it from them. He’s a silver-tongued Lothario who’s telling the disaffected base exactly what they think they want to hear, until he gets elected. Then the WEF takeover of America and human freedom will be complete.
It's okay BumbleBee. Kathleen's right, but I'm glad you sneaked it in - lol. As far as finding "even one" honest candidate, most of them are either dead, will be dead, or being persecuted. And that very rare one who actually gets our support, winds up a victim of election and ballot fraud.
He's a slight improvement. He's smarter than she is and more capable and charming. If you can overlook the fact thathe's a slimy con man then he stands head and shoulders above her. He's definitely way better than Pence.
Political Class Repubs are CLOWNS ...... at Best. Just look at the House Speaker sElections. McCarthy is a ProgreSSive Putz and Deserved Removal for FULLY FUNDING ALL of JoBama's Regime through to 2025.
The USSA is Bankrupt, 33 Trillion in Debt, Being Actively Invaded, and these Clowns both democRats & rinoRats want Moar Foreign Wars.
It Will end Very Badly in USSA's military Defeat and Economic collapse. Perhaps that is for the best as this is no longer a Lawful Constitutional Republic.
The USSA is a Corrupt Rotten Empire with Stasi Style DoJ/ FIB Polezi Domestic Tyrants. Just the Facts.
My thoughts: NO. Hell no. Let Jordan take them in. Or even better, maybe Saudi Arabia can step up. We have enough troublemakers of a certain religion in America already. Nicky Haley needs to STFU and STFD.
I agree. But the US should go further and offer part of the US to Israelis to create a new Jewish homeland. Before Israel was established in the middle-east there were plans to use part of north-western Australia to create a Jewish homeland. Create another Jewish homeland in the US. There need not only be one. Florida would be ideal. Disperse Floridians to other areas and resettle Israelis who want to relocate in Florida. Let those who want to remain in the middle-east remain.
I suppose this is meant as provocation rather than a serious suggestion. A Jewish homeland in the US is as irrelevant (for lack of a better word) as the Australian plan. Jonathan Swift would smile.
We do have a lot of land in the United States that are national parks, and we just pick one of the big ones and repurpose it for a second Jewish homeland. It is not an impossibility and could be done without displacing anyone. This is of course just a thought experiment and it taking it a step further, it is clear that it wouldn't stop the Hamas from coming in through our open borders and targetting that new homeland.
For all idiots here: the jewish homeland is not just any old region for jews to settle. It has meaning such as if you heard if it Jerusalem. Yes jerusalem also has a bit of meaning to Christians.
The Torrah & Bible give the history of the Jews/Israel. Jerusalem is God's city where Yeshua will reign from during the millenium. Start from Creation in Genesis 1:1 & get to know God & Jesus Christ by Holy Spirit. He created us in His image to fellowship with! Shalom!
You mean Jesus wasn't born in Montana? That's not what I heard...
The ancestral homeland of most of the Jewish people is Europe, Yal NA. See the article at the first link. However, there is rising hostility toward them in Europe again today, on a backdrop of a very dark history in Europe. There is also great hostility toward them in the middle-east and there is no sign of that abating. Others whose ancestors have lived there a long time also claim Jerusalem and a not insignificant number are Christian. Australia or a part of it almost became Israel. See the articles at the l2nd, 3rd and 4th links. Carving out a piece of the US and giving it to the Jewish people makes sense. The Jewish people may not be indigenous to the US but neither are most Americans. Many of the US leaders, including Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Merrick Garland and many others are Jewish so there would be a cultural connection of the people of the New Israel to their new neighbors.
Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
How this part of Australia almost became Israel
How the Kimberley nearly became the Jewish homeland
Israel in the Kimberley: How the Top End nearly became a global Jewish hub
But my chiropractor is Jewish. Can't we just keep living in the same neighborhood?
Yes, sure, there's no need for forcible transfers of Jewish people. Where Jewish people choose to live should be entirely voluntary.
Unfortunately, the “Jewish Homeland” is a Zionist myth. The “Jews” being “re-homed” are an IndoArayan tribe originally from the Eurasian Steppe. They were mass converted on the orders of one of their kings in the 700’s. They are the Ashkenazi Jews, and from them
we’re born the Zionists with designs on taking Palestine since the late 1600’s. The Orthodox Jews staunchly disagree with the Zionists and see them
as not true Jews. The Orthodox community disagrees with the founding of the State of Israel as their Torah says they shall not have, nor seek to establish, a homeland. They feel that their god will re-establish a homeland for them when he returns to earth. The Zionists are Ashkenazis including many of the most wealthy and powerful banking families in the world. They believe that they must lay waste to the earth, 2/3 of all Jewish people must die and the Temple of Solomon must be rebuilt to usher in the return of God and the rapture of the Zionist faithful to paradise. They seem to have been slowly fomenting this plan since they engineered the false flag sinking of the Lusitania to drag America into WWI to save Great Britain’s bacon . The Zionists appear to have made a deal with the decil(so to speak), and they’ll stop at absolutely nothing to bring about their vision. It’s the Zionists, the central banksters who fund them (many of whom ARE Zionists), and all their co-dependents and useful idiots whom we must stop!
Israel has /is fulfilling Biblical prophecies so accurately they cannot be denied if one studied by Spirit & Truth!
With the US as the neighboring country, all the resources necessary for the survival of the new homeland would be close at hand. There would be cost savings for the US. It would no longer be necessary to deply US troops half way around the world to fight for it or defend it. Action could be taken quicker and Americans killed in defence of the new Jewish homeland would be close to the US and would not have to undertake a long journey home to be mourned and buried by loved ones.
Touchee!!! Well presented. A thought experiment for How would you feel? Indeed, unfortunately this has already been done, in Florida even, with the Indians and the Trail of Tears. Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, who lost WW1. Israel was an agreement with Britain that was on the winning side of WW1 and got to pick which parts of the Ottoman Empire that it wanted, as wars go. East and West Germany was a result of WW2. Wars have consequences and they usually aren't fair. The Ottoman Empire lasted 600 years and ruled the entire Middle East and no one even remembers them 100 years later. What we see today in the Middle East are the remaining pieces of the Ottoman Empire still fighting the outcome of WW1. Kinda like if the Indians attacked Florida today to get their land back and killed women, children and the elderly, scalping them, as opposed to slitting their throats, as custom would have it. What do U think would happen? Touchee back. ;)!
I doubt people in Florida want to give up their homes to people from Israel. I don't know when the last time you were in Florida, but it feels multi-cultural to me already. Lots of people from different places there already.
Also I thought New York was home already to a lot of Jewish people.
Her campaign is over 🤮🤮🤮🤮
Muslim Rioters just left 20 cops injured in Berlin.
No thank you Nikki. I suggest you first go over and volunteer your time in Gaza and see how that goes.
Who could possibly agree with Nikki Haley on this issue? Who could trust as President someone who would espouse such a dangerous policy for the U.S.? [Why doesn't she suggest that India take them? They can get lost in the crowd of HER people.]
After pandering to anyone who will listen throughout her campaign, making promises not within a President's authority, Nikki Haley is so desperate now she's pandering to the illegal alien jihadist vote.
I'm disgusted with her.
I had her figured out as a nogoodnik even before she did this.
Oh, me too. The TV airwaves in MA and NH are saturated with political ads due to the NH Presidential primary being first in the nation. Nikki Haley's show her delivering one-liners as if she were on an open mic at a comedy club, nodding her head, pandering for applause.
She banned the confederate flag. A piece of history. I shudder to think of how many statues she'd like to tear down and probably replace with statues of Marx and Krishna.
I was appalled by that politically-motivated strategy of hers. It brought national attention to the issue, causing others to follow suit and lighting another fuse on the powder keg that is the BLM movement, its predecessors, and their ignorant sympathizers.
Yes. She's a snake. She repeatedly undermines President Trump. She's Pence in a dress, or a pantsuit.
Good. This will knock her out of the race. One down and several dozen other freaks on both sides left to go.
BTW, can house the refugees on her estate and take personal responsibility for them.
She sure makes Vivelk Ramaswampy look good by comparison.
Nikki is a certified Globalist.
Why doesn’t Nikki Haley fly to the Middle East, establish a Terrorrist Free Zone in the middle of the desert and build terror free homes for ALL of her Constituents that are representing her and move there PERMANENTLY to secure all of her friends that she is so desperately worried about? Haley doesn’t seem to be Concerned about the ILLEGAL Invasion of terrorists who are pouring into America so that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Isis, can set up shop with their fellow UNIPARTY TERRORISTS and become like the BABY BUTCHERERS in America who they call Planned Parenthood! I really don’t see a difference between HAMAS and Haley’s Terrorist Friends at Planned Butcherhood! They BOTH slaughter, Maim, and Murder INNOCENT DEFENSELESS HUMAN BEINGS, but Haley wants more of this by bringing more Terrorist Butcherers into America when in fact Millions of them are already here! Shouldn’t these candidates have to pass a Mental Competency Test? Haley belongs in the Insane Asylum with her fellow Libtard Commiecrat Uniparty Friends! LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER NIKKI! Get help ASAP!
Nikki must be of her rocker, she must have a death whish!
NO she has a death wish for you, your family and your country. So go get in line to get your shots and prepare to move to your 15 minute city. That is, if you survive your boosters.
Notice how their Arab brothers hate these people? With good reason.
RINO Nikki opens mouth and inserts two feet.
Fuck Nikki and the horse she rode in on.
Not the horse. Not Nikki either actually. But which is which?
She is crazy. Just another Globalist.
People forgot how a South Carolina governor Nikki Haley ever even got noticed, she banned the confederate flag. That's her claim to fame
Yes but if she could have I'm sure she she would have replaced it with a nice hammer and sickle flag.
Nikki obviously took the jab and drank the KoolAid.
Ah, that would make sense, so you are saying she took the vax, the Spike Protein is being made by the trillions in her brain and she is a retarded mess? That is a very solid theory.
NO!! NO!!! NO!!! Ramaswamy is a PLANT!! He’s a WEF Young Leader, just like commie Castreau to the north! He’s a slick Yale(Bohemian Grove) trained lawyer (so we REALLY need another one of these in the WH???) who turned biotech entrepreneur. He claims his company developed the nanotechnology used to deliver the jab poison into our cellular DNA, and isvembroiled in two ugly lawsuits over the patent. One company claims his company stole it from them. He’s a silver-tongued Lothario who’s telling the disaffected base exactly what they think they want to hear, until he gets elected. Then the WEF takeover of America and human freedom will be complete.
Is that REALLY what you want????
I dislike Ramaswamy as much as you do. He's a phony. Every time he opens his mouth, he alienates more voters.
But isn't this thread about the equally useless Indian candidate Nikki Haley?
Yep, just wanted to point out that Ramaswamy is NOT an alternative, for anyone who still believes in human rights, freedom and biological integrity!
Throw ‘em all together and turn them into chum for the sharks. Can’t we find even ONE honest candidate in this country???
It's okay BumbleBee. Kathleen's right, but I'm glad you sneaked it in - lol. As far as finding "even one" honest candidate, most of them are either dead, will be dead, or being persecuted. And that very rare one who actually gets our support, winds up a victim of election and ballot fraud.
He's a slight improvement. He's smarter than she is and more capable and charming. If you can overlook the fact thathe's a slimy con man then he stands head and shoulders above her. He's definitely way better than Pence.
Worse. She's worse.
Just like Desantis, Skull and bones. I don't think any of them are good. The more I have researched, I don't think Trump either!
Political Class Repubs are CLOWNS ...... at Best. Just look at the House Speaker sElections. McCarthy is a ProgreSSive Putz and Deserved Removal for FULLY FUNDING ALL of JoBama's Regime through to 2025.
The USSA is Bankrupt, 33 Trillion in Debt, Being Actively Invaded, and these Clowns both democRats & rinoRats want Moar Foreign Wars.
It Will end Very Badly in USSA's military Defeat and Economic collapse. Perhaps that is for the best as this is no longer a Lawful Constitutional Republic.
The USSA is a Corrupt Rotten Empire with Stasi Style DoJ/ FIB Polezi Domestic Tyrants. Just the Facts.
Look to the right. Look to the left. What do you see? Answer: the Tribe.
Terrific conclusive description!!
She is part of the deep state.