McDonalds...none...its all a lie! Former Trump administration Department of Justice official Jeff Clark said Wednesday that he cannot find evidence that Vice President Kamala Harris ever personally
It's the US, Oceana. Style always triumphs over substance. What matters is not facts but who some Hollyweird celebrity endorses. Everything is run on spin, propaganda and censorship. All the AP Fake News are affiliated and they're Pravda on steroids. Americans are mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed on bullshit.
Listening to Mr. Putin the other day, with English subtitles present, we came to realize that "Pravda" means "truth". What an irony playing in our country now. Pravda on the Hudson, Pravda on the Potomac....
So she supervised and managed prosecutors without ever being at the coalface herself? On her watch black men were framed for murder and incarcerated for smoking weed, which she herself did, while white men who murdered veterans got sweetheart deals but she never prosecuted any cases herself? That's a bit like Charles Manson sending out Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten do do the dirty work.
I digging deeper, Jeff Clark would not make this assertion if there was no smoke...she could say she prosecuted if underlings did the actual cases...boy oh boy...the depth of deceit we face
Jeff Clark @JeffClarkUS (Twitter)has been researching this as well ..... he even went so far (I believe) to GO PHYSICALLY to a court house to find "possible" records of her court appearance. I wish SOMEONE from the Dems side would see the light and expose her ... not having 12+ months to vet her. Those lying Dems make me SO ANGRY!
I had wondered if she might be another CIA “project”. Has the same kind of mysterious qualities and questionable career trajectory as Obama. I’m going to take this as evidence that Harris as a CIA asset might be likely.
So...Kamala's records as a prosecutor are not to be found...perhaps they are filed with Obama's birth the bottom of the Pacific with the nanny. the way the check is in the mail...
Harris showed up in the courtroom for both verdict and sentencing and laughed at him as he was wrongly found guilty and later as he was sentenced but she didn't conduct the prosecution in the courtroom according to Trulove. She sadistically got her rocks off at him getting stitched up by her underlings. She didn't dirty her own hands by doing any work herself in the courtroom. Like Biden, she was a low academic achiever and wasn't bright enough to pass her bar exam on her first attempt but was very pretty and passed it on her second attempt. Willie Brown pulled strings for her and got her on to some boards which she used as stepping stones from which to get the San Francisco DA and then California AG positions without getting her hands dirty.
How is it even possible that this is not in the public record?
surprising to me until I read Jeff Clark, he is a heavy weight, he did his I am reading more but this shocked me at the ease of the lie
It's the US, Oceana. Style always triumphs over substance. What matters is not facts but who some Hollyweird celebrity endorses. Everything is run on spin, propaganda and censorship. All the AP Fake News are affiliated and they're Pravda on steroids. Americans are mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed on bullshit.
complete correct, boom!
Listening to Mr. Putin the other day, with English subtitles present, we came to realize that "Pravda" means "truth". What an irony playing in our country now. Pravda on the Hudson, Pravda on the Potomac....
So she supervised and managed prosecutors without ever being at the coalface herself? On her watch black men were framed for murder and incarcerated for smoking weed, which she herself did, while white men who murdered veterans got sweetheart deals but she never prosecuted any cases herself? That's a bit like Charles Manson sending out Susan Atkins and Leslie Van Houten do do the dirty work.
was it that she was the dirty work behind the scenes but her direct prints not on it so she never did the dirty? it is interesting, disturbing too
I digging deeper, Jeff Clark would not make this assertion if there was no smoke...she could say she prosecuted if underlings did the actual cases...boy oh boy...the depth of deceit we face
Jeff Clark @JeffClarkUS (Twitter)has been researching this as well ..... he even went so far (I believe) to GO PHYSICALLY to a court house to find "possible" records of her court appearance. I wish SOMEONE from the Dems side would see the light and expose her ... not having 12+ months to vet her. Those lying Dems make me SO ANGRY!
I’m definitely with you on this one! Good grief!
I am willing ot stand by Jeff on this one...and then it is a stunner
I had wondered if she might be another CIA “project”. Has the same kind of mysterious qualities and questionable career trajectory as Obama. I’m going to take this as evidence that Harris as a CIA asset might be likely.
So...Kamala's records as a prosecutor are not to be found...perhaps they are filed with Obama's birth the bottom of the Pacific with the nanny. the way the check is in the mail...
There were none. She’s a fraud. If Mark Levin cannot find one, there was nothing to find.
kaboom again.
This will be the driving stake into her campaign when Clark gets his evidence. 🤤
I thought she was DA
And this article discusses 9 of her cases, some successes and some failures -
Not exactly on topic but this should cost her..
My wife says 'leopard can't change it's spots'. And so it goes on n on...
Totally inept and clueless.
Omg 😳 🤷♀️😂
Omg is so real here
Harris showed up in the courtroom for both verdict and sentencing and laughed at him as he was wrongly found guilty and later as he was sentenced but she didn't conduct the prosecution in the courtroom according to Trulove. She sadistically got her rocks off at him getting stitched up by her underlings. She didn't dirty her own hands by doing any work herself in the courtroom. Like Biden, she was a low academic achiever and wasn't bright enough to pass her bar exam on her first attempt but was very pretty and passed it on her second attempt. Willie Brown pulled strings for her and got her on to some boards which she used as stepping stones from which to get the San Francisco DA and then California AG positions without getting her hands dirty.
now I understand, she actually did nothing, her underlings did the work...yet her choice of words as if she did.