When they tell you what they’re going to do, believe them. Then stop them.

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I.M.O Ryan Routhe is a CIA ASSET- The evidence of this allegation is ironclad!--So perhaps

Gov Ron Desantis will unmask the cretins in government who ordered the. assassination hit

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I agree with you Milton, he is CIA...MK Ultra?

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Special K is vying for the wrong Country. She should be joining that little Dictator from the

UK Keir Starmer. He is pure EVIL. He's been to the White House twice already. I wonder

why? Doing the dirty deeds of obama and JOE there to just say HI!

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plotting...when they visit is to join forces...probably he brought a list of us he wants Harris et al. to jail...

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More likely they’re fine tuning strategy for getting us into WW3 as they know the landslide is going to make stealing the election very difficult…. and if they lose power they know it’s jail or the death penalty

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We must be READY.....Let them just TRY!

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Their minions may get quite a surprise!!

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They might very well indeed!

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Yup, like the bastards tried with me. Big fail, a pig, bureauCRAP, illegal CY/STem shitshow.

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Starmer was brought to the White House to inform him that he is to instigate WW3.

He was pushing for Ukraine to launch those high powered missiles!

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into Russia...

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Yes , their threat to come after US citizens who post anti-narrative comments to social media fell flat, when stated 'out loud' .....so you very likely correct - they will 'f' (mess) with selected people quietly, under the table.

You know - in the Democrat's way.....as in anti- democracy.

Trump the best answer now!

Whisper in his ear, Paul - this man MUST stay safe.

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Like my meme from early on during the Covid con:

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

We’re here for your guns.

They’re down here

In the basement

Right next to the toilet paper

Don’t trip on the plastic sheets.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

The more radical Harris gets, the more the general public (hopefully) will see who she really is, which is a good thing. As I observe how outrageous, stupid and offensive the propaganda of the lefty/communists is, it causes me to wonder whether it's actually done purposely to push the entire country to the right, which I think would be a good thing. But really, how much more radical do the democrat/lefties they need to get before enough of the public realizes that they're looking at a power-crazed-tantrum-child-tyrant? Do they actually believe that her totalitarian policies are desireable for ANYONE, let alone America? Could enough of the public actually be THAT stupid?!

I believe that most of the country is conservative but the totally controlled mainstream media has always made it appear otherwise and are lying when they report that the poll numbers show that the presidential race is "close." I believe that it's nowhere near close. The ONLY way Harris could win is through vote rigging, as in 2020.

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81% of Americans took the jab. The average American has a lower IQ than the average Cambodian. The "right" to be sodomized is enshrined in the US constitution. It's not hard to work out who is poised to win in a landslide unless the performance of Republcans improves dramatically. Vance is the VP candidate. Blacks, Hispanics and women who were poised to vote for Trump have now flocked back to Biden/Walz. America is sleepwalking to disaster. The public have been warned that Harris is a communist and it has just made her more popular. Routh and Crooks have been forgotten or are heros to Dems. Questions are not even any longer being asked about why the SS under Cheatle closed the investigation into who left the baggies of cocaine in the white house that was found close to Harris' car. Get ready for stagflation, more jab mandates and war with Russia.

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Plus they still have the machines. Our doom is approaching. The jabbed are sick and dying decreasing iq daily

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19 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Big talk for a bimbo.

I don't think her thugs will accomplish much down here.

We can't continue with the scharede much longer.

So why not have some fun ?

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Katie Hobbs and Ruben Gallego will work the John McCain magic ...

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

I hope not ,Awake. Katie has screwed Arizonains enough. Time for a new leader to pimp us out.

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Afraid you`re right

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I thought her name was Katie Knobs.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

The worst part is, **WHO'S GOING TO STOP THEM?**

It's pretty straightforward: By far, the primary function of government is to protect the people from enemies foreign and domestic, and to safeguard the rights and freedoms of those people.


Who *then* protects the people? Who do we call?

The answer is OBVIOUS: the PEOPLE must protect themselves! It is up to the people to eliminate the criminal government. If you disagree, then kindly propose another option. And PLEASE don't propose that we "vote them out of office". Voting is a viable, proper option *ONLY* when elections are 100% honest. But we all know that the electoral system has been corrupted to the hilt by the same criminal government in collusion with money interests (it's called Fascism). Therefore, elections are no longer an option for the protection of we the people. What remains? Yeah, you get it.

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Evidence I see is that Kamala IS NOT AN ORIGINAL THINKER. Justine Tampon Trudeau says the same thing, so Tampon Tim...all three are parrots /puppets of their boss at WEF. So they have at least two, no three things in common...

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Yup. Take it from me. Turdie boy has a stench that wafts to every cornice of Canuckistan.

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Real smart isn't it? Camila wants our government to storm the homes of the largest private military in the world. It won't ever work, even if she could convince our own soldiers to attack their own nation. These communists have a very large uphill battle. Their defeat is inevitable.

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You all won't do anything if they do come to your house. On another note, did you all hear about the sex tapes of Obama and minors? P. Diddy apparantly had some wild parties.

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American police are the best but the Canuckistani pigs are head cases. F*cking fools!


Like what happened to me. Last year a woman interfered with my right of way and being on my motorcycle, I was forced to take evasive action to save my life.

The OPP pig arrived ten minutes after the mishap and visited the Emergency Room where I was being cared for to give me notice of being charged for speeding and careless driving. It was the same OPP pig detachment that illegally invaded my residence where all charges on that matter were dropped.

I ordered the pig to get out and hired a lawyer who was astonished at this. The case was postponed for a year with a deal offered to plead guilty to a minor charge that my lawyer flatly refused, telling me he wanted this to be reviewed by a Judge. A Judge quashed the charges.

This pos pig is on my list for my next complaint to the OIPRD. Charge? Violation of his OPP Promise, conspiracy to commit fraud, biased and incompetent conduct, perjury and other charges I am considering. His first initial is "I" that stands for either idiot or ignoramus. This all melds in nicely with the illegal detention, theft of personal property, and serious charges already filed with OIPRD against a defective incompetent detective bigot. Ever hear of a pig who had X ray vision and charged an innocent man with over five decades of motorcycle operation/ownership with only one ticket of ten over the speed limit on an HD Wide Glide 1200 at seven on a Sunday morning on a deserted highway. it was thirty bucks so I just paid the ticket.

The OPP are FITH.

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I actually posted this bs to Facebook yesterday - her discussion in which this is stated as well as a video in which she openly and clearly lies, waffling on her stance regarding guns and gun ownership. A "before and after" video, if you will.

It demonstrates clearly just how she has changed her stated policy on this particular issue.....and I want the blind-folded lefties to realize (yeah, I am a dreamer) that she is a wind sock - her political position is that she believes in whatever awards her the most votes on a particular day. A different day? Often a different position on the same issue.

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Beware the megabitch, willing humper of wee Willy, who thinks she will be president, and is already exposing law enforcement good American cops to danger. There will be and are Second Amendment lovers who will protect their guns with their other guns. I had a shitshow of OPP pigs here in 2022 who are fools. The lying bureauCRAP behind it all died suddenly and unexpectedly in 2023 with all fake charges disappeared. Yet the OPP pigs have to live now with hate not just from me but from those who saw how the CYSTem exposed itself with (I am told) the footprint of turdo revealed in the midst of his latter day loonery.

My turn now. I was in receipt of much recognition for standing firm. But already the cracks are showing in the corrupt CYSTem and the participants from top to bottom have been identified. Yes the truth always outs. Tavarres, you are first on the list you lying corrupt bastard. The complaint has been filed and the shit will hit the fan.

I am told you are not a moral man. "Squeak up like the mental midget you are, for the Truth draweth nigh. I have indicated reckless endangerment and criminal negligence against you. i am holding 14 more charges against you, of CCC violations, Charter Rights and Bill of Rights violations as well.

Better be more discreet and realize that I have been told you are the ultimate pig. Ask yourself if adultery is worth it all. if your dead buddy were alive now he might have something to say on that score. I promised you I was going to take you down. There are four more of you pigs. Understand my longest fight for Justice was over a decade long and the bad guys lost and I won. Dig in you lying pig, the Truth draweth nigh.

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Sickening..pure evil!

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STORM IT'S FUCKING HOUSE FIRST. A queer sympathizer like that one, no telling is that one is a broad or a dude. Perhaps our 2nd tranny VP. Sick fucks in charge....

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