Karen is someone who I have admired for her strength and smarts... patriot! China has been able to use human genetic data for the purposes of biometric surveillance, this if so, is very troubling
I tried to warn people about those bogus PCR tests.
From shoving that swab so far up your nose perilously close to puncturing the blood brain barrier, to asking if the swabs were made in China, to asking where a person's DNA would end up...yet, people would look at me like I was a conspiracy theorist.
Kathleen - I have been disappointed in our medical “systems” for years Re asking good, thoughtful ?’s. The Covid “hell”thcare mess - has caused me to distrust even more & to realize we have so very few with any sense of discernment in that industry. Propagandization.
I was waiting for someone to say conspiracy realist - I hadn't heard the term conspiracy analyst before. Personally I am more than happy to be called a conspiracy theorist.
In my resume, I am writing my title as Conspiracy Analyst with a PhD in Political Science and Public Health, awarded by the University of Intrinsic Motivation (aka Self-directed Learning instead of a PhD in MSM, TikTok & Snapchat) - which means I have no debt owed to the government either for my tertiary education. I also have a Masters of Conspiracy Analysis majoring in Exopolitics. I have researched in depth virtually every major conspiracy theory and amazingly - they all check out to be conspiracy facts not theories. Ha!
I was forced to take one of they wouldn't treat my bladder cancer. Yes you heard that right. I was forced to take a PCR test a week before the surgery which was absolute bullshit and I said exactly that when they told me. I'm supposed to take a test a week before a surgery and this is supposed to protect exactly who? I really wanna hurt people Dr. Paul. I'm gonna lose my grumpy status and return to angry!
The dumb thing is that you could easily test negative a week before your surgery and then test positive the day of your surgery, when they likely retested you again. I work in a surgical ICU, and I did that through the pandemic, we frequently got report on surgical patients, who tested negative the day before surgery and then we received them, retested them, and lo and behold, they were positive post—op. And I am here to tell you, that despite rumors to the opposite, hospital staff rejoiced with every negative result. Treating and taking care of Covid positive patients, or flu positive patients, or c-diff positive patients, etc. is a royal pain.
No the article is about the PCR test...... If they had tried to force me to take the poison poke I'd be dead now from bladder cancer because I wouldn't do it under any circumstance.
Would you like to learn more about treatment options for you or a loved one? Send us a message and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will contact you shortly or call 1-866-937-2493.
If this is factually true, then the conspiracy is enormous, and it’s tentacles, cover a multitude of US agencies including the NIH, CDC, DOD AND ultimately the Pentagon’s bio-warfare department-
they need to be charged with treason and mass violation of the Nurenburg act-
I didn’t let my wife or kids get a PCR fraud test because I knew they were bullshit from the get-go. Not that I needed one since I haven’t been sick in about 5 years. There are consequences to following ANY directives from the authorities. Remember, they want us dead so always keep that in mind when they speak.
No argument. Worked in China. But unless you know them very well, you will think that they think we are equals. They deep down do not. They are the oldest civilization and the oldest humans. They do NOT treat everyone the same. But yes, deep down we want the best for our kids and families. But I am talking about their government the CCP. And that willl not change, nor their strategy. Why the heck we would help them develop bioweapon techniques is beyond me. Sometimes we are very very stupid.
It's been my theory all along that it was being used to work out the kinks and bridge the gaps of the errors of the AI predicted Human Genome Project that used clones and contaminated hamster ovary medium, but beyond that, the FDA has been using the China-based DNAnexus platform to relay our DNA to them since 2015. DNAnexus also hosts the Rockefeller Foundation's Genome Ark/Vertebrate Genome Project, and St. Jude's Microsoft database. Anytime there has been a test for cancer or for genetic hereditary anomalies, China has had access to the patient's DNA that has been submitted by testing. The PCR tests were another way for them to graph and incorporate the genome of the entire world because Wuxi-AppTech wants to create synthetic plasma for everyone on the planet individually. Wuxi-AppTech funded DNAnexus in the beginning stages, as did Microsoft. Stanford came up with this platform that Obama created. I will post pics to the Restack in Notes.
Oh sure, we can always trust Communist China. Not to mention that several of those "heredity" and family tree companies might be selling DNA to China. All for a good purpose, no doubt.
Yes and besides making a DNA database, the swabs had trackers and hydrogel or graphene on them also. Not sure which one. This whole thing is sick. Every evil minded person who did this needs to be exterminated, except they repent and make restitution for their sorry wicked deeds.
I tried to warn people about those bogus PCR tests.
From shoving that swab so far up your nose perilously close to puncturing the blood brain barrier, to asking if the swabs were made in China, to asking where a person's DNA would end up...yet, people would look at me like I was a conspiracy theorist.
Kathleen - I have been disappointed in our medical “systems” for years Re asking good, thoughtful ?’s. The Covid “hell”thcare mess - has caused me to distrust even more & to realize we have so very few with any sense of discernment in that industry. Propagandization.
You are a conspiracy theorist Kathleen, just like me :) - and I know the look you mean.
Nope. Conspiracy ANALYST. And clearly there is a conspiracy.
I was waiting for someone to say conspiracy realist - I hadn't heard the term conspiracy analyst before. Personally I am more than happy to be called a conspiracy theorist.
In my resume, I am writing my title as Conspiracy Analyst with a PhD in Political Science and Public Health, awarded by the University of Intrinsic Motivation (aka Self-directed Learning instead of a PhD in MSM, TikTok & Snapchat) - which means I have no debt owed to the government either for my tertiary education. I also have a Masters of Conspiracy Analysis majoring in Exopolitics. I have researched in depth virtually every major conspiracy theory and amazingly - they all check out to be conspiracy facts not theories. Ha!
Love it.
I was forced to take one of they wouldn't treat my bladder cancer. Yes you heard that right. I was forced to take a PCR test a week before the surgery which was absolute bullshit and I said exactly that when they told me. I'm supposed to take a test a week before a surgery and this is supposed to protect exactly who? I really wanna hurt people Dr. Paul. I'm gonna lose my grumpy status and return to angry!
The dumb thing is that you could easily test negative a week before your surgery and then test positive the day of your surgery, when they likely retested you again. I work in a surgical ICU, and I did that through the pandemic, we frequently got report on surgical patients, who tested negative the day before surgery and then we received them, retested them, and lo and behold, they were positive post—op. And I am here to tell you, that despite rumors to the opposite, hospital staff rejoiced with every negative result. Treating and taking care of Covid positive patients, or flu positive patients, or c-diff positive patients, etc. is a royal pain.
That is because they were crap tests.
90 percent false postives? Don't show if you are infected or not?
They didn't retest Carol... even if you believed the PCR test was valid (it isn't) the whole thing was straight up BULLSHIT.
Kary Mullis on PCR test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmZft4fXhQQ
I know! I knew it when they forced me to take the fucking thing or die from fucking bladder cancer!
So, you were coerced to accept COVID shot and had a cancer removed, right?
I'm asking as there are ways to alleviate some consequent "side effects"
No the article is about the PCR test...... If they had tried to force me to take the poison poke I'd be dead now from bladder cancer because I wouldn't do it under any circumstance.
Check these:
The Envita Medical Center building
Would you like to learn more about treatment options for you or a loved one? Send us a message and one of our Patient Care Coordinators will contact you shortly or call 1-866-937-2493.
Envita Medical Centers:
If this is factually true, then the conspiracy is enormous, and it’s tentacles, cover a multitude of US agencies including the NIH, CDC, DOD AND ultimately the Pentagon’s bio-warfare department-
they need to be charged with treason and mass violation of the Nurenburg act-
I would prefer torches, pitchforks, ropes, and guillotines.
I like the guillotine but alas madam lafarge is no longer with us- Would you be so kind ad to “drop the blade?”
Please remember neatness
I have a squeamish stomach!
I also heard that China collects DNA via ancestry dna kits
I never subjected myself to the PCR test.
I worked in healthcare for 36 yrs just retired in December. I warned my co- workers stop getting tested !
My parents were living with me and I refused the PCR test for them and the shot.
And 23 and Me as well?
"They faked a pandemic, they faked a test, and they faked a cure." -Dr. Vernon Coleman
I have never been tested. My Jeep has never been tested.
Remember those early tests which were contaminated with SARS-CoV-2.
I didn’t let my wife or kids get a PCR fraud test because I knew they were bullshit from the get-go. Not that I needed one since I haven’t been sick in about 5 years. There are consequences to following ANY directives from the authorities. Remember, they want us dead so always keep that in mind when they speak.
Well, how the heck else would they be able to design a bioweapon to finish wiping us out so they can move into the US?
Of course they did so. also bought out 23 and Me.
The CCP has been vocal since the 90's about the need for China to reign supreme.
No argument. Worked in China. But unless you know them very well, you will think that they think we are equals. They deep down do not. They are the oldest civilization and the oldest humans. They do NOT treat everyone the same. But yes, deep down we want the best for our kids and families. But I am talking about their government the CCP. And that willl not change, nor their strategy. Why the heck we would help them develop bioweapon techniques is beyond me. Sometimes we are very very stupid.
F##king NIH
It's been my theory all along that it was being used to work out the kinks and bridge the gaps of the errors of the AI predicted Human Genome Project that used clones and contaminated hamster ovary medium, but beyond that, the FDA has been using the China-based DNAnexus platform to relay our DNA to them since 2015. DNAnexus also hosts the Rockefeller Foundation's Genome Ark/Vertebrate Genome Project, and St. Jude's Microsoft database. Anytime there has been a test for cancer or for genetic hereditary anomalies, China has had access to the patient's DNA that has been submitted by testing. The PCR tests were another way for them to graph and incorporate the genome of the entire world because Wuxi-AppTech wants to create synthetic plasma for everyone on the planet individually. Wuxi-AppTech funded DNAnexus in the beginning stages, as did Microsoft. Stanford came up with this platform that Obama created. I will post pics to the Restack in Notes.
Oh sure, we can always trust Communist China. Not to mention that several of those "heredity" and family tree companies might be selling DNA to China. All for a good purpose, no doubt.
Yes and besides making a DNA database, the swabs had trackers and hydrogel or graphene on them also. Not sure which one. This whole thing is sick. Every evil minded person who did this needs to be exterminated, except they repent and make restitution for their sorry wicked deeds.
Those who are not “awake” yet are going to need a conspiracy theorist in their lives real real quick.
But my idiot brother, one of those 'early adopters' did.