I can honestly say, America is at war with their own government, it may be time to ban together and take up arms and take their country back, they are running out of time, tick tock....

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I’m not sure that Mr “HOTBOY” or whoever he thinks he is has half a brain or less? I won’t reply to this moron and simply know Hanna, something is loose in his mind! We have enough to deal with every day and to have to called what this “PUKE” just called you and said to you is the reason why America is so messed up! People like “HOTBOY”! This is the first social site I’ve registered for, not one have I joined, instinct told me not too and when I found Substack I said it can’t be as bad as the other sites people told me about. Well I’m learning there’s “LOSERS” like this “PUKE” everywhere which infuriates me to know end! I’m not nor will I give this moron disrespectful POS the time of day, especially what I read he called you! My tolerance level for AH like this has always been to stay away! So don’t engage with this idiot unless you find the need to fight back. I say this for one reason, it won’t matter and IMO, you’ll be giving him relevance if you do, but that’s my opinion only!


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Thank you AJR, Im short tempered today so I did respond, but never again. Btw, SubStack doesn't normally have assholes like him so stay and enjoy.

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HOTBOY is a real hot anti-semite and an anti-american-- he ought go live in Iran and try

it on for size- i read his ravings last week- insanity runs in his family

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Thanks Milton for pointing that out. This is my first ever social media experience and yes I’m over the hill sort of speak I had no interest when Facebook and all the others came to be, Substack I found informative especially when Covid debacle started and I found a lot of relevant information so I hung in and now it has provided me a vent about things most if not all Americans should be concerned about, then this moron says something about what I wrote so I ignored him and then he called Hannaliegh or Hanna a Bitch and I wanted to say something but thought better and I replied to Hanna about not wasting her time with this PUKE I think I called him, but in any event I appreciate you letting me know, I have no interest in getting into any kind of BS with someone I don’t know. One thing I will is admit when I wrong and thank someone when thanks is in order. So thanks again Milton.


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You are most welcome-i myself had avoided a lot of the social media because of the controlled management and a lot of deleterious people being nasty-i found this to be a very

decent platform-although we have to expect that the madmen are about all the time-be kind

to yourself and no we wont put up with that kind of nonsense here- have a nice day

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Actually, the deep state running the government is at war with humanity. It is a global criminal syndicate run by a handful of powerful “influencers”, as Trump called them “an invisible enemy” (and he wasn’t referring to just the biological weapons). https://tanbooks.com/products/books/war-of-the-antichrist/

Know the enemy.

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We're not at war lol our government is occupied by zionists and we have lost our country to zionists for the past 80-100 years. Dumb bitch learn some history

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Well wtf would you call locking up anyone who isn't on the side of the regime, you are being destroyed from the inside and it all started with the bioweapon injections. You actually have Iranians running policy in foreign affairs, so you have been taken over. Maybe you should learn some manners, I could call you a dumb stupid fuck, how's that.

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It started much earlier than that Hannah. I don't care about Iranians or whatever distraction psyop from the main stream media you are preoccupied with. Zionists have occupied our government and have been controlling it from within since world War two. They want you dead. They want your family dead. They want to replace you with cheaper dumber Mexicans and third worlders. They want to sterilize your children. They want your daughters on birth control. They want you to have cancer so you can't collect your social security. It's the jewish zionists Hannah. Everything else is to distract you and confuse you. And you fall for it because you are stupid and believe what they tell you to. The truth is not allowed on the internet. The Holocaust never happened

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Oct 21, 2023
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i think more correctly we have been fighting the gov since Bush senior started running drugs for guns so they could support the CIA operations without the need for our government to support them. Bush senior, Cheney, etc are the deep state masters.

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Unfucking real, most people don’t realize this shit has been going on for decades at least

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More moles in government than mole-world.

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It takes a special type of stupid to swallow the bullshit that Bush peddled back in 2003 about Saddam having an active WMDs program. Anyone with two functioning brain cells knew immediately that he was full of shit. I remember looking at and listening to gullible dumbf*cks preaching self-righteously about the sacred mission to stop the non-existent WMDs from falling into the hands of terrorists and thinking "PT Barnum was right.There's one of these retarded suckers born every minute." Then they went off and butchered a million civilians in Iraq, thinking they were "winning hearts and minds" and making those who escaped the butchering less likely to become terrorists. The con artists behind all of this were the spooks.

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All too true, sadly.

I also want to remind everyone of Colin Powell's major role in propagandizing the Iraqi "weapons of mass destruction" lie.

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Colon Powell's behavior, like that of Nancy Pelosi, was disgraceful. Pelosi failed the nation when she failed to impeach the war criminal GW Bush. Trump once praised Pelosi and called her "impressive." She was, at one time, but she failed. Trump also said that Bill Clinton should not have been impeached, over something unimportant. Trump compulsively speaks the truth, even when the GOP doesn't want to hear it.

Trump Defends Comment That George W. Bush Should Be Impeached For Iraq: "They Lied"


That Time Trump Called for George W Bush’s Impeachment – and Dismissed Bill Clinton’s as ‘Nonsense’ (Video)


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Great observation: "Trump compulsively speaks the truth, even when the GOP doesn't want to hear it." Yes, he does. Guilelessly. It's one of his best traits.

I meticulously followed the 2016 Republican primary campaign. And predicted Trump would win the primary and Presidency when his declaration of candidacy was still only a rumor. I remember gasping loudly during the debate where he relentlessly criticized "low energy" Jeb when Trump became the first Republican, publicly and before a national audience, to bluntly and squarely place the blame for 9/11 on Bush, occurring, as it did, on his watch. It was a game changer as, previously, it seemed to be an 'unwritten rule' among Republicans never to "go there."

Note: Trump was also right about the basis for the Clinton impeachment being "nonsense." How could any aspect of Clinton's behavior there rise to a "high crime or (high) misdemeanor"? The Lewinsky affair was utterly reckless (and IMO very adolescent) of both of them. And, as far as I can tell, it cannot ultimately have been satisfying for either of them since, for all the detailed gossip shared with the nation about their time together, it seems they never consummated the relationship.

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You are entirely correct. Trump won me when he he relentlessly criticized "low energy" Jeb and became the first Republican to bluntly and squarely place the blame for 9/11 on the war criminal GW Bush. I would have liked to have seen Clinton impeached over his support for the islamicists in Kosovo and for his role in the bombing of Kosovo but there was no aspect of Clinton's behavior with Monica Lewinsku that rose to the threshold of a "high crime or (high) misdemeanor." Clinton, like his wife, and like Bush is, IMO, a high functioning psychopath, although I think his daughter of a mobster wife also has OCPD (anankastic PD). Clinton's behavior with Monica was certainly reckless, which isn't uncommon for a psychopath, but he's not the first psychopathic POTUS with a zipper problem (LBJ: "I had more women by accident than he [JFK] ever got on purpose") and he won't be the last. Monica has been quoted as saying that she expected the relationship to be consummated. Perhaps Bill wanted to remain faithful to Hillary and was, in a way, telling the truth when he said "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." I'm half joking. It's unlikely Bill wanted to remain faithful to Hillary, given the credible claims made by his alleged rape victims. It appears Bill and Hillary have an open relationship, possibly not unlike that of the Italian PM and her ex-partner.

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I agree. And I have lots of speculative opinions about Bill and Hill's marriage. In brief, they probably despise the sight of each other but would never consider divorce. They couldn't survive without each other.

Hillary has lived her life and lust for power vicariously through Bill since their college days. She'd never have been Secretary of State or Presidential candidate had she not been the wildly ambitious "wife of Bill." And Bill is too much a momma's boy to have become governor and president without her relentless coaching and prodding.

Both very intelligent in a "book smart" way, with all the cleverness of shady lawyers. But Bill would be lost without his substitute mother.

I do believe Monica naively wanted and expected more and that Bill 'technically' "did not have sex with that woman." But I suspect it was Hillary who gave him that script to

hide her own mortification. I can just hear Bill complaining to Monica about his shrew of a wife and making her promises he never intended to keep.

We never would have been put through this nonsense of an impeachment if Republicans had understood there were more effective ways to discredit Bill relative to his office rather than his personal life.

Just my littie opinion based on observation of their interactions.

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What's the difference between a cow and the Holocaust? You can't milk a cow for 80 years...

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Look , the Holocaust did happen. Many witnesses who escaped, or who guarded the prisoners talked about it. It was Tragic . However, they used their sad history to commit a genocide in Palestine.

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Trevor Loudon has written several books recently with complete and verifiable documentation showing there are 130 Congressmen and Senators who have strong ties to communist and Marxist organizations. He is a expert on communism and has been studying and reporting on their activities for more than thirty years. I personally have seen some of his shows and interviews and have read some of his work. It is truly insightful. I highly recommend checking him out if one is interested in understanding the background and methods of how they have undermined our government and institutions.

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His latest book “Government Gangsters” is excellent…names names. Kash has Trumps ear as well, so you can rest assured, this time around, Trump knows exactly who the bad guys are…and he’s pissed!

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But what can Trump -- or anyone -- do about it? The corruption is entrenched.

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Maybe so. The evil runs so deep, worldwide, that it’s hard to see it changing. And Trump will be stymied at every turn, by BOTH parties. Yet, there is much he can do to wound them. And to do nothing is to totally give in to these evil A-holes. It’s also up to us to do whatever we can to get rid of those in govt that are putting American’s needs and safety last.

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And who amongst us is shocked or surprised???

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The easiest way to take down a country is from the inside-- We have been sold out

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Government officials in our office are satanist. But, both dems and reps say this. This ideology is the reason why Americans are sheep.

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It is beyond time for The American People to insist that Loy Brunson's lawsuit be honored and demand Removal of #388 traitors who said No to a 10 day pause resulting from over 100 reports of Voter Fraud by members of Con-gress over the results of the 2020 General Election. Mail in ballots, 2000 Mules' ballots and an excess of 100% vote counts in several states compared to the number of registered voters. It is time to take The Diamonds back. Between the orchestrated Jan6th charade, Covid 19 and Poisonous Jabs, Ballots shipped from NY to PA, 2000 Mules in each blue city and rule changes not made by States' Legislators, it is obvious that The American People were robbed of their will to have Donald J. Trump as our president for a second term. #TakeAmericaBack #TreasonIsExpensive #20ShellCompaniesOrMore #CashFromOurEnemies #EndAPECnow #FreedomIsNotFree #FreedomBastardized is #FreedomCompromised #TraitorConsInCongressFeedCommunistChinaAndTheCCPforProfit #ResumeIndependenceInTheUSAorExpectToDieCommunist #Nuremberg2.0overTheCovidScam&Vaxz #WW3StartedWithTheReleaseOfC19andJabs #WW4facilitatedInTheMidleEastByTraitorJoe

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Imagine wearing this "American AF" shirt in front of leftists: https://shorturl.at/ceopS

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This is a goofy psyop. The zog isn't infiltrated by Palestine lol. We are occupied by zionists. Look at bidens cabinet and tell me how many are jews

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Son of Hamas, son of founder of Hamas speaks against Islamic supremacist terrorism.


Bible prophecy unfolding more:

Iran China Russia aligning to send war ships to fight USA Israel

He became a follower of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamishiach, now tries to save the world from the Islamic Supremacist religious war that the Islamists have been waging since 600 AD. Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of Hamas. His book is , “The Green Prince”.



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I would just like to say, be aware that it is highly possible he is an Israeli agent. Previous to him, another guy named Suhaib came out to the media, SkyNews...etc, saying he is the son of Ham$as leader. From his new home in Austria he recorded a message of regret to his family saying that he lied , he was contacted by Israeli agents and lied to get Asylum in Austria. He found that they lied to him. They wanted him to say that Ham$as received weapons from Turkey. Imagine the implications of that. Israeli wants to drag USA into a war with Turkey and Iran.

The link: https://www.youtube.com/live/yERPWzEl3nc?si=-goNFLa2M2hRT6mN

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