Choosing her sure wasn’t merit based.

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was never but if you come to win the game, come prepared to win...the deck is stacked with her...her VP pick will pummel 45 and 45's can't her...thats the issue...they neutered him already...he cant say squat due to his verbal statements...I love the man...but not the right one for the task at hand.

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but its my opinion and maybe not important.

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I think Candace Owens would have been the perfect running mate. Watching the dims attack her would be a hoot! And her replies would make them look like the idiots they are.

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Who are you talking about?

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Merit has too many letters in the word. She would 't know what it is.

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DEI, which is really a form a Marxist racism, is praised as being so wonderful, but call someone out as being a DEI hire and you are a racist. Talk about duplicity.

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agreed so now decisions need to be made...he needs help prosecuting her record...

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LOL. Good!!

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Yeah, don’t mention DEI, don’t talk about sleeping her way into positions of power, don’t call her ding dong, don’t say anything derogatory. Good grief! If we can’t say any of those things, there’s nothing left to say about her. She has the whole media and democratic machine rolling her out like she’s the second coming, lying about her, wiping out videos showing her stupidity and radical communist background. WT Heck?

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OK, I won't call her a DEI hire. I will call her a token. Biden made it clear he was going to choose a token when he said the first priorities of his pick would be sex and race. Same with that ditzy lawyer he appointed to the Supreme Court who stated under oath that she didn't know what a woman is. And they still confirmed her!

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You can't make this stuff up. Tell Stephen King to change the subject, we don't like it.

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Thank you for calling a token a token, Gordon! The english language is a wonderful thing!

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McCarthy should SHUT-UP & go lie by His Bowl As should Johnson . I'm ALREADY SICK OF IT ALL

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Yep, those Republican House Speakers leave MUCH to be desired, current one included.

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What Trump should have said, is

"NO, I'm not calling her a DEI hire; It was Joe Biden who called her a DEI hire"

It was Biden who said he wanted a Black Woman for VP.

Biden also said he wanted a Black Woman for SCOTUS.

As the poster adult for DEI hires, we have to look no further than the form USSS Director.

That too was a DEI hire, picked by Jill Biden. Her primary goal was to implement more DEI hires.

And people should not forget what DEI really stands for. Which Trump would have remembered.

D = Division

E = Exclusion

I = Inclusion

Paul, please pass this up the chain.

Had Trump used my lines, he'd be getting national recognition right now.

And regarding his pick of JD Vance, Trump should have said he's a very fast learner. In fact he may be a Genius.

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Sorry, I = Indoctrination.

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But that is exactly whatBiden did!

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That Vance is the GOP's candidate for Vice POTUS is adone deal.

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I respect Trump's decision in selecting Vance. Replacing him at any point would show weakness and suggest a false "admission of failure."

These senseless, offensive Democrats would have found something ridiculous to pounce upon no matter who the VP nominee may have been. After all, since the Dems have nothing to offer, all they can do is insult, lie, and try to demean.

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sure right who...these people think they have game and have nothing thats why I told him re-insert his head in his ass

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Can't stand him. And why would we care what he says or thinks .....

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Kamala is not Black. Her birth certificate lists her as Caucasian. Her mother is listed as East Indian. Her father is listed as Jamaican. Somewhere in there is some Irish.

Problematic for her: her family owned over 120 slaves.

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I never saw it as a race issue.

By all reports, Kamala flat-backed her way to the top.

That does reflect a certain ability - not sure how it will work with foreign heads of state.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Kamala is a bad joke. There is no way she has support of anyone unafflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is a very viable 3rd candidate in RFK, Jr: it is not the case that she is the only option for the TDS-afflicted. Believing that Kamala Harris can be a not-catastrophically-bad President is as ridiculous as believing that Jeffrey Dahmer would be an excellent guide for your family wilderness backpacking trip. In part because he has not based his decision on DEI, I'm impressed by Trump's choice of JD Vance.

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Stop, just stop. The people who will vote for Trump are not identity politics voters. The Dems have those. People want competence. Just stop echoing pervy Lincoln Project-like points. Was your account hacked??? Seriously. Suggesting Tulsi or Rubio (Military industrial complex guy) is an insult to Trump's base. No matter who Trump picked they would be attacked, just as Trump is attacked. JD matches to Trumps position better than Tulsi or Rubio.

Just drop the silliness. You are sounding Deep State and it is disappointing. Find your missing pair and re-attach them.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

We can't even call her Kamala we must use VP Harris or we're racist. What about VD Harris?

Indian heritage?? Omg. I guess her great, great etc grandma was Pocahontas?

Thought she was from Jamaica and it seems liked to smoke weed but bragged about putting pot smokers in jail as a DA?

Yes very very possible she will win. Voting laws have been passed to help, ballots are probably already printed with her as the choice on them to be brought in late.

We all watched IT guys easily hack the dominion machines which were on the web. Seems someone got in one thru a digital thermostat. Wouldn't trust any electronic voting machine.

I also am not sure we will even have an election. Will dems start ww3, create a major false flag, drop another man made virus, etc to stop the election. Zelensky has been trying hard to draw us in deeper, if the Zap nuke plant gets hit hard and releases radiation we were supposed to retaliate.

How long before a minor mistake is made? F16s need smooth clean runways to take off/land not much or any left in Ukraine.

War games are ongoing everywhere with all major powers.

China and Putin know this could be their best chance to eliminate the US with Joe still in the WH or at least the nursing home wing.

This mess with Iran/Lebanon/ Israel/ Houthis/ Syria could blow up easily. Look at the troops stationed all over Syria.

People that follow the Bible say Russia, Iran and another country can't remember come together to defeat Israel and Damascus gets nuked. Something about Gog/Magog?

Sorry to bring religion in but strange how it seems it is lining up.

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(Harris' mother was in fact a sari-wearing Indian from from the Asian subcontinent.)

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Thanks, always heard she was a pot smoking Jamaican? Her father is Jamaican correct?

Still a long way from American Indian.

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Yes, correct. Her father is Jamaican.

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Thank you.

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Harmeet Dhillon, former vice chair of the California Republican Party, founder of Dhillon Law Group and a native of India, called Harris a "chameleon" when it comes to her racial identity.

"Harris identifies as whatever the audience wants to hear," she said in a statement sent to Newsmax. "In Indian crowds, she's Indian. Lately she's Black. Rarely is she Jamaican unless advocating casual marijuana use. She identifies as tough on crime – or defund the police/BLM, depending. She's a chameleon

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Thsnks for the info. I'm sure she used whatever ethnicity was best to get free college education.

I remember her pushing for defund police and collecting money for rioters. She will destroy America faster than Biden.

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