I try to be measured. But the scale of their crimes strips away any justification for their continued existence.
We would literally be safer and healthier without them*.
*-Edit/Note: I am talking here about the institutions, not the humans working in them. Though the individual crimes need to be accounted for and judgement passed on the criminals in question.
Yup, am 80, refused the shot, take my D, C, Zn, etc every day. Not even a sniffle. Been on public transportation mask less. Now the idiots are trying to force masks again. How many studies disprove their use. The green retards at the top have never stopped to consider the millions? billions? trillions? of masks that land in the waters, land fills, and who knows where else. Again, power, control, money.
I for one believe all the letter agencies need to go. Like yesterday.
Most definitely.
I try to be measured. But the scale of their crimes strips away any justification for their continued existence.
We would literally be safer and healthier without them*.
*-Edit/Note: I am talking here about the institutions, not the humans working in them. Though the individual crimes need to be accounted for and judgement passed on the criminals in question.
Yup, am 80, refused the shot, take my D, C, Zn, etc every day. Not even a sniffle. Been on public transportation mask less. Now the idiots are trying to force masks again. How many studies disprove their use. The green retards at the top have never stopped to consider the millions? billions? trillions? of masks that land in the waters, land fills, and who knows where else. Again, power, control, money.
Yep. And I, who never litter, LOVE to throw my masks down in the parking lots of the doctors offices. It's so freeing.
Thank you. I needed a bit of lighthearted humor. Go get em.
I fully agree, Australian GOVT agencies are now a cesspit of malfeasance, incompetence, pork barrelling and monstrously dangerously ignorant.