We have an orgy of evidence at this point. There is no doubt.

If volume of evidence against the use of these bioweapons in humans (or indeed livestock, animals of any kind) was going to trigger a stopping condition then it would have been stopped, globally.

So, why hasn't it stopped?

There are government agencies with mandates that are acting in direct contravention. We now have empirical proof. Is the next move to take them to court, personally and collectively?

Or do we just bulldoze the letter agencies into rubble, as an act of self-defence?

Because the status quo is a genocide. And it ain't stopping.


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I for one believe all the letter agencies need to go. Like yesterday.

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Most definitely.

I try to be measured. But the scale of their crimes strips away any justification for their continued existence.

We would literally be safer and healthier without them*.


*-Edit/Note: I am talking here about the institutions, not the humans working in them. Though the individual crimes need to be accounted for and judgement passed on the criminals in question.

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Yup, am 80, refused the shot, take my D, C, Zn, etc every day. Not even a sniffle. Been on public transportation mask less. Now the idiots are trying to force masks again. How many studies disprove their use. The green retards at the top have never stopped to consider the millions? billions? trillions? of masks that land in the waters, land fills, and who knows where else. Again, power, control, money.

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Yep. And I, who never litter, LOVE to throw my masks down in the parking lots of the doctors offices. It's so freeing.

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Thank you. I needed a bit of lighthearted humor. Go get em.

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I fully agree, Australian GOVT agencies are now a cesspit of malfeasance, incompetence, pork barrelling and monstrously dangerously ignorant.

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It's time to bring down these corrupt agencies. Anyone with ties to The World Economic Forum arrested or torn apart in the streets. No mercy for the wicked, hang them all, I'll volunteer to pull the lever.

We need a complete overhaul of the government and it's alphabet agencies. The biggest question is what to do to maintain control in the interim.

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How many bodies will it take before you get somebody up high grow a conscience or spine? When will the press become legitimate again? When will Americans wake up to this dream of safety to only find out that they have been part of a nightmare?

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Don't hold your breath. How many years has the indoctrination been going on in schools? It's just now coming out into the open. The teacher's unions have too much power. Too much money to give to the DC retards.

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Yes, I fear it will take time, to much time. Those who are awake need to come up with a way to get things rolling.

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Yup, that's the problem. Like a steam roller coming at you, with not place to hide.

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How many bodies will it take? 7B 500M, I think. They want us down to 500M, right?

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Senate Hearings (2 parts) mitteldorf@substack.com

They site 750,000 additional Covid deaths in America. So your target is sadly on the agenda.

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Just goin' by the, now destroyed (🤗), Georgia Guide Stones.

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When? Not too soon. I have lost all faith in 1/3 to 1/2 of my neighbors:

Rasmussen Poll of Americans, personal experiences and opinions of the jabs: 7 min video


Even Nineveh’s cattle will judge Americans rather harshly. We have grown dumber than hell....

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I just watched the Rasmussen video. Biggest takeaway for me: Democrats seem to make a habit of deluding themselves to go along with the party line in the matter of vaccine safety and effectiveness, despite their PERSONAL experience. Disgusted by their dangerous ignorance. (And we are stuck with their absurd voting preferences!)

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All by design. Too busy teaching rhetoric to teach anything worthwhile like actual assessment and discernment. Students in many places are considered property of the state, not the parent. Sound familiar?

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I'm surprised it was only 70%. I would think it was more like 90%.

I know 3 people who died suddenly.

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The vaccine is an integral part of the Great Reset. The Globalists are never backing down. Never.

But, we can use it stop complying generally.

Without the WHO treaty to place boots on face while other Nazi injects you, this shit show falls apart.

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No word on the turbo cancers though... or the clots not containing blood...

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Full speed ahead with more and more boosters until they nip this thing in the bud. A 70% murder rate won't change anything. Congress won't act until it reaches 100% and they might be at risk.

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Dr. Alexander and readers - there is huge news regarding VAERS

Months before the covid vaccines were even finished being developed, the CDC expected up to 1,000 VAERS reports per day for covid vaccines, with up to 40% of the reports serious in nature

The CDC had contracted out the data processing for VAERS, but the surge in adverse reports had gotten so bad that they had to revise the contract, to be able to process hundreds of thousands of them

Check it out here https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/foiad-contracts-show-cdc-expected

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Because we have known for a long time before the implementation of the world depopulation plan and now we who have known are seeing the results of this genocide being forced on the population with no end insight even though the evidence is being presented to other politicians etcetera it may be past time we the people take matters into our own hands. I guess many of us did not think they would actually murder millions even though we should have, because of the past atrocities committed by these people, seen it coming for real. My main concern now is how long will it take for those in positions where they can act to stop the deliberate genocide being committed on the world population, to actually act.

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I came across this article and answered my own question


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Dec 11, 2022
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Your Dr. Would have to submit a Red Cross special collections order form.

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I read that Red Cross is starting that up under a special form.

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