I just watched the Rasmussen video. Biggest takeaway for me: Democrats seem to make a habit of deluding themselves to go along with the party line in the matter of vaccine safety and effectiveness, despite their PERSONAL experience. Disgusted by their dangerous ignorance. (And we are stuck with their absurd voting preferences!)
I just watched the Rasmussen video. Biggest takeaway for me: Democrats seem to make a habit of deluding themselves to go along with the party line in the matter of vaccine safety and effectiveness, despite their PERSONAL experience. Disgusted by their dangerous ignorance. (And we are stuck with their absurd voting preferences!)
I just watched the Rasmussen video. Biggest takeaway for me: Democrats seem to make a habit of deluding themselves to go along with the party line in the matter of vaccine safety and effectiveness, despite their PERSONAL experience. Disgusted by their dangerous ignorance. (And we are stuck with their absurd voting preferences!)