We the people know that President Trump is God’s David . Acts 13:22 says, “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do. '” David's example is a great road map for how we are to live our life. God has already won this war .

But Satan is trying to take as many souls to hell that he can. We must speak up ! wake up ! Stand up ! as many as we can .

To save them 🙏❤️🙏 God bless everyone the gives us the truth on Sub stack and always research will always our way of life anymore ..

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Thank you, O Lord, for cluing me into Substack.

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Yes, the only behavior that upset Christ, concerning David, was the Bathsheba event. Yet, even here, Christ gave him Solomon out of Bathsheba; More, but you're point is most accurate: When in doubt, ask if Christ would approve. :)

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Go take your meds.

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Trump does just fine. :)

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Pity about all his supporter, who believed him and took the lethal shot. Dead/injured/disabled/sterilised - take your pick.

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I watched Trump on television after he got sick from Covid 19. He spoke up and said what he took for a remedy and it sure as hell wasn't mRNA potions. That shit was in the lab a couple years before Trump took office. I even know one of the people who jet set around the world helping to certify biolabs. The person had even been to my house and ran their mouth vaguely in general terms yet truthfully. It wasn't hard to connect those dots. Today I sure as hell don't respect that one. Plain old fashioned evil. It's a sad world that we live in. Modern society is for shit. Devolution.

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Perhaps you could find a stash and inject yourself, then? Your karma is gonna hurt, sweetheart. All mouth, no gonads.

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Well Trump took that booster and he's still standing so I guess that's tough. He can be forgiven. As regards Kid Rock's collaboration with Dolly Parton, I like Dolly too but I hope she didn't shed on him.


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I liked Dolly Parton until she sang “Vaccine” to the tune of Jolene.

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Yes, that ruined a good song. Try this cover version from The Petersens:


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shut up, ass.

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You've said previously scout that you took your wife to get all her shots. Sure, she's her own person. But you had to take her. You couldn't let her make her own arrangements. She probably trusted you. I hope she sheds on you.

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I couldn't agree more. If my wife had wanted to take them I would have done everything, short of killing, to stop her from going within a million miles of a genetic injection. (and really any other kind, maybe sans tetanus/rabies)

Not because I'm worried about shedding, but because I love her.

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I can imagine what the wedding vows he/she/it was asked to take were like like: ""Scout, do you take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife? Do you promise to assist her to be injected with mRNA shots, both the primary sequence and boosters, to ensure she takes remdesivir, to get her hooked to a ventilator, to ensure she wears an N95 mask, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?"

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Jesus, poor woman….and most probably she got the real stuff….oh and delivered by the satanist The Guardian , how not

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You still like her!

How can that be? She shilled the transgenic shots, who knows how many of her fans took them, that otherwise wouldn't have.

In a sane society, that would be conspiracy to murder.

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Well I still like most of her. I don't like the part that shilled the shots.

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Why didn't he stand up to Fauci? And if he didn't know then, he must know by now...why doesn't he say anything?

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Fauci was a federal hire, not an appointee. Only appointees can be fired by a President. This is going to require criminal litigation, independent of Trump.

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You're full of sh*t, spouting your far left RINO DeSantard talking points. See the article at the second link, imbecile. Trump has a plant to hire federal employees. The real reason Trump didn't fire Fauci is because your beloved DeSantard loved Fauci. Scurry on back to your mosque or wherever you crawled out from.

'Trump was asked to respond to DeSantis's previous attacks about the former president's relationship with Fauci during his interview with Hewitt, to which he claimed the governor "loves" Fauci. "He shut down Florida. It was tight as a drum. He had vax lines. He was vaxxing everything. Now, he talks about the vaccinations this and that," Trump said. "And let me tell you the other thing. I will send you, after this conversation, five articles about how much he loves Dr. Fauci. 'I do what Dr. Fauci says.' That’s what he says. And I’ve got the articles here. But he doesn’t like to go back." '


Why Trump’s Drastic Plan to Slash the Government Could Succeed

Republican presidential front-runner wants to fire federal employees, assert control over independent agencies and wrest spending authority from Congress


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You ran out of your meds, hun?

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Lots of speculation that had Trump won reelection, he'd have gotten rid of Fauci. Fauci though was just still too popular prior to the election. Trump brought in other voices such as Dr. Atlas, and Dr.Alexander, so he was listening to those opposed to Fauci

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He either knew and is corrupt, else didn't and is a moron. Take your pick.

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I think Donald Trump just a smart rich guy who loves The USA but I think he should have run against Traitor Bill Clinton and we never would have jumped into bed with Communist Asia in the first place but of course he wasn't interested back when it was needed. Now The USA is do screwed up it's unlikely that it will ever recover because we are grossly outnumbered by too many countries who hate US. If the Globalist Terrorists were smart, they would have Levelled a couple hundred cities in china much like the 60 cities in japan and an untold number in Germany. Instead the dumb shits have fed and empowered china.

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He's most likely going to pick Jeff Van Drew.

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He's a Congressman and Trump's Campaign Manager in New Jersey. He was a long time Democrat rep in a Republican district. He's been a Republican since 2019 . Trump thinks he can flip New Jersey from Democrat to Trump.

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True. I was surprised Trump floated the idea of picking him. I guess he wants someone with congressional expedience.

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Read and follow this series of Melissa Redpill explains everything we need to know. She has over 800 videos and has explained it clearly. Trump or any human is far from perfect. God’s 12 men who followed and taught God word weren’t perfect.

I refused to take the 💉💉💉at work and won. We all have free will choices. We still need to help the ones who did take the 💉💉💉 and support them, because big pharma doesn’t care and a lot of people from higher up they were excused from the 💉💉💉or did the take saline ?? God bless 🙏🙏🙏

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OMG, Birx (DoD), Fauci et al. walked all over him! Good job Birx wasn't wearing heels.

Refusal of known effective drugs->Lockdowns->masks->'hospital' murders->fear->It stays in the arm->LETHAL GENETIC INJECTIONS.

And you wanna give him another chance?? NO talk of a mistake, or being 'hoodwinked', has been uttered from his mouth.

OMG, we are truly doomed, if he is the best you can come up with.

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You are lying, hun. Fauci and Birx are FEDERAL HIRES, not appointees. Appointees can not be fired by the Executive. Period. Moreover, Trump famously suggested HCQ, a UVA treatment that is still in the testing phase, vitamins, the Zelenko protocol. Don't pretend like you don't recall the savage attacks on him. You present as someone who likes to bitch at all 360 degrees of the spectrum, in the very mistaken belief that your *skepticism* makes you sound objective. Quite the reverse, hun. Moving on, Trump did not lockdown; it was the states' governors who imposed that. He also was not a fan of masks, very dismissive of them. And...lol...you labor under the delusion that Trump brewed up the vaccine in the WH basement. We are *truly doomed* with dolts like you, with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Knock em dead Tori!!!!

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Although I disagree with Karl on this point, he is a lot dmarter than you and has more decency in his little finger than there is in your entire being.

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You are so comically triggered into spittle-flying anger when ever someone flies over the target and drops truth bombs on you, lol lol lol. However, in all seriousness, you should get back on your meds, or get new scrips for effective meds, hun.

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