I believe that since 2019 a lot of Americans were infected and or had the virus, and we fought it off. What I have also read if you get the shots after you have had covid you have a higher chance of problems from the shots. As to the boosters, I truly believe they are the biggest part of the kill. The first shot okay, a little damage, 2nd shot likelihood of a lot of damage, boosters 3,4, and 5 now you are asking for it!!! My best recommendation is don't get anything.

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You are absolutely right… My coworkers and I were nurses on a Covid unit in a long-term care/skilled nursing facility. We were locked down on that unit and the nurses who got Covid, but then went and took the shots, ended up so I’ll - to the point of almost needing hospitalization after those shots!!… And they continue to get sick… A lot… Those of us who got Covid and got over it rather easily, and took no shots, are all doing very well. But I’m a conspiracy theorist when I talk about my real life experiences. 

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Isn't that amazing, my husband and I are considered conspiracy theorists also. I was a nurse for 50 years and I am so glad I was retired and unable to help at the hospitals, I was always starting trouble as a supervisor, I always asked too many questions. I loved learning and still do, I read a lot and I try to stay current. But I would have been arrested if I were still working. I was always a patient advocate, and I'm sorry but it galled me to see loved ones dying alone because the hospital said so??

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The same thing for our patients who were positive and recovered from Covid… The health department came in and started injecting them with Pfizer only two months after they had had Covid, and we lost so many of them after those shots!!!! It’s very hard to call family members and say I’m sorry that your mother has passed away-(literally sometimes just days afterwards) and then the daughter or family member is crying saying “but I thought the shots were going to save my mom”. And we were not allowed to tell them that they should have done their research because the information was out there, you just had to look harder for it. So glad I did not give a single one of those injections. The health department did it all. We were not even allowed to see the vials or read the package inserts which we found out later were blank anyway

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They probably got something right, but for the wrong reasons, when they prohibited telling the family members that they should have done their research. That's not something that someone who has just lost their mom needs to hear, even though it may be true. I get the sense that you are a compassionate person. I'm glad you didn't have to give any of those injections. A German nurse gave nearly 9000 patients saline shots instead of the vaccine before another nurse snitched on her. She was spared jail but I doubt she would have been if she had done it in the US. Sadly, many who got the saline lined up for the clot shot's when they found out. I wonder how many lives she saved.

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Why this incessant push for boosting? Maybe, to get the answer, there would need to be a team of forensic accountants going through the financial affairs of Walensky, Bourla, Bancel and others with a fine tooth comb. Now that the RINOs are in the majority in the House, can this be arranged?

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Boosting rids the world of useless eaters too. A perfect way to a new green future. Greener in more ways than one.

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Bingo! Precisely why. No amount of money will ever be enough for them. With bitch mc commie still running the Senate, don't hold your breath.

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Is he up to date with his boosters or did he take the saline shots?

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Were not Congress & Congressional staff exempt from the Fauchii Ouchies?

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Sad, the biggest bunch of useless eaters are all on one place, and not touched.

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"Why this incessant push for boosting?"

Maybe becau$e this?


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You hit the nail on the head!

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Monitor their financial Dealings. Trudeau net worth up from 10 million to 385 million in 2 years. Huh? What part time job pays that much.

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Follow the paper trail. (Like Dr. Martin did.)

Canadian political beagles must seriously investigate Turdeau. They'll discover the source of the smoke, like Glenn Beck did. 🔥



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The Wellness Company may be one of the biggest assets in the coming days. Wish there was a way to eliminate digital surveillance.

Thank you, Dr Paul, for your discernment of the pathetic issues & false info surrounding the Covid cult & the incessant jabs.

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“Why would the CDC recommend boosters everyday?” Because they know they can say anything and get the sheep and many brainwashed medical employees to push them. When I read that comment today, I had a really hard time reading further. The stupidity they are peddling is mind boggling. If that’s the case then it means they don’t do a damn thing other than injure and kill people. If they truly worked, you need sixty days at least to get some immunity from them if not more than that! I appreciate thee substacks on continuing the review of what they are recommending, but frankly any doctor supporting their narrative and pushing their patients to do this should lose his or her license. I wouldn’t trust them with my pets! God help us!

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When I can't fully answer a question: moving on, is it power, money and/or control. You'll get the correct answer every time.

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Yes indeed, why WOULD the government (including Fauci et al) be pushing so hard, from the get-go?

Follow the money.


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There’re deadly serious about finding more sucker volunteers to gradually ramp up the death rate while decimating the birth rate. There’s apparently no human who can stop this intentional eugenics program. There’s no remorse or rollback from the top.....just the cost of doing business, which is maximizing profits while culling humanity.

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another mistake ... got to give the benefit of the doubt to wallensky at al ... not so sure it is intentional. there is no reason to be.

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Am at the point whereby I ask myself if 'X' = $$$ in their pockets, that's the solution/the why: power, control, money.

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nah, just incompetence.

covid shut downs of economy, freedom of speech etc. proved they got it all under control ... what else is there to control???

as to money, they print it ... or change the rules tomorrow if they like to.

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Good synopsis.

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Klaassen needs to keep the University funding coming in so of course he will keep the narrative going. He should be ashamed of himself as a Toxicologist.

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Xi can use this study in his plan to force a vaccine on older citizens in China. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/chinese-vaccine-plans-spark-hope-end-zero-covid-94196611

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I agree with you in that there is only one logical conclusion: they intend to kill us.

It was hard to wrestle with this idea a year and a half ago, but once that bleak reality is swallowed, all the puzzle pieces fit.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Like masks (don't wear; must wear), not admitting the "need" for boosters at the onset of the "vaccination" campaign would seem to weaken the psyop.

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Take this to Court ... In 2020, Pfizer Knew the Lipid Nanoparticles Would Migrate Away From the Arm and into systemic Lymph Nodes - WHISTLEBLOWER, Prof. Ulrike Kammerer - https://justpaste.it/8mh5o

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